
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models
#Uses functions from and MicrosoftGraphSubscribedSku type from Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private.dll

#xxxx todo: check context is a workorschool account and that it has the right scopes and warn / error / throw if not.
function Get-GraphDomain                {
        Gets domains in the current tenant
        Requires consent to use at least the Directory.Read.All scope

    param (
        [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='Domain',    Mandatory=$true)]
        [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='VDRecords', Mandatory=$true)]
        [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='SCRecords', Mandatory=$true)]
        [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='NameRef',   Mandatory=$true)]



    if (-not $Domain) {Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgDomain_List1 @PSBoundParameters}
    else {
        #Allow an orgnaization object to be piped in.
        if ($Domain.verifiedDomains) {$Domain = $Domain.verifiedDomains}
        $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Domain")
        foreach ($d in $Domain) {
            if     ($              {$d = $}
            elseif ($            {$d = $}
            elseif ($d -isnot [String]) {Write-Warning -Message 'Could not find the Domain ID from the parameter'}
            if     ($VerificationDNSRecords)      {
                $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("VerificationDNSRecords")
                Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgDomainVerificationDnsRecord_List1 -DomainId $d @PSBoundParameters
            elseif ($ServiceConfigurationRecords) {
                $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("ServiceConfigurationRecords")
                Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgDomainServiceConfigurationRecord_List1 -DomainId $d @PSBoundParameters
            elseif ($NameReferenceList)           {
                $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("NameReferenceList")
                Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgDomainNameerenceByRef_List1 -DomainId $d @PSBoundParameters
            else   {
                Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgDomain_Get1 -DomainId $d @PSBoundParameters

function Get-GraphOrganization          {
        Gets a summary of organization information from MSGraph
        Can use msonline\Get-MsolCompanyInformation instead
        This needs consent to use either the User.Read or the Directory.Read.All scope
        Displays a list of domains in the current subscription

    param (
        # The URI for the proxy server to use

        # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

        # Use the default credentials for the proxy
    Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgOrganization_List1 @PSBoundParameters

function Get-GraphSKU                   {
        Gets details of SKUs that an organization has subscribed to
        Get-GraphSKU "enterprise*" -ServicePlans | sort servicePlanName | format-table
        Finds any SKU with a name starting "Enterprise" and displays its service plans in alphabetical order.

    param   (
        #The SKU to get either as an ID or a SKU object containing an ID
        [parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SKU = '*',
        #If specified just returns the Service plans for the SKU, otherwise returns the SKU with a service plans property
        # The URI for the proxy server to use

        # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

        # Use the default credentials for the proxy
    begin   {
        $result = @()
    process {
        foreach ($s in $sku) {
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("ServicePlans") ,  $PSBoundParameters.Remove("SKU")
            if ($s.skuid)          {$s = ($s.skuid) }
            if ($s -notmatch $GuidRegex) {
                $result += Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgSubscribedSku_List @PSBoundParameters |
                            Where-Object -Property SkuPartNumber -like $s
            elseif ($s -is [String]) {
                $result += Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgSubscribedSku_Get1  @PSBoundParameters -SubscribedSkuId $s}
            else   {Write-Warning -Message 'Could not find the SKU ID from the parameter'; continue}
    end     {
        foreach ($r in $result) {
            foreach($plan in $r.ServicePlans) {
                Add-Member -InputObject $plan -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SkuPartNumber" -Value $r.SkuPartNumber
        if ($ServicePlans) {$result.ServicePlans}
        else               {$result }

function Grant-GraphLicense             {
        Grants the licence to use a particular stock-keeping-unit (SKU) to users or groups

    param   (
        #The SKU to get either as an ID or a SKU object containing an ID
        [parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        $SKUID ,

        #ID(s) for users to receive permission ("me" will select the current user), the command will accept user objects and attempt to resolve names to IDs
        [parameter(Position=1,  ParameterSetName='ByUserID', ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory = $true)]
        $UserID ,

        #ID(s) for group(s) to receive permission, the command will accept group objects and attempt to resolve names to IDs
        [parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='ByGroupID', Mandatory = $true)]

        #Disables individual parts of the the SKU

        #A two letter country code (ISO standard 3166). Examples include: 'US', 'JP', and 'GB' Can be set/reset here

        #Runs the command without a confirmation dialog
    begin   {
        $request        = @{'addLicenses' = @() ; 'removeLicenses' = @()}
        $SkuPartNumbers = @()
        foreach  ($s in $SKUID) {
            if   ($s.skuid) {$s = ($s.skuid) }
            if   ($s -match $GuidRegex) {
                  $sku = Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgSubscribedSku_Get1 -SubscribedSkuId $s
            else {$sku = Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgSubscribedSku_List  |
                            Where-Object -Property SkuPartNumber -Like $s
            if   (-not $sku -or $sku.Count -gt 1) {
                Write-Warning "$s did not match a unique SKU" ; continue
            elseif ($sku.ConsumedUnits -ge $sku.PrepaidUnits.Enabled ) {
                Write-Warning "$($sku.SkuPartNumber) has used all its prepaid units" ; continue
            else {
                #Be ready to convert a disabled plan from names to GUIDs
                $skuplans = @{}
                foreach ($plan in $sku.ServicePlans) {
                    $skuplans[$plan.ServicePlanName] = $plan.ServicePlanId
            $thisReq = @{skuId = $sku.SkuId ; disabledPlans = @()}
            #We may have been passed many skus and many disabled plans. Only apply the plans that relate to the current sku.
            foreach ($d in $DisabledPlans) {
                if     ($skuplans.ContainsValue($d)) {$thisReq.disabledPlans += $d }
                elseif ($skuplans.Containskey($d))   {$thisReq.disabledPlans += $skuplans[$d] }
            $request.addLicenses += $thisReq
            $SkuPartNumbers += $sku.SkuPartNumber
        $licensePartNos = $SkuPartNumbers -join ", "
        $webparams      =  @{
            Contenttype =  "application/json"
            Body        =  (ConvertTo-Json $request -Depth 10)
            Method      = 'POST'
        Write-Debug $webparams.body
    process {
        if (-not $licensePartNos)  {
            Write-Warning "No Valid SKUs were passed"
        if ($UserID -is [string] -and $userid -notmatch "me|\w@\w|$GUIDRegex" ) {
            $userId = Get-GraphUser $UserID
        foreach ($u in $UserID ) {
            #region Add the user to web parameters: allow for mulitple users - potentially with an ID or a UPN
            if ($u -eq "me") {
                    $baseUri  = "$GraphUri/me/"
                    $userDisplayName    =  $Global:GraphUser
            elseif ($  {
                    $baseUri  = "$GraphUri/users/$($"
                    $userDisplayName    = $u.Id  #hope to change this if we have a display name
            elseif ($u.UserPrincipalName) {
                    $baseUri  = "$GraphUri/users/$($u.UserPrincipalName)/"
                    $userDisplayName    = $u.UserPrincipalName  #hope to change this if we have a display name
            elseif ($u -is [string] -and $u -match "\w@\w|$GUIDRegex") {
                    $baseUri  = "$GraphUri/users/$u/"
                    $userDisplayName    = $u
            elseif ($u -is [string]) {
                $u = Get-GraphUser $u
                if ($u.count -eq 1) {
                    $baseUri  = "$GraphUri/users/$($"
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Could not resolve $u to a single user. Ignoring"
            $webparams['uri']  = $baseUri + "assignLicense"
            if ($u.DisplayName) {$userDisplayName = $u.DisplayName }

            if ($UsageLocation -and ($Force -or $Pscmdlet.Shouldprocess($userdisplayname,"Set usage location to '$UsageLocation'."))) {
                $null = Invoke-GraphRequest -Method PATCH -Uri $baseUri -ContentType 'application/json' -body ('{{"usageLocation": "{0}"}}' -f $UsageLocation)
            if ($Force -or $Pscmdlet.Shouldprocess($userdisplayname,"License $licensePartNos to user")) {
                $u = Invoke-GraphRequest  @webparams -SkipHttpErrorCheck
                if ($u.error) {Write-Warning "Licensing $licensePartNos to user '$userDisplayName' caused error '$($u.error.message)'."  }
                else          {Write-Verbose "GRANTGRAPHLICENSE: $licensePartNos Granted to $($u.userPrincipalName)"            }
        if ($Groupid -is [String]  -and  $GroupID -Notmatch $GUIDRegex)  {$groupID = Get-GraphGroup -Group $GroupID -NoTeamInfo }
        foreach ($g in $GroupID) {
            if ($g.SecurityEnabled -eq $false ) {
                Write-Warning "$($g.DisplayName) is not a security group. Only Security groups can be licensed." ; Continue
            if ($g.ID) {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/groups/$($"
                    $groupDisplayName   = $g.Id
            elseif ($g -is [string] -and $g -match $GUIDRegex) {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/groups/$g/assignLicense"
                    $groupDisplayName   = $g
            elseif ($g -is [string]) {
                $g = Get-GraphGroup -Group $g -NoTeamInfo
                if ($g.count -eq 1 -and $g.SecurityIdentifier) {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/groups/$($"
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Could not resolve $g to a single Security group. Ignoring"
            else {
                    Write-Warning "$g does not seem to be a Group. Ignoring"
            if ($g.DisplayName) {$groupDisplayName = $g.DisplayName }
            if ($Force -or $Pscmdlet.Shouldprocess($groupDisplayName,"License $licensePartNos to user")) {
                $g = Invoke-GraphRequest  @webparams -SkipHttpErrorCheck
                if ($g.error) {Write-Warning "Licensing $licensePartNos to group '$groupDisplayName' caused error '$($g.error.message)'."  }
                else          {Write-Verbose "GRANT-GRAPHLICENSE: $licensePartNos granted to group '$groupDisplayName'."            }

function Revoke-GraphLicense            {
        Revokes a users or groups licences to use a particular stock-keeping-unit (SKU)

    param   (
        #The SKU to revoke either as an ID or a SKU object containing an ID
        [parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        $SKUID ,

        #ID for the user (required. "me" will select the current user)
        [parameter(Position=1, ParameterSetName='ByUserID', ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory = $true)]
        $UserID ,

        #ID(s) for group(s) to receive permission, the command will accept group objects and attempt to resolve names to IDs
        [parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='ByGroupID', Mandatory = $true)]

        #Runs the command without a confirmation dialog

        # The URI for the proxy server to use

        # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

        # Use the default credentials for the proxy
    begin   {
        $request        = @{'addLicenses' = @() ; 'removeLicenses' = @()}
        foreach ($s in $SKUID) {
            if  ($s.skuid) {$s = ($s.skuid) }
            if  ($s -match $GuidRegex) {
                $request.removeLicenses += $s
            else {
                 $sku = Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgSubscribedSku_List  |
                            Where-Object -Property SkuPartNumber -Like $s
                if     (-not $sku -or $sku.Count -gt 1) {Write-Warning "$s did not match a unique SKU" ; continue }
                else   { $request.removeLicenses +=  $sku.SkuId}
        $webparams      = @{
            Contenttype =  "application/json"
            Body        =  (ConvertTo-Json $request -Depth 10)
            Method      = 'POST'
        Write-Debug $webparams.body
    process {
        if (-not $request.removeLicenses)  {
            Write-Warning "No Valid SKUs were passed"
        foreach ($u in $UserID ) {
            #region Add the user to web parameters: allow for mulitple users - potentially with an ID or a UPN
            if ($u -eq "me") {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/me/assignLicense"
                    $userDisplayName    =  $Global:GraphUser
            elseif ($  {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/users/$($"
                    $userDisplayName    = $u.Id  #hope to change this if we have a display name
            elseif ($u.UserPrincipalName) {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/users/$($u.UserPrincipalName)/assignLicense"
                    $userDisplayName    = $u.UserPrincipalName  #hope to change this if we have a display name
            else {  $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/users/$u/assignLicense"
                    $userDisplayName    = $u
            if ($u.DisplayName) {$userDisplayName = $u.DisplayName }

            if ($Force -or $Pscmdlet.Shouldprocess($userdisplayname,"Revoke licence(s) for $($request.removeLicenses.Count) SKU(s)")) {
                $u = Invoke-GraphRequest  @webparams
                Write-Verbose "REVOKE-GRAPHUSERLICENSE - licence(s) for $($request.removeLicenses.Count) SKU(s) from $($u.userPrincipalName)"
        if ($Groupid -is [String]  -and  $GroupID -Notmatch $GUIDRegex)  {$groupID = Get-GraphGroup -Group $GroupID -NoTeamInfo }
        foreach ($g in $GroupID) {
            if ($g.SecurityEnabled -eq $false ) {
                Write-Warning "$($g.DisplayName) is not a security group. Only Security groups can be licensed." ; Continue
            if ($g.ID) {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/groups/$($"
                    $groupDisplayName   = $g.Id
            elseif ($g -is [string] -and $g -match $GUIDRegex) {
                    $webparams['uri']   = "$GraphUri/groups/$g/assignLicense"
                    $groupDisplayName    = $g
            elseif ($g -is [string]) {
                $g = Get-GraphGroup -Group $g -NoTeamInfo
                if ($g.count -eq 1 -and $g.SecurityIdentifier) {
                    $webparams['uri'] = "$GraphUri/groups/$($"
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Could not resolve $g to a single Security group. Ignoring"
            else {
                    Write-Warning "$g does not seem to be a Group. Ignoring"
            if ($g.DisplayName) {$groupDisplayName = $g.DisplayName }
            if ($Force -or $Pscmdlet.Shouldprocess($groupDisplayName,"Revoke licence(s) for $($request.removeLicenses.Count) SKU(s)")) {
                $g = Invoke-GraphRequest  @webparams -SkipHttpErrorCheck
                if ($g.error) {Write-Warning "Licensing $licensePartNos to group '$groupDisplayName' caused error '$($g.error.message)'."  }
                else          {Write-Verbose "REVOKE-GRAPHLICENSE: licence(s) for $($request.removeLicenses.Count) SKU(s) from group '$groupDisplayName'."            }

function Get-GraphLicense               {
        Returns users or groups (or both) who are licensed to user a given SKU

    param   (
        #The SKU to get either as an ID or a SKU object containing an ID
        [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
        $SKUID ,
    begin   {
        $result = @()
        $idToPartNo = @{}
        $partNoToID = @{}
        Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement.private\Get-MgSubscribedSku_List1 | ForEach-Object {
            $idToPartNo[$_.SkuId]         = $_.SkuPartNumber
            $partNoToID[$_.SkuPartNumber] = $_.SkuId
    process {
        foreach ($s in $SKUID) {
            if      ($s.skuid) {$s = ($s.skuid) }
            elseif  ($s -notmatch $GuidRegex -and $partNoToID[$s]) {
                     $s =  $partNoToID[$s]
            elseif  ($s -notmatch $GuidRegex) {
                Write-Warning "$s doesn't look like a valid SKU" ; continue

            $uri     = $GraphUri + '/users?$Select=id,displayName,userPrincipalName,assignedLicenses&$filter=assignedLicenses/any(x:x/skuId eq {0})' -f  $s
            if ($UsersOnly) {Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri -ValueOnly -AsType ([MicrosoftGraphUser]) }
            elseif (-not $GroupsOnly) {
                $result +=  Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri -ValueOnly

            $uri     = $GraphUri + '/groups?$Select=id,displayName,assignedLicenses&$filter=assignedLicenses/any(x:x/skuId eq {0})' -f  $s
            if ($GroupsOnly) {Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri -ValueOnly -AsType ([MicrosoftGraphGroup]) }
            elseif (-not $UsersOnly) {
                $result +=  Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri -ValueOnly
    end     {
        if ($result -and -not ($UsersOnly -or $GroupsOnly)) {
            $result | ForEach-Object {
                    $upn = $_.userPrincipalName
                    $displayName = $_.displayName
                    foreach ($l in $_.assignedLicenses) {
                        New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{
                            'DisplayName'       = $DisplayName
                            'UserPrincipalName' = $upn
                            'SkuPartNumber'     = $idToPartNo[$l.skuID]
                            'SkuID'             = $l.skuID  })
            } | Sort-Object -Property  UserPrincipalName,DisplayName,SkuPartNumber -Unique | Where-Object {$_.skupartnumber -in $SKUID -or $_.skuid -in $SKUID}

function Get-GraphDirectoryRole         {
        Gets an Azure AD directory role or its members
        PS C:\> Get-GraphDirectoryRole external* -Members | ft displayname,role
        Lists all members of groups whose names begin "external"
        The command adds the role name to the user object making it possible
        to show the roles and names in the output.

    param   (
        #The role to get, either as a display name (wildcards allowed), an ID, or a Role object containing an ID
        $Role = '*',
        #If specified returns the members of the role as user objects
    process {
        if     ($Role.count -gt 1) {
            $Role | Get-GraphDirectoryRole -Members:$Members
        if     ($Role -is [MicrosoftGraphDirectoryRole]) {$roles = $Role}
        elseif ($Role -is [string] -and $role -match $GUIDRegex) {
            $roles = Invoke-GraphRequest  -Uri "$GraphUri/directoryroles/$Role`?`$expand=members"        -AsType  ([MicrosoftGraphDirectoryRole] ) -ExcludeProperty '@odata.context'
        else {
            $roles = Invoke-GraphRequest  -Uri "$GraphUri/directoryroles?`$expand=members" -ValueOnly    -AsType  ([MicrosoftGraphDirectoryRole] )  |
                        Where-Object -Property displayName -like $role
        if      (-not $members) {$roles}
        else {
            foreach($r in $roles) {
                foreach ($u in $r.Members.where({$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type'-match 'user$'})) {
                    New-object -type MicrosoftGraphUser -Property $u.AdditionalProperties |
                        Add-member -NotePropertyName Role -NotePropertyValue $r.DisplayName -PassThru
                foreach ($g in $r.Members.where({$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type'-match 'group$'})) {
                    New-object -type MicrosoftGraphGroup -Property $g.AdditionalProperties |
                        Add-member -NotePropertyName Role -NotePropertyValue $r.DisplayName -PassThru

function Grant-GraphDirectoryRole       {
        Grants a directory role to a user or group

    param   (
        #The role(s) to revoke, either as role names or a role objects.
        $Role ,
        #The member to add, can be a user name, or an object representing a group with IsAssignableToRole set or a user.
        $Member ,
        #Runs the command with no confirmation.
    begin   {
        $Role = $Role | Get-GraphDirectoryRole
    process {
        foreach ($m in $Member) {
            if (-not $ {$m = Get-GraphUserList -Name $m}
            if (-not $m -or $m.count -gt 1 -or -not $m.Id) {
                Write-Warning "Could not process the role member." ; return
            foreach ($r in $role) {
                $body = ConvertTo-Json @{ '' = "$graphUri/directoryObjects/$($m.Id)" }
                Write-Debug $body
                if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($m.displayname,"Grant access to role '$($r.displayname)'")) {
                    try   { Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$graphuri/directoryroles/$($`$ref" -Method post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json'}
                    catch { Write-Warning "The request failed. This may be because the member '$($m.toString())' has already been added to the '$($r.displayname)' role." }

function Revoke-GraphDirectoryRole      {
       Removes a user or group from a an Azure AD directory role

    param   (
        #The role(s) to revoke, either as role names or a role objects.
        $Role ,
        #The member to remove , can be a user name, or a user or group object
        #Runs the command without confirmation.
    begin   {
        $Role = $Role | Get-GraphDirectoryRole
    process {
        if (-not $ {$member = Get-GraphUserList -Name $Member}
        if ($member.count -ne 1 -or -not $member.Id) {
            Write-Warning "Could not process the role member."
        foreach ($r in $role) {
            if ($Force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Member.displayname,"Revoke access from role '$($r.displayname)'")) {
                try   {Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$graphuri/directoryroles/$($$($member.Id)/`$ref" -Method Delete}
                catch {Write-Warning "The request failed. This may be because the member was no in thethe role"}

function Get-GraphDirectoryRoleTemplate {
        Gets directory role templates

    param    (
        $Template = ""
    process {
        $uri = "$GraphUri/identity/directoryroletemplates"
        foreach ($t in $Template) {
            if ($t -match $GUIDRegex) {
                Invoke-GraphRequest "$uri/$t" -AsType  ([MicrosoftGraphDirectoryRoleTemplate] )
            elseif ($t) {
                $uri += ("?`$filter=startswith(toLower(displayName),'{0}')" -f $t.ToLower())
                Invoke-GraphRequest  -ValueOnly $uri  -AsType  ([MicrosoftGraphDirectoryRoleTemplate] )
                Invoke-GraphRequest -ValueOnly $uri -AsType  ([MicrosoftGraphDirectoryRoleTemplate] )

function Get-GraphDeletedObject         {
        Returns deleted users or groups from the AAD recycle bin
        It can filter by name, and selects users by default or groups if -Group is selected
        The results can be piped into Restore-GraphDeletedObject

    param (
        #If specified filters the returned objects to those with a name starts with...
        #By default user objects are returned. This switches the choice to group objects.
    if ($name)  {$u    = '?$filter=' +(FilterString $Name)}
    else        {$u    = ''}
    if ($Group) {$type = 'Group'} else {$type='User'}
    Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/directory/deleteditems/microsoft.graph.$type$u" -AsType ([pscustomobject])  -ValueOnly

 function Restore-GraphDeletedObject     {
        Recovers a user or group from the AAD recycle bin

    param   (
        #A deleted object or the ID of one.
        #Specifies that the ID is associated with a group, not a user.
        #If specified supresses any confirmation prompt
    process {
        if ($id.displayname) {$displayname = $id.Displayname} else {$displayname = ''}
        if ($ {$id = $}
        if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($displayname,'Recover directory object')) {
            Invoke-GraphRequest "$GraphUri/directory/deleteditems/$id/restore" -Method Post -body ' ' -AsType ([pscustomobject])
# DELETE /directory/deletedItems/{id} permanent delete