
#Requires -Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
    The Connect-Graph function incorporates work to get tokens from an Azure
    session and to referesh tokens which was published by Justin Grote at
    and licensed by him under the same MIT terms which apply to this module (see the LICENSE file for details)

    Portions of this file are Copyright 2021 Justin Grote @justinwgrote
    The remainder is Copyright 2018-2021 James O'Neill

using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication
using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models
using namespace System.Management.Automation

[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Justification='Write host used for colored information message telling user to make a change and remove the message')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '', Justification='Items needed outside the module')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification='False positive for global vars.')]

#Functions we will define are aliases in Microsoft.Graph.Authentication so remove them
Remove-item Alias:\Invoke-GraphRequest -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item Alias:\Connect-Graph       -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-Alias   -Value Get-MgContext       -Name "Get-GraphContext"

function Test-GraphSession          {
        Connect if necessary, catch tokens needing renewal.

    param ( [switch]$Quiet )

    if (-not [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext) {Connect-Graph -Quiet:$Quiet | Out-Host}
    elseif  ([GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.TokenExpires -is [datetime] -and
             [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.TokenExpires -lt [datetime]::Now.AddMinutes(-1)) {
        if ($Script:RefreshParams) {
            if (-not $Quiet) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "Token Expired! Refreshing before executing command."}
            Connect-Graph @script:RefreshParams
        else {Write-Warning "Token appears to have expired and no refresh information is available "}

function Invoke-GraphRequest        {
        Wrappper for Invoke-MgGraphRequest.With token management and result pre-processing
        Adds -ValueOnly to return just the value part
             -AllValues to return gather multiple sets when data is paged
             -AsType to convert the retuned results to a specific type
             -ExcludeProperty and -PropertyNotMatch for results which have properties which aren't in the specified type

    param   (
        #Uri to call can be a segment such as /beta/me or a fully qualified
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )]

        #Http Method
        [Parameter(Position=2 )]

        #Request body, required when Method is POST or PATCH

        #Optional custom headers, commonly @{'ConsistencyLevel'='eventual'}

        #Output file where the response body will be saved


        #Input file to send in the request

        #Indicates that the cmdlet returns the results, in addition to writing them to a file. Only valid when the OutFile parameter is also used.

        #OAuth or Bearer token to use instead of acquired token

        #Add headers to request header collection without validation

        #Body content type, for exmaple 'application/json'

        #Graph Authentication type - 'default' or 'userProvivedToken'

        #Specifies a web request session. Enter the variable name, including the dollar sign ($).You can''t use the SessionVariable and GraphRequestSession parameters in the same command.




        #If specified returns the .values property instead of the whole JSON object returned by the API call

        #If specified, loops through multi-paged results indicated by an '@odata.nextLink' property

        #If specified removes properties found in the JSON before converting to a type or returning the object
        [string[]]$ExcludeProperty =@(),

        #A regular expression for keys to be removed, for example to catch many odata properties

        #If specified converts the JSON object to properties of the a new object of the requested type. Any properties which are expected in the JSON but not defined in the type should be excluded.
    begin   {
        $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AllValues') , $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AsType'), $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ExcludeProperty'), $PSBoundParameters.Remove('PropertyNotMatch') , $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ValueOnly')
        if ($ExcludeProperty -notcontains  '') {$ExcludeProperty += ''}
    process {
        #I try to use "response" when it is an interim thing not the final result.
        $response = $null
        $response = Microsoft.Graph.Authentication\Invoke-MgGraphRequest @PSBoundParameters
        if ($ValueOnly -or $AllValues) {
            $result = $response.value
            if ($AllValues) {
                while ($response.'@odata.nextLink') {
                    $PSBoundParameters['Uri'] =  $response.'@odata.nextLink'
                    $response   =   Microsoft.Graph.Authentication\Invoke-MgGraphRequest @PSBoundParameters
                    $result += $response.value
        else  {$result = $response}
        if ($StatusCodeVariable) {Set-variable $StatusCodeVariable -Scope 1 -Value (Get-Variable $StatusCodeVariable -ValueOnly) }
        foreach ($r in $result) {
            foreach ($p in $ExcludeProperty) {$r.remove($p)}
            if ($PropertyNotMatch) {
                $keystoRemove = $r.keys -match $PropertyNotMatch
                foreach ($p in $keystoRemove) {[void]$r.remove($p)}
            if ($AsType) {New-Object -TypeName $AsType -Property $r}
            else         {$r}

function Get-AccessToken            {
    Requests a token for a resource path, used by connect graph but available to other tools.
    An access token is obtained form "<<tenant-ID>>/oauth2/token"
    By specifying the ID, and secret of a client app known to in that tenant,
    different modes of granting a token to access a resource (logging on) are possible:
    Extra fields passed in BodyParts grant_type
    * Username and password 'Password'
    * Refresh_token 'Referesh_token'
    * None (logon as the app itself) 'client_credentials'
    The Set-GraphOptions command sets the tenant ID, a client ID and a client secret
    for the session. By default, when the module loads it looks at $env:GraphSettingsPath or for
    Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus.settings.ps1 in the module folder, and executes it to set these values)
    Get-AccessToken relies on these if they are not set Connect-Graph removes the parameters
    which support non-intereactive logons and calling it seperately will fail


    param (
        [string]$Resoure      = '',
        [string]$GrantType ,
        [hashtable]$BodyParts = @{}
    if (-not ($Script:TenantID -and $Script:ClientID)) {
        [UnauthorizedAccessException]::new('The tenant, and ClientID need to be set with Set-GraphOptions before calling this command.')
    $tokenUri  = "$Script:TenantID/oauth2/token"
    $body      = $BodyParts + @{
                    'client_id'     = $Script:ClientID
                    'resource'      = $Resoure
                    'grant_type'    = $GrantType
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $tokenUri -Body $body

function Connect-Graph              {
            Starts a session with Microsoft Graph
            This commands is a wrapper for Connect-MgGraph it extends the authentication methods available
            and caches information needed by other commands.


    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification='False positive for global vars.')]
    param        (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UserParameterSet', Position = 1 )]
        #An array of delegated permissions to consent to.
        [string[]]$Scopes = $Script:DefaultGraphScopes,

        #Specifies a bearer token for Microsoft Graph service. Access tokens do timeout and you'll have to handle their refresh.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AccessTokenParameterSet', Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]

        #Forces the command to get a new access token silently.
        [switch]$ForceRefresh ,

        #Determines the scope of authentication context. This accepts `Process` for the current process, or `CurrentUser` for all sessions started by user.
      # [ContextScope]$ContextScope,

        #Suppress the welcome messages
    dynamicParam {
        If the Azure commands are present offer -FromAzureToken
        If client_secret, ClientID and TenantID have all been set, offer -Credential & -AsApp and if a refresh token was stored, -refresh
        In either of those cases offer -NoRefresh
        If client ID and TenantID have been set (with or without secret) offer the cert parameters.

        $paramDictionary     = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $NoRefreshAttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
        if ($Script:Client_secret -and $Script:ClientID -and $Script:TenantID) {
            $AppParamAttribute     = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{Mandatory=$true; ParameterSetName='AppSecretParameterSet';}
            #If Specified logs in as the app and gets the access granted to the app instead of logging on as a user.
            $paramDictionary.Add('AsApp',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("AsApp",       [SwitchParameter],$AppParamAttribute))
        if ($Script:ClientID -and $Script:TenantID) {
            $NoRefreshAttributeCollection.Add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{       ParameterSetName='CredParameterSet'}))
            $CredParamAttribute      = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{Mandatory=$true; ParameterSetName='CredParameterSet'}
            $RefreshParamAttribute   = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{Mandatory=$true; ParameterSetName='RefreshParameterSet'}
            #A credential object to logon with an app registered in the tennant
            $paramDictionary.Add('Credential',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("Credential", [pscredential], $CredParamAttribute))
            if ($Script:RefreshToken) {
               $paramDictionary.Add('Refresh',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("Refresh", [SwitchParameter], $RefreshParamAttribute))

            $CertNameAttributeSet    = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
            $CertNameAttributeSet.add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.Aliasattribute     -ArgumentList 'CertificateSubject'))
            $CertNameAttributeSet.add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='AppCertNameParameterSet'; Position=1}))
            $CertThumbParamAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='AppCertThunbParameterSet';Position=2}
            $CertParamAttribute      = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='AppCertParameterSet'}
            #The name of your certificate. The Certificate will be retrieved from the current user's certificate store.
            $paramDictionary.Add('CertificateName',      [RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('CertificateName',  [string],   $CertNameAttributeSet))
            #The thumbprint of your certificate. The Certificate will be retrieved from the current user's certificate store.
            $paramDictionary.Add('CertificateThumbprint',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('CertificateThumbprint',  [string],   $CertThumbParamAttribute))
            #An x509 Certificate supplied during invocation - see for configuring the host side.
            $paramDictionary.Add('Certificate',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('Certificate',  [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2],   $CertParamAttribute))
        #the simpler Get-command Get-AzAccessToken -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue loads az.accounts. Only offer the parameter if the module is loaded.
        if ("Get-AzAccessToken" -in (Get-Module Az.accounts).ExportedCmdlets.Keys) {
            $NoRefreshAttributeCollection.Add((New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{       ParameterSetName='AzureParameterSet'}))
            $FromAzParamAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='AzureParameterSet';Position=3}
            $DefProfParamAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='AzureParameterSet';Position=4}
            #The Az Module Context to use for the connection. You can get a list with Get-AzContext -ListAvailable. Note this parameter only accepts one context and if multiple are supplied it will only connect to the last one supplied
            $paramDictionary.Add('FromAzureSession',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('FromAzureSession', [SwitchParameter], $FromAzParamAttribute))
            $paramDictionary.Add('DefaultProfile',  [RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new('DefaultProfile',   [System.Object],   $DefProfParamAttribute))
        if ($NoRefreshAttributeCollection.Count -ge 1) {
            #Dont register the global refresh handler workaround. This is required if you want to use HttpPipelinePrepend
            $paramDictionary.Add('NoRefresh', [RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("NoRefresh", [SwitchParameter],$NoRefreshAttributeCollection))
        return $paramDictionary
    begin        {
    #Justin Grote's code makes this script block to call this function with the right parameters. If the token has timed out
    #and makes it the default httpPipelinePrepend script block for SDK commands. We'll poke the parameters in later
    $RefreshScript = @'
    param ($req, $callback, $next)
    Write-Debug 'Checking if access token refresh required'
    #Check if global timer has expired and refresh if so
    if ([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.TokenExpires -is [datetime] -and
        [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.TokenExpires -lt [DateTime]::Now) {{
            Write-Host -Fore DarkCyan "Token Expired! Refreshing before executing command."
            Connect-Graph -quiet {0}
    end          {
        $result = $null
        $bp = @{} + $PSBoundParameters #I do not know why psb doesn't work normally with dynamic params but this works round it....
        $paramsToPass         = @{}

        #Sometimes when we want to convert an opaque drive ID (e.g. on a file or folder) to a name; save extra calls to the server by caching the id-->name
        if ((-not $bp.refresh) -or
            (-not $Global:DriveCache))  {$Global:DriveCache          = @{}  }

        #Justin used this variable, for checking expiry I have moved it on to an extra property of [graphSession].instance I'll remove this when I'm happy on compat.
        if ($Global:__MgAzTokenExpires) {$Global:__MgAzTokenExpires = $null}

        #credential , refresh, Azaupp, FromAzureSession are dynamic to hide them if we dont have what they need
        #If specified, get (or refresh) a token for a user name / password with a registerd appID in a known tennant,
        #or for an app-id / secret, or by calling Get-AzAccessToken in the Az.Accounts module (V2 and later)
        if ($bp.Credential -or $bp.Refresh -or $bp.AsApp -or $bp.FromAzureSession ){
            $tokenUri   = "$Script:TenantID/oauth2/token"
            if     ($bp.Refresh)              {
                Write-Verbose "CONNECT: Sending a 'Refresh_token' token request "
                $authresp      = Get-AccessToken -GrantType refresh_token -BodyParts @{'refresh_token' = $Script:RefreshToken}
            elseif ($bp.Credential)           {
                Write-Verbose "CONNECT: Sending a 'Password' token request for $($bp.Credential.UserName) "
                $parts = @{ 'username' = $bp.Credential.UserName;
                            'password' = $bp.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                if ($Script:Client_secret) {
                    $parts['client_secret'] = $Script:Client_secret
                 $authresp     = Get-AccessToken -GrantType password -BodyParts $parts
            elseif ($bp.AsApp)                {
                Write-Verbose "CONNECT: Sending a 'client_credentials' token request for the App."
                 $authresp     = Get-AccessToken  -GrantType client_credentials -BodyParts @{'client_secret' = $Script:Client_secret}
            elseif ($bp.FromAzureSession)     {
                if ($bp.DefaultProfile) {$Global:__MgAzContext = $DefaultProfile }
                $authresp =  Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl '' -DefaultProfile $Global:__MgAzContext

            #Did we get our token? If so, store it and whatever we need to refreshing
            if (-not ($authresp.access_token -or $authResp.Token))    {
                throw [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]::new("No Token was returned")
            Write-Verbose ("CONNECT: Token Response= " + ($authresp | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).name -join ", ")
            if       ($authresp.access_token) {
                    $null = $paramsToPass.Add("AccessToken",  $authresp.access_token)
            elseif   ($authresp.Token)        {
                    $null = $paramsToPass.Add("AccessToken",  $authresp.Token)

            if     ($authresp.scope)          {Write-Verbose "CONNECT: Scope= $($authresp.scope)" }
            if     ($authresp.refresh_token)  {$Script:RefreshToken       = $authresp.refresh_token}
            if     ($authresp.expires_in)     {$Global:__MgAzTokenExpires = (Get-Date).AddSeconds([int]$authresp.expires_in -60 )}
            elseif ($authresp.expires_on -or  $authresp.expireson )    {
                if ($authresp.expires_on) {$e = $authresp.expires_on} else {$e = $authresp.ExpiresOn}
                if ($e -is [string] -and
                    $e.expires_on -match "^\w{10}$") {
                                              $Global:__MgAzTokenExpires = [datetime]::UnixEpoch.AddSeconds($e)}
                elseif ($e  -is [datetimeoffset]){
                                              $Global:__MgAzTokenExpires = $e.LocalDateTime }

            if     ($bp.NoRefresh)            {
                $Script:RefreshParams      = $null
            elseif ($bp.FromAzureSession)     {
                $Script:RefreshParams      = @{'Quiet' = $true; 'FromAzureSession' = $True}
                $RefreshScriptBlock        = [scriptblock]::Create(($RefreshScript -f ' -FromAzureSession '))
            elseif ($bp.AsApp)                {
                $Script:RefreshParams      = @{'Quiet' = $true; 'AsApp' = $true}
                $RefreshScriptBlock        = [scriptblock]::Create(($RefreshScript -f ' -Refresh '))
            elseif ($Script:RefreshToken)     {
                $Script:RefreshParams      = @{'Quiet' = $true; 'Refresh' = $true}
                $RefreshScriptBlock        = [scriptblock]::Create(($RefreshScript -f ' -Refresh '))

        #region gather params and call Connect-MGGraph with a token (passed or just fetched), or with a cert, or opening the device dialog
        #common parameters need to processed differently
        $paramsinTarget       = (Get-Command Connect-MgGraph).Parameters.Keys |
                                    Where-Object {$_ -notin [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters}
        $paramsFromCurrentSet =  $pscmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.values.where({
                                    ($_.ParameterSets.containskey($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) -or
                                     $_.ParameterSets.containskey('__AllParameterSets')     ) -and
                                     $_.Name -in $paramsinTarget -and
                                     (Get-Variable $_.Name -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)})

        foreach ($p in $paramsFromCurrentSet.Name ) {
            $paramsToPass[$p] = Get-Variable $P -ValueOnly   ; Write-Verbose ("{0,20} = {1}" -f $p.ToUpper(), $paramsToPass[$p])
        foreach ($p in [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters.Where({$bp.ContainsKey($_)})) {
            $paramsToPass[$p] = $bp[$p]                      ; Write-Verbose ("{0,20} = {1}" -f $p.ToUpper(), $paramsToPass[$p])
        if ($Script:TenantID -and -not $paramsToPass.AccessToken) {
            $paramsToPass['TenantID'] = $Script:TenantID
        if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -match '^AppCert') {
            $paramsToPass['ClientId'] = $Script:ClientID

        $result = Connect-MgGraph @paramsToPass
        #region connection succeeds, cache information about the user and session, and if necessary setup a trigger to auto-refresh tokens we fetched above
        if ($result -match "Welcome To Microsoft Graph") {
            $authcontext      = [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext
            #we could call Get-Mgorganization but this way we don't depend on anything outside authentication module
            $Organization     = Invoke-GraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$GraphURI/organization/" -ValueOnly
            if ($ {
                Write-Verbose -Message "CONNECT: Account is from $($Organization.DisplayName)"
                Add-Member -force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName TenantName          -NotePropertyValue $Organization.DisplayName
                Add-Member -force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName WorkOrSchool        -NotePropertyValue $true
            else                  {
                Write-Verbose -Message "CONNECT: Account is from Windows live"
                Add-Member -force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName TenantName          -NotePropertyVa.lue $Organization.DisplayName
                Add-Member -force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName WorkOrSchool        -NotePropertyValue $true
            if ($authcontext.Account) {
                $result           = 'Welcome To Microsoft Graph++, {0}.' -f $authcontext.Account
                $user             =   Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$GraphURI/me/"
                if ($Global:GraphUser -and $Global:GraphUser -ne $user.userPrincipalName) {
                    Set-GraphOneNoteHome $null
                    Set-GraphHomeDrive   $null
                $Global:GraphUser =  $user.userPrincipalName
                Add-Member -Force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName UserDisplayName     -NotePropertyValue $user.displayName
                Add-Member -Force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName UserID              -NotePropertyValue $user.ID
            else {$result           = "Welcome To Microsoft Graph, connected to tenant '{1}' as the app '{0}'." -f $authcontext.AppName, $authcontext.TenantName }
            Add-Member     -Force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName RefreshTokenPresent -NotePropertyValue ($Script:RefreshToken -as [bool])
            Add-Member     -Force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName TokenAutoRefresh    -NotePropertyValue ($RefreshScriptBlock  -as [bool])
            if    ($Global:__MgAzTokenExpires) {
                Add-Member -Force -InputObject $authcontext -NotePropertyName TokenExpires         -NotePropertyValue ($Global:__MgAzTokenExpires)
            elseif ($authcontext.TokenExpires) {$authcontext.TokenExpires = $null}
            if ($RefreshScriptBlock -and -not $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Mg*:HttpPipelinePrepend']) {
                if (-not $Quiet){
                    Write-Host -Fore DarkCyan "The HttpPipelinePrepend parameter now has a default that checks for refresh tokens. Any command which uses this parameter will lose the auto-refresh"
                $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Mg*:HttpPipelinePrepend'] = $RefreshScriptBlock
            if ($NoRefresh -and -not $Quiet) {
                Write-Host -Fore Cyan "-NoRefresh was specified. You will need to run this command again after $($tokeninfo.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime.ToString())"

        if (-not $Quiet) {return $result}

function Show-GraphSession          {
            Returns information about the current sesssion

    param  (
        #If specified returns only the current account
        #If specified returns only the scopes available to the current session
        #If specified returns the options set using Set-GraphOption
        #If specified returns the current app name.
        #If specified runs Test-GraphSession to ensure a session exists.
    dynamicparam {
        $paramDictionary     = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7 -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -like 'win*') {
            $cachedTokenParamAttibute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='CachedToken'}
            $paramDictionary.Add('CachedToken', [RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("CachedToken",  [SwitchParameter],$cachedTokenParamAttibute))
        if ($Script:RefreshToken) {
            $refreshTokenParamAttibute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute -Property @{ParameterSetName='RefreshToken'}
            $paramDictionary.Add('RefreshToken',[RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("RefreshToken", [SwitchParameter],$refreshTokenParamAttibute))
        return $paramDictionary
    end {
        if     ($Force)   {Test-GraphSession -Quiet}
        if     (-not       [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext)  {Write-Host  "Ready for Connect-Graph."; return}
        if     ($Scopes)  {[GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.Scopes}
        elseif ($Who)     {[GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.Account}
        elseif ($AppName) {[GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.AppName}
        elseif ($Options) {[pscustomobject][Ordered]@{
            'TenantID'              = $Script:TenantID
            'ClientID'              = $Script:ClientID
            'ClientSecretSet'       = $Script:Client_Secret -as [bool]
            'DefaultScopes'         = $Script:DefaultGraphScopes -join ', '
            'DefaultUserProperties' = $Script:DefaultUserProperties -join ', '
            'DefaultUsageLocation'  = $Script:DefaultUsageLocation
        elseif (     $PSBoundParameters['RefreshToken']) {return $Script:RefreshToken}
        elseif (-not $PSBoundParameters['CachedToken'])  {
            if      ($Script:SkippedSubmodules) {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray ("Skipped " + ($Script:SkippedSubmodules -join ", ") + " because their Microsoft.Graph module(s) or private.dll file(s) were not found.")
            if      ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['Get-GraphDrive:Drive'])           {
                Write-Host "Home OneDrive is set"
            if      ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*GraphOneNoteBook*:Notebook'] -and
                     $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['Get-GraphOneNotePage:Section'])   {
                     Write-Host "Home Notebook and section are set"
            elseif  ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*GraphOneNoteBook*:Notebook'])    {
                     Write-Host "Home Notebook is set"
            if      ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['Add-Graph*Tab:Team']) {
                     Write-Host "Default Group is set and team-enabled, default calendar is a team calendar."
            elseif  ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-GraphEvent:Group']) {
                     Write-Host "Default Group is set and but not team-enabled, default calendar is a team calendar."
            else   {Write-Host "Default Group is not set, default calendar is for the signed-in user."}
        else {
            $id               = [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.ClientId
            $path             = Join-Path -ChildPath ".graph\$($id)cache.bin3" -Path ([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath([System.Environment+SpecialFolder]::UserProfile))
            if (-not(Test-Path $path)) {
                    Write-Warning "Could not find a cache file for app id $id in the .graph folder."
            #read and decrypted the ached file, it comes up as not very nice JSON so unpick that.
            $tokenBytes       = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect( (Get-Content $path -AsByteStream) , $null, 0)
            $tokendata        = ConvertFrom-Json ([string]::new($tokenBytes)  -replace '(Token|Account|AppMetaData)":{".*?":{' ,'$1":{"X":{' -replace '"secret":".*?",','')
            $tokendata.account.x | Select-Object Name, Username, Local_account_id, Realm, Authority_type,
                                    @{n='environment';    e={$tokendata.AccessToken.x.environment}},
                                    @{n='client_id';      e={$tokendata.AccessToken.x.client_id}},
                                    @{n='target';         e={$}},
                                    @{n='cached_at';      e={[datetime]::UnixEpoch.AddSeconds($tokendata.AccessToken.x.cached_at)}},
                                    @{n='expires_on';     e={[datetime]::UnixEpoch.AddSeconds($tokendata.AccessToken.x.expires_on)}}

function ContextHas                 {
            Checks if the the current context is a work/school account and/or has access with the right scopes

    param (
        #list of scopes. will return true if at least one IS present.
        #if specifies returns ture for a work-or-school account and false for "Live" accounts
        #if specified returns ture if connected with a user account and false if connected as an application
        #if specified returns ture if connected as an application and false if connected with a user account
        #If specified break instead of turning false
        #If specified reverses the output.
    if (-not [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext) { Connect-Graph | Out-Host}
    if (-not $Scopes) { $state = $true }
    else {
        $state =  $false
        foreach ($s in $Scopes)  {
            $state = $state -or ([GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.Scopes -contains $s)
    if ($WorkOrSchoolAccount)  {
        $state = $state -and [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.WorkOrSchool
    if ($AsUser)      {
        $state = $state -and [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.Account
    if ($AsApp)       {
        $state = $state -and -not [GraphSession]::Instance.AuthContext.Account
    if ($BreakIfNot ) {
        if ($Scopes              -and -not $state) {Write-Warning ("This requires the {0} scope(s)." -f ($Scopes -join ', ')) ; break}
        if ($WorkOrSchoolAccount -and -not $state) {Write-Warning  "This requires a work or school account."                  ; break}
        if ($AsUser              -and -not $state) {Write-Warning  "This requires a user-logon, not an app-logon."            ; break}
        if ($AsApp               -and -not $state) {Write-Warning  "This requires an app-logon, not a user-logon."            ; break}
    #otherwise return true or false
    else  {return ( $state -xor $not )}