
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Microsoft Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Get securityActions from security
Get securityActions from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityAction {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of securityAction

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAction_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAction_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAction_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityAlert {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List1', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of alert

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAlert_Get1';
            GetViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAlert_GetViaIdentity1';
            List1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAlert_List1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

A collection of simulation automation runs.
A collection of simulation automation runs.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='List', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomationRun

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Represents an attack simulation training campaign in a tenant.
Represents an attack simulation training campaign in a tenant.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulation {
[OutputType([Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphSimulation], [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphAttackSimulationRoot])]
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Get1', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_Get';
            Get1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_Get1';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get cloudAppSecurityProfiles from security
Get cloudAppSecurityProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of cloudAppSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get domainSecurityProfiles from security
Get domainSecurityProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of domainSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get fileSecurityProfiles from security
Get fileSecurityProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of fileSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get hostSecurityProfiles from security
Get hostSecurityProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of hostSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get labelPolicySettings from security
Get labelPolicySettings from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Get', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting_Get';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get parent from security
Get parent from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Get', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of sensitivityLabel

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_GetViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get sensitivityLabels from security
Get sensitivityLabels from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of sensitivityLabel

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get informationProtection from security
Get informationProtection from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityInformationProtection {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Get', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityInformationProtection_Get';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get ipSecurityProfiles from security
Get ipSecurityProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of ipSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get providerTenantSettings from security
Get providerTenantSettings from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of providerTenantSetting

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get secureScoreControlProfiles from security
Get secureScoreControlProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List1', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of secureScoreControlProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_Get1';
            GetViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_GetViaIdentity1';
            List1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_List1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get secureScores from security
Get secureScores from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecuritySecureScore {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List1', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of secureScore

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecuritySecureScore_Get1';
            GetViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecuritySecureScore_GetViaIdentity1';
            List1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecuritySecureScore_List1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get tiIndicators from security
Get tiIndicators from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityTiIndicator {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of tiIndicator

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityTiIndicator_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityTiIndicator_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityTiIndicator_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Get userSecurityProfiles from security
Get userSecurityProfiles from security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Get-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of userSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Expand related entities

    # Select properties to be returned

    # Filter items by property values

    # Search items by search phrases

    # Skip the first n items

    # Order items by property values

    # Show only the first n items

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

    # Sets the page size of results.

    # List all pages.

    # Specifies a count of the total number of items in a collection.
    # By default, this variable will be set in the global scope.

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Get = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_Get';
            GetViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_GetViaIdentity';
            List = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Get-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_List';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action extractContentLabel
Invoke action extractContentLabel
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Invoke-MgExtractSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelContentLabel {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ExtractExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Extract', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # contentInfo
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTENTINFO properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Extract = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Invoke-MgExtractSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelContentLabel_Extract';
            ExtractExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Invoke-MgExtractSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelContentLabel_ExtractExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to securityActions for security
Create new navigation property to securityActions for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityAction {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # securityAction
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Reason for invoking this action.

    # Additional Parameters

    # The Application ID of the calling application that submitted (POST) the action.
    # The appId should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.

    # Azure tenant ID of the entity to determine which tenant the entity belongs to (multi-tenancy support).
    # The azureTenantId should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.

    # .

    # Timestamp when the action was completed.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # Timestamp when the action is created.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # resultInfo
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for ERRORINFO properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # Timestamp when this action was last updated.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # Action name.

    # Collection of parameters (key-value pairs) necessary to invoke the action, for example, URL or fileHash to block.).
    # Required.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PARAMETERS properties and create a hash table.

    # Collection of securityActionState to keep the history of an action.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for STATES properties and create a hash table.

    # operationStatus

    # The user principal name of the signed-in user that submitted (POST) the action.
    # The user should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAction_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAction_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityAlert {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # alert
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Name or alias of the activity group (attacker) this alert is attributed to.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for ALERTDETECTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # Name of the analyst the alert is assigned to for triage, investigation, or remediation (supports update).

    # Azure subscription ID, present if this alert is related to an Azure resource.

    # Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
    # Required.

    # Category of the alert (for example, credentialTheft, ransomware, etc.).

    # Time at which the alert was closed.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z (supports update).

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the cloud application/s related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CLOUDAPPSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Customer-provided comments on alert (for customer alert management) (supports update).

    # Confidence of the detection logic (percentage between 1-100).

    # Time at which the alert was created by the alert provider.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    # Required.

    # Alert description.

    # Set of alerts related to this alert entity (each alert is pushed to the SIEM as a separate record).

    # Time at which the event(s) that served as the trigger(s) to generate the alert occurred.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    # Required.

    # alertFeedback

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the file(s) related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for FILESTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # A collection of alertHistoryStates comprising an audit log of all updates made to an alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for HISTORYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the host(s) related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for HOSTSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # IDs of incidents related to current alert.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INVESTIGATIONSECURITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Time at which the alert entity was last modified.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # Threat Intelligence pertaining to malware related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for MALWARESTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for MESSAGESECURITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the network connection(s) related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for NETWORKCONNECTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the process or processes related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PROCESSES properties and create a hash table.

    # Vendor/provider recommended action(s) to take as a result of the alert (for example, isolate machine, enforce2FA, reimage host).

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the registry keys related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for REGISTRYKEYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Resources related to current alert.
    # For example, for some alerts this can have the Azure Resource value.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for SECURITYRESOURCES properties and create a hash table.

    # alertSeverity

    # Hyperlinks (URIs) to the source material related to the alert, for example, provider's user interface for alerts or log search, etc.

    # alertStatus

    # User-definable labels that can be applied to an alert and can serve as filter conditions (for example 'HVA', 'SAW', etc.) (supports update).

    # Alert title.
    # Required.

    # Security-related information about the specific properties that triggered the alert (properties appearing in the alert).
    # Alerts might contain information about multiple users, hosts, files, ip addresses.
    # This field indicates which properties triggered the alert generation.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for TRIGGERS properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for URICLICKSECURITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the user accounts related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for USERSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Threat intelligence pertaining to one or more vulnerabilities related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VULNERABILITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAlert_Create1';
            CreateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAlert_CreateExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

A collection of simulation automation runs.
A collection of simulation automation runs.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CreateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # simulationAutomationRun
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Date and time when the run ends in an attack simulation automation.

    # Read-only.

    # Unique identifier for the attack simulation campaign initiated in the attack simulation automation run.

    # Date and time when the run starts in an attack simulation automation.

    # simulationAutomationRunStatus

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_CreateExpanded';
            CreateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_CreateViaIdentity';
            CreateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_CreateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # simulationAutomation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # emailIdentity
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CREATEDBY properties and create a hash table.

    # Date and time when the attack simulation automation was created.

    # Description of the attack simulation automation.

    # Display name of the attack simulation automation.
    # Supports $filter and $orderby.

    # Read-only.

    # emailIdentity
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LASTMODIFIEDBY properties and create a hash table.

    # Date and time when the attack simulation automation was most recently modified.

    # Date and time of the latest run of the attack simulation automation.

    # Date and time of the upcoming run of the attack simulation automation.

    # A collection of simulation automation runs.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for RUNS properties and create a hash table.

    # simulationAutomationStatus

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Represents an attack simulation training campaign in a tenant.
Represents an attack simulation training campaign in a tenant.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityAttackSimulation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # simulation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # simulationAttackTechnique

    # simulationAttackType

    # Unique identifier for the attack simulation automation.

    # Date and time of completion of the attack simulation and training campaign.
    # Supports $filter and $orderby.

    # emailIdentity
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CREATEDBY properties and create a hash table.

    # Date and time of creation of the attack simulation and training campaign.

    # Description of the attack simulation and training campaign.

    # Display name of the attack simulation and training campaign.
    # Supports $filter and $orderby.

    # Read-only.

    # Flag representing if the attack simulation and training campaign was created from a simulation automation flow.
    # Supports $filter and $orderby.

    # emailIdentity
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LASTMODIFIEDBY properties and create a hash table.

    # Date and time of the most recent modification of the attack simulation and training campaign.

    # Date and time of the launch/start of the attack simulation and training campaign.
    # Supports $filter and $orderby.

    # payloadDeliveryPlatform

    # simulationReport
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for REPORT properties and create a hash table.

    # simulationStatus

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to cloudAppSecurityProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to cloudAppSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # cloudAppSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # applicationPermissionsRequired

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to domainSecurityProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to domainSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # domainSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for DOMAINCATEGORIES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # domainRegistrant
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for REGISTRANT properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to fileSecurityProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to fileSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # fileSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for HASHES properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for MALWARESTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VULNERABILITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to hostSecurityProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to hostSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # hostSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LOGONUSERS properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for NETWORKINTERFACES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to sensitivityLabels for security
Create new navigation property to sensitivityLabels for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # sensitivityLabel
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # sensitivityLabel
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PARENT properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to ipSecurityProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to ipSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # ipSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for IPCATEGORIES properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for IPREFERENCEDATA properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to providerTenantSettings for security
Create new navigation property to providerTenantSettings for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # providerTenantSetting
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to secureScoreControlProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to secureScoreControlProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # secureScoreControlProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Control action type (Config, Review, Behavior).

    # URL to where the control can be actioned.

    # Additional Parameters

    # GUID string for tenant ID.

    # The collection of compliance information associated with secure score control
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for COMPLIANCEINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Control action category (Identity, Data, Device, Apps, Infrastructure).

    # Flag to indicate where the tenant has marked a control (ignore, thirdParty, reviewed) (supports update).
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTROLSTATEUPDATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Flag to indicate if a control is depreciated.

    # Read-only.

    # Resource cost of implemmentating control (low, moderate, high).

    # Time at which the control profile entity was last modified.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time

    # max attainable score for the control.

    # Microsoft's stack ranking of control.

    # Description of what the control will help remediate.

    # Description of the impact on users of the remediation.

    # Service that owns the control (Exchange, Sharepoint, Azure AD).

    # List of threats the control mitigates (accountBreach,dataDeletion,dataExfiltration,dataSpillage,

    # Control tier (Core, Defense in Depth, Advanced.)

    # Title of the control.

    # User impact of implementing control (low, moderate, high).

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_Create1';
            CreateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_CreateExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to secureScores for security
Create new navigation property to secureScores for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecuritySecureScore {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # secureScore
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Active user count of the given tenant.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Average score by different scopes (for example, average by industry, average by seating) and control category (Identity, Data, Device, Apps, Infrastructure) within the scope.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for AVERAGECOMPARATIVESCORES properties and create a hash table.

    # GUID string for tenant ID.

    # Contains tenant scores for a set of controls.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTROLSCORES properties and create a hash table.

    # The date when the entity is created.

    # Tenant current attained score on specified date.

    # Microsoft-provided services for the tenant (for example, Exchange online, Skype, Sharepoint).

    # Read-only.

    # Licensed user count of the given tenant.

    # Tenant maximum possible score on specified date.

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecuritySecureScore_Create1';
            CreateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecuritySecureScore_CreateExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to tiIndicators for security
Create new navigation property to tiIndicators for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityTiIndicator {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # tiIndicator
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # tiAction

    # The cyber threat intelligence name(s) for the parties responsible for the malicious activity covered by the threat indicator.

    # A catchall area into which extra data from the indicator not covered by the other tiIndicator properties may be placed.
    # Data placed into additionalInformation will typically not be utilized by the targetProduct security tool.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Stamped by the system when the indicator is ingested.
    # The Azure Active Directory tenant id of submitting client.
    # Required.

    # An integer representing the confidence the data within the indicator accurately identifies malicious behavior.
    # Acceptable values are 0 – 100 with 100 being the highest.

    # Brief description (100 characters or less) of the threat represented by the indicator.
    # Required.

    # diamondModel

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # DateTime string indicating when the Indicator expires.
    # All indicators must have an expiration date to avoid stale indicators persisting in the system.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    # Required.

    # An identification number that ties the indicator back to the indicator provider’s system (e.g.
    # a foreign key).

    # .

    # .

    # fileHashType

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # Stamped by the system when the indicator is ingested.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z

    # Used to deactivate indicators within system.
    # By default, any indicator submitted is set as active.
    # However, providers may submit existing indicators with this set to ‘False’ to deactivate indicators in the system.

    # A JSON array of strings that describes which point or points on the Kill Chain this indicator targets.
    # See ‘killChain values’ below for exact values.

    # Scenarios in which the indicator may cause false positives.
    # This should be human-readable text.

    # The last time the indicator was seen.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z

    # The malware family name associated with an indicator if it exists.
    # Microsoft prefers the Microsoft malware family name if at all possible which can be found via the Windows Defender Security Intelligence threat encyclopedia.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Determines if the indicator should trigger an event that is visible to an end-user.
    # When set to ‘true,’ security tools will not notify the end user that a ‘hit’ has occurred.
    # This is most often treated as audit or silent mode by security products where they will simply log that a match occurred but will not perform the action.
    # Default value is false.

    # An integer representing the severity of the malicious behavior identified by the data within the indicator.
    # Acceptable values are 0 – 5 where 5 is the most severe and zero is not severe at all.
    # Default value is 3.

    # A JSON array of strings that stores arbitrary tags/keywords.

    # A string value representing a single security product to which the indicator should be applied.
    # Acceptable values are: Azure Sentinel, Microsoft Defender ATP.
    # Required

    # Each indicator must have a valid Indicator Threat Type.
    # Possible values are: Botnet, C2, CryptoMining, Darknet, DDoS, MaliciousUrl, Malware, Phishing, Proxy, PUA, WatchList.
    # Required.

    # tlpLevel

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityTiIndicator_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityTiIndicator_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Create new navigation property to userSecurityProfiles for security
Create new navigation property to userSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function New-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CreateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # userSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for ACCOUNTS properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Create = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_Create';
            CreateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\New-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_CreateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property securityActions for security
Delete navigation property securityActions for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityAction {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of securityAction

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAction_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAction_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityAlert {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of alert

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAlert_Delete1';
            DeleteViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAlert_DeleteViaIdentity1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

A collection of simulation automation runs.
A collection of simulation automation runs.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomationRun

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Provides tenants capability to launch a simulated and realistic phishing attack and learn from it.
Provides tenants capability to launch a simulated and realistic phishing attack and learn from it.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_Delete';
            Delete1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_Delete1';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityAttackSimulation_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property cloudAppSecurityProfiles for security
Delete navigation property cloudAppSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of cloudAppSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property domainSecurityProfiles for security
Delete navigation property domainSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of domainSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property fileSecurityProfiles for security
Delete navigation property fileSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of fileSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property hostSecurityProfiles for security
Delete navigation property hostSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of hostSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property labelPolicySettings for security
Delete navigation property labelPolicySettings for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting_Delete';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property parent for security
Delete navigation property parent for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of sensitivityLabel

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property sensitivityLabels for security
Delete navigation property sensitivityLabels for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of sensitivityLabel

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property informationProtection for security
Delete navigation property informationProtection for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtection {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityInformationProtection_Delete';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property ipSecurityProfiles for security
Delete navigation property ipSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of ipSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property providerTenantSettings for security
Delete navigation property providerTenantSettings for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of providerTenantSetting

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property secureScoreControlProfiles for security
Delete navigation property secureScoreControlProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of secureScoreControlProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_Delete1';
            DeleteViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_DeleteViaIdentity1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property secureScores for security
Delete navigation property secureScores for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecuritySecureScore {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of secureScore

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecuritySecureScore_Delete1';
            DeleteViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecuritySecureScore_DeleteViaIdentity1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action deleteTiIndicatorsByExternalId
Invoke action deleteTiIndicatorsByExternalId
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicatorByExternalId {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='DeleteExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete2', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete2 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicatorByExternalId_Delete2';
            DeleteExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicatorByExternalId_DeleteExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action deleteTiIndicators
Invoke action deleteTiIndicators
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicatorMultiple {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='DeleteExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicatorMultiple_Delete1';
            DeleteExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicatorMultiple_DeleteExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property tiIndicators for security
Delete navigation property tiIndicators for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicator {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of tiIndicator

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicator_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityTiIndicator_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Delete navigation property userSecurityProfiles for security
Delete navigation property userSecurityProfiles for security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Remove-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Delete', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Delete', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of userSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DeleteViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # ETag

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Delete = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_Delete';
            DeleteViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Remove-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_DeleteViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action cancelSecurityAction
Invoke action cancelSecurityAction
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Stop-MgSecurityAction {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Cancel', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Cancel', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of securityAction

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='CancelViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Cancel = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Stop-MgSecurityAction_Cancel';
            CancelViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Stop-MgSecurityAction_CancelViaIdentity';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action submitTiIndicators
Invoke action submitTiIndicators
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Submit-MgSecurityTiIndicator {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='SubmitExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Submit', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VALUE properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Submit = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Submit-MgSecurityTiIndicator_Submit';
            SubmitExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Submit-MgSecurityTiIndicator_SubmitExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action evaluateApplication
Invoke action evaluateApplication
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelApplication {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='EvaluateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Evaluate', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # contentInfo
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTENTINFO properties and create a hash table.

    # labelingOptions
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LABELINGOPTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Evaluate = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelApplication_Evaluate';
            EvaluateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelApplication_EvaluateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action evaluateClassificationResults
Invoke action evaluateClassificationResults
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelClassificationResult {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='EvaluateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Evaluate', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CLASSIFICATIONRESULTS properties and create a hash table.

    # contentInfo
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTENTINFO properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Evaluate = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelClassificationResult_Evaluate';
            EvaluateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelClassificationResult_EvaluateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action evaluateRemoval
Invoke action evaluateRemoval
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelRemoval {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='EvaluateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Evaluate', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # contentInfo
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTENTINFO properties and create a hash table.

    # downgradeJustification
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for DOWNGRADEJUSTIFICATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Evaluate = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelRemoval_Evaluate';
            EvaluateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Test-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelRemoval_EvaluateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property securityActions in security
Update the navigation property securityActions in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityAction {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of securityAction

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # securityAction
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Reason for invoking this action.

    # Additional Parameters

    # The Application ID of the calling application that submitted (POST) the action.
    # The appId should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.

    # Azure tenant ID of the entity to determine which tenant the entity belongs to (multi-tenancy support).
    # The azureTenantId should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.

    # .

    # Timestamp when the action was completed.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # Timestamp when the action is created.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # resultInfo
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for ERRORINFO properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # Timestamp when this action was last updated.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # Action name.

    # Collection of parameters (key-value pairs) necessary to invoke the action, for example, URL or fileHash to block.).
    # Required.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PARAMETERS properties and create a hash table.

    # Collection of securityActionState to keep the history of an action.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for STATES properties and create a hash table.

    # operationStatus

    # The user principal name of the signed-in user that submitted (POST) the action.
    # The user should be extracted from the auth token and not entered manually by the calling application.

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAction_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAction_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAction_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAction_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action updateAlerts
Invoke action updateAlerts
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityAlertMultiple {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded2', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update2', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VALUE properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update2 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAlertMultiple_Update2';
            UpdateExpanded2 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAlertMultiple_UpdateExpanded2';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityAlert {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of alert

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # alert
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Name or alias of the activity group (attacker) this alert is attributed to.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for ALERTDETECTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # Name of the analyst the alert is assigned to for triage, investigation, or remediation (supports update).

    # Azure subscription ID, present if this alert is related to an Azure resource.

    # Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
    # Required.

    # Category of the alert (for example, credentialTheft, ransomware, etc.).

    # Time at which the alert was closed.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z (supports update).

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the cloud application/s related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CLOUDAPPSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Customer-provided comments on alert (for customer alert management) (supports update).

    # Confidence of the detection logic (percentage between 1-100).

    # Time at which the alert was created by the alert provider.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    # Required.

    # Alert description.

    # Set of alerts related to this alert entity (each alert is pushed to the SIEM as a separate record).

    # Time at which the event(s) that served as the trigger(s) to generate the alert occurred.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    # Required.

    # alertFeedback

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the file(s) related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for FILESTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # A collection of alertHistoryStates comprising an audit log of all updates made to an alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for HISTORYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the host(s) related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for HOSTSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # IDs of incidents related to current alert.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INVESTIGATIONSECURITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Time at which the alert entity was last modified.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    # Threat Intelligence pertaining to malware related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for MALWARESTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for MESSAGESECURITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the network connection(s) related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for NETWORKCONNECTIONS properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the process or processes related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PROCESSES properties and create a hash table.

    # Vendor/provider recommended action(s) to take as a result of the alert (for example, isolate machine, enforce2FA, reimage host).

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the registry keys related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for REGISTRYKEYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Resources related to current alert.
    # For example, for some alerts this can have the Azure Resource value.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for SECURITYRESOURCES properties and create a hash table.

    # alertSeverity

    # Hyperlinks (URIs) to the source material related to the alert, for example, provider's user interface for alerts or log search, etc.

    # alertStatus

    # User-definable labels that can be applied to an alert and can serve as filter conditions (for example 'HVA', 'SAW', etc.) (supports update).

    # Alert title.
    # Required.

    # Security-related information about the specific properties that triggered the alert (properties appearing in the alert).
    # Alerts might contain information about multiple users, hosts, files, ip addresses.
    # This field indicates which properties triggered the alert generation.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for TRIGGERS properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for URICLICKSECURITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Security-related stateful information generated by the provider about the user accounts related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for USERSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Threat intelligence pertaining to one or more vulnerabilities related to this alert.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VULNERABILITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAlert_Update1';
            UpdateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAlert_UpdateExpanded1';
            UpdateViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAlert_UpdateViaIdentity1';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAlert_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

A collection of simulation automation runs.
A collection of simulation automation runs.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomationRun

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # simulationAutomationRun
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Date and time when the run ends in an attack simulation automation.

    # Read-only.

    # Unique identifier for the attack simulation campaign initiated in the attack simulation automation run.

    # Date and time when the run starts in an attack simulation automation.

    # simulationAutomationRunStatus

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomationRun_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Represents simulation automations created to run on a tenant.
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of simulationAutomation

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # simulationAutomation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # emailIdentity
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CREATEDBY properties and create a hash table.

    # Date and time when the attack simulation automation was created.

    # Description of the attack simulation automation.

    # Display name of the attack simulation automation.
    # Supports $filter and $orderby.

    # Read-only.

    # emailIdentity
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LASTMODIFIEDBY properties and create a hash table.

    # Date and time when the attack simulation automation was most recently modified.

    # Date and time of the latest run of the attack simulation automation.

    # Date and time of the upcoming run of the attack simulation automation.

    # A collection of simulation automation runs.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for RUNS properties and create a hash table.

    # simulationAutomationStatus

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityAttackSimulationAutomation_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property cloudAppSecurityProfiles in security
Update the navigation property cloudAppSecurityProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of cloudAppSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # cloudAppSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # applicationPermissionsRequired

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityCloudAppSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property domainSecurityProfiles in security
Update the navigation property domainSecurityProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of domainSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # domainSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for DOMAINCATEGORIES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # domainRegistrant
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for REGISTRANT properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityDomainSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property fileSecurityProfiles in security
Update the navigation property fileSecurityProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of fileSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # fileSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for HASHES properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for MALWARESTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VULNERABILITYSTATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityFileSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property hostSecurityProfiles in security
Update the navigation property hostSecurityProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of hostSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # hostSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LOGONUSERS properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for NETWORKINTERFACES properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityHostSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property labelPolicySettings in security
Update the navigation property labelPolicySettings in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # informationProtectionPolicySetting
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionLabelPolicySetting_UpdateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property parent in security
Update the navigation property parent in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of sensitivityLabel

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # sensitivityLabel
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # sensitivityLabel
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PARENT properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabelParent_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property sensitivityLabels in security
Update the navigation property sensitivityLabels in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of sensitivityLabel

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # sensitivityLabel
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # sensitivityLabel
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for PARENT properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtectionSensitivityLabel_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property informationProtection in security
Update the navigation property informationProtection in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityInformationProtection {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # informationProtection
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Read-only.

    # informationProtectionPolicySetting
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for LABELPOLICYSETTINGS properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for SENSITIVITYLABELS properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtection_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityInformationProtection_UpdateExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property ipSecurityProfiles in security
Update the navigation property ipSecurityProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of ipSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # ipSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for IPCATEGORIES properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for IPREFERENCEDATA properties and create a hash table.

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityIPSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property providerTenantSettings in security
Update the navigation property providerTenantSettings in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of providerTenantSetting

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # providerTenantSetting
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityProviderTenantSetting_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property secureScoreControlProfiles in security
Update the navigation property secureScoreControlProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of secureScoreControlProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # secureScoreControlProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Control action type (Config, Review, Behavior).

    # URL to where the control can be actioned.

    # Additional Parameters

    # GUID string for tenant ID.

    # The collection of compliance information associated with secure score control
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for COMPLIANCEINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Control action category (Identity, Data, Device, Apps, Infrastructure).

    # Flag to indicate where the tenant has marked a control (ignore, thirdParty, reviewed) (supports update).
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTROLSTATEUPDATES properties and create a hash table.

    # Flag to indicate if a control is depreciated.

    # Read-only.

    # Resource cost of implemmentating control (low, moderate, high).

    # Time at which the control profile entity was last modified.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time

    # max attainable score for the control.

    # Microsoft's stack ranking of control.

    # Description of what the control will help remediate.

    # Description of the impact on users of the remediation.

    # Service that owns the control (Exchange, Sharepoint, Azure AD).

    # List of threats the control mitigates (accountBreach,dataDeletion,dataExfiltration,dataSpillage,

    # Control tier (Core, Defense in Depth, Advanced.)

    # Title of the control.

    # User impact of implementing control (low, moderate, high).

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_Update1';
            UpdateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_UpdateExpanded1';
            UpdateViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_UpdateViaIdentity1';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property secureScores in security
Update the navigation property secureScores in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecuritySecureScore {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of secureScore

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # secureScore
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Active user count of the given tenant.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Average score by different scopes (for example, average by industry, average by seating) and control category (Identity, Data, Device, Apps, Infrastructure) within the scope.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for AVERAGECOMPARATIVESCORES properties and create a hash table.

    # GUID string for tenant ID.

    # Contains tenant scores for a set of controls.
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for CONTROLSCORES properties and create a hash table.

    # The date when the entity is created.

    # Tenant current attained score on specified date.

    # Microsoft-provided services for the tenant (for example, Exchange online, Skype, Sharepoint).

    # Read-only.

    # Licensed user count of the given tenant.

    # Tenant maximum possible score on specified date.

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScore_Update1';
            UpdateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScore_UpdateExpanded1';
            UpdateViaIdentity1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScore_UpdateViaIdentity1';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecuritySecureScore_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Invoke action updateTiIndicators
Invoke action updateTiIndicators
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityTiIndicatorMultiple {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded1', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update1', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VALUE properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityTiIndicatorMultiple_Update1';
            UpdateExpanded1 = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityTiIndicatorMultiple_UpdateExpanded1';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property tiIndicators in security
Update the navigation property tiIndicators in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityTiIndicator {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of tiIndicator

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # tiIndicator
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # tiAction

    # The cyber threat intelligence name(s) for the parties responsible for the malicious activity covered by the threat indicator.

    # A catchall area into which extra data from the indicator not covered by the other tiIndicator properties may be placed.
    # Data placed into additionalInformation will typically not be utilized by the targetProduct security tool.

    # Additional Parameters

    # Stamped by the system when the indicator is ingested.
    # The Azure Active Directory tenant id of submitting client.
    # Required.

    # An integer representing the confidence the data within the indicator accurately identifies malicious behavior.
    # Acceptable values are 0 – 100 with 100 being the highest.

    # Brief description (100 characters or less) of the threat represented by the indicator.
    # Required.

    # diamondModel

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # DateTime string indicating when the Indicator expires.
    # All indicators must have an expiration date to avoid stale indicators persisting in the system.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    # Required.

    # An identification number that ties the indicator back to the indicator provider’s system (e.g.
    # a foreign key).

    # .

    # .

    # fileHashType

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # Stamped by the system when the indicator is ingested.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z

    # Used to deactivate indicators within system.
    # By default, any indicator submitted is set as active.
    # However, providers may submit existing indicators with this set to ‘False’ to deactivate indicators in the system.

    # A JSON array of strings that describes which point or points on the Kill Chain this indicator targets.
    # See ‘killChain values’ below for exact values.

    # Scenarios in which the indicator may cause false positives.
    # This should be human-readable text.

    # The last time the indicator was seen.
    # The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.
    # For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z

    # The malware family name associated with an indicator if it exists.
    # Microsoft prefers the Microsoft malware family name if at all possible which can be found via the Windows Defender Security Intelligence threat encyclopedia.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Determines if the indicator should trigger an event that is visible to an end-user.
    # When set to ‘true,’ security tools will not notify the end user that a ‘hit’ has occurred.
    # This is most often treated as audit or silent mode by security products where they will simply log that a match occurred but will not perform the action.
    # Default value is false.

    # An integer representing the severity of the malicious behavior identified by the data within the indicator.
    # Acceptable values are 0 – 5 where 5 is the most severe and zero is not severe at all.
    # Default value is 3.

    # A JSON array of strings that stores arbitrary tags/keywords.

    # A string value representing a single security product to which the indicator should be applied.
    # Acceptable values are: Azure Sentinel, Microsoft Defender ATP.
    # Required

    # Each indicator must have a valid Indicator Threat Type.
    # Possible values are: Botnet, C2, CryptoMining, Darknet, DDoS, MaliciousUrl, Malware, Phishing, Proxy, PUA, WatchList.
    # Required.

    # tlpLevel

    # .

    # .

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityTiIndicator_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityTiIndicator_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityTiIndicator_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityTiIndicator_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

Update the navigation property userSecurityProfiles in security
Update the navigation property userSecurityProfiles in security
Please use Get-Help -Online.

function Update-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateExpanded', Mandatory)]
    # key: id of userSecurityProfile

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentityExpanded', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Identity Parameter
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Update', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UpdateViaIdentity', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # userSecurityProfile
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for BODYPARAMETER properties and create a hash table.

    # .
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for ACCOUNTS properties and create a hash table.

    # Additional Parameters

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # Read-only.

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # .

    # securityVendorInformation
    # To construct, please use Get-Help -Online and see NOTES section for VENDORINFORMATION properties and create a hash table.

    # Wait for .NET debugger to attach

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline

    # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline

    # Returns true when the command succeeds

    # The URI for the proxy server to use

    # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call

    # Use the default credentials for the proxy

begin {
    try {
        $outBuffer = $null
        if ($PSBoundParameters.TryGetValue('OutBuffer', [ref]$outBuffer)) {
            $PSBoundParameters['OutBuffer'] = 1
        $parameterSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $mapping = @{
            Update = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_Update';
            UpdateExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_UpdateExpanded';
            UpdateViaIdentity = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentity';
            UpdateViaIdentityExpanded = 'Microsoft.Graph.Security.private\Update-MgSecurityUserSecurityProfile_UpdateViaIdentityExpanded';
        $wrappedCmd = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($mapping[$parameterSet]), [System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Cmdlet)
        $scriptCmd = {& $wrappedCmd @PSBoundParameters}
        $steppablePipeline = $scriptCmd.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
    } catch {

process {
    try {
    } catch {

end {
    try {
    } catch {

# SIG # Begin signature block
# b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xKDAmBgNVBAMTH01pY3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25p
# AQDLhxHwq3OhH+4J+SX4qS/VQG8HybccH7tnG+BUqrXubfGuDFYPZ29uCuHfQlO1
# lygLgMpJ4Geh6/6poQ5VkDKfVssn6aA1PCzIh8iOPMQ9Mju3sLF9Sn+Pzuaie4BN
# rp0MuZLDEXgVYx2WNjmzqcxC7dY9SC3znOh5qUy2vnmWygC7b9kj0d3JrGtjc5q5
# +7tVdzlE2fwnKOv9LShgKeyEevgMl0B1Fq7E2YeBZKF6KlhmYi9CE1350cnTUoU4
# d3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpb3BzL2NybC9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0EyMDExXzIw
# L3d3dy5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3BraW9wcy9jZXJ0cy9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0EyMDEx
# AKVY+yKcJVVxf9W2vNkL5ufjOpqcvVOOOdVyjy1dmsO4O8khWhqrecdVZp09adOZ
# 8kcMtQ0U+oKx484Jg11cc4Ck0FyOBnp+YIFbOxYCqzaqMcaRAgy48n1tbz/EFYiF
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# bUk83U99TPJyo12cU0Mb3n1HJv/JZpwSyqb3O0o4HExVJSkwN1m42fSVIVtXVVSa
# YZiVpv32GoD/dyAS/gyplfR6FI3RnCOomzlycSqoz0zBCPFiCMhVhQ6qn+J0GhgR
# BJvGKizw+5lTfnBFoqKZJDROz+uGDl9tw6JvnVqAZKGrWv/CsYaegaPePFrAVSxA
# yUwOFTkAqtNC8uAee+rv2V5xLw8FfpKJ5yKiMKnCKrIaFQDr5AZ7f2ejGGDf+8Tz
# OiK1AgBvOW3iTEEa/at8Z4+s1CmnEAkAi0cLjB72CJedU1LAswdOCWM2MDIZVo9j
# 0T74OkJLTjPd3WNEyw0rBXTyhlbYQsYt7ElT2l2TTlF5EmpVixGtj4ChNjWoKr9y
# TAqtadd2Ym5FNB792GzwNwa631BPCgBJmcRpFKXt0VEQq7UXVNYBiBRd+x4yvjqq
# 5aF7XC5nXCgjbCk7IXwmOphNuNDNiRq83Ejjnc7mxrJGMIIHejCCBWKgAwIBAgIK
# BAgTCldhc2hpbmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jv
# c29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEyMDAGA1UEAxMpTWljcm9zb2Z0IFJvb3QgQ2VydGlm
# BxMHUmVkbW9uZDEeMBwGA1UEChMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMSgwJgYD
# 9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAq/D6chAcLq3YbqqCEE00uvK2WCGfQhsqa+la
# UKq4BjgaBEm6f8MMHt03a8YS2AvwOMKZBrDIOdUBFDFC04kNeWSHfpRgJGyvnkmc
# 6Whe0t+bU7IKLMOv2akrrnoJr9eWWcpgGgXpZnboMlImEi/nqwhQz7NEt13YxC4D
# dato88tt8zpcoRb0RrrgOGSsbmQ1eKagYw8t00CT+OPeBw3VXHmlSSnnDb6gE3e+
# lD3v++MrWhAfTVYoonpy4BI6t0le2O3tQ5GD2Xuye4Yb2T6xjF3oiU+EGvKhL1nk
# kDstrjNYxbc+/jLTswM9sbKvkjh+0p2ALPVOVpEhNSXDOW5kf1O6nA+tGSOEy/S6
# A4aN91/w0FK/jJSHvMAhdCVfGCi2zCcoOCWYOUo2z3yxkq4cI6epZuxhH2rhKEmd
# X4jiJV3TIUs+UsS1Vz8kA/DRelsv1SPjcF0PUUZ3s/gA4bysAoJf28AVs70b1FVL
# 5zmhD+kjSbwYuER8ReTBw3J64HLnJN+/RpnF78IcV9uDjexNSTCnq47f7Fufr/zd
# sGbiwZeBe+3W7UvnSSmnEyimp31ngOaKYnhfsi+E11ecXL93KCjx7W3DKI8sj0A3
# T8HhhUSJxAlMxdSlQy90lfdu+HggWCwTXWCVmj5PM4TasIgX3p5O9JawvEagbJjS
# uRQFTuHqp8cx0SOJNDBaBgNVHR8EUzBRME+gTaBLhklodHRwOi8vY3JsLm1pY3Jv
# c29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NybC9wcm9kdWN0cy9NaWNSb29DZXJBdXQyMDExXzIwMTFf
# dy5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3BraS9jZXJ0cy9NaWNSb29DZXJBdXQyMDExXzIwMTFf
# BQcCARYzaHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWNyb3NvZnQuY29tL3BraW9wcy9kb2NzL3ByaW1h
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# pdS1HXeUOeLpZMlEPXh6I/MTfaaQdION9MsmAkYqwooQu6SpBQyb7Wj6aC6VoCo/
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# hsMdYzaXht/a8/jyFqGaJ+HNpZfQ7l1jQeNbB5yHPgZ3BtEGsXUfFL5hYbXw3MYb
# BL7fQccOKO7eZS/sl/ahXJbYANahRr1Z85elCUtIEJmAH9AAKcWxm6U/RXceNcbS
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# EoOVjDzoTZ3ss6DnwqBZJKvk2lrbdSgUjGw6SYrlQDTzNXShDlYB8ZUreRsrUUsa
# w5u3Oecwn+Hc6QXGGnGpwOU94nlqQTJu+YrdAZdANbD9WDvRsqGCFwAwghb8Bgor
# ExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xJTAjBgNVBAsTHE1pY3Jvc29mdCBBbWVy
# dlxzQnzzE13KdOmHsALUtW2xsyu4QwtSUTHrYXJoijP3m3QnBur+pOJUMi5Umh5h
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# WN6R6CV/TYf+a+LXODb6rfbb1XGHiMaXIWfNQCt/lM6QPoXEeh0uu1wPPnEFAdXx
# skaFYdbArtPqH3VQ3Fjhv7XEirSXIfnkQFQ3uyEZvOHz7D0xc9nSCUSQPz1GmUft
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# HR8EWDBWMFSgUqBQhk5odHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpb3BzL2Ny
# b20vcGtpb3BzL2NlcnRzL01pY3Jvc29mdCUyMFRpbWUtU3RhbXAlMjBQQ0ElMjAy
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# zo7dfnhWGIKvmzi0LP0nYGOA21FX67S3RINk20vrImcOHaszPrS3cnuVxsiZSgV+
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# ISPZBNbQMwD1cdQRWXoe3wA+BgGV2bRar7hkVur9WO8dAolz7VL6kbd1QjUVQ88N
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# liCkWwYjKWK9LV7oAxz97Xi5ocNge9u5wybVa836yOBnAHEXP3VkQRE8zaHyCJi0
# n63lItlX5aoSy4/9+cXhEsfr5L4r93UJsKQJlVY2CVAqSfZCPhF3XNagi2RcO3ai
# vqR3lc6+iIyHepRhxg8YVvYSOIY5jF5aRlS7m+ZFmN5YxhfSDyLH++YaT/2LMukq
# wdLJhH8sNbW/Bt/2s0j0LhbQk/jgS+aMhA==
# SIG # End signature block