
# a couple of module wide resources
$TextInfo = [CultureInfo]::new("en-us",$false).TextInfo
$Executable = "kubectl"

class Readiness {
    [string]ToString() {
        return ("{0}/{1}" -f $this.ready, $this.count)
    Readiness([string]$r) {
        $this.,$this.count = $r.Split("/")
    Readiness([int]$c, [int]$r) {
        $this.count = $c
        $this.Ready = $r

class Deployment

    hidden [pscustomobject]$OriginalObject
    Deployment ( [pscustomobject]$o ) {
        $this.OriginalObject = $o
        $this.Namespace =  $o.metadata.namespace
        $this.Name = $
        $this.Readiness = [Readiness]::new($o.status.replicas,$o.status.readyreplicas)
        $this.Updated = $o.status.updatedReplicas
        $this.Available = $o.status.availableReplicas
        $this.StartDate = $o.metadata.creationTimestamp

function Get-ClassDefinition ( [psobject]$configuration, [ref]$className )
    $outputType = $configuration.TypeName
    $className.Value = $outputType
    $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    $null = $sb.AppendLine('class ' + $outputType + " {")
    $null = $sb.AppendLine('# fields')
    $null = $configuration.Fields.Foreach({$sb.AppendLine(' [object]$' + $textinfo.ToTitleCase($_.PropertyName.ToLower().Replace(" ","").Replace("-","")))})
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(' hidden [psobject]$originalObject')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine('# originalObject member')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine("")
    $null = $sb.AppendLine('# constructor')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(" $outputType ([pscustomobject]`$o) {")
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(' if ( $env:DebugAutoConstructor -eq $true ) {')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(' wait-debugger')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(' }')
    $null = $configuration.Fields.Foreach({$sb.AppendLine(' $this.' +  $textinfo.ToTitleCase($_.PropertyName.ToLower().Replace(" ","").Replace("-","")) + ' = ' + $_.PropertyReference)})
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(' $this.originalObject = $o')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine(' }')
    $null = $sb.AppendLine('}')
    return $sb.ToString()

function Get-ResourceTypes ( [string]$resourceJson = "${psscriptroot}/ResourceConfiguration.json")
    $script:classStrings = @()
    $resources = Get-Content $resourceJson | ConvertFrom-Json
    foreach ($resourceType in $resources) {
        [ref]$className = ""
        $classdef = Get-ClassDefinition -configuration $resourceType -className $className
        # create the classes only if they're not already available
        if ( ! ("$className" -as [type]) ) {
            $script:classStrings += $classdef
    # this instantiates all the types that will be needed
    return ($script:classStrings -join "`n`n")

function Initialize-Formatters ( [string]$resourceJson = "${psscriptroot}/ResourceConfiguration.json")
    $resources = Get-Content $resourceJson | ConvertFrom-Json
    $generatedFormatFile = "${PSScriptRoot}/Generated.Format.ps1xml"
        ' <ViewDefinitions>'
        foreach ( $resource in $resources ) {
            ' <View>'
            ' <Name>{0}Table</Name>' -f $resource.TypeName
            ' <ViewSelectedBy>'
            ' <TypeName>{0}</TypeName>' -f $resource.TypeName
            ' </ViewSelectedBy>'
            ' <TableControl>'
            ' <TableHeaders>'
            $resource.Fields.Foreach({' <TableColumnHeader><Label>{0}</Label></TableColumnHeader>' -f $textInfo.ToTitleCase($_.PropertyName.ToLower().Replace(" ","").Replace("-",""))})
            ' </TableHeaders>'
            ' <TableRowEntries>'
            ' <TableRowEntry>'
            ' <TableColumnItems>'
            $resource.Fields.Foreach({' <TableColumnItem><PropertyName>{0}</PropertyName></TableColumnItem>' -f $textInfo.ToTitleCase($_.PropertyName.ToLower().Replace(" ","").Replace("-",""))})
            ' </TableColumnItems>'
            ' </TableRowEntry>'
            ' </TableRowEntries>'
            ' </TableControl>'
            ' </View>'
        ' </ViewDefinitions>'
    } > $generatedFormatFile

function Get-KubeDeployment
    param ( $name = "*" )
    $items = Invoke-KubeCtl -verb get -resource deployment
    $items.ForEach({[deployment]::new($_)}).Where({$ -like "$name"})

$proxyFunctions = @{
    "get:deployments" = {
        param ($name = "*")
        $items = Invoke-KubeCtl -verb get -resource deployment
        $items.ForEach({[deployment]::new($_)}).Where({$ -like "$name"})
    "get:pods" = {
        param ( $name = "*" )
        $items = Invoke-KubeCtl -verb get -resource pod
        $items.foreach({[Pod]::new($_)}).Where({$_.Name -like $name})
    "get:endpoints" = {
        param ($name = "*")
        $items = Invoke-KubeCtl -verb get -resource endpoints
        $items.ForEach({[endpoints]::new($_)}).Where({$ -like "$name"})
    "get:events" = {
        param ($name = "*")
        $items = Invoke-KubeCtl -verb get -resource events
        $items.ForEach({[events]::new($_)}).Where({$ -like "$name"})

# kube-system helm-install-traefik-z4j9n 0/1 Completed 1 2d18h jwtraspbian04 <none> <none>

class Pod {
    hidden [pscustomobject]$OriginalObject
    Pod ([pscustomobject]$o ) {
        $this.OriginalObject = $o
        $this.Namespace = $o.metadata.namespace
        $ = $
        $this.StartDate = $o.metadata.creationTimestamp
        $this.NodeName = $o.spec.nodeName
        $this.Ip = $o.status.podip
        $this.Restarts = ($o.status.containerStatuses.restartcount|measure-object -sum ).sum
        [int]$totalCount = $o.Status.containerStatuses.Count
        [int]$readyCount = $o.status.ContainerStatuses.State.running.Count
        $this.Ready = [Readiness]::new($totalCount, $readyCount)
        $this.Status = $o.status.phase


function Get-KubePod2
    param ( $name = ".*" )
    $items = (& ${executable} get pods --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json).Items
    $items.foreach({[Pod]::new($_)}).Where({$_.Name -match $name})

class KubeResource {
    KubeResource([int[]]$offsets, $string)
        $ = $string.substring($offsets[0],($offsets[1]-1)).Trim()
        $this.Shortnames = $string.substring($offsets[1],($offsets[2]-$offsets[1])).Replace(" ","").Split(",")
        $this.ApiGroup = $string.substring($offsets[2],($offsets[3]-$offsets[2])).Trim()
        $this.Namespaced = [bool]::Parse($string.substring($offsets[3],($offsets[4]-$offsets[3])).Trim())
        $this.Kind = $string.substring($offsets[4],($offsets[5]-$offsets[4])).Trim()
        $this.Verbs = $string.substring($offsets[5]).Replace("[","").Replace("]","").Split(" ")
        return $this.Name

if ( $global:DEFAULTSESSION ) {
else {

if ( $global:DefaultRequireSudo ) {
    $DefaultRequireSudo = $global:DefaultRequireSudo
else {
    $DefaultRequireSudo = $false

Set the session for executing kubectl
Do not use, untested

function Set-DefaultPSSession
    param ( [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]$Session )
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("session")) {
        $script:DEFAULTSESSION = $Session

Get the session for executing kubectl
Do not use, untested

function Get-DefaultPSSession
    param ()
    return $script:DEFAULTSESSION

Get whether invoking kubectl requries sudo
Do not use, it is not cross platform yet

function Get-KubeRequireSudo
    param ()
    return $script:DefaultRequireSudo

Set whether invoking kubectl requries sudo
Do not use, it is not cross platform yet

function Set-KubeRequireSudo
    param ( [bool]$RequireSudo )
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("require sudo")) {
        $script:DefaultRequireSudo = $RequireSudo

Retrieve the available api-resources
This converts the table output of kubectl api-resources to
a set of objects which will then be used to create the proxy functions

function Get-KubeResource
    param ( [string]$name = ".*", [switch]$Force )
    # kubectl api-resources -o wide
    # We do a little caching here, -force will ensure we go back and collect resources
    if ( ! $script:KUBERESOURCES -or $Force) {
        $res = Invoke-KubeCtl -verb "" -resource "api-resources"  -noJson -arguments @("-o","wide") -noAllNamespace
        $offsets = $FIELDS.ForEach({$res[0].IndexOf("$_")})
        $script:KUBERESOURCES = $res[1..($res.count-1)].Foreach({[KubeResource]::new($offsets,$_)}).Where({$ -match $name})
    return $script:KUBERESOURCES.Where({$ -match $name})

Create the proxy functions for the module
This discovers the available resources and creates a proxy function that you can call
It essentially converts 'kubectl get pod' to 'Get-KubePod'

function Initialize-ProxyFunction
    $r = Get-KubeResource
    export-modulemember -Function 'Invoke-KubeCtl', 'Get-KubeResource', 'Initialize-ProxyFunction', 'Get-DefaultPSSession', 'Set-DefaultPSSession', 'Get-KubeRequireSudo', 'Set-KubeRequireSudo'
    # for each resource that has a get verb, create a function
    # which can retrieve and display it.
    # in the case that there is a provided implementation, use it
    # otherwise create default which has a name parameter
    # This should probably include a namespace parameter where the resource supports namespaces
    $getters = $r.where({ $_.verbs -contains "get" })
        $resource = $_.Name
        $kind = $_.kind
        $proxyKey = "get:{0}" -f $resource
        $implementation = $proxyFunctions[$proxyKey]
        $functionName = "Get-Kube${kind}"
        if ( $implementation ) {
            [scriptblock]::Create("function global:${functionName} {
        elseif ($resource -as [type]) {
            [scriptBlock]::Create("function global:$functionName {
                    param ([string]`$Name = `"*`")
                    (Invoke-KubeCtl -Verb get -resource $resource).Foreach({[$resource]::new(`$_)}).Where({`$_.Name -like `"`$Name`"}) }"
        else {
            [scriptBlock]::Create("function global:$functionName {
                    param ()
                    Invoke-KubeCtl -Verb get -resource $resource }"
        Export-ModuleMember -Function $functionName


Invoke kubectl with arguments
Invoke kubectl with arguments

function Invoke-KubeCtl
    param (
        [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]$session = $script:DEFAULTSESSION,

    [string[]]$action = @()
    if ( $requireSudo -or $script:DefaultRequireSudo) {
        $action += "sudo ${executable}"
    else {
        $action += "${executable}"

    $action += $verb
    $action += $resource
    if ( ! $noAllNamespace ) {
        $action += "--all-namespaces"
    if ( ! $noJson ) {
        $action += "-o","json"
    $action += $arguments
    # always multiplex the error stream to be sure that we get them
    # we will de-multiplex them after the execution.
    $action += '2>&1'
    # create the script block to execute
    [scriptblock]$action = [scriptblock]::create($action)

    Write-Debug -Message ("SESSION IS NULL: {0}" -f $null -eq $script:DEFAULTSESSION)
    Write-Debug -Message $action.ToString()
    if ( $session ) {
        $allOutput = invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock $action
    else {
        $allOutput = & $action
    $execErrors = $allOutput | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]}
    $result     = $allOutput | Where-Object { $_ -isnot [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]}

    # should this throw?
    if ( $execErrors ) {
        $execErrors | Write-Error 

    if ( ! $noJson ) {
        $convertedResult = $result | ConvertFrom-Json
    else {
        return $result

# retrieve the resource types as PowerShell classes
# and add them and make them available to the module
$classStr = Get-ResourceTypes
$sb = [scriptblock]::create($classStr)
. $sb
# add the formatters and add them to the module
$generatedFormatFile = Initialize-Formatters
update-formatdata $generatedFormatFile
# generate the proxy functions