
function Get-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

























        [ValidateSet('allApps', 'allMicrosoftApps', 'allCoreMicrosoftApps', 'selectedPublicApps' )]











        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Absent', 'Present')]
        $Ensure = $true,





    Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for the Intune Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName}"
    $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'MicrosoftGraph' -ProfileName beta `
        -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters

    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace "MSFT_", ""
    $CommandName  = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

    $nullResult = $PSBoundParameters
    $nullResult.Ensure = 'Absent'

        $policyInfo = Get-MgDeviceAppManagementAndroidManagedAppProtection -Filter "displayName eq '$DisplayName'" -ExpandProperty Apps, assignments `
            -ErrorAction Stop

        if ($null -eq $policyInfo)
            Write-Verbose -Message "No Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName} was found"
            return $nullResult

        # handle multiple results - throw error - may be able to remediate to specify ID in configuration at later date
        if ($policyInfo.gettype().isarray)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Multiple Android Policies with name {$DisplayName} were found - Module will only function with unique names, please manually remediate"
            $nullResult.Ensure = 'ERROR'
            throw "Multiple Policies with same displayname identified - Module currently only functions with unique names"

        Write-Verbose -Message "Found Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName}"

        $appsArray = @()
        if ($null -ne $policyInfo.Apps)
            foreach ($app in $policyInfo.Apps)
                $appsArray += $app.MobileAppIdentifier.AdditionalProperties.packageId

        $assignmentsArray = @()
        $exclusionArray = @()
        if ($null -ne $policyInfo.Assignments)
            foreach ($assignment in $policyInfo.Assignments)
                switch ($assignment.Target.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type')
                        $assignmentsArray += $assignment.Target.AdditionalProperties.groupId

                        $exclusionArray += $assignment.Target.AdditionalProperties.groupId
        $Allparams = get-InputParameters
        $policy = @{}

        #loop regular parameters and add from $polycyinfo
        foreach ($param in ($Allparams.keys | Where-Object {$allparams.$_.Type -eq 'Parameter'}) )
            # we need to process this because reverseDSC doesn't handle certain object types
            switch ($Allparams.$param.ExportFileType)
                    $policy.add($param, $policyInfo.$param.tostring())

                    $tmparray = @()
                    $policyInfo.$param | foreach { $tmparray += $_.tostring() }
                    $policy.add($param, $tmparray)

                {$policy.add($param, $policyInfo.$param)}
        # loop credential parameters and add them from input params
        foreach ($param in ($Allparams.keys | Where-Object {$allparams.$_.Type -eq 'Credential'}) )
            $policy.add($param, (get-variable -name $param).value)
        # add complex parameters manually as they all have different requirements - potential to change in future
        $policy.add('Apps', $appsArray)
        $policy.add('Assignments', $assignmentsArray)
        $policy.add('ExcludedGroups', $exclusionArray)
        $policy.add('AppGroupType', $policyInfo.AppGroupType)
        # add Id for use in set function
        $policy.add('Id', $policyInfo.Id)

        return $policy
        write-Verbose -message "ERROR on get-targetresource for $displayName"
            Write-Verbose -Message $_
            $tenantIdValue = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1]
            Add-M365DSCEvent -Message $_ -EntryType 'Error' `
                -EventID 1 -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
                -TenantId $tenantIdValue
            Write-Verbose -Message $_
        return $nullResult

function Set-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

























        [ValidateSet('allApps', 'allMicrosoftApps', 'allCoreMicrosoftApps', 'selectedPublicApps' )]











        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Absent', 'Present')]
        $Ensure = $true,





    $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'MicrosoftGraph' `
        -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters

    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace "MSFT_", ""
    $CommandName  = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

    $currentPolicy = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    if ($currentPolicy.Ensure -eq "ERROR")

        Throw 'Error when searching for current policy details - Please check verbose output for further detail'

    if (($Ensure -eq 'Absent') -and ($currentPolicy.Ensure -eq 'Present'))
        Write-Verbose -Message "Removing Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName}"
        Remove-MgDeviceAppManagementAndroidManagedAppProtection -AndroidManagedAppProtectionId $currentPolicy.id
        # then exit
        return $true

    $setParams = @{}
    $assignmentsArray = @()
    $appsarray = @()

    $configstring = "`r`nConfiguration To Be Applied:`r`n"

    $Allparams = get-InputParameters

    # loop through regular parameters
    foreach ($param in ($Allparams.keys | Where-Object {$allparams.$_.Type -eq 'Parameter'}) )
            if($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains $param )
                switch ($Allparams.$param.ExportFileType)
                        $setParams.add($param, (set-TimeSpan -duration $PSBoundParameters.$param))
                        $configstring += ($param + ':' + ($setParams.$param.tostring()) + "`r`n")

                        $setParams.add($param, $psboundparameters.$param)
                        $configstring += ($param + ':' + $setParams.$param + "`r`n")
                #write-host 'value' $param 'not specified'

    # handle complex parameters - manually for now
    if($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains 'Assignments' )
        $PSBoundParameters.Assignments | foreach {
            if ($_ -ne $null) {$assignmentsArray+= set-JSONstring -id $_ -type 'Assignments'}
        $configstring += ( 'Assignments' + ":`r`n" +($PSBoundParameters.Assignments | out-string) + "`r`n" )
    if($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains 'ExcludedGroups' )
        $PSBoundParameters.ExcludedGroups | foreach {
            if ($_ -ne $null) {$assignmentsArray+= set-JSONstring -id $_ -type 'ExcludedGroups'}
        $configstring += ( 'ExcludedGroups' + ":`r`n" +($PSBoundParameters.ExcludedGroups | out-string) + "`r`n" )

    # set the apps values
    $AppsHash = set-AppsHash -AppGroupType $AppGroupType -apps $apps
    $appshash.Apps | foreach {
        if ($_ -ne $null) {$appsarray+= set-JSONstring -id $_ -type 'Apps'}
    $configstring += ('AppGroupType:' + $appshash.AppGroupType + "`r`n")
    $configstring += ('Apps' + ":`r`n" +($appshash.Apps | out-string) + "`r`n" )

    write-verbose -message $configstring

    if (($Ensure -eq 'Present') -and ($currentPolicy.Ensure -eq 'Absent'))
        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating new Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName}"
        $setParams.add('Assignments', $assignmentsArray)
        $newpolicy = New-MgDeviceAppMgtAndroidManagedAppProtection @setParams
        $setParams.add('AndroidManagedAppProtectionId', $newpolicy.Id)

    elseif (($Ensure -eq 'Present') -and ($currentPolicy.Ensure -eq 'Present'))
        Write-Verbose -Message "Updating existing Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName}"
        $setParams.add('AndroidManagedAppProtectionId', $currentPolicy.id)
        Update-MgDeviceAppMgtAndroidManagedAppProtection @setParams

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Setting Group Assignments...'
        set-MgDeviceAppMgtTargetedManagedAppConfiguration -TargetedManagedAppConfigurationId $setParams.AndroidManagedAppProtectionId -Assignments $assignmentsArray

    # now we need to set up the apps
    write-verbose -message ("Setting Application values of type: " + $AppsHash.AppGroupType)
    Invoke-MgTargetDeviceAppMgtTargetedManagedAppConfigurationApp -TargetedManagedAppConfigurationId $setParams.AndroidManagedAppProtectionId -Apps $appsarray -AppGroupType $AppsHash.AppGroupType

function Test-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

























        [ValidateSet('allApps', 'allMicrosoftApps', 'allCoreMicrosoftApps', 'selectedPublicApps' )]











        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Absent', 'Present')]
        $Ensure = $true,





    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace "MSFT_", ""
    $CommandName  = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data
    Write-Verbose -Message "Testing configuration of Android App Protection Policy {$DisplayName}"

    $CurrentValues = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    if ($CurrentValues.Ensure -eq "ERROR")

        Throw 'Error when searching for current policy details - Please check verbose output for further detail'


    if ($Ensure -eq 'Absent')
        if ($currentvalues.Ensure -eq 'Present')
            Write-Verbose -Message "Existing Policy {$DisplayName} will be removed"
            return $False
            Write-Verbose -Message "Policy {$DisplayName} already removed"
            return $True

    $targetvalues = @{}

    $Allparams = get-InputParameters

    ($Allparams.keys | Where-Object {$allparams.$_.Type -eq 'Credential'}) | foreach {
        $CurrentValues.Remove($_) | out-null

    # loop through regular parameters
    foreach ($param in ($Allparams.keys | Where-Object {$allparams.$_.Type -eq 'Parameter'}) )
            if($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains $param )
                switch ($Allparams.$param.ExportFileType)
                        $targetvalues.add($param, (set-TimeSpan -duration $PSBoundParameters.$param))

                        $targetvalues.add($param, $psboundparameters.$param)
                write-verbose -message ("Unspecified Parameter in Config: " + $param + " Current Value Will be retained: " + $CurrentValues.$param)

    # handle complex parameters - manually for now
    if($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains 'Assignments' )
        $targetvalues.add('Assignments', $psboundparameters.Assignments)
        write-host 'Unspecified Parameter in Config: Assignments - Current Value is:' $CurrentValues.Assignments `
                "`r`nNOTE: Assignments interacts with other values - not specifying may lead to unexpected output"

    if($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains 'ExcludedGroups' )
        $targetvalues.add('ExcludedGroups', $psboundparameters.ExcludedGroups)
        write-host 'Unspecified Parameter in Config: ExcludedGroups - Current Value is:' $CurrentValues.ExcludedGroups `
                "`r`nNOTE: ExcludedGroups interacts with other values - not specifying may lead to unexpected output"

    # set the apps values
    $AppsHash = set-AppsHash -AppGroupType $AppGroupType -apps $apps
    $targetvalues.add('Apps', $AppsHash.Apps)
    $targetvalues.add('AppGroupType', $AppsHash.AppGroupType)
    # wipe out the current apps value if AppGroupType is anything but selectedpublicapps to match the appshash values
    if ($CurrentValues.AppGroupType -ne 'selectedPublicApps') { $CurrentValues.Apps = @()}

    Write-Verbose -Message "Current Values: $((Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $CurrentValues) -replace ';', "`r`n")"
    Write-Verbose -Message "Target Values: $((Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $targetvalues) -replace ';', "`r`n")"

    $TestResult = Test-M365DSCParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues `
        -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
        -DesiredValues $targetvalues `
        -ValuesToCheck $targetvalues.Keys

    Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned $TestResult"

    return $TestResult

function Export-TargetResource





    $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'MicrosoftGraph' `
        -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters

    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace "MSFT_", ""
    $CommandName  = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

        [array]$policies = Get-MgDeviceAppManagementAndroidManagedAppProtection -All:$true -Filter $Filter -ErrorAction Stop
        $i = 1
        $dscContent = ''
        if ($policies.Length -eq 0)
            Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiGreenCheckMark
            Write-Host "`r`n" -NoNewLine
        foreach ($policy in $policies)
            Write-Host " |---[$i/$($policies.Count)] $($policy.displayName)" -NoNewline
            $params = @{
                DisplayName           = $policy.displayName
                Ensure                = 'Present'
                Credential    = $Credential
                ApplicationID         = $ApplicationId
                TenantId              = $TenantId
                ApplicationSecret     = $ApplicationSecret
                CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint
            $Results = Get-TargetResource @Params
            #remove the Id value
            $Results.remove('Id') | out-null
            $Results = Update-M365DSCExportAuthenticationResults -ConnectionMode $ConnectionMode `
                -Results $Results
            $currentDSCBlock = Get-M365DSCExportContentForResource -ResourceName $ResourceName `
                -ConnectionMode $ConnectionMode `
                -ModulePath $PSScriptRoot `
                -Results $Results `
                -Credential $Credential
            $dscContent += $currentDSCBlock
            Save-M365DSCPartialExport -Content $currentDSCBlock `
                -FileName $Global:PartialExportFileName
            Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiGreenCheckMark
        return $dscContent
        if ($_.Exception -like '*401*')
            Write-Host "`r`n $($Global:M365DSCEmojiYellowCircle) The current tenant is not registered for Intune."
            Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiRedX
            Write-Verbose -Message $_
            $tenantIdValue = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1]

            Add-M365DSCEvent -Message $_ -EntryType 'Error' `
                -EventID 1 -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
                -TenantId $tenantIdValue
            Write-Verbose -Message $_
        return ""

function set-JSONstring

    $JsonContent = ''

    switch ($type)

            $JsonContent = @"
                    "mobileAppIdentifier": {
                        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.AndroidMobileAppIdentifier",
                        "packageId": "$id"

            $JsonContent = @"
            "target": {
                        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget",
                        "groupId": "$($id)"

            $JsonContent = @"
            "target": {
                        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget",
                        "groupId": "$($id)"


    return $JsonContent


function set-Timespan
        if ($duration.startswith('P'))
            $timespan = [System.Xml.XmlConvert]::ToTimeSpan($duration)
            $timespan = [TimeSpan]$duration
        throw "Problem converting input to a timespan - If configuration document is using iso8601 string (e.g. PT15M) try using new-timespan (e.g. new-timespan -minutes 15)"
    return $timespan
function set-AppsHash
    param (

   if ($AppGroupType -eq '')
        if ($apps.count -eq 0 ) { $AppGroupType = 'allApps' }
        else { $AppGroupType = 'selectedPublicApps' }
        write-verbose -message "setting AppGroupType to $AppGroupType"

    $appsarray = @()
    if ($AppGroupType -eq 'selectedPublicApps' )
        $appsarray = $apps

    $AppsHash = @{
        'AppGroupType' = $AppGroupType;
        'Apps' = $appsarray

    return $AppsHash

function get-InputParameters
    return @{
        AllowedDataStorageLocations              = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "Array"; };
        AllowedInboundDataTransferSources        = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "String"; };
        AllowedOutboundClipboardSharingLevel     = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "String"; };
        AllowedOutboundDataTransferDestinations  = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "String"; };
        ApplicationId                            = @{Type = "Credential"       ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        ApplicationSecret                        = @{Type = "Credential"       ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        AppGroupType                             = @{Type = "ComplexParameter" ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        Apps                                     = @{Type = "ComplexParameter" ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        Assignments                              = @{Type = "ComplexParameter" ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        CertificateThumbprint                    = @{Type = "Credential"       ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        ContactSyncBlocked                       = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        Credential                               = @{Type = "Credential"       ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        DataBackupBlocked                        = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        Description                              = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        DeviceComplianceRequired                 = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        DisableAppPinIfDevicePinIsSet            = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        DisplayName                              = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        Ensure                                   = @{Type = "ComplexParameter" ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        ExcludedGroups                           = @{Type = "ComplexParameter" ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        FingerprintBlocked                       = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        IsAssigned                               = @{Type = "ComplexParameter" ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        ManagedBrowser                           = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "String"; };
        ManagedBrowserToOpenLinksRequired        = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MaximumPinRetries                        = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumPinLength                         = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumRequiredAppVersion                = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumRequiredOSVersion                 = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumRequiredPatchVersion              = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumWarningAppVersion                 = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumWarningOSVersion                  = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        MinimumWarningPatchVersion               = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        OrganizationalCredentialsRequired        = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        PeriodBeforePinReset                     = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "Duration"; };
        PeriodOfflineBeforeAccessCheck           = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "Duration"; };
        PeriodOfflineBeforeWipeIsEnforced        = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "Duration"; };
        PeriodOnlineBeforeAccessCheck            = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "Duration"; };
        PinCharacterSet                          = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "String"; };
        PinRequired                              = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        PrintBlocked                             = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        SaveAsBlocked                            = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        SimplePinBlocked                         = @{Type = "Parameter"        ; ExportFileType = "NA"; };
        TenantId                                 = @{Type = "Credential"       ; ExportFileType = "NA"; }

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource