
Add specific permissions on the folder
Sets permissions for the specified user on the specified folder. Optionally sends an invitation notifications to the specified user.
.PARAMETER accessToken
A Microsoft Graph API access token with the required permissions
.PARAMETER documentLibraryID
The document library in which the folder resides in
The folder to set the specified permissions on
.PARAMETER emailAddress
The email address of the user for which to set the specified permissions
The role to set for the specified user. Available options are 'read' or 'write'
.PARAMETER sendInvite
Specify whether the invitee receives an invite e-mail
.PARAMETER inviteMessage
Determine the text thats is included in the invite e-mail

function Add-GraphFolderPermission

    $sendBody = @{
        "recipients" = @(
                "email" = "$($emailAddress)"
        "message" = "$($inviteMessage)";
        "requireSignIn" = $true;
        "sendInvitation" = $sendInvite;
        "roles" = @(
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    $responseBody = Invoke-RestMethod `
        -Uri "$($documentLibraryID)/items/$($folderID)/invite" `
        -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $($accessToken.AccessTokenCredential.GetNetworkCredential().password)"} `
        -Body $sendBody `
        -ContentType "application/json" `
        -Method POST
    if($null -eq $responseBody)
        return $null
        return $responseBody.value