
#Requires -Modules 'MilestonePSTools'

function Add-ManagementClientProfile {
        Adds a new Management Client Profile based on the Default profile
        Adds a new Management Client Profile based on the Default profile
        PS C:\> Add-ManagementClientProfile -Name 'Remote Guards' -Description 'Management Client Profile for Remote Guard users with limited access'
        Creates a new Management Client Profile named 'Remote Guards'
        The output of this function will be a [VideoOS.Management.VmoClient.ManagementClientProfile] object
        with the following properties:
        Name : Default Management Client UI Profile
        Description :
        LastModified : 3/19/2020 10:26:13 PM
        SettingsXml : <Settings />
        IsDefaultProfile : True
        AttachedRoles : { Administrators }
        Id : ee8861e1-b6d5-4afc-b30b-ca63b2d99f3c
        IsDirty : False
        IsCreated : True
        IsDeleted : False
        Exists : True
        CustomProperties : {}
        IsCustomPropertiesSupported : True
        ServerVersion : 20.3.1

        # Specifies the display name the new Management Client Profile
        # Specifies the description for the new Management Client Profile

    begin {
        $vmo = Get-VmoClient

    process {
        try {
            $TemplateProfile = Get-ManagementClientProfile | Where-Object IsDefaultProfile
            Write-Verbose "Creating a new Management Client Profile based on profile '$($TemplateProfile.Name)'"
            $newProfile = [VideoOS.Management.VmoClient.ManagementClientProfile]::new($vmo.ManagementServer)
            $newProfile.Name = $Name
            $newProfile.Description = $Description
            $newProfile.SettingsXml = $TemplateProfile.SettingsXml
            if ($newProfile.IsCreated) {
                Write-Output $newProfile
        catch {

    end {