
# Module manifest for module 'MilestonePSTools'
# Generated by: Joshua Hendricks
# Generated on: 3/12/2021


# Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
RootModule = 'MilestonePSTools.psm1'

# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '1.0.90'

# Supported PSEditions
CompatiblePSEditions = 'Desktop'

# ID used to uniquely identify this module
GUID = '46909c4a-d5d8-4faf-830d-5a0df564fe7b'

# Author of this module
Author = 'Joshua Hendricks'

# Company or vendor of this module
CompanyName = 'Milestone Systems'

# Copyright statement for this module
Copyright = '(c) 2021 Milestone Systems. All rights reserved.'

# Description of the functionality provided by this module
Description = 'Milestone XProtect VMS configuration and automation powered by the Milestone MIP SDK'

# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
PowerShellVersion = '5.1'

# Name of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module
# PowerShellHostName = ''

# Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module
# PowerShellHostVersion = ''

# Minimum version of Microsoft .NET Framework required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only.
DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.7'

# Minimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only.
# CLRVersion = ''

# Processor architecture (None, X86, Amd64) required by this module
ProcessorArchitecture = 'Amd64'

# Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
RequiredModules = @(@{ModuleName = 'MipSdkRedist'; ModuleVersion = '20.3.0'; })

# Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module
# RequiredAssemblies = @()

# Script files (.ps1) that are run in the caller's environment prior to importing this module.
# ScriptsToProcess = @()

# Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# TypesToProcess = @()

# Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module
# FormatsToProcess = @()

# Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess
# NestedModules = @()

# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
FunctionsToExport = 'Export-HardwareCsv', 'Import-HardwareCsv', 'Get-MobileServerInfo', 
               'Remove-MobileServerCertificate', 'Set-MobileServerCertificate', 
               'Get-CameraReport', 'Get-BankTable', 'Get-ConfigurationItemProperty', 
               'Install-StableFPS', 'Invoke-DiagnosticsTool', 
               'Invoke-ServerConfigurator', 'Select-Camera', 'Select-VideoOSItem', 

# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
CmdletsToExport = 'Add-Bookmark', 'Add-DeviceGroup', 'Add-DeviceGroupMember', 
               'Add-EvidenceLock', 'Add-FailoverServer', 'Add-GenericEvent', 
               'Add-Hardware', 'Add-RecordingServer', 'Add-RegisteredService', 
               'Add-Role', 'Add-Stream', 'Add-User', 'Add-UserDefinedEvent', 
               'Connect-ManagementServer', 'Copy-EvidenceLock', 
               'Disconnect-ManagementServer', 'Get-AlarmDefinition', 'Get-AlarmLine', 
               'Get-AlarmStatistics', 'Get-Bookmark', 'Get-Camera', 
               'Get-CameraSetting', 'Get-ConfigurationItem', 'Get-ConnectionString', 
               'Get-DeviceAcl', 'Get-DeviceGroup', 'Get-EventLine', 'Get-EvidenceLock', 
               'Get-FailoverServer', 'Get-FailoverServerGroup', 'Get-GenericEvent', 
               'Get-GenericEventDataSource', 'Get-Hardware', 'Get-HardwareDriver', 
               'Get-HardwarePassword', 'Get-HardwareSetting', 'Get-IAlarmClient', 
               'Get-IConfigurationService', 'Get-Input', 'Get-InputSetting', 
               'Get-IServerCommandService', 'Get-IServerProxyService', 
               'Get-ItemState', 'Get-Kind', 'Get-LicenseDetails', 'Get-Log', 
               'Get-LoginSettings', 'Get-ManagementServer', 
               'Get-ManagementServerConfig', 'Get-Metadata', 'Get-MetadataSetting', 
               'Get-MethodInfo', 'Get-Microphone', 'Get-MicrophoneSetting', 
               'Get-MipMessageIdList', 'Get-MipSdkEula', 'Get-Output', 
               'Get-OutputSetting', 'Get-OverallSecurity', 'Get-PlatformItem', 
               'Get-PlaybackInfo', 'Get-PublicViewGroup', 'Get-RecorderConfig', 
               'Get-RecorderStatusService2', 'Get-RecordingServer', 
               'Get-RegisteredService', 'Get-Role', 'Get-SequenceData', 'Get-Site', 
               'Get-Snapshot', 'Get-Speaker', 'Get-SpeakerSetting', 'Get-Stream', 
               'Get-Token', 'Get-Translations', 'Get-User', 'Get-UserDefinedEvent', 
               'Get-VideoSource', 'Get-VmoClient', 'Get-WhoIsOnline', 'Invoke-Method', 
               'Invoke-MipSdkEula', 'New-Alarm', 'New-AlarmCondition', 
               'New-AlarmOrder', 'New-FailoverServerGroup', 'New-PublicViewGroup', 
               'Remove-Bookmark', 'Remove-DeviceGroup', 'Remove-EvidenceLock', 
               'Remove-FailoverServer', 'Remove-GenericEvent', 'Remove-Hardware', 
               'Remove-PublicViewGroup', 'Remove-RegisteredService', 'Remove-Role', 
               'Remove-Stream', 'Remove-User', 'Remove-UserDefinedEvent', 
               'Select-Site', 'Send-Alarm', 'Send-GenericEvent', 'Send-MipMessage', 
               'Send-UserDefinedEvent', 'Set-CameraSetting', 'Set-ConfigurationItem', 
               'Set-DeviceAcl', 'Set-HardwarePassword', 'Set-HardwareSetting', 
               'Set-InputSetting', 'Set-License', 'Set-ManagementServerConfig', 
               'Set-MetadataSetting', 'Set-MicrophoneSetting', 'Set-OutputSetting', 
               'Set-OverallSecurity', 'Set-RecorderConfig', 'Set-SpeakerSetting', 
               'Set-Stream', 'Start-Export', 'Test-Playback', 'Trace-Events', 
               'Update-AlarmLine', 'Update-Bookmark', 'Update-EvidenceLock', 
               'Update-License', 'Update-RegisteredService'

# Variables to export from this module
# VariablesToExport = @()

# Aliases to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no aliases to export.
AliasesToExport = @()

# DSC resources to export from this module
# DscResourcesToExport = @()

# List of all modules packaged with this module
# ModuleList = @()

# List of all files packaged with this module
FileList = '.\eula.rtf', '.\MilestonePSTools.psm1', '.\lib\MilestoneLib.dll', 
               '.\lib\MilestonePSTools.dll', '.\lib\MilestonePSTools.dll-Help.xml', 
               '.\Tools\DiagnosticsTool\Diagnostics Tool.exe'

# Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
PrivateData = @{

    PSData = @{

        # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
        Tags = 'PSEdition_Desktop', 'Windows', 'Milestone', 'ConfigApi', 
               'ConfigurationApi', 'XProtect', 'MIPSDK'

        # A URL to the license for this module.
        # LicenseUri = ''

        # A URL to the main website for this project.
        ProjectUri = ''

        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        IconUri = ''

        # ReleaseNotes of this module
        ReleaseNotes = '## 1.0.90
* Mark ProgressRecord objects as complete when progress reaches 100% so that the progress bars don''t just stack on top of each other during bulk operations.
* Interpret Server Configurator exit codes on Invoke-ServerConfigurator and properly dispose of the Process object when Server Configurator exits.
* Switch out terminating errors in favor of normal errors in many functions. This way the user can decide how critical a particular error is and handle it without a try/catch block.
* Significantly improve performance of Add-Role on systems with many roles
* Add validation exception error handling to Set-Stream to improve error output.
* Modify Get-Log to catch and ignore PipelineStoppedException while passing any other exceptions to the pipeline as ErrorRecords
* Eliminate error in Get-CameraReport where Get-CameraSetting throws an error on some cameras due to the lack of "General" setting properties
## 1.0.89
* Update Set-ManagementServerConfig to also register the Data Collector server
* Modify Trace-Event so that the MaxInterEventDelay timer is only started after the first event is received.
* Fix bugs in Get-HardwareSetting and Get-CameraSetting where an empty object was returned if no matching setting was found. Now if the setting name has no wildcards and no matching setting is found, an error is returned. If a wildcard is present and no matching setting is found, the command returns nothing so a $null check will be useful. There''s more work to do in these device setting cmdlets to tidy up and improve their output.
## 1.0.88
* Update Set-RecorderConfig to synchronize the Authorization Server URI for the Data Collector Server to match the URI used by the Recording Server
## 1.0.87
* Replaced Get-Diagnostics with Invoke-DiagnosticsTool and improved functionality including returning a FileInfo object representing the new ZIP file and only opening explorer.exe to the path if [environment]::UserInteractive is true.
* Update Set-RecorderConfig to also update registration for the Data Collector'

    } # End of PSData hashtable

} # End of PrivateData hashtable

# HelpInfo URI of this module
# HelpInfoURI = ''

# Default prefix for commands exported from this module. Override the default prefix using Import-Module -Prefix.
# DefaultCommandPrefix = ''
