
function Get-VmsArchiveStorage {
        Gets the Storage objects representing the live recording storages on Milestone XProtect recording servers
    .PARAMETER RecordingServer
        Specifies the Recording Server object from which to return storage configurations
        Specifies the name of the storage configuration to return. Supports wildcards.
    .PARAMETER ItemPath
        Specifies the Milestone Configuration API path for the storage configuration. For example, Storage[eef84b4a-1e7a-4f99-ac5f-671ae76d520b]
        Note: You may pipe a camera object to this cmdlet and the RecordingStorage alias will be used to identify the correct storage configuration
        PS C:\> Get-RecordingServer -Name 'Recorder 1' | Get-VmsStorage
        Gets all storage configurations on the recording server named 'Recorder 1
        PS C:\> Get-RecordingServer | Get-VmsStorage -Name 'Local*'
        Gets all storage configurations on all recording servers where the name begins with 'Local'
        PS C:\> $camera | Get-VmsStorage
        Gets the storage configuration associated with the Camera object in the variable $camera

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        $Name = '*'
    process {
        $storagesMatched = 0
        $Storage.ArchiveStorageFolder.ArchiveStorages | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.Name -like $Name) {
                Write-Output $_

        if ($storagesMatched -eq 0 -and -not [System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name)) {
            Write-Error "No recording storages found matching the name '$Name'"