
function ConvertFrom-Snapshot {
        Converts from the output provided by Get-Snapshot to a [System.Drawing.Image] object.
        Converts from the output provided by Get-Snapshot to a [System.Drawing.Image] object. Don't
        forget to call Dispose() on Image when you're done with it!
        PS C:\> $image = Select-Camera | Get-Snapshot -Live | ConvertFrom-Snapshot
        Get's a live snapshot from the camera selected from the camera selection dialog, converts it
        to a System.Drawing.Image object and saves it to $image
        Accepts a byte array, and will accept the byte array from Get-Snapshot by property name. The property name for
        a live image is 'Content' while the property name for the JPEG byte array on a snapshot from recorded video is
        Don't forget to call Dispose() when you're done with the image!

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        if ($null -eq $Content -or $Content.Length -eq 0) {
            return $null
        $ms = [io.memorystream]::new($Content)
        Write-Output ([system.drawing.image]::FromStream($ms))