
function Get-MimSyncMetaverseSchema
   Gets the MV Attributes and Object Types

   Reads the MV configuration from the XML file, and outputs the MV Attributes and Object Types

   PSObjects containing the synchronization server MV Attributes and Object Types
   Get-MimSyncMetaverseSchema .\ServerConfig\001\mv.xml | Out-GridView

        [ValidateScript({(test-path -path $_ -PathType Leaf)})]
        $MVSchemaFile = 'mv.xml'
        [xml]$mvXML = get-content $MVSchemaFile
        $namespace = @{dsml=""; 'ms-dsml'=""}
        ### Attribute Types
        $mvAttributeTypes = select-xml $mvXML -XPath "//dsml:directory-schema/dsml:attribute-type" -Namespace $namespace | select -ExpandProperty Node 
        $attributes = @()
        foreach ($mvAttributeType in $mvAttributeTypes)
                    $syntax = 'Reference';
                    $syntax = 'String';
                    $syntax = 'Binary';
                    $syntax = 'Number';
                    $syntax = 'Boolean';
                    $syntax = "Unknown"; 
            $attribute = New-Object PSObject
            $attribute | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AttributeName' -Value $
            $attribute | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Syntax' -Value $syntax
            $attribute | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Indexable' -Value ($mvAttributeType.'indexable' -eq 'true')
            $attribute | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Indexed' -Value ($mvAttributeType.indexed -ne $null)
            $attribute | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MultiValued' -Value ($mvAttributeType.'single-value' -ne 'true' -or $mvAttributeType.'single-value' -eq $null)
            $attributes += $attribute
        ### Bindings
        $mvObjectTypes = select-xml $mvXML -XPath "//dsml:directory-schema/dsml:class" -Namespace $namespace | select -ExpandProperty node
        ### Loop through the Source Class items, then output an attribute with the object type
        foreach ($mvObjectType in $mvObjectTypes)
            Write-Verbose ("`nProcessing Bindings for {0}" -F $            
            $bindings = $mvObjectType | select -expandproperty attribute | select -ExpandProperty ref
            foreach($binding in $bindings)
                #$attributes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $binding.Replace("#",'')} | foreach {$_.ObjectType = $; Write-Output $_}
                $attributes | 
                    Where-Object {$_.AttributeName -eq $binding.Replace("#",'')} |
                    Select-Object -Property @{Name="ObjectType";Expression={$}},* |