
# MineStat.psm1
# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Ajoro and MineStat contributors.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  MineStat is a Minecraft server connection status checker.

  MineStat -Address 'minecraft.frag.land' -Port 25565 -Timeout 10


function MineStat
  param (
    # Addresss (domain or IP-address) of the server to connect to.
    # Input as str or str[]
    $Address = "localhost",
    # Port of the server to connect to.
    [uint16]$Port = 25565,
    # SlpProtocol to use
    # Possible values: "BedrockRaknet", "Json", "Extendedlegacy", "Legacy", "Beta"
    # Can combine protocols to check more.
    # Defaults to check: "Json", "Extendedlegacy", "Legacy", "Beta"
      "BedrockRaknet", "Json", "Extendedlegacy", "Legacy", "Beta"
    $Protocol = 15,
    # The time in seconds, after which a connection is timed out.
    [int]$Timeout = 5

  enum ConnStatus {
    # The specified SLP connection succeeded (Request & response parsing OK)
    Success = 1
    # The connection attempt failed for an unknown reason.
    Unknown = 0
    # If a connection was made but the server reponded with a invalid response for this protocol
    InvalidResponse = -1
    # The connection timed out. (Server under too much load? Firewall rules OK?)
    Timeout = -2
    # The socket to the server could not be established. Server offline, wrong hostname or port?
    Fail = -3

  [Flags()] enum SlpProtocol {
    BedrockRaknet = 16
    Json = 8 
    ExtendedLegacy = 4
    Legacy = 2
    Beta = 1
    Unknown = 0

  try {
    # Return array if address input is array
    [SlpProtocol]$Protocol = $Protocol
    if ($Address.GetType().BaseType.Name -eq "Array") {
      $returnarray = @()
      foreach ($Addr in $Address) {
        $value = [ServerStatus]::new($Addr, $Port, $Timeout, $Protocol)
        $returnarray += $value
      return $returnarray
    else {
      return [ServerStatus]::new($Address, $Port, $Timeout, $Protocol)
  catch {
    throw $_

  class ServerStatus {
    [string]$address = "localhost"
    [uint16]$port = 25565
    [bool]$online = $false
    [int]$current_players = -1
    [int]$max_players = -1
    [int]$latency = -1

    # hidden values make a better looking return when running from the console
    hidden [int]$timeout
    hidden [string]$favicon
    hidden [string]$gamemode
    hidden [string[]]$playerList
    hidden [string]$motd
    hidden [string]$stripped_motd

    ServerStatus($address, $port, $timeout, [SlpProtocol]$queryprotocol) {
      $this.address = $address
      $this.port = $port
      $this.timeout = $timeout
      $result = 0
      Write-Verbose $queryprotocol

      # Minecraft Bedrock/Pocket/Education Edition (MCPE/MCEE)
      if ($queryprotocol.HasFlag([SlpProtocol]::BedrockRaknet)) {
        $result = $this.RequestWithRaknetProtocol()
        Write-Verbose "BedrockRaknet - $result"
      # Minecraft 1.4 & 1.5 (legacy SLP)
      if ($queryprotocol.HasFlag([SlpProtocol]::Legacy) -and $result -notin [ConnStatus]::Fail, [ConnStatus]::Success) {
        $result = $this.RequestWithLegacyProtocol()
        Write-Verbose "Legacy - $result"
      # Minecraft Beta 1.8 to Release 1.3 (beta SLP)
      if ($queryprotocol.HasFlag([SlpProtocol]::Beta) -and $result -notin [ConnStatus]::Fail, [ConnStatus]::Success) {
        $result = $this.RequestWithBetaProtocol()
        Write-Verbose "Beta - $result"
      # Minecraft 1.6 (extended legacy SLP)
      if ($queryprotocol.HasFlag([SlpProtocol]::ExtendedLegacy) -and $result -notin [ConnStatus]::Fail) {
        $result = $this.RequestWithExtendedLegacyProtocol()
        Write-Verbose "ExtendedLegacy - $result"
      # Minecraft 1.7+ (JSON SLP)
      if ($queryprotocol.HasFlag([SlpProtocol]::Json) -and $result -notin [ConnStatus]::Fail) {
        $result = $this.RequestWithJsonProtocol()
        Write-Verbose "Json - $result"

    [void] generateMotds($rawmotd) {
      function strip_motd($rawmotd) {
        # Function for stripping all formatting codes from a motd.
        $stripped_motd = ""
        if ($rawmotd.gettype().name -eq "string") {
          $stripped_motd = $rawmotd -split "§+[a-zA-Z0-9]" -join ""
        else {
          $stripped_motd = $rawmotd.text
          if ($rawmotd.extra) {
            foreach ($sub in $rawmotd.extra) {
              $stripped_motd += strip_motd($sub)
          if ($stripped_motd -match "§") {
            $stripped_motd = strip_motd($stripped_motd)
        return $stripped_motd

      function format_motd($rawmotd) {
        # Function for formating all formatting codes as escaped unicode characters from motd.
        $formatcodes = @{
          "§0" = "$([char]27)[0;30m" # Black
          "§1" = "$([char]27)[0;34m" # DarkBlue
          "§2" = "$([char]27)[0;32m" # DarkGreen
          "§3" = "$([char]27)[0;36m" # DarkCyan (Dark aqua)
          "§4" = "$([char]27)[0;31m" # DarkRed
          "§5" = "$([char]27)[0;35m" # DarkMagenta (Dark purple)
          "§6" = "$([char]27)[0;33m" # DarkYellow (Gold)
          "§7" = "$([char]27)[0;37m" # Gray
          "§8" = "$([char]27)[0;90m" # DarkGray
          "§9" = "$([char]27)[0;94m" # Blue
          "§a" = "$([char]27)[0;92m" # Green
          "§b" = "$([char]27)[0;96m" # Cyan (Aqua)
          "§c" = "$([char]27)[0;91m" # Red
          "§d" = "$([char]27)[0;95m" # Magenta (Light purple)
          "§e" = "$([char]27)[0;93m" # Yellow
          "§f" = "$([char]27)[0;97m" # White
          "§g" = "$([char]27)[0;93m" # Yellow (Minecoin Gold)
          "§k" = "$([char]27)[8m"    # obfuscated
          "§l" = "$([char]27)[1m"    # bold
          "§m" = "$([char]27)[9m"    # strikethrough
          "§n" = "$([char]27)[4m"    # underline
          "§o" = "$([char]27)[3m"    # italic
          "§r" = "$([char]27)[0m"    # reset formating

        $formats = @{
          "obfuscated"    = "$([char]27)[8m"
          "bold"          = "$([char]27)[1m"
          "strikethrough" = "$([char]27)[9m"
          "underline"     = "$([char]27)[4m"
          "italic"        = "$([char]27)[3m"
          "reset"         = "$([char]27)[0m"

        $colorcodes = @{
          black         = "$([char]27)[0;30m"
          dark_blue     = "$([char]27)[0;34m"
          dark_green    = "$([char]27)[0;32m"
          dark_aqua     = "$([char]27)[0;36m"
          dark_red      = "$([char]27)[0;31m"
          dark_purple   = "$([char]27)[0;35m"
          gold          = "$([char]27)[0;33m"
          gray          = "$([char]27)[0;37m"
          dark_gray     = "$([char]27)[0;90m"
          blue          = "$([char]27)[0;94m"
          green         = "$([char]27)[0;92m"
          aqua          = "$([char]27)[0;96m"
          red           = "$([char]27)[0;91m"
          light_purple  = "$([char]27)[0;95m"
          yellow        = "$([char]27)[0;93m"
          white         = "$([char]27)[0;97m"
          minecoin_gold = "$([char]27)[0;93m" # Yellow (Minecoin Gold)

        $formatted_motd = ""
        if ($rawmotd.gettype().name -eq "string") {
          foreach ($format in ($rawmotd -split "(§+[a-zA-Z0-9])")) {
            if ($format -in $formatcodes.Keys) {
              $formatted_motd += $formatcodes.$format
            if ($format -match "§") {
            else {
              $formatted_motd += $format
          return $formatted_motd
        else {
          foreach ($entry in $rawmotd) {
            $formatted_motd += $formats.reset
            if ($entry.keys.length -ge 2 -and $entry.text) {
              if ($entry.color) {
                $formatted_motd += $colorcodes.($entry.color)
              foreach ($option in $formats.Keys) {
                if ($option -in $entry.keys) {
                  $formatted_motd += $formats.$option
            $formatted_motd += $entry.text
            if ($entry.extra) {
          if ($formatted_motd -match "§") {
            $formatted_motd = format_motd($formatted_motd)
          return $formatted_motd
      $this.stripped_motd = strip_motd($rawmotd)
      $this.formatted_motd = format_motd($rawmotd)
    [ConnStatus] RequestWithRaknetProtocol() {
      Method for querying a Bedrock server (Minecraft PE, Windows 10 or Education Edition).
      The protocol is based on the RakNet protocol.

      See https://wiki.vg/Raknet_Protocol#Unconnected_Ping

      Note: This method currently works as if the connection is handled via TCP (as if no packet loss might occur).
      Packet loss handling should be implemented (resending).

      function readbytestream([System.Collections.Generic.Queue[byte]]$que, [int]$count) {
        $resultBuffer = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++) {
        return $resultBuffer.ToArray()

      $sock = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
      $sock.Client.ReceiveTimeout = $this.timeout * 1000
      $sock.Client.SendTimeout = $this.timeout * 1000

      $stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
      try {
        $sock.Connect($this.address, $this.port)
      catch {
        $this.latency = -1
        return [ConnStatus]::Fail
      $this.latency = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds

      [byte[]]$raknetMagic = @(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78)

      [System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]]$raknetPingHandshakePacket = 0x01

      $unixtime = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimemilliseconds())
      # if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
      # [System.Array]::Reverse($unixtime);
      # }

      $sendlen = $sock.Send($raknetPingHandshakePacket.ToArray(), $raknetPingHandshakePacket.Count)

      if ($sendlen -ne $raknetPingHandshakePacket.Count) {
        return [ConnStatus]::Unknown
      try {
        $endpoint = new-object System.Net.IPEndPoint([net.ipaddress]::any, $this.port)
        [System.Collections.Generic.Queue[byte]]$response = $sock.Receive([ref]$endpoint)
        if ($response.Dequeue() -ne 0x1c) {
          return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

        $responseTimeStamp = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64((readbytestream $response 8), 0)
        $responseServerGUID = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64((readbytestream $response 8), 0)

        [byte[]]$responseMagic = readbytestream $response 16

        if ($null -ne (Compare-Object $responseMagic $raknetMagic -CaseSensitive)) {
          return [ConnStatus]::Unknown
        # if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
        # [System.Array]::Reverse($response);
        # }

        $responseIdStringLength = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16((readbytestream $response 2), 0)

        $temp = readbytestream $response $response.Count
        $responseIdString = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($temp) 
      catch {
        $this.latency = -1
        return [ConnStatus]::Timeout
      finally {

      return $this.ParseBedrockPayload($responseIdString)

    hidden [ConnStatus] ParseBedrockPayload([string]$payload) {
      $values = $payload -split ";" 
      $keys = @("edition", "motd_1", "protocol_version", "version", "current_players", "max_players",
        "server_uid", "motd_2", "gamemode", "gamemode_numeric", "port_ipv4", "port_ipv6")

      $payload_obj = @{}
      for ($i = 0; $i -lt $keys.Count; $i++) {
        $payload_obj.Add($keys[$i], $values[$i])
      $this.Slp_Protocol = "BedrockRaknet"; 
      $this.online = $true;
      $this.current_players = $payload_obj.current_players
      $this.max_players = $payload_obj.max_players
      $this.version = "$($payload_obj.version) $($payload_obj.motd_2) ($($payload_obj.edition))"
      $this.motd = $payload_obj.motd_1
      $this.Gamemode = $payload_obj.gamemode

      return [ConnStatus]::Success

    [ConnStatus] RequestWithJsonProtocol() {
      Method for querying a modern (MC Java >= 1.7) server with the SLP protocol.
      This protocol is based on encoded JSON, see the documentation at wiki.vg below
      for a full packet description.

      See https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping#Current

      function WriteLeb128([int]$value) {
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]]$byteList = @()
        if ($value -eq -1) {
          [uint32] $actual = [uint32]"0xffffffff"
        else {
          [uint32] $actual = [uint32]$value
        do {
          [byte]$temp = $actual -band 127
          $actual = $actual -shr 7
          if ($actual -ne 0) {
            $temp = $temp -bor 128
        } while ($actual -ne 0)
        return $byteList.ToArray()

      function WriteLeb128Stream([System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream]$stream, [int] $value) {
        if ($value -eq -1) {
          [uint32] $actual = [uint32]"0xffffffff"
        else {
          [uint32] $actual = [uint32]$value
        do {
          [byte]$temp = $actual -band 127
          $actual = $actual -shr 7
          if ($actual -ne 0) {
            $temp = $temp -bor 128
        } while ($actual -ne 0)

      function ReadLeb128Stream([System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream]$stream) {
        $numRead = 0
        $result = 0
        do {
          [int] $r = $stream.ReadByte()
          if ($r -eq -1) {
          [byte]$read = $r
          [int] $value = $read -band 127
          $result = $result -bor ($value -shl (7 * $numRead))

          if ($numread -gt 5) {
            throw "VarInt is too big."
        } while (
        ($read -band 128) -ne 0
        if ($numRead -eq 0) {
          throw "Unexpected end of VarInt stream."
        return $result

      $tcpclient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.tcpclient
      $tcpclient.ReceiveTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $tcpclient.SendTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

      $result = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($this.Address, $this.Port, $null, $null)
      $isResponsive = $result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($this.Timeout))

      if (-not $isResponsive) {
        $this.latency = -1
        return [ConnStatus]::Timeout
      try {
      catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] {
        return [ConnStatus]::Fail
      $this.Latency = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
      $stream = $tcpclient.GetStream()

      [System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]]$jsonPingHandshakePacket = 0x00

      $jsonPingHandshakePacket.AddRange([byte[]] (WriteLeb128 -1))

      $serverAddr = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($this.Address)
      $jsonPingHandshakePacket.AddRange([byte[]] (WriteLeb128 $serverAddr.Length))

      $serverPort = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($this.Port)
      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
      $jsonPingHandshakePacket.AddRange([byte[]] (WriteLeb128 1))

      $jsonPingHandshakePacket.InsertRange(0, [byte[]] (WriteLeb128 $jsonPingHandshakePacket.Count))
      try {
        $stream.Write($jsonPingHandshakePacket.ToArray() , 0, $jsonPingHandshakePacket.Count)

        WriteLeb128stream $stream 1

        $responseSize = ReadLeb128Stream $stream
      catch {
        return [ConnStatus]::Unknown
      if ($responseSize -lt 3) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

      $responsePacketId = ReadLeb128Stream $stream

      if ($responsePacketId -ne 0x00) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

      $responsePayloadLength = ReadLeb128Stream $stream

      $responsePayload = $this.NetStreamReadExact($stream, $responsePayloadLength)

      return $this.ParseJsonProtocolPayload($responsePayload)

    hidden [ConnStatus] ParseJsonProtocolPayload([byte[]]$rawPayload) {
      try {
        $payload_obj = ConvertFrom-Json ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($rawPayload)) -AsHashtable
      catch {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse
      $this.version = $payload_obj.version.name
      $descriptionElement = $payload_obj.description

      if ($null -ne $descriptionElement -and $descriptionElement.GetType().name -eq "string") {
        $this.motd = $descriptionElement
      else {
        $this.motd = ConvertTo-Json $descriptionElement

      $playerSampleElement = $payload_obj.players.sample
      if ($null -ne $playerSampleElement -and $playerSampleElement.GetType().BaseType.Name -eq "array") {
        $this.PlayerList = $playerSampleElement.name

      if ($null -eq $this.version -or $null -eq $this.motd) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

      $this.Favicon = $payload_obj.favicon
      # $this.Protocol = $payload_obj.version.protocol;
      $this.max_players = $payload_obj.players.max;
      $this.current_players = $payload_obj.players.online;
      $this.Slp_Protocol = "Json";
      $this.online = $true
      return [ConnStatus]::Success

    [ConnStatus] RequestWithExtendedLegacyProtocol() {
      Minecraft 1.6 SLP query, extended legacy ping protocol.
      All modern servers are currently backwards compatible with this protocol.

      See https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping#1.6

      $tcpclient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.tcpclient
      $tcpclient.ReceiveTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $tcpclient.SendTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

      $result = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($this.Address, $this.Port, $null, $null)
      $isResponsive = $result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($this.Timeout))

      if (-not $isResponsive) {
        $this.latency = -1
        return [ConnStatus]::Timeout
      try {
      catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] {
        return [ConnStatus]::Fail

      $this.Latency = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
      $stream = $tcpclient.GetStream()

      [System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]]$extlegacyPingPacket = @(0xFE, 0x01, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x0B)


      $reqByteLen = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes([Int16](7 + $this.Address.Length * 2))
      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {

      $addressLen = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes([Int16]$this.Address.Length)
      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {


      $portbytes = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes([int]$this.Port)
      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {

      $stream.Write($extLegacyPingPacket.ToArray(), 0, $extLegacyPingPacket.Count);
      try {
        [byte[]] $responsePacketHeader = $this.NetStreamReadExact($stream, 3)
      catch {
        return [ConnStatus]::Unknown
      if ($responsePacketHeader[0] -ne 0xFF) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse
      $payloadLengthRaw = [System.Byte[]]::CreateInstance([System.Byte], $responsePacketHeader.Length - 1)

      [array]::Copy($responsePacketHeader, 1, $payloadLengthRaw, 0, ($responsePacketHeader.Length - 1))
      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
      $payloadLength = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($payloadLengthRaw, 0)
      [byte[]]$payload = $this.NetStreamReadExact($stream, ($payloadLength * 2))

      return $this.ParseLegacyProtocol($payload, "ExtendedLegacy")

    [ConnStatus] RequestWithLegacyProtocol() {
      Minecraft 1.4-1.5 SLP query, server response contains more info than beta SLP

      See https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping#1.4_to_1.5

      $tcpclient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.tcpclient
      $tcpclient.ReceiveTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $tcpclient.SendTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

      $result = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($this.Address, $this.Port, $null, $null)
      $isResponsive = $result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($this.Timeout))

      if (-not $isResponsive) {
        $this.latency = -1
        return [ConnStatus]::Timeout
      try {
      catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] {
        return [ConnStatus]::Fail

      $this.Latency = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
      $stream = $tcpclient.GetStream()

      [byte[]] $legacyPingPacket = 0xFE, 0x01

      try {
        $stream.Write($legacyPingPacket, 0, $legacyPingPacket.Length);
        [byte[]] $responsePacketHeader = $this.NetStreamReadExact($stream, 3)
      catch {
        return [ConnStatus]::Unknown

      if ($responsePacketHeader[0] -ne 0xFF) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {

      $payloadLength = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($responsePacketHeader, 0)

      if ($payloadLength -lt 3) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

      [byte[]]$payload = $this.NetStreamReadExact($stream , ($payloadLength * 2))

      return $this.ParseLegacyProtocol($payload, "Legacy")

    hidden [ConnStatus] ParseLegacyProtocol([byte[]]$rawPayload, [SlpProtocol]$SlpProtocol) {
      $payloadString = [System.Text.Encoding]::BigEndianUnicode.GetString($rawPayload, 0, $rawPayload.Length)
      $payloadArray = $payloadString.Split([char]0x0000)
      if ($payloadArray.Length -ne 6) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse
      $this.Version = $payloadArray[2]
      $this.max_players = $payloadArray[5]
      $this.current_players = $payloadArray[4]
      $this.motd = $payloadArray[3]
      $this.Slp_Protocol = $SlpProtocol
      $this.online = $true
      return [ConnStatus]::Success

    [ConnStatus] RequestWithBetaProtocol() {
      Minecraft Beta 1.8 to Release 1.3 SLP protocol
      See https://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping#Beta_1.8_to_1.3

      $tcpclient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.tcpclient
      $tcpclient.ReceiveTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $tcpclient.SendTimeout = $this.Timeout * 1000
      $stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch

      $result = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($this.Address, $this.Port, $null, $null)
      $isResponsive = $result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($this.Timeout))

      if (-not $isResponsive) {
        $this.latency = -1
        return [ConnStatus]::Timeout
      try {
      catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] {
        return [ConnStatus]::Fail

      $this.Latency = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
      $stream = $tcpclient.GetStream()

      [byte[]] $betaPingPacket = 0xFE

      try {
        $stream.Write($betaPingPacket, 0, $betaPingPacket.Length)
        [byte[]] $responsePacketHeader = $this.NetStreamReadExact( $stream, 3)
      catch {
        return [ConnStatus]::Unknown

      if ($responsePacketHeader[0] -ne 0xFF) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse
      if ([System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
      $payloadLength = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($responsePacketHeader, 0)
      [byte[]]$payload = $this.NetStreamReadExact($stream, ($payloadLength * 2))

      return $this.ParseBetaProtocol($payload)

    hidden [ConnStatus] ParseBetaProtocol([byte[]]$rawPayload) {
      $payloadString = [System.Text.Encoding]::BigEndianUnicode.GetString($rawPayload, 0, $rawPayload.Length)
      $payloadArray = $payloadString.Split('§')
      if ($payloadArray.Length -lt 3) {
        return [ConnStatus]::InvalidResponse

      $this.Version = "<= 1.3";
      $this.max_players = $payloadArray[$payloadArray.Length - 1];
      $this.current_players = $payloadArray[$payloadArray.Length - 2];
      $this.motd = $payloadArray[0..($payloadArray.Length - 3)] -join "§"
      $this.Slp_Protocol = "Beta";
      $this.Online = $true

      return [ConnStatus]::Success

    [byte[]] NetStreamReadExact([System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream]$stream, [int]$size) {
      $totalReadBytes = 0
      $resultBuffer = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[byte]

      do {
        $tempBuffer = [System.Byte[]]::CreateInstance([System.Byte], $size - $totalReadBytes)

        $readBytes = $stream.Read($tempBuffer, 0, $size - $totalReadBytes)

        if ($readBytes -eq 0) {
          throw [System.IO.IOException]
        $totalReadBytes += $readBytes;
      } while ($totalReadBytes -lt $size)

      return $resultBuffer.ToArray();