
function Assert-GraphConnection
        Asserts a valid graph connection has been established.
        Asserts a valid graph connection has been established.
    .PARAMETER Cmdlet
        The $PSCmdlet variable of the calling command.
        PS C:\> Assert-GraphConnection -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Asserts a valid graph connection has been established.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if ($script:token) { return }
        $exception = [System.InvalidOperationException]::new('Not yet connected to MSGraph. Use Connect-Graph* to establish a connection!')
        $errorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($exception, "NotConnected", 'InvalidOperation', $null)

function ConvertTo-Base64 {
        Converts input string to base 64.
        Converts input string to base 64.
        The text to encode.
    .PARAMETER Encoding
        The encoding of the input text.
        PS C:\> "Hello World" | ConvertTo-Base64
        Converts the string "Hello World" to base 64.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

    process {
        foreach ($entry in $Text) {
            $bytes = $Encoding.GetBytes($entry)

function ConvertTo-SignedString {
        Signs a string.
        Signs a string.
        Used for certificate authentication.
        The text to sign.
    .PARAMETER Certificate
        The certificate to sign with.
        Must have private key.
    .PARAMETER Padding
        The padding mechanism to use while signing.
        Defaults to "Pkcs1"
    .PARAMETER Algorithm
        The signing algorithm to use.
        Defaults to "SHA256"
    .PARAMETER Encoding
        Encoding of the source text.
        Defaults to UTF8
        PS C:\> $token | ConvertTo-SignedString -Certificate $cert
        Signs the text stored in $token with the certificate stored in $cert

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        $Padding = [Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1,

        $Algorithm = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256,

        $Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

    process {
        foreach ($entry in $Text) {
            $inBytes = $Encoding.GetBytes($entry)
            $outBytes = $Certificate.PrivateKey.SignData($inBytes, $Algorithm, $Padding)

function Connect-GraphCertificate {
        Connect to graph as an application using a certificate
        Connect to graph as an application using a certificate
    .PARAMETER Certificate
        The certificate to use for authentication.
        The Guid of the tenant to connect to.
        The ClientID / ApplicationID of the application to connect as.
        PS C:\> $cert = Get-Item -Path 'Cert:\CurrentUser\My\082D5CB4BA31EED7E2E522B39992E34871C92BF5'
        PS C:\> Connect-GraphCertificate -TenantID '0639f07d-76e1-49cb-82ac-abcdefabcdefa' -ClientID '0639f07d-76e1-49cb-82ac-1234567890123' -Certificate $cert
        Connect to graph with the specified cert stored in the current user's certificate store.

    param (



    $jwtHeader = @{
        alg = "RS256"
        typ = "JWT"
        x5t = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Certificate.GetCertHash()) -replace '\+', '-' -replace '/', '_' -replace '='
    $encodedHeader = $jwtHeader | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertTo-Base64
    $claims = @{
        aud = "$TenantID/v2.0"
        exp = ((Get-Date).AddMinutes(5) - (Get-Date -Date '1970.1.1')).TotalSeconds -as [int]
        iss = $ClientID
        jti = "$(New-Guid)"
        nbf = ((Get-Date) - (Get-Date -Date '1970.1.1')).TotalSeconds -as [int]
        sub = $ClientID
    $encodedClaims = $claims | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertTo-Base64
    $jwtPreliminary = $encodedHeader, $encodedClaims -join "."
    $jwtSigned = ($jwtPreliminary | ConvertTo-SignedString -Certificate $Certificate) -replace '\+', '-' -replace '/', '_' -replace '='
    $jwt = $jwtPreliminary, $jwtSigned -join '.'

    $body = @{
        client_id             = $ClientID
        client_assertion      = $jwt
        client_assertion_type = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer'
        scope                 = ''
        grant_type            = 'client_credentials'
    $header = @{
        Authorization = "Bearer $jwt"
    $uri = "$TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token"
    try { $script:token = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $body -Headers $header -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop).access_token }
    catch { throw }

function Connect-GraphClientSecret {
            Connects using a client secret.
            Connects using a client secret.
        .PARAMETER ClientID
            The ID of the registered app used with this authentication request.
        .PARAMETER TenantID
            The ID of the tenant connected to with this authentication request.
        .PARAMETER ClientSecret
            The actual secret used for authenticating the request.
        .PARAMETER Scopes
            Generally doesn't need to be changed from the default ''
        .PARAMETER Resource
            The resource the token grants access to.
            Generally doesn't need to be changed from the default ''
            Only needed when connecting to another service.
            PS C:\> Connect-GraphClientSecret -ClientID '<ClientID>' -TenantID '<TenantID>' -ClientSecret $secret
            Connects to the specified tenant using the specified client and secret.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Scopes = '',

        $Resource = ''
    process {
        $body = @{
            client_id     = $ClientID
            client_secret = [PSCredential]::new('NoMatter', $ClientSecret).GetNetworkCredential().Password
            scope         = $Scopes -join " "
            grant_type    = 'client_credentials'
            resource      = $Resource
        try { $authResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$TenantId/oauth2/token" -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { throw }
        $script:token = $authResponse.access_token

function Connect-GraphCredential {
        Connect to graph using username and password.
        Connect to graph using username and password.
        This logs into graph as a user, not as an application.
        Only cloud-only accounts can be used for this workflow.
        Consent to scopes must be granted before using them, as this command cannot show the consent prompt.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Credentials of the user to connect as.
        The Guid of the tenant to connect to.
        The ClientID / ApplicationID of the application to use.
    .PARAMETER Scopes
        The permission scopes to request.
        PS C:\> Connect-GraphCredential -Credential -ClientID $client -TenantID $tenant -Scopes '','user.readbasic.all'
        Connect as with the rights to read user information.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Scopes = ''
    $request = @{
        client_id = $ClientID
        scope = $Scopes -join " "
        username = $Credential.UserName
        password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        grant_type = 'password'
    try { $answer = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "$TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Body $request -ErrorAction Stop }
    catch { throw }
    $script:token = $answer.access_token

function Invoke-GraphRequest {
        Execute a request against the graph API
        Execute a request against the graph API
    .PARAMETER Query
        The relative graph query with all conditions appended.
    .PARAMETER Method
        Which rest method to use.
        Defaults to GET.
    .PARAMETER ContentType
        Which content type to specify.
        Defaults to "Application/Json"
        Any body to specify.
        Must be a hashtable, will be converted to json.
        Return the raw response, rather than processing the output.
    .PARAMETER NoPaging
        Only return the first set of data, rather than paging through the entire set.
        PS C:\> Invoke-GraphRequest -Query me
        Returns information about the current user.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Method = 'GET',

        $ContentType = 'application/json',




    begin {
        Assert-GraphConnection -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
    process {
        $parameters = @{
            Uri         = "$($script:baseEndpoint)/$($Query.TrimStart("/"))"
            Method      = $Method
            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($script:Token)" }
            ContentType = $ContentType
        if ($Body) { $parameters.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 }
        do {
            try { $data = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop }
            catch { throw }
            if ($Raw) { $data }
            elseif ($data.Value) { $data.Value }
            elseif ($data -and $null -eq $data.Value) { $data }
            $parameters.Uri = $data.'@odata.nextLink'
        until (-not $data.'@odata.nextLink' -or $NoPaging)

function Set-GraphEndpoint {
        Specify which graph endpoint to use for subsequent requests.
        Specify which graph endpoint to use for subsequent requests.
        Which kind of endpoint to use.
        v1 or beta
        Specify a custom Url as endpoint.
        Used to switch to a government cloud.
        PS C:\> Set-GraphEndpoint -Type beta
        Switch to using the beta graph endpoint

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Url')]

    if ($Type) {
        switch ($Type) {
            'v1' { $script:baseEndpoint = '' }
            'beta' { $script:baseEndpoint = '' }
    if ($Url) { $script:baseEndpoint = $Url.Trim("/") }

# Graph Token used for connections
$script:token = $null

# Endpoint used for queries
$script:baseEndpoint = ''