
. .\Get-BuildEnvironment.ps1

. .\New-DynamicParameter.ps1

function Set-BuildEnvironment {
    Sets a stored setting in a buildenvironment.json file.
    Sets the stored setting in a buildenvironment.json file.
    Specifies the path to a buildenvironment.json file.

        [parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)]
    DynamicParam {
        # Create dictionary
        $DynamicParameters = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        if ((Test-Path $Path) -and ($Path -like "*.buildenvironment.json")) {
            try {
                $LoadedBuildEnv = Get-Content $Path | ConvertFrom-Json
                $NewParams = (Get-Member -Type 'NoteProperty' -InputObject $LoadedBuildEnv).Name
                $NewParams | ForEach-Object {

                    $NewParamSettings = @{
                        Name = $_
                        Type = $LoadedBuildEnv.$_.gettype().Name.toString()
                        ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE

                    # Add new dynamic parameter to dictionary
                    New-DynamicParameter @NewParamSettings -Dictionary $DynamicParameters
            catch {
                #throw "Unable to load the build file in $Path"

        # Return dictionary with dynamic parameters

    process {
        New-DynamicParameter -CreateVariables -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters

        try {
            $LoadedBuildEnv = Get-BuildEnvironment $Path
            Foreach ($ParamKey in ($PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -ne 'Path'})) {
                $LoadedBuildEnv.$ParamKey = $PSBoundParameters[$ParamKey]
                Write-Output "Updating $ParamKey to be $($PSBoundParameters[$ParamKey])"

            $LoadedBuildEnv | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Encoding:utf8 -Force
            Write-Output "Saved configuration file - $Path"
        catch {
            throw "Unable to load the build file in $Path"