
#requires -version 7.2
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands
using namespace System.Collections.Concurrent
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Collections.Specialized
using namespace System.IO
using namespace System.IO.Compression
using namespace System.IO.Pipelines
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Net
using namespace System.Net.Http
using namespace System.Text
using namespace System.Threading
using namespace System.Threading.Tasks

#Because we are changing state, we want to be safe
#TODO: Implement logic to only fail on module installs, such that one module failure doesn't prevent others from installing.
#Probably need to take into account inconsistent state, such as if a dependent module fails then the depending modules should be removed.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

#region Public
High Performance Powershell Module Installation
THIS IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION, it should be considered "Fragile" and has very little error handling and type safety
It also doesn't generate the PowershellGet XML files currently, so PSGet v2 will see them as "External" modules (PSGetv3 doesn't care)

function Install-ModuleFast {
        $ModuleCache = $(New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path Temp:\ModuleFastCache),
        #The repository to scan for modules. TODO: Multi-repo support
        [string]$Source = '',
        #The credential to use to authenticate. Only basic auth is supported
        #By default will modify your PSModulePath to use the builtin destination if not present. Setting this implicitly skips profile update as well.
        #Setting this won't add the default destination to your powershell.config.json. This really only matters on Windows.
        #Setting this will check remote if the module spec has a higher bound than any currently installed local packages.

    # Setup the Destination repository
    $defaultRepoPath = $(Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData')) 'powershell/Modules')
    if (-not $Destination) {
        $Destination = $defaultRepoPath

    # Autocreate the default as a convenience, otherwise require the path to be present to avoid mistakes
    if ($Destination -eq $defaultRepoPath -and -not (Test-Path $Destination)) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Create Destination Folder', $Destination)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Destination -Force | Out-Null
    # Should error if the specified destination is not present
    [string]$Destination = Resolve-Path $Destination

    if (-not $NoPSModulePathUpdate) {
        if ($defaultRepoPath -ne $Destination -and $Destination -notin $PSModulePaths) {
            Write-Warning 'Parameter -Destination is set to a custom path not in your current PSModulePath. We will add it to your PSModulePath for this session. You can suppress this behavior with the -NoPSModulePathUpdate switch.'
            $NoProfileUpdate = $true

        $addToPathParams = @{
            Destination     = $Destination
            NoProfileUpdate = $NoProfileUpdate
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) {
            $addToPathParams.Confirm = $PSBoundParameters.Confirm
        Add-DestinationToPSModulePath @addtoPathParams

    $currentWhatIfPreference = $WhatIfPreference
    #We do some stuff here that doesn't affect the system but triggers whatif, so we disable it
    $WhatIfPreference = $false

    #We want to maintain a single HttpClient for the life of the module. This isn't as big of a deal as it used to be but
    #it is still a best practice.
    if (-not $SCRIPT:__ModuleFastHttpClient) {
        $SCRIPT:__ModuleFastHttpClient = New-ModuleFastClient -Credential $Credential
        if (-not $SCRIPT:__ModuleFastHttpClient) {
            throw 'Failed to create ModuleFast HTTPClient. This is a bug'
    $httpClient = $SCRIPT:__ModuleFastHttpClient
    Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Install-ModuleFast' -Status 'Plan' -PercentComplete 1
    $plan = Get-ModuleFastPlan $ModulesToInstall -HttpClient $httpClient -Source $Source -Update:$Update
    $WhatIfPreference = $currentWhatIfPreference

    if ($plan.Count -eq 0) {
        if ($WhatIfPreference) {
            Write-Host -fore DarkGreen "`u{2705} No modules found to install or all modules are already installed."
        #TODO: Deduplicate this with the end into its own function
        Write-Verbose "`u{2705} All required modules installed! Exiting."

    if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Destination, "Install $($plan.Count) Modules")) {
        Write-Host -fore DarkGreen "`u{1F680} ModuleFast Install Plan BEGIN"
        #TODO: Separate planned installs and dependencies
        | Select-Object Name, @{N = 'Version'; E = { [ModuleFastSpec]::VersionToString($_.Required) } }
        | Sort-Object Name
        | Format-Table -AutoSize
        | Out-String
        | Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray
        Write-Host -fore DarkGreen "`u{1F680} ModuleFast Install Plan END"

    Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Install-ModuleFast' -Status "Installing: $($plan.count) Modules" -PercentComplete 50

    $cancelSource = [CancellationTokenSource]::new()

    $installHelperParams = @{
        ModuleToInstall   = $plan
        Destination       = $Destination
        CancellationToken = $cancelSource.Token
        ModuleCache       = $ModuleCache
        HttpClient        = $httpClient
        Update            = $Update
    Install-ModuleFastHelper @installHelperParams
    Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Install-ModuleFast' -Completed
    Write-Verbose "`u{2705} All required modules installed! Exiting."

function New-ModuleFastClient {
    Write-Debug 'Creating new ModuleFast HTTP Client. This should only happen once!'
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    #SocketsHttpHandler is the modern .NET 5+ default handler for HttpClient.
    #We want more concurrent connections to improve our performance and fairly aggressive timeouts
    #The max connections are only in case we end up using HTTP/1.1 instead of HTTP/2 for whatever reason.
    $httpHandler = [SocketsHttpHandler]@{
        MaxConnectionsPerServer        = 100
        EnableMultipleHttp2Connections = $true
        AutomaticDecompression         = 'All'
        # ConnectTimeout = 1000

    $httpClient = [HttpClient]::new($httpHandler)
    $httpClient.BaseAddress = $Source

    #If a credential was provided, use it as a basic auth credential
    if ($Credential) {
        $httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = ConvertTo-AuthenticationHeaderValue $Credential

    #This user agent is important, it indicates to that we want dependency-only metadata
    #TODO: Do this with a custom header instead
    $userHeaderAdded = $httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.TryParseAdd('ModuleFast (')
    if (-not $userHeaderAdded) {
        throw 'Failed to add User-Agent header to HttpClient. This is a bug'

    #This will multiplex all queries over a single connection, minimizing TLS setup overhead
    #Should also support HTTP/3 on newest PS versions
    $httpClient.DefaultVersionPolicy = [HttpVersionPolicy]::RequestVersionOrHigher
    #This should enable HTTP/3 on Win11 22H2+ (or linux with http3 library) and PS 7.2+
    [void][AppContext]::SetSwitch('System.Net.SocketsHttpHandler.Http3Support', $true)
    return $httpClient

function Get-ModuleFastPlan {
        #A list of modules to install, specified either as strings or as hashtables with nuget version style (e.g. @{Name='test';Version='1.0'})
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][Object]$Name,
        #The repository to scan for modules. TODO: Multi-repo support
        [string]$Source = '',
        #Whether to include prerelease modules in the request
        #By default we use in-place modules if they satisfy the version requirements. This switch will force a search for all latest modules
        [HttpClient]$HttpClient = $(New-ModuleFastClient -Credential $Credential),

    BEGIN {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        [HashSet[ModuleFastSpec]]$modulesToResolve = @()

        #We use this token to cancel the HTTP requests if the user hits ctrl-C without having to dispose of the HttpClient
        $cancelToken = [CancellationTokenSource]::new()

        #We pass this splat to all our HTTP requests to cut down on boilerplate
        $httpContext = @{
            HttpClient        = $httpClient
            CancellationToken = $cancelToken.Token
        foreach ($spec in $Name) {
            if (-not $ModulesToResolve.Add($spec)) {
                Write-Warning "$spec was specified twice, skipping duplicate"
    END {
        # A deduplicated list of modules to install
        [HashSet[ModuleFastSpec]]$modulesToInstall = @{}

        # We use this as a fast lookup table for the context of the request
        [Dictionary[Task[String], ModuleFastSpec]]$resolveTasks = @{}

        #We use this to track the tasks that are currently running
        #We dont need this to be ConcurrentList because we only manipulate it in the "main" runspace.
        [List[Task[String]]]$currentTasks = @()

        #This try finally is so that we can interrupt all http call tasks if Ctrl-C is pressed
        try {
            foreach ($moduleSpec in $ModulesToResolve) {
                [string]$localMatch = Find-LocalModule $moduleSpec -Update:$Update
                if ($localMatch -and -not $Update) {
                    Write-Verbose "Found local module $localMatch that satisfies $moduleSpec. Skipping..."
                    #TODO: Capture this somewhere that we can use it to report in the deploy plan

                $task = Get-ModuleInfoAsync @httpContext -Endpoint $Source -Name $moduleSpec.Name
                $resolveTasks[$task] = $moduleSpec

            [int]$tasksCompleteCount = 1
            [int]$resolveTaskCount = $currentTasks.Count -as [Int]
            while ($currentTasks.Count -gt 0) {
                #The timeout here allow ctrl-C to continue working in PowerShell
                #-1 is returned by WaitAny if we hit the timeout before any tasks completed
                $noTasksYetCompleted = -1
                [int]$thisTaskIndex = [Task]::WaitAny($currentTasks, 500)
                if ($thisTaskIndex -eq $noTasksYetCompleted) { continue }

                #The Plan whitespace is intentional so that it lines up with install progress using the compact format
                Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Install-ModuleFast' -Status "Plan: Resolving $tasksCompleteCount/$resolveTaskCount Module Dependencies" -PercentComplete ((($tasksCompleteCount / $resolveTaskCount) * 50) + 1)

                #TODO: This only indicates headers were received, content may still be downloading and we dont want to block on that.
                #For now the content is small but this could be faster if we have another inner loop that WaitAny's on content
                #TODO: Perform a HEAD query to see if something has changed

                [Task[string]]$completedTask = $currentTasks[$thisTaskIndex]
                [ModuleFastSpec]$currentModuleSpec = $resolveTasks[$completedTask]

                Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Processing Response"
                # We use GetAwaiter so we get proper error messages back, as things such as network errors might occur here.
                try {
                    $response = $completedTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                    | ConvertFrom-Json
                    Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Received Response with $($response.Count) pages"
                } catch {
                    $taskException = $PSItem.Exception.InnerException
                    #TODO: Rewrite this as a handle filter
                    if ($taskException -isnot [HttpRequestException]) { throw }
                    [HttpRequestException]$err = $taskException
                    if ($err.StatusCode -eq [HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) {
                        throw [InvalidOperationException]"$currentModuleSpec`: module was not found in the $Source repository. Check the spelling and try again."

                    #All other cases
                    $PSItem.ErrorDetails = "$currentModuleSpec`: Failed to fetch module $currentModuleSpec from $Source. Error: $PSItem"
                    throw $PSItem

                if (-not $response.count) {
                    throw [InvalidDataException]"$currentModuleSpec`: invalid result received from $Source. This is probably a bug. Content: $response"

                #If what we are looking for exists in the response, we can stop looking
                #TODO: Type the responses and check on the type, not the existence of a property.

                #HACK: Add the download URI to the catalog entry, this makes life easier.
                #TODO: This needs to be moved to a function so it isn't duplicated down in the "else" section below
                $pageLeaves = $response.items.items
                $pageLeaves | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($PSItem.packageContent -and -not $PSItem.catalogEntry.packagecontent) {
                        | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'PackageContent' -NotePropertyValue $PSItem.packageContent

                $entries = $pageLeaves.catalogEntry
                [Version]$versionMatch = if ($entries) {
                    [version[]]$inlinedVersions = $entries.version
                    | Where-Object {
                        $PSItem -and !$PSItem.contains('-')
                    Limit-ModuleFastSpecVersions -ModuleSpec $currentModuleSpec -Highest -Versions $inlinedVersions

                $selectedEntry = if ($versionMatch) {
                    Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Found satisfying version $versionMatch in the inlined index."

                    $entries | Where-Object version -EQ $versionMatch
                } else {
                    #TODO: This should maybe be a separate function

                    #Do a more detailed resolution
                    Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: not found in inlined index. Determining appropriate page(s) to query"
                    #If not inlined, we need to find what page(s) might have the candidate info we are looking for.
                    #While this may seem inefficient, all pages but latest are static and have a long lifetime so we trade a
                    #longer cold start to a nearly infinite requery, which will handle all subsequent dependency lookups.
                    #stats show most modules have a few common dependencies, so caching all versions of those dependencies is
                    #very helpful for fast performance

                    # HACK: Need to add @type to make this more discriminate between a direct version query and an individual item
                    # TODO: Should probably typesafe and validate this using classes

                    $pages = $response.items | Where-Object {
                        [SemanticVersion]$upper = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($PSItem.Upper)
                        [SemanticVersion]$lower = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($PSItem.Lower)
                        if ($currentModuleSpec.Required) {
                            if ($currentModuleSpec.Required -le $upper -and $currentModuleSpec.Required -ge $lower ) {
                                return $true
                        } else {
                            [Version]$min = $currentModuleSpec.Version ?? '0.0.0'
                            [version]$max = $currentModuleSpec.MaximumVersion ?? '{0}.{0}.{0}.{0}' -f [Int32]::MaxValue
                            #Min and Max are outside the range (meaning the range is inside the min and max)
                            if ($min -le $lower -and $max -ge $upper) {
                                return $true
                            #Min or max is in range (partial worth exploring)
                            if ($min -ge $lower -and $min -le $upper) {
                                return $true
                            #Max is in range (partial worth exploring)
                            if ($max -ge $lower -and $max -le $upper) {
                                return $true
                            #Otherwise there is no match

                    if (-not $pages) {
                        throw [InvalidOperationException]"$currentModuleSpec`: a matching module was not found in the $Source repository that satisfies the version constraints. If this happens during dependency lookup, it is a bug in ModuleFast."
                    Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Found $(@($pages).Count) additional pages that might match the query: $($pages.'@id' -join ',')"

                    #TODO: This is relatively slow and blocking, but we would need complicated logic to process it in the main task handler loop.
                    #I really should make a pipeline that breaks off tasks based on the type of the response.
                    #This should be a relatively rare query that only happens when the latest package isn't being resolved.
                    [Task[string][]]$tasks = foreach ($page in $pages) {
                        Get-ModuleInfoAsync @httpContext -Uri $page.'@id'
                        #Used to track progress as tasks can get removed
                        #This loop is here to support ctrl-c cancellation again
                    while ($false -in $tasks.IsCompleted) {
                        [void][Task]::WaitAll($tasks, 500)
                    $response = $tasks.GetAwaiter().GetResult() | ConvertFrom-Json
                    $items = $response.items

                    $pageLeaves = $items
                    $pageLeaves | ForEach-Object {
                        if ($PSItem.packageContent -and -not $PSItem.catalogEntry.packagecontent) {
                            | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'PackageContent' -NotePropertyValue $PSItem.packageContent

                    $entries = $pageLeaves.catalogEntry

                    # TODO: Dedupe this logic with the above
                    [HashSet[Version]]$inlinedVersions = $entries.version
                    | Where-Object {
                        $PSItem -and !$PSItem.contains('-')

                    [Version]$versionMatch = Limit-ModuleFastSpecVersions -ModuleSpec $currentModuleSpec -Versions $inlinedVersions -Highest
                    if ($versionMatch) {
                        Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Found satisfying version $versionMatch in one of the additional pages."

                        $entries | Where-Object version -EQ $versionMatch
                        #TODO: Resolve dependencies in separate function

                if ($selectedEntry.count -ne 1) {
                    throw 'Something other than exactly 1 selectedModule was specified. This should never happen and is a bug'

                if (-not $selectedEntry.packageContent) { throw "No package content found for $($selectedEntry.packageContent). This should never happen and is a bug" }
                [ModuleFastSpec]$moduleInfo = [ModuleFastSpec]::new(

                #Check if we have already processed this item and move on if we have
                if (-not $modulesToInstall.Add($moduleInfo)) {
                    Write-Debug "$moduleInfo ModulesToInstall already exists. Skipping..."
                    #TODO: Fix the flow so this isn't stated twice

                Write-Verbose "$moduleInfo`: Adding to install plan"

                # HACK: Pwsh doesn't care about target framework as of today so we can skip that evaluation
                # TODO: Should it? Should we check for the target framework and only install if it matches?
                $dependencyInfo = $selectedEntry.dependencyGroups.dependencies

                #Determine dependencies and add them to the pending tasks
                if ($dependencyInfo) {
                    # HACK: I should be using the Id provided by the server, for now I'm just guessing because
                    # I need to add it to the ComparableModuleSpec class
                    Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Processing dependencies"
                    [List[ModuleFastSpec]]$dependencies = $dependencyInfo | ForEach-Object {
                        [ModuleFastSpec]::new($, [NuGetRange]$PSItem.range)
                    Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec has $($dependencies.count) dependencies"

                    # TODO: Where loop filter maybe
                    [ModuleFastSpec[]]$dependenciesToResolve = $dependencies | Where-Object {
                        # TODO: This dependency resolution logic should be a separate function
                        # Maybe ModulesToInstall should be nested/grouped by Module Name then version to speed this up, as it currently
                        # enumerates every time which shouldn't be a big deal for small dependency trees but might be a
                        # meaninful performance difference on a whole-system upgrade.
                        [HashSet[string]]$moduleNames = $modulesToInstall.Name
                        if ($PSItem.Name -notin $ModuleNames) {
                            Write-Debug "$PSItem not already in ModulesToInstall. Resolving..."
                            return $true

                        $plannedVersions = $modulesToInstall
                        | Where-Object Name -EQ $PSItem.Name
                        | Sort-Object RequiredVersion -Descending

                        # TODO: Consolidate with Get-HighestSatisfiesVersion function
                        $highestPlannedVersion = $plannedVersions[0].RequiredVersion

                        if ($PSItem.Version -and ($PSItem.Version -gt $highestPlannedVersion)) {
                            Write-Debug "$($PSItem.Name): Minimum Version $($PSItem.Version) not satisfied by highest existing match $highestPlannedVersion. Performing Lookup."
                            return $true

                        if ($PSItem.MaximumVersion -and ($PSItem.MaximumVersion -lt $highestPlannedVersion)) {
                            Write-Debug "$($PSItem.Name): $highestPlannedVersion is higher than Maximum Version $($PSItem.MaximumVersion). Performing Lookup"
                            return $true

                        if ($PSItem.RequiredVersion -and ($PSItem.RequiredVersion -notin $plannedVersions.RequiredVersion)) {
                            Write-Debug "$($PSItem.Name): Explicity Required Version $($PSItem.RequiredVersion) is not within existing planned versions ($($plannedVersions.RequiredVersion -join ',')). Performing Lookup"
                            return $true

                        #If it didn't match, skip it
                        Write-Debug "$($PSItem.Name) dependency satisfied by $highestPlannedVersion already in the plan"

                    if (-not $dependenciesToResolve) {
                        Write-Debug "$moduleSpec has no remaining dependencies that need resolving"

                    Write-Debug "Fetching info on remaining $($dependenciesToResolve.count) dependencies"

                    # We do this here rather than populate modulesToResolve because the tasks wont start until all the existing tasks complete
                    # TODO: Figure out a way to dedupe this logic maybe recursively but I guess a function would be fine too
                    foreach ($dependencySpec in $dependenciesToResolve) {
                        [string]$localMatch = Find-LocalModule $dependencySpec
                        if ($localMatch -and -not $Update) {
                            Write-Verbose "Found local module $localMatch that satisfies dependency $dependencySpec. Skipping..."
                            #TODO: Capture this somewhere that we can use it to report in the deploy plan
                        } else {
                            Write-Debug "No local modules that satisfies dependency $dependencySpec. Checking Remote..."
                        # TODO: Deduplicate in-flight queries (az.accounts is a good example)
                        # Write-Debug "$moduleSpec`: Checking if $dependencySpec already has an in-flight request that satisfies the requirement"

                        Write-Debug "$currentModuleSpec`: Fetching dependency $dependencySpec"
                        #TODO: Do a direct version lookup if the dependency is a required version
                        $task = Get-ModuleInfoAsync @httpContext -Endpoint $Source -Name $dependencySpec.Name
                        $resolveTasks[$task] = $dependencySpec
                        #Used to track progress as tasks can get removed

                try {
                } catch {
                Write-Debug "Remaining Tasks: $($currentTasks.count)"
        } finally {
            #This gets called even if ctrl-c occured during the process
            #Should cancel any outstanding requests
            if ($currentTasks.count -gt 0) {
                Write-Debug "Cancelling $($currentTasks.count) outstanding tasks"

        return $modulesToInstall

#endregion Public

#region Private
function Install-ModuleFastHelper {
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    #Used to keep track of context with Tasks, because we dont have "await" style syntax like C#
    [Dictionary[Task, hashtable]]$taskMap = @{}

    [List[Task[Stream]]]$streamTasks = foreach ($module in $ModuleToInstall) {
        $context = @{
            Module       = $module
            DownloadPath = Join-Path $ModuleCache "$($module.Name).$($module.Version).nupkg"

        $installPath = Join-Path $Destination $context.Module.Name $context.Module.Version
        if (Test-Path $installPath) {
            #TODO: Check for a corrupted module
            #TODO: Prerelease checking
            if (-not $Update) {
                throw "$($context.Module)`: Module already exists at $installPath and -Update wasn't specified. This is a bug"
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "$($context.Module)`: Module already exists at $installPath but -Update was specified. This can happen because we did in fact have the latest version. Skipping."

        $context.InstallPath = $installPath

        Write-Verbose "$module`: Starting Download for $($module.DownloadLink)"
        if (-not $module.DownloadLink) {
            throw "$module`: No Download Link found. This is a bug"
        $fetchTask = $httpClient.GetStreamAsync($module.DownloadLink, $CancellationToken)
        $taskMap.Add($fetchTask, $context)

    [List[Job2]]$installJobs = while ($streamTasks.count -gt 0) {
        $noTasksYetCompleted = -1
        [int]$thisTaskIndex = [Task]::WaitAny($streamTasks, 500)
        if ($thisTaskIndex -eq $noTasksYetCompleted) { continue }
        $thisTask = $streamTasks[$thisTaskIndex]
        $stream = $thisTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
        $context = $taskMap[$thisTask]
        $context.fetchStream = $stream

        #We are going to extract these straight out of memory, so we don't need to write the nupkg to disk
        Write-Verbose "$($context.Module): Starting Extract Job to $($context.installPath)"
        # This is a sync process and we want to do it in parallel, hence the threadjob
        $installJob = Start-ThreadJob -ThrottleLimit 8 {
                [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$stream = $USING:stream,
                [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$context = $USING:context
            $installPath = $context.InstallPath
            #TODO: Add a ".incomplete" marker file to the folder and remove it when done. This will allow us to detect failed installations
            $zip = [IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new($stream, 'Read')
            [IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $installPath)
            Write-Verbose "Cleanup Nuget Files in $installPath"
            if (-not $installPath) { throw 'ModuleDestination was not set. This is a bug, report it' }
            Remove-Item -Path $installPath -Include '_rels', 'package', '*.nuspec' -Recurse -Force
            return ($context).Module

    $installed = 0
    while ($installJobs.count -gt 0) {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $completedJob = $installJobs | Wait-Job -Any
        $installedModule = $completedJob | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
        if (-not $installJobs.Remove($completedJob)) { throw 'Could not remove completed job from list. This is a bug, report it' }
        Write-Verbose "$installedModule`: Successfuly installed to $installPath"
        Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Install-ModuleFast' -Status "Install: $installed/$($ModuleToInstall.count) Modules" -PercentComplete ((($installed / $ModuleToInstall.count) * 50) + 50)

#endregion Private

#region Classes

class ModuleFastSpec : IComparable {
    A custom version of ModuleSpecification that is comparable on its values, and will deduplicate in a HashSet if all
    values are the same. This should also be consistent across processes and can be cached.
    The version and semantic version classes allow nulls in way too many locations, and requiredmodule is redundant with
    setting min and max the same.
    It is somewhat non-null that can be used to compare modules but it should really be immutable. I really should make a C# version for this.

    static [SemanticVersion]$MinVersion = 0
    static [SemanticVersion]$MaxVersion = '{0}.{0}.{0}' -f [int32]::MaxValue
    #Special string we use to translate between Version and SemanticVersion since SemanticVersion doesnt support Semver 2.0 properly and doesnt allow + only
    #Someone actually using this string may cause a conflict, it's not foolproof but it's better than nothing
    hidden static [string]$SYSTEM_VERSION_LABEL = 'SYSTEMVERSION'
    hidden static [string]$SYSTEM_VERSION_REGEX = '^(?<major>\d+)\.(?<minor>\d+)\.(?<build>\d+)\.(?<revision>\d+)$'

    #These properties are effectively read only thanks to some wizardry
    hidden [uri]$_DownloadLink
    hidden [uri]Get_DownloadLink() { return $this._DownloadLink }
    hidden [string]$_Name
    hidden [string]Get_Name() { return $this._Name }
    hidden [guid]$_Guid
    hidden [guid]Get_Guid() { return $this._Guid }
    hidden [SemanticVersion]$_Min = [ModuleFastSpec]::MinVersion
    hidden [SemanticVersion]Get_Min() { return $this._Min }
    hidden [SemanticVersion]$_Max = [ModuleFastSpec]::MaxVersion
    hidden [SemanticVersion]Get_Max() { return $this._Max }

    hidden [SemanticVersion]Get_Required() {
        if ($this.Min -eq $this.Max) {
            return $this.Min
        } else {
            return $null

    #ModuleSpecification Compatible Getters
    hidden [Version]Get_RequiredVersion() { return [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($this.Required) }
    hidden [Version]Get_Version() { return [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($this.Min) }
    hidden [Version]Get_MaximumVersion() { return [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($this.Max) }


    #HACK: A helper because we can't do constructor chaining in PowerShell
    #HACK: Guid and SemanticVersion are non-nullable and just causes problems trying to enforce it here, we make sure it doesn't get set to a null value later on
    hidden Initialize([string]$Name, $Min, $Max, $Guid, [ModuleSpecification]$moduleSpec) {

        #Explode out moduleSpec information if present and then follow the same validation logic
        if ($moduleSpec) {
            $Name = $ModuleSpec.Name
            $Guid = $ModuleSpec.Guid
            if ($ModuleSpec.RequiredVersion) {
                $Min = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($ModuleSpec.RequiredVersion)
                $Max = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($ModuleSpec.RequiredVersion)
            } else {
                $Min = $moduleSpec.Version ? [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($ModuleSpec.Version) : $null
                $Max = $moduleSpec.MaximumVersion ? [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($ModuleSpec.MaximumVersion) : $null

        #HACK: The nulls here are just to satisfy the ternary operator, they go off into the ether and arent returned or used
        $Name ? ($this._Name = $Name) : $null
        $Min ? ($this._Min = $Min) : $null
        $Max ? ($this._Max = $Max) : $null
        $Guid ? ($this._Guid = $Guid) : $null
        if ($this.Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty -and -not $this.Required) {
            throw 'Cannot specify Guid unless min and max are the same. If you see this, it is probably a bug'

    # HACK: We dont want a string constructor because it messes with Equals (we dont want strings implicitly cast to ModuleFastSpec).
    # ModuleName is a workaround for this and still make it easy to define a spec that matches all versions of a module.
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name) {
        $this.Initialize($Name, $null, $null, $null, $null)
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name, [string]$Required) {
        [SemanticVersion]$requiredVersion = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($Required)
        $this.Initialize($Name, $requiredVersion, $requiredVersion, $null, $null)
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name, [String]$Required, [Guid]$Guid) {
        [SemanticVersion]$requiredVersion = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($Required)
        $this.Initialize($Name, $requiredVersion, $requiredVersion, $Guid, $null)
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name, [String]$Required, [Uri]$DownloadLink) {
        [SemanticVersion]$requiredVersion = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($Required)
        $this.Initialize($Name, $requiredVersion, $requiredVersion, $null, $null)
        $this._DownloadLink = [uri]$DownloadLink
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name, [string]$Min, [string]$Max) {
        [SemanticVersion]$minVer = $min ? [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($min) : $null
        [SemanticVersion]$maxVer = $max ? [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($max) : $null
        $this.Initialize($Name, $minVer, $maxVer, $null, $null)

    # These can be used for performance to avoid parsing to string and back. Probably makes little difference
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name, [SemanticVersion]$Required) {
        $this.Initialize($Name, $Required, $Required, $null, $null)
    ModuleFastSpec([string]$Name, [NugetRange]$Range) {
        $this.Initialize($Name, $range.Min, $range.Max, $null, $null)

    #TODO: Version versions maybe? Probably should just use the parser and let those go to string
    ModuleFastSpec([ModuleSpecification]$ModuleSpec) {
        $this.Initialize($null, $null, $null, $null, $ModuleSpec)

    #Hashtable constructor works the same as for moduleSpecification for ease of use/understanding
    ModuleFastSpec([hashtable]$hashtable) {
        #Will implicitly convert the hashtable to ModuleSpecification
        $this.Initialize($null, $null, $null, $null, $hashtable)

    ### Version Helper Methods
    #Determines if a version is within range of the spec.
    [bool] Matches([SemanticVersion]$Version) {
        if ($null -eq $Version) { return $false }
        if ($Version -ge $this.Min -and $Version -le $this.Max) { return $true }
        return $false
    [bool] Matches([Version]$Version) {
        return $this.Matches([ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersion($Version))
    [bool] Matches([String]$Version) {
        return $this.Matches([ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($Version))

    #Determines if this spec is at least partially inside of the supplied spec
    [bool] Overlaps([ModuleFastSpec]$Spec) {
        if ($null -eq $Spec) { return $false }
        if ($Spec.Name -ne $this.Name) { throw "Supplied Spec Name $($Spec.Name) does not match this spec name $($this.Name)" }
        if ($Spec.Guid -ne $this.Guid) { throw "Supplied Spec Guid $($Spec.Name) does not match this spec guid $($this.Name)" }

        # Returns true if there is any overlap between $this and $spec
        if ($this.Min -lt $Spec.Max -and $this.Max -gt $Spec.Min) { return $true }
        return $false

    # Parses either a assembly version or semver to a semver string
    static [SemanticVersion] ParseVersionString([string]$Version) {
        if (-not $Version) { throw [NotSupportedException]'Null or empty strings are not supported' }
        if ($Version -as [Version]) {
            return [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersion($Version)
        return $Version

    # A version number with 4 octets wont cast to semanticversion properly, this is a helper method for that.
    # We treat "revision" as "build" and "build" as patch for purposes of translation
    # Needed because SemVer can't parse builds correctly
    static [SemanticVersion] ParseVersion([Version]$Version) {
        if (-not $Version) { throw [NotSupportedException]'Null or empty strings are not supported' }

        [list[string]]$buildLabels = @()
        $buildVersion = $null
        if ($Version.Build -eq -1) { $buildLabels.Add('NOBUILD'); $buildVersion = 0 }
        if ($Version.Revision -ne -1) {
        if ($buildLabels.count -eq 0) {
            #This version maps directly to semantic version and we can return early
            return [SemanticVersion]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Version.Build)

        #Otherwise we need to explicitly note this came from a system version for when we parse it back
        $preReleaseLabel = $null
        if ($Version.Revision -ge 0) {
            #We do this so that the sort order is correct in semver (prereleases sort before major versions and is lexically sorted)
            #Revision can't be 0 while build is -1, so we can skip any evaluation logic there.
            $preReleaseLabel = $Version.Revision.ToString().PadLeft(10, '0')
            $buildVersion = $Version.Build + 1
        [string]$buildLabel = $buildLabels -join '.'
        #Nulls will return as 0, which we want. Major and Minor cannot be -1
        return [SemanticVersion]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $buildVersion, $preReleaseLabel, $buildLabel)

    # A way to go back from SemanticVersion, the anticedent to ParseVersion
    static [Version] ParseSemanticVersion([SemanticVersion]$Version) {
        if ($null -eq $Version) { throw [NotSupportedException]'Null or empty strings are not supported' }

        #If this only has a build "version" but no Prerelease tag, we can translate that to the revision
        if (-not $Version.PreReleaseLabel -and $Version.BuildLabel -and $Version.BuildLabel -as [int]) {
            return [Version]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Version.Patch, $Version.BuildLabel)

        [string[]]$buildFlags = $Version.BuildLabel -split '\.'
        if ($BuildFlags -notcontains [ModuleFastSpec]::SYSTEM_VERSION_LABEL) {
            #This is a semantic-compatible version, we can just return it
            return [Version]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Version.Patch)
        if ($buildFlags -contains 'NOBUILD') {
            return [Version]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor)
        #It is not possible to have no build version but have a revision version, we dont have to test for that
        if ($buildFlags -contains 'HASREVISION') {
            #A null prerelease label will map to 0, so this will correctly be for example if it is null but NOREVISION wasnt flagged
            return [Version]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Version.Patch - 1, $Version.PreReleaseLabel)

        throw [InvalidDataException]"Unexpected situation when parsing SemanticVersion $Version to Version. This is a bug in ModuleFastSpec and should be reported"

    [Version] ToVersion() {
        if (-not $this.Required) { throw [NotSupportedException]'You can only convert Required specs to a version.' }
        #Warning: Return type is not enforced by the method, that's why we did it explicitly here.
        return [Version][ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($this.Required)

    ###Implicit Methods

    #This string will be unique for each spec type, and can (probably)? Be safely used as a hashcode
    #TODO: Implement parsing of this string to the parser to allow it to be "reserialized" to a module spec
    [string] ToString() {
        $name = $this._Name + ($this._Guid -ne [Guid]::Empty ? " [$($this._Guid)]" : '')
        $versionString = switch ($true) {
                ($this.Min -eq [ModuleFastSpec]::MinVersion -and $this.Max -eq [ModuleFastSpec]::MaxVersion) {
                #This is the default, so we don't need to print it
                ($null -ne $this.required) { "@$([ModuleFastSpec]::VersionToString($this.Required))"; break }
                ($this.Min -eq [ModuleFastSpec]::MinVersion) { "<$([ModuleFastSpec]::VersionToString($this.Max))"; break }
                ($this.Max -eq [ModuleFastSpec]::MaxVersion) { ">$([ModuleFastSpec]::VersionToString($this.Min))"; break }
            default { ":$($this.Min)-$($this.Max)" }
        return $name + $versionString

    #Converts a stored version to a string representation. This handles cases where the value was originally a System.Version
    static [string] VersionToString([SemanticVersion]$version) {
        if ($null -eq $version) { return $null }
        if ($Version.BuildLabel -match 'SYSTEMVERSION' -and $version.PrereleaseLabel -as [int]) {
            #This is a system version, we need to convert it back to a system version
            return [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($version).ToString()
        return $version.ToString()

    #BUG: We cannot implement IEquatable directly because we need to self-reference ModuleFastSpec before it exists.
    #We can however just add Equals() method

    #Implementation of
    [boolean] Equals([Object]$obj) {
        if ($null -eq $obj) { return $false }
        switch ($obj.GetType()) {
            #Comparing ModuleSpecs means that we want to ensure they are structurally the same
                        ([ModuleFastSpec]) {
                return $this.Name -eq $obj.Name -and
                $this.Guid -eq $obj.Guid -and
                $obj.Min -ge $this.Min -and
                $obj.Max -le $this.Max
                        ([ModuleSpecification]) { return $this.Equals([ModuleFastSpec]$obj) }

            #When comparing a version, we want to return equal if the version is within the range of the spec
                        ([SemanticVersion]) { return $this.CompareTo($obj) -eq 0 }
                        ([string]) { return $this.Equals([ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($obj)) }
                        ([Version]) { return $this.Equals([ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersion($obj)) }
            default {
                #Try a cast. This should work for ModuleSpecification
                try {
                    return $this.CompareTo([ModuleFastSpec]$obj)
                } catch [RuntimeException] {
                    #This is a cast error, we want to limit this so that any errors from CompareTo bubble up
                    throw "Cannot compare ModuleFastSpec to $($obj.GetType())"
        throw [InvalidOperationException]'Unexpected Equals was found. This should never happen and is a bug in ModuleFastSpec'

    #Implementation of
    [int] CompareTo([Object]$obj) {
        if ($null -eq $obj) { throw [NotSupportedException]'null not supported' }

        #This is somewhat analagous to C# Pattern Matching:
        switch ($obj.GetType()) {
            #We determine greater than or less than if the version is within the range of the spec or not
                        ([SemanticVersion]) {
                if ($obj -ge $this.Min -and $obj -le $this.Max) { return 0 }
                if ($obj -lt $this.Min) { return 1 }
                if ($obj -gt $this.Max) { return -1 }
                throw 'Unexpected comparison result. This should never happen and is a bug in ModuleFastSpec'
                        ([ModuleFastSpec]) {
                if (-not $obj.Required) { throw [NotSupportedException]'Cannot compare two range specs as they can overlap. Supply a required spec to this range' }
                return $this.CompareTo($obj.Required) #Should go to SemanticVersion
                        ([Version]) {
                return $this.CompareTo([ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersion($obj))
                        ([String]) {
                return $this.CompareTo([ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($obj))
            default {
                if ($this.Equals($obj)) { return 0 }
                #Try a cast. This should work for ModuleSpecification
                try {
                    return $this.CompareTo([ModuleFastSpec]$obj)
                } catch [RuntimeException] {
                    #This is a cast error, we want to limit this so that any errors from CompareTo bubble up
                    throw "Cannot compare ModuleFastSpec to $($obj.GetType())"
        throw [InvalidOperationException]'Unexpected Compare was found. This should never happen and is a bug in ModuleFastSpec'

    [int] GetHashCode() {
        return $this.ToString().GetHashCode()

    static [ModuleSpecification] op_Implicit([ModuleFastSpec]$moduleFastSpec) {
        $moduleSpecification = @{
            ModuleName = $moduleFastSpec.Name
        if ($moduleFastSpec.Required) {
            $moduleSpecification['RequiredVersion'] = $moduleFastSpec.Required
        } else {
            #Module Specifications like nulls, so we will accomodate that.
            if ($moduleFastSpec.Min -gt [ModuleFastSpec]::MinVersion) {
                $moduleSpecification['ModuleVersion'] = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($moduleFastSpec.Min)
            if ($moduleFastSpec.Max -lt [ModuleFastSpec]::MaxVersion) {
                $moduleSpecification['MaximumVersion'] = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseSemanticVersion($moduleFastSpec.Max)
        #HACK: This could be more specific but it works for this case
        if ($moduleSpecification.Keys.Count -eq 1) {
            $moduleSpecification['ModuleVersion'] = '0.0.0'
        return [ModuleSpecification]$moduleSpecification

#This is a helper function that processes nuget ranges.
class NugetRange {
    [boolean]$MinInclusive = $true
    [boolean]$MaxInclusive = $true

    static [SemanticVersion]$MinVersion = 0
    static [SemanticVersion]$MaxVersion = '{0}.{0}.{0}' -f [int32]::MaxValue

    NugetRange([string]$string) {
        # Use a regex to parse a semantic version range inclusive
        # of the NuGet versioning spec.
        # Reference:

        #A null is expected to mean all versions. This is probably a dangerous assumption.
        if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($string)) {
            $this.Min = [NugetRange]::MinVersion
            $this.Max = [NugetRange]::MaxVersion

        if ($string -as [SemanticVersion]) {
            $this.Min = $string
            $this.Max = $string

        #Matches for beginning and ending parens or brackets
        #If it doesnt match this, we've already evaluted the possible other solution
        if ($string -notmatch '^(\(|\[)(.+)(\)|\])$') {
            throw "Invalid Nuget Range: $string"
        $left, $range, $right = $Matches[1..3]

        $this.MinInclusive = $left -eq '['
        $this.MaxInclusive = $right -eq ']'

        if ($range -notmatch '\,') {
            $req = [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($range) ? [NugetRange]::MinVersion : [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($range)
            $this.Min = $req
            $this.Max = $req
        $minString, $maxString = $range.split(',')
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($minString)) { $this.Min = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($minString) }
        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($maxString)) { $this.Max = [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersionString($maxString) }

    static [SemanticVersion] Decrement([SemanticVersion]$version) {
        if ($version.BuildLabel -or $version.PreReleaseLabel) {
            Write-Warning 'Decrementing a version with a build or prerelease label is not supported as the Powershell Semantic Version class cannot compare them anyways. We will decrement the patch version instead and strip the prerelease headers. Do not rely on this behavior, it will change.'
        if ($version.Patch -gt 0) {
            return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor, $version.Patch - 1)
        if ($version.Minor -gt 0) {
            if ($version.Patch -eq 0) {
                return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor - 1, [int]::MaxValue)
            return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor - 1, $version.Patch)
        if ($version.Major -gt 0) {
            if ($version.Minor -eq 0 -and $version.Patch -eq 0) {
                return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major - 1, [int]::MaxValue, [int]::MaxValue)
        throw [ArgumentOutOfRangeException]'Unexpected Decrement Scenario Occurred, this should never happen and is a bug in ModuleFastSpec'

    static [SemanticVersion] Increment([SemanticVersion]$version) {
        if ($version.BuildLabel -or $version.PreReleaseLabel) {
            Write-Warning 'Incrementing a version with a build or prerelease label is not supported as the Powershell Semantic Version class cannot compare them anyways. We will decrement the patch version instead and strip the prerelease headers. Do not rely on this behavior, it will change.'
        if ($version.Patch -le [int]::MaxValue) {
            return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor, $version.Patch + 1)
        if ($version.Minor -gt 0) {
            if ($version.Patch -eq [int]::MaxValue) {
                return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor + 1, 0)
            return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major, $version.Minor + 1, $version.Patch)
        if ($version.Major -gt 0) {
            if ($version.Minor -eq 0 -and $version.Patch -eq 0) {
                return [SemanticVersion]::new($version.Major - 1, [int]::MaxValue, [int]::MaxValue)
        throw [ArgumentOutOfRangeException]'Unexpected Increment Scenario Occurred, this should never happen and is a bug in ModuleFastSpec'

#This is a module helper to create "getters" in classes
function Add-Getters {
    Get-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType Method -Force |
        Where-Object name -CLike 'Get_*' |
        ForEach-Object name |
        ForEach-Object {
            $getter = [ScriptBlock]::Create(('$this.{0}()' -f $PSItem))
            $property = $PSItem -replace 'Get_', ''
            Add-Member -InputObject $this -Name $property -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value $getter
#endRegion Classes

#region Helpers

function Get-ModuleInfoAsync {
    param (
        # The name of the module to search for
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'endpoint')][string]$Name,
        # The URI of the nuget v3 repository base, e.g.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'endpoint')]$Endpoint,
        # The path we are calling for the registration.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'endpoint')][string]$Path = 'index.json',

        #The direct URI to the registration endpoint
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'uri')][string]$Uri,


    if (-not $Uri) {
        $ModuleId = $Name

        #This call should be cached by httpclient after first attempt to speed up future calls
        #TODO: Only select supported versions
        #TODO: Cache this index more centrally to be used for other services
        if (-not $SCRIPT:__registrationIndex) {
            $SCRIPT:__registrationIndex = $HttpClient.GetStringAsync($Endpoint, $CancellationToken).GetAwaiter().GetResult()

        $registrationBase = $SCRIPT:__registrationIndex
        | ConvertFrom-Json
        | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Resources
        | Where-Object {
            $_.'@type' -match 'RegistrationsBaseUrl'
        | Sort-Object -Property '@type' -Descending
        | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '@id' -First 1

        $uri = "$registrationBase/$($ModuleId.ToLower())/$Path"

    #TODO: System.Text.JSON serialize this with fancy generic methods in 7.3?
    Write-Debug ('{0}fetch info from {1}' -f ($ModuleId ? "$ModuleId`: " : ''), $uri)

    return $HttpClient.GetStringAsync($uri, $CancellationToken)

function Add-DestinationToPSModulePath {
    Adds an existing PowerShell Modules path to the current session as well as the profile

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    $Destination = Resolve-Path $Destination #Will error if it doesn't exist

    # Check if the destination is in the PSModulePath. For a default setup this should basically always be true for Mac/Linux
    [string[]]$modulePaths = $env:PSModulePath.split([Path]::PathSeparator)
    if ($Destination -in $modulePaths) {
        Write-Debug "Destination '$Destination' is already in the PSModulePath, we will assume it is already configured correctly"

    # Generally we only get this far on Windows where the default CurrentUser is in Documents
    Write-Verbose "Updating PSModulePath to include $Destination"
    $env:PSModulePath = $Destination, $env:PSModulePath -join [Path]::PathSeparator

    if ($NoProfileUpdate) {
        Write-Debug 'Skipping updating the profile because -NoProfileUpdate was specified'

    #TODO: Support other profiles?
    $myProfile = $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts

    if (-not (Test-Path $myProfile)) {
        if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($myProfile, "Allow ModuleFast to work by creating a profile at $myProfile.")) { return }
        Write-Verbose 'User All Hosts profile not found, creating one.'
        New-Item -ItemType File -Path $myProfile -Force | Out-Null

    [string]$profileLine = { if ('$Destination' -notin ($env:PSModulePath.split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator))) { `$env:PSModulePath = '$Destination' + $([IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $env:PSModulePath) } <#Added by ModuleFast. DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE. If you do not want this, add -NoProfileUpdate to Install-ModuleFast or add the default destination to your powershell.config.json or to your PSModulePath another way.#> }

    if ((Get-Content -Raw $myProfile) -notmatch [Regex]::Escape($ProfileLine)) {
        if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($myProfile, "Allow ModuleFast to work by adding $Destination to your PSModulePath on startup by appending to your CurrentUserAllHosts profile. If you do not want this, add -NoProfileUpdate to Install-ModuleFast or add the specified destination to your powershell.config.json or to your PSModulePath another way.")) { return }
        Write-Verbose "Adding $Destination to profile $myProfile"
        Add-Content -Path $myProfile -Value "`n`n"
        Add-Content -Path $myProfile -Value $ProfileLine
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "PSModulePath $Destination already in profile, skipping..."

function Find-LocalModule {
    Searches local PSModulePath repositories

        [string[]]$ModulePath = $($env:PSModulePath -split [Path]::PathSeparator),
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    # BUG: Prerelease Module paths are still not recognized by internal PS commands and can break things

    # Search all psmodulepaths for the module
    $modulePaths = $env:PSModulePath.Split([Path]::PathSeparator, [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
    if (-Not $modulePaths) {
        Write-Warning 'No PSModulePaths found in $env:PSModulePath. If you are doing isolated testing you can disregard this.'

    # NOTE: We are intentionally using return instead of continue here, as soon as we find a match we are done.
    foreach ($modulePath in $modulePaths) {
        if (-not [Directory]::Exists($modulePath)) {
            Write-Debug "PSModulePath $modulePath is configured but does not exist, skipping..."

        #Linux/Mac support requires a case insensitive search on a user supplied variable.
        $moduleBaseDir = [Directory]::GetDirectories($modulePath, $moduleSpec.Name, [EnumerationOptions]@{MatchCasing = 'CaseInsensitive' })
        if ($moduleBaseDir.count -gt 1) { throw "$($moduleSpec.Name) folder is ambiguous, please delete one of these folders: $moduleBaseDir" }
        if (-not $moduleBaseDir) {
            Write-Debug "$modulePath does not have a $($moduleSpec.Name) folder. Skipping..."

        if ($moduleSpec.Required) {
            #We can speed up the search for explicit requiredVersion matches
            $moduleVersion = $ModuleSpec.Version #We want to search using a nuget translated path
            $moduleFolder = Join-Path $moduleBaseDir $moduleVersion

            $manifestPath = Join-Path $moduleFolder "$($ModuleSpec.Name).psd1"

            if (Test-Path $ModuleFolder) {
                #Linux/Mac support requires a case insensitive search on a user supplied argument.
                $manifestPath = [Directory]::GetFiles($moduleFolder, "$($ModuleSpec.Name).psd1", [EnumerationOptions]@{MatchCasing = 'CaseInsensitive' })

                if ($manifestPath.count -gt 1) { throw "$moduleFolder manifest is ambiguous, please delete one of these: $manifestPath" }
                if ($manifestPath.count -eq 1) { return $manifestPath }
        } else {
            #This is used to keep a map of versions to manifests, needed to support both "classic" and "versioned" module folders
            [Dictionary[Version, String]]$candidateVersions = @{}

            #If not a classic module, check for versioned folders
            $folders = [Directory]::GetDirectories($moduleBaseDir)
            foreach ($folder in $folders) {
                $versionCandidate = Split-Path -Leaf $folder
                [Version]$version = $null
                if ([Version]::TryParse($versionCandidate, [ref]$version)) {
                    #Try to retrieve the manifest
                    #TODO: Create a "Assert-CaseSensitiveFileExists" function for this pattern used multiple times
                    $versionedManifestPath = [Directory]::GetFiles($folder, "$($ModuleSpec.Name).psd1", [EnumerationOptions]@{MatchCasing = 'CaseInsensitive' })
                    if ($versionedManifestPath.count -gt 1) { throw "$folder manifest is ambiguous, please delete one of these: $versionedManifestPath" }
                    if ($versionedManifestPath) {
                        $candidateVersions.Add($version, $versionedManifestPath)
                } else {
                    Write-Debug "Could not parse $folder in $moduleBaseDir as a valid version. This is either a bad version directory or this folder is a classic module."

                #Check for a "classic" module if no versioned folders were found
                if ($candidateVersions.count -eq 0) {
                    $classicManifestPath = [Directory]::GetFiles($moduleBaseDir, "$($ModuleSpec.Name).psd1", [EnumerationOptions]@{MatchCasing = 'CaseInsensitive' })
                    if ($classicManifestPath.count -gt 1) { throw "$moduleBaseDir manifest is ambiguous, please delete one of these: $classicManifestPath" }
                    if ($classicManifestPath) {
                        $manifestData = Import-PowerShellDataFile $classicManifestPath
                        #Return the version in the manifest
                        $candidateVersions.Add($manifestData.ModuleVersion, $classicManifestPath)

                if (-not $candidateVersions.count) {
                    Write-Verbose "$moduleSpec`: module folder exists at $moduleBaseDir but no modules found that match the version spec."

                [Version]$versionMatch = Limit-ModuleFastSpecVersions -ModuleSpec $ModuleSpec -Versions $candidateVersions.Keys -Highest
                if (-not $versionMatch) {
                    [string[]]$candidateStrings = foreach ($candidate in $candidateVersions.keys) {
                        '{0} ({1})' -f $candidateVersions[$candidate], $candidate
                    Write-Debug "$moduleSpec`: Module versions were found but none that match the module spec requirement. Found Candidates: $($candidateStrings -join ';')"
                    return $null

                [string]$matchingManifest = $candidateVersions[$versionMatch]

                if ($Update -and $moduleSpec.Max -gt [ModuleFastSpec]::ParseVersion($versionMatch)) {
                    Write-Debug "$moduleSpec`: Found a matching module version $versionMatch at $matchingManifest, but -Update was specified and the module spec allows for higher versions. Checking remote for updates..."
                    return $null

                if (-not [File]::Exists($matchingManifest)) {
                    throw "A matching module folder was found for $ModuleSpec but the manifest is not present at $matchingManifest. This is a bug and should never happen as we should have checked this ahead of time."
                #TODO: Verify the manifest isn't corrupt by checking the module version? Should we be doing this for all manifests even tho it's a perf hit? Configurable option makes sense

                return $matchingManifest
    return $null

# Find all normalized versions of a version, for example also is 1.0.1
function Get-NormalizedVersions ([Version]$Version) {
    $versions = @()
    if ($Version.Revision -eq 0) { $versions += [Version]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor, $Version.Build) }
    if ($Version.Build -eq 0) { $versions += [Version]::new($Version.Major, $Version.Minor) }
    if ($Version.Minor -ne 0) { $versions += [Version]::new($Version.Major) }
    return $versions

Given an array of versions, find the ones that satisfy the module spec. Returns $false if no match is found.

function Limit-ModuleFastSpecVersions {
    [OutputType([Version], ParameterSetName = 'Highest')]
        #Versions that are potential candidates to satisfy the modulespec
        #Only return the highest version that satisfies the spec
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Highest')][Switch]$Highest
    $candidates = $Versions | Where-Object {
    -not $Highest ? $candidates : $candidates | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

function Limit-ModuleFastSpecSemanticVersions {
    [OutputType([Version], ParameterSetName = 'Highest')]
        #Versions that are potential candidates to satisfy the modulespec
        #Only return the highest version that satisfies the spec
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Highest')][Switch]$Highest
    $Versions | Where-Object {
    -not $Highest ? $Versions : @($Versions | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1)
function Limit-ModuleFastSpecs {
    [OutputType([Version], ParameterSetName = 'Highest')]
        #Versions that are potential candidates to satisfy the modulespec
        #Only return the highest version that satisfies the spec
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Highest')][Switch]$Highest
    $ModuleSpecs | Where-Object {
    -not $Highest ? $Versions : @($Versions | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1)

try {
    Update-TypeData -TypeName 'ModuleFastSpec' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet 'Name', 'Required', 'Min', 'Max' -ErrorAction Stop
} catch [RuntimeException] {
    if ($PSItem -notmatch 'is already present') { throw }

function ConvertTo-AuthenticationHeaderValue ([PSCredential]$Credential) {
    $basicCredential = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
                        ($Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -join ':')
    return [Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue]::New('Basic', $basicCredential)

#Get the hash of a string
function Get-StringHash ([string]$String, [string]$Algorithm = 'SHA256') {
    (Get-FileHash -InputStream ([MemoryStream]::new([Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($String))) -Algorithm $algorithm).Hash
#endregion Helpers

# FIXME: When doing directory match comparison for local modules, need to preserve original folder name. See: Reflection 4.8
# To fix this we will just use the name out of the module.psd1 when installing
# FIXME: DBops dependency version issue

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ModuleFastPlan, Install-ModuleFast