
function Register-MonConnection
        Registers logic that connects to targets.
        Registers logic that connects to targets.
        Use this to add capabilities to the module, that can then be used to connect to a target and be leveraged by checks.
    .PARAMETER Capability
        The name to assign to the capability.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionScript
        The script to connect to a target.
        Only receives the name of the target as argument.
        Must return a hashtable, either with a unique name and the connection object, or an empty hashtable.
        The hashtable may contain more than one entry and will be merged with other entires, if a target supports multiple capabilities.
    .PARAMETER DisconnectionScript
        The script to disconnect from a target.
        Receives two arguments:
        - A hashtable of connections
        - The name of the target
        The hastable in question contains ALL connections from all capabilities applicable to the target.
        PS C:\> Register-MonConnection -Capability 'WinRM' -ConnectionScript $connect -DisconnectionScript $disconnect
        Registers the WinRM capability with logic to connect and logic to disconnect.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $DisconnectionScript = { }
        $script:connectionTypes[$Capability] = @{
            Name = $Capability
            Connect = $ConnectionScript
            Disconnect = $DisconnectionScript