
function Set-MonocleUrl
    param (

        $Attempts = 1,


    # Test the URL first, ensure it exists
    $code = 0
    if (!$Force) {
        $code = Test-MonocleUrl -Url $Url

    # ensure attempts is >=1
    if ($Attempts -le 0) {
        $Attempts = 1

    # Browse to the URL and wait till it loads
    $attempt = 1
    while ($attempt -le $Attempts) {
        try {
            Write-MonocleHost -Message "Navigating to: $url (Status: $code) [attempt: $($attempt)]"
            $Browser.Navigate($Url) | Out-Null

        catch {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

            if ($attempt -gt $Attempts) {
                throw $_.Exception

function Get-MonocleUrl

    return $Browser.LocationURL

function Edit-MonocleUrl
    param (



        #TODO: wait

    $Url = $Browser.LocationURL -ireplace $Pattern, $Value
    Set-MonocleUrl -Url $Url -Force:$Force

function Wait-MonocleUrl
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Url')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Pattern')]

        $Duration = 10,

        $Attempts = 1,


    # ensure duration and attempts is >=1
    if ($Attempts -le 0) {
        $Attempts = 1

    if ($Duration -le 0) {
        $Duration = 1

    # generic values
    $seconds = 0
    $attempt = 1

    while ($attempt -le $Attempts) {
        try {
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant())
                'pattern' {
                    Write-MonocleHost -Message "Waiting for URL to match pattern: $($Pattern) [attempt: $($attempt)]"

                    while ($Browser.LocationURL -inotmatch $Pattern) {
                        if ($seconds -ge $Duration) {
                            throw "Expected URL to match pattern: $($Pattern)`nBut got: $($Browser.LocationURL)"

                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                'url' {
                    Write-MonocleHost -Message "Waiting for URL: $($Url) [attempt: $($attempt)]"

                    while ((!$StartsWith -and $Browser.LocationURL -ine $Url) -or ($StartsWith -and !$Browser.LocationURL.StartsWith($Url, [StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))) {
                        if ($seconds -ge $Duration) {
                            throw "Expected URL: $($Url)`nBut got: $($Browser.LocationURL)"

                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

        catch {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

            if ($attempt -gt $Attempts) {
                throw $_.Exception

    Write-MonocleHost -Message "Expected URL loaded after $($seconds * $attempt) seconds(s)"

function Wait-MonocleUrlDifferent
    param (

        $Duration = 10

    # ensure duration >=1
    if ($Duration -le 0) {
        $Duration = 1

    # generic values
    $seconds = 0

    Write-MonocleHost -Message "Waiting for URL to change: From $($CurrentUrl)"

    while (($newUrl = Get-MonocleUrl) -ieq $CurrentUrl) {
        if ($seconds -ge $Duration) {
            throw "Expected URL to change: From $($CurrentUrl)`nBut got: $($newUrl)"

        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

    Write-MonocleHost -Message "URL changed after $($seconds) seconds(s)"