
   Get the protocol used by Windows Store (UWP) Apps installed on the local system.
   Windows Store Apps, also known as Universal Windows Platform apps (UWP), register
   protocols when they are installed on Windows via AppX packages.
   The protocol(s) of the app can be used to launch the app via command line tools.
   Get-AppxProtocol is a PowerShell function get gather the protocols for UWP apps
   installed on the local system.
   Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja
   Modified: 9/12/2016 09:55:52 AM
   Version 0.2
   PS C:\> Get-AppxProtocol -Name edge | Format-List
    Name : Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
    Protocol : {http, https, read, microsoft-edge}
    Path : C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe
    Executable : MicrosoftEdge.exe
    List the protocols for Microsoft Edge app.
   PS C:\> Get-AppxProtocol -Name feedback -AllUsers | Format-List
   Name : Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
   Protocol : {windows-feedback, insiderhub, feedback-hub}
   Path : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_1.3.1741.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
   Executable : PilotshubApp.exe
   List the protocols for Feedback Hub from all users.

function Get-AppxProtocol

        # AllUsers requires elevated permission

        foreach ($AppName in $Name) {
            Write-Verbose "Getting AppX package information for $AppName"
            $Apps = Get-AppxPackage -Name "*$AppName*" -AllUsers:$AllUsers.isPresent
            foreach ($App in $Apps) {
                Write-Verbose "Getting AppX package manifest for $($App.Name)"
                [xml]$AppXManifest = $App | Get-AppxPackageManifest
                $Protocol = ($AppXManifest.Package.Applications.Application.Extensions.Extension | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Category -eq 'windows.protocol'} | Select-Object -Property ChildNodes).ChildNodes.Name
                $AppXProtocolProperties = [ordered]@{
                        Name = $App.Name
                        Protocol = $Protocol
                        Path = $App.InstallLocation
                        Executable = $AppXManifest.Package.Applications.Application.Executable
                $AppXProtocol = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $AppXProtocolProperties
                Write-Output $AppXProtocol