
   Get a list of the Azure Public IP addresses/subnets per region.
   Get a list of the Azure Public IP addresses/subnets per region.
   The script scrapes the Microsoft download page to find the URL
   to the current Azure Public IP list xml file. Then it downloads
   the file to a temporary location and outputs the list of IP
   addresses and subnets for each region selected.
   Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja
   Modified: 2/17/2016 02:32:13 PM
   Version: 0.999
   Enter the Azure region by name. Use the ListRegions switch to get
   a list of available regions by name.
   Wildcards are acceptable.
   Enter a temporary path to store the XML file.
.PARAMETER DownloadUrl
   The URL has been pre-populated from the Azure documentation website.
.PARAMETER ListRegions
   Get a list of the region names.
   Get-AzurePublicIpList -ListRegions
    List the available regions by name
   Get-AzurePublicIpList -Region useast
   Location Subnet
    -------- ------
    Get a list of subnets from region useast.

function Get-AzurePublicIpList

        [string]$XmlFilePath = 'C:\Temp\AzurePublicIpList.xml',
        [string]$DownloadUrl = '',

        # Establish Empty array
        $AzurePublicIpSubnets = @()
        # Scrape the Download page from Microsoft
        $Uri = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadUrl -UseBasicParsing
        # This line is for not basic parsing, but it kept prompting for accepting the cookies.
        #$AzurePublicIpXmlUri = ($Uri.Links | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.InnerText -eq 'Click here'}).href

        # Find the link in the download page that has the xml. Three identical links are actually listed, so we just grab the first one.
        $AzurePublicIpXmlUri = ($Uri.Links | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.href -like '*.xml'})[0].href

        # Create a WebClient Object and download the file to the path specified.
        $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

        # Create an XML object from the XML file
        [xml]$AzurePublicIpListXml = Get-Content $XmlFilePath

        # List the regions from the XML file
        if ($ListRegions) {
            # List Regions
            $AzurePublicIpListXml.AzurePublicIpAddresses.Region | Select-Object -Property Name

        # List the subnets by region from the XML file
        else {
            # Get a list of the regions
            $Regions = $AzurePublicIpListXml.AzurePublicIpAddresses.Region | Where-Object -FilterScript {$ -like "$Region"} | Select-Object -Property Name

            # Loop through each matching region
            foreach ($Location in $Regions) {
                # Get a list of the subnets in this region/location
                $Subnets = $AzurePublicIpListXml.AzurePublicIpAddresses.Region | Where-Object -FilterScript {$ -like "$($Location.Name)"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IpRange
                # Loop through each subnet in this region and create custom object
                foreach ($Subnet in $Subnets) {
                    $AzureSubnetProperties = [ordered]@{
                        Location = $Location.Name
                        Subnet = $Subnet.Subnet
                    $AzureSubnet = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $AzureSubnetProperties
                    # Append custom object to final output object
                    $AzurePublicIpSubnets += $AzureSubnet
            # Output Object to the pipeline
            Write-Output $AzurePublicIpSubnets    