
   Get a list of open service problems for from Nagios XI.
   Get a list of open service problems from Nagios XI using Invoke-NagiosXiApi.
   Open service problems are services in Nagios that are warning, critical, or unknown and that
   have not been acknowledged on all servers including those that are up and not in a
   scheduled down time.
   All parameters have default values, but you should change your ApiUrl and ApiKey to match
   your environment. See the documentation for Invoke-NagiosXiApi.
   Provides a summary output of host, service, and status rather than all properties.
   Get-NagiosXiOpenServiceProblems | Select-Object -Property host_name,name,status_text

function Get-NagiosXiOpenServiceProblems

        Write-Verbose 'Getting Nagios XI open service problems.'
        $AllOpenServiceProblems = Get-NagiosXIAllOpenServiceProblems -ApiUrl $ApiUrl -ApiKey $ApiKey
        $AllHostProblems = Get-NagiosXIAllHostProblems -ApiUrl $ApiUrl -ApiKey $ApiKey
        if ($Summary) {
            Write-Verbose 'Summary Output selected.'
            $AllOpenServiceProblems | where {$ -notcontains $_.host_name} | Select-Object -Property host_name,name,status_text
        else {
            $AllOpenServiceProblems | where {$ -notcontains $_.host_name}