
   Acknowledge Nagios service problem for a specified host.
   This function is a shortcut to Invoke-Nagios to automatically choose
   to acknowledge nagios service problem for a specified host.
   Submit-NagiosServiceAcknowledgement -ComputerName SERVER01 -service Uptime
   Submit-NagiosServiceAcknowledgement -ComputerName SERVER01 -service Uptime -username jdoe
   Submit-NagiosServiceAcknowledgement -ComputerName SERVER01 -service Uptime -username svcnagiosadmin -password Password!
   Submit-NagiosServiceAcknowledgement -ComputerName SERVER01 -service Uptime -username svcnagiosadmin -password Password! -NagiosCoreUrl

Function Submit-NagiosServiceAcknowledgement {
    Param (
        # Nagios Host
                    HelpMessage = "What nagios refers to host(s) for which you wish to enable/disable checks and notifications. Nagios is case-sensitive for hosts (i.e. server01 != SERVER01).")]


        # Nagios base url
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=3,HelpMessage="The base url of your nagios installation (i.e.")]

        # Nagios username

        # Nagios password

    begin {
        if (!$Credential) {
            $Credential = Get-UserLogin -username $username -Password $password
        else {
            Write-Verbose 'Credential Object already supplied.'
    process {
        foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            Write-Verbose "Submitting acknowledgement for $service on $Computer"
            Invoke-NagiosRequest -ComputerName $Computer -action 34 -service $service -username $username -password $password -NagiosCoreUrl $NagiosCoreUrl -comment $comment
    end {}