
This script allows the user execute cgi commands to a Nagios site by using
the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet.
The purpose of the script is to automate the process of disabling/enabling
nagios notifications and/or checks for Nagios hosts and their services.
The script utilizes Invoke-WebRequest to post to the nagios cmd.cgi.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
what nagios refers to as host for which you wish to
enable/disable checks and notifications. Hosts are case-sensitive, but the
code actually changes the host to uppercase.
Integer number of nagios cmd.cgi for the action you wish to take.
Disable checks of all services on this host
Enable checks of all services on this host
Disable notifications for all services on this host
Enable notifications for all services on this host
Acknowledge service problem
Force service check
.PARAMETER NagiosCoreUrl
The base url of your nagios installation (i.e.
.PARAMETER Credential
Provide a PSCredential object containing a valid username and password to perform the requested action.
Author: Jason Wasser @wasserja
Modified: 6/20/2017
Version: 1.9
Currently the script only supports enabling/disabling of active checks and
version 1.8
    * Added Disable-NagiosServiceNotifications and Enable-NagiosServiceNotifications
    * Added Disable-NagiosGlobalNotifications and Enable-NagiosGlobalNotifications
version 1.7
    * Added logic for hostgroups and service groups
version 1.6
    * Converted to Functions and script module
version 1.52
    * Added host problem acknowledgement.
version 1.51
    * Added logic for user not entering a password.
version 1.5
    * Added service problem acknowledgement.
    * Added force service check.
    * Added disabling/enabling service checks for host groups
    * Added disabling/enabling service checks for service groups.
version 1.0
    * Initial re-write of Set-NagiosCLI.ps1 now using Invoke-WebRequest.
Future developments could include scheduled downtimes.
Known Issues:
    * To run the script as a scheduled task as a service account will require running
    Internet Explorer once as the user.
Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 29 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin
This will disable notifications for all services on host server1 including the host.
Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 28 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin
This will enable notifications for all services on host server1 including the host.
Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 16 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin
This will disable checks for all services on host server1 including the host.
Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername server1 -action 15 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin
This will enable checks for all services on host server1 including the host.
Invoke-NagiosRequest.ps1 -computername (get-content c:\temp\computerlist.txt) -action 29 -NagiosCoreUrl -username nagiosadmin
This will disable notifications for a list of computers found in the c:\temp\computerlist.txt file.

#requires -version 3.0
Function Invoke-NagiosRequest {
        # Nagios Host
                    HelpMessage = "What nagios refers to host(s) for which you wish to enable/disable checks and notifications.
                    Nagios is case-sensitive for hosts (i.e. server01 != SERVER01)."

        # Nagios cmd.cgi action by number
            HelpMessage = "Integer of nagios cmd.cgi for the action you wish to take
                Disable checks of all services on this host
                Enable checks of all services on this host
                Disable notifications for a service on this host
                Enable notifications for a service on this host
                Disable notifications for all services on this host
                Enable notifications for all services on this host
                Acknowledge host alert
                Acknowledge service alert
                Force service check
                Disable checks of all services on host group
                Enable checks of all services on host group
                Disable checks of all services in a service group
                Enable checks of all services in a service group





        # Nagios base url
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=2,HelpMessage="The base url of your nagios installation (i.e.")]

        # Nagios Credential


        # Function for making the actual CGI POST command.
        Function Submit-NagiosRequest {
            Param (
            Write-Output "###########################################################################"
            Write-Output "Submitting cgi command to Nagios for $NagiosObject"
            $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Credential $Credential -Body $formFields -Method POST -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            # If there was a problem with the hostname or other problem the errorMessage DIV field will be displayed. If not display the infoMessage of success.
            $Message = $WebRequest.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("div") | Where-Object "classname" -Match "errorMessage|infoMessage" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty innerText
            if ($Message) {
            Write-Output "###########################################################################"
        # Building URI for Nagios CGI
        $uri = $NagiosCoreUrl + $cgiurl

        # Here we need to separate out the Nagios commands that potential
        # loop through a list of nagios hosts for the enabling/disabling
        # of checks and notifications from the other commands such as host
        # groups, service groups, acknowledgements, and future development.

        switch -Regex ($action) {
             # List of action integers that are not computer/host based
            "67|68" {
                foreach ($hg in $hostgroup) {
                    switch ($action) {
                        # Enable checks of all services on host group
                        67 {
                            if (!$hg) {
                                $hg = Read-Host "Please enter the hostgroup (case-sensitive)"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;hostgroup=$hg;ahas=$true;cmd_mod=2}
                        # Disable checks of all services on host group
                        68 {
                            if (!$hg) {
                                $hg = Read-Host "Please enter the hostgroup (case-sensitive)"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;hostgroup=$hg;ahas=$true;cmd_mod=2}
                        Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject $hg
            "^113$|^114$" {
                foreach ($sg in $servicegroup) {
                    switch ($action) {
                        # Enable checks of all services in a service group
                        113 {
                            if (!$sg) {
                                $sg = Read-Host "Please enter the service group (case-sensitive)"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;servicegroup=$sg;ahas=$false;cmd_mod=2}
                        # Disable checks of all services in a service group
                        114 {
                            if (!$sg) {
                                $sg = Read-Host "Please enter the service group (case-sensitive)"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;servicegroup=$sg;ahas=$false;cmd_mod=2}
                        Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject $sg
            "^11$|^12$" {
                    Write-Verbose "Enabling/Disabling Global Nagios Notifications"
                    $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;cmd_mod=2}
                    Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject 'GlobalNotifications'
            default {
                # For all other host/computer commands.
                if (!$ComputerName) {
                    $ComputerName = Read-Host "Please enter a Nagios host name (case-sensitive)"
                foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
                    $computer = $computer.ToUpper()
                    switch -Regex ($action) {
                        # Acknowledge Host Problesm
                        33 {
                            if (!$comment){
                                $comment = Read-Host "Please enter a comment for acknowledgement"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2;com_data=$comment;sticky_ack=$true;send_notification=$true}
                        # Acknowledge Service Problem
                        34 {
                            if (!$service) {
                                $service = Read-Host "Please enter the service name (case-sensitive)"
                            if (!$comment){
                                $comment = Read-Host "Please enter a comment for acknowledgement"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2;com_data=$comment;sticky_ack=$true;send_notification=$true}
                        # Force service check
                        7 {
                            if (!$service) {
                                $service = Read-Host "Please enter the service name (case-sensitive)"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2;start_time=(Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss");force_check=$true}
                        "22|23" {
                            if (!$service) {
                                $service = Read-Host "Please enter the service name (case-sensitive)"
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;service=$service;cmd_mod=2}
                        # All other commands for enabling/disabling checks or notifications for hosts
                        default {
                            $formFields = @{cmd_typ=$action;host=$computer;ahas=$true;cmd_mod=2}
                    Submit-NagiosRequest -NagiosObject $computer
# End of Invoke-NagiosRequest Function