
   Use PowerShell to get a report of the largest files in a directory.
   Use PowerShell to get a report of the largest files in a directory.
   Created by Jason Wasser
   Modified: 3/24/2015 01:24:03 PM
   Outputs a list of the ten largest files in the current directory.
   Get-LargeFiles -Path C:\Temp -Recurse
   Outputs a list of the ten largest files in c:\Temp and subfolders.
   Get-LargeFiles -Path C:\Temp -Count 20 -Recurse -FormattedOutput
   Outputs a list of the twenty largest files in c:\Temp and subfolders
   with af friendly formatted output.

Function Get-LargeFiles
        # The starting path, defaults to current directory.

        # Count of files to display

        # Recurse switch

        # Formatted output boolean

    Begin {}
        if ($FormattedOutput) {
            Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse:([bool]$Recurse.IsPresent) | Sort-Object -Property Length -Descending | Select-Object -First $Count -Property Name,@{Label="Size(MB)";Expression={$_.Length/1MB -as [int]}},FullName
        else {
            Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse:([bool]$Recurse.IsPresent) | Sort-Object -Property Length -Descending | Select-Object -First $Count
    End {}