
   Get the processor information of a local or remote computer
   including number of cores and processor speed.
   Get the processor information of a local or remote computer
   including number of cores and processor speed.
   Created by: Jason Wasser
   Modified: 1/13/2015
   Gets the processor information of the local computer.
   Get-ProcessorInfo -ComputerName SERVER01
   Gets the processor information of SERVER01.
   Get-ProcessorInfo -ComputerName (Get-Content c:\temp\computerlist.txt)
   Gets the processor information of a list of computers.

Function Get-ProcessorInfo
        # Computer Name

    Begin {}
        foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            $Property = "systemname","Name","maxclockspeed","addressWidth","numberOfCores","NumberOfLogicalProcessors"
            Get-WmiObject -class win32_processor -ComputerName $Computer -Property $property | Select-Object -Property $Property
    End {}