
function Set-BitlyAccessToken {
        Set Bitly Generic Access Token
        Set Bitly Generic Access Token and store it in your registry
        To set this up:
        1. You must create an account at, and obtain an Generic Authorization token.
        2. Verify your account with an eMail that Bitly sends to your account.
        3. Obtain an authorization token at:
        Set-Set-BitlyAuthorizationToken -BitlyAutToken "3d9b120e66badcdfc8f63b752634e9061abf25ce"

        # Bitly API Key

    begin {
        $RegKey = 'HKCU:\Software\MyTwitter\Bitly'
    process {
        #Bitly Login and API key are provided by Bitly application
        Write-Verbose "Checking registry to see if the Bitly Generic Authorization token is already stored"
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $RegKey)) {
            Write-Verbose "No BitLy configuration found in registry. Creating one."
            New-Item -Path ($RegKey | Split-Path -Parent) -Name ($RegKey | Split-Path -Leaf) | Out-Null
        $Values = 'BitlyAccessToken'
        foreach ($Value in $Values) {
            if ((Get-Item $RegKey).GetValue($Value) -and !$Force.IsPresent) {
                Write-Verbose "'$RegKey\$Value' already exists. Skipping."
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Creating $RegKey\$Value"
                New-ItemProperty $RegKey -Name $Value -Value ((Get-Variable $Value).Value) -Force | Out-Null