
Function Get-TweetTimeline {
        This Function retrieves the Timeline of a Twitter user.
        This Function retrieves the Timeline of a Twitter user.
        $TimeLine = Get-TweetTimeline -UserName "sstranger" -MaximumTweets 10
        $TimeLine | Out-Gridview -PassThru
        This example stores the retrieved Twitter timeline for user sstranger with a maximum of 10 tweets and pipes the result
        to the Out-GridView cmdlet.
        $TimeLine = Get-TweetTimeline -UserName "sstranger" -MaximumTweets 100
        $TimeLine | Sort-Object -Descending | Out-Gridview -PassThru
        This example stores the retrieved Twitter timeline for user sstranger with a maximum of 100 tweets,
        sorts the result descending on retweet counts and pipes the result to the Out-GridView cmdlet.

        $TimeLine = Get-TweetTimeline -UserName "sstranger" -MaximumTweets 200
        $TimeLine += Get-TweetTimeline -UserName "sstranger" -FromId ($TimeLine[-1].id -MaximumTweets) -MaximumTweets 100
        This example stores the retrieved Twitter timeline for user sstranger with the maximum allowed 200 tweets
        per single request, then makes a second query for the next 100 tweets starting from the last retrieved tweet Id.

        $TimeLine = Get-TweetTimeline -UserName "sstranger" -MaximumTweets 200
        $TimeLine += Get-TweetTimeline -UserName "sstranger" -SinceId ($TimeLine[0].id -MaximumTweets) -MaximumTweets 100
        This example stores the retrieved Twitter timeline for user sstranger with the maximum allowed 200 tweets
        per single request, then makes a second query for the newest tweets since the last tweet.

    param (
        [switch]$IncludeRetweets = $true,
        [switch]$IncludeReplies = $true,
        [ValidateRange(1, 200)]
        [int]$MaximumTweets = 200,
        [uint64]$FromId = $null,
        [uint64]$SinceId = $null
    process {
        $HttpEndPoint = ""
        $ApiParams = @{
            'include_rts'     = @{ $true = 'true'; $false = 'false' }[$IncludeRetweets -eq $true]
            'exclude_replies' = @{ $true = 'false'; $false = 'true' }[$IncludeReplies -eq $true]
            'count'           = $MaximumTweets
            'screen_name'     = $Username
            'tweet_mode'      = 'extended'
        if ($FromId) {
            $ApiParams.Add('max_id', ($FromId -1)) # Per doc subtract 1 to avoid duplicating the last tweet
        if ($SinceId) {
            $ApiParams.Add('since_id', $SinceId)

        InvokeTwitterApiCall -HttpEndpoint '' -ApiParams $ApiParams -HttpVerb 'GET'