
$MyjsonUrlParameters= @{
    Root   = "" # Myjson URL root parameter
    Path   = "bins/"                   # Myjson URL path parameter
    Pretty = "?pretty=1"               # Myjson URL argument to prettify data
    Generate myjson url
    Generates myjson url string from default string parts and/or provided Id
    Join-MyjsonUrlString -StringContainingId "a1a1a1a1"
    Id of the myjson file

function Join-MyjsonUrlString {
        # Myjson file id
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    $UrlString = $MyjsonUrlParameters.Root + $MyjsonUrlParameters.Path + $StringContainingId
    return $UrlString
    Extract myjson Id from string
    Tries to extract myjson Id from the provided string
    Get-MyjsonIdFromString -StringContainingId ""
    Get-MyjsonIdFromString -StringContainingId "a1a1a1a1"
    Myjson file url
    Myjson file id
    Myjson file id

function Get-MyjsonIdFromString {
        # Myjson file url/id
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    # Clean the string and lowercase
    $StringContainingId = $StringContainingId.Trim().ToLower()
    # Trim $this.Root from the string's start
    if ($StringContainingId.StartsWith($MyjsonUrlParameters.Root)) {
        $StringContainingId = $StringContainingId.Replace($MyjsonUrlParameters.Root, '')
    # Trim $this.Path from the string's start
    if ($StringContainingId.StartsWith($MyjsonUrlParameters.Path)) {
        $StringContainingId = $StringContainingId.Replace($MyjsonUrlParameters.Path, '')
    # Trim "?pretty=1" from the string's end
    if ($StringContainingId.EndsWith($MyjsonUrlParameters.Pretty)) {
        $StringContainingId = $StringContainingId.Replace($MyjsonUrlParameters.Pretty, '')
    # Trim "/" from the string's start/end
    if ($StringContainingId.StartsWith('/') -or $StringContainingId.EndsWith('/')) {
        $StringContainingId = $StringContainingId.Trim('/')
    return $StringContainingId
    Convert object to myjson file
    Converts an object to json and compresses to prepare for uploading
    ConvertTo-Myjson -InputObject @{"key"="value"}
    Any valid object with less than 100 layers
    Id of the created myjson file

function ConvertTo-Myjson {
        # Object to convert
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
            ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    $MyjsonId = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject -Depth 100 -Compress
    return $MyjsonId
    Get myjson file
    Downloads myjson file and deserialises it to an object
    Get-Myjson -Id ""
    Get-Myjson -Id "a1a1a1a1"
    Id/Url of the myjson file
    myjson file deserialised to pscustomobject

function Get-Myjson {
        # Myjson file url/id
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    $Id = Get-MyjsonIdFromString -StringContainingId $Id
    $Url = Join-MyjsonUrlString -StringContainingId $Id
    $outputObject = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Method Get
    return $outputObject
    Update myjson file
    Updates exsisting myjson file wtih a provided object
    Set-Myjson -Id "" -InputObject @{"key"="value"}
    Set-Myjson -Id "a1a1a1a1" -InputObject @{"key"="value"}
    Id/Url of the myjson file
    Object to upload

function Set-Myjson {
        # Myjson file url/id
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Object to upload
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, 
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    $Id = Get-MyjsonIdFromString -StringContainingId $Id
    $Url = Join-MyjsonUrlString -StringContainingId $Id
    $InputObject = ConvertTo-Myjson -InputObject $InputObject
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Method Put -ContentType application/json -Body $InputObject | Out-Null
    Create new myjson file
    Creates new myjson file from the provided object or creates empty if not provided
    New-Myjson -InputObject @{"key"="value"}
    Object to upload
    Id of the created myjson file

function New-Myjson {
        # Object to upload
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    # If object was not provided initiate empty object
    if (-not $InputObject) {
        $InputObject = New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject
    $InputObject = ConvertTo-Myjson -InputObject $InputObject
    $Url = Join-MyjsonUrlString
    $UriObject = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Method Post -ContentType application/json -Body $InputObject
    $Url = Get-MyjsonIdFromString -StringContainingId $UriObject.uri
    return $Url