
    Search for Json with settings and set them as variables
    Read all *.json files in the folder tree and if it includes configuration, it will set the paamtes as variables
    to be used in Get-ALConfiguration cmdlet
    This cmdlet is used internally inside Read-ALConfiguration cmdlet

function Read-ALJsonConfiguration
        #Path to the repository

    function Get-ValueForConfig
        if (Test-Path $Text -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            return $Text
        try {
            $Result = Invoke-Expression -Command $Text -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Write-Verbose "$Text executed and result is $Result"
            return $Result
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose "$Text will be expanded"
            return $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($Text)
    function Use-JsonFile
        Write-Verbose "Reading profile $Profile from $Json"
        $Config = $JSon.$Profile
        foreach($Property in ($Config | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty)) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating global variable $($Property.Name) with value $($Config.$($Property.Name))"
            New-Variable -Name $Property.Name -Value (Get-ValueForConfig $Config.$($Property.Name)) -Visibility Public -Scope Global -Force

    if ($SettingsFileName) {
        $Path = Join-Path $Path $SettingsFileName
    $JsonList = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Filter *.json

    foreach($JsonFile in $JsonList) {
        try {
            $Json = Get-Content -Path $JsonFile.PSPath | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($Json -and $Json.default -and $Json.default.ContainerName) {
                Set-Location -Path $JsonFile.DirectoryName
                if ($Profile -ne 'default') {
                    Use-JsonFile -Json $Json -Profile 'default'
                Use-JsonFile -Json $Json -Profile $Profile
        } catch
