
   Utilize Invoke-Generate to create a random value type
   NameIt returns strings including unecessary zeros in numbers. Get-RandomValue returns a specified values type.
   A Nameit template string.
   [alpha]; selects a random character (constrained by the -Alphabet parameter).
   [numeric]; selects a random numeric (constrained by the -Numbers parameter).
   [vowel]; selects a vowel from a, e, i, o or u.
   [phoneticVowel]; selects a vowel sound, for example ou.
   [consonant]; selects a consonant from the entire alphabet.
   [syllable]; generates (usually) a pronouncable single syllable.
   [synonym word]; finds a synonym to match the provided word.
   [person]; generate random name of female or male based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>.
   [person female]; generate random name of female based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>.
   [person male]; generate random name of male based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>.
   [address]; generate a random street address. Formatting is biased to US currently.
   [space]; inserts a literal space. Spaces are striped from the templates string by default.
   The number of random items to return.
   A set of alpha characters used to generate random strings.
   A set of digit characters used to generate random numerics.
   PS C:\> Invoke-Generate
   PS C:\> Invoke-Generate -alphabet abc
   PS C:\> Invoke-Generate "cafe###"
   PS C:\> Invoke-Generate "???###"
   PS C:\> Invoke-Generate -count 5 "[synonym cafe]_[syllable][syllable]"
   Inspired by

function Invoke-Generate {
    param (
        $Template = '????????',

        $Count = 1,

        $Alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',

        $Numbers = '0123456789'

    $script:alphabet = $alphabet
    $script:numbers = $number

    $functionList = 'alpha|synonym|numeric|syllable|vowel|phoneticvowel|consonant|person|address|space|noun|adjective|verb'

    $template = $template -replace '\?', '[alpha]' -replace '#', '[numeric]'
    $unitOfWork = $template -split "\[(.+?)\]" | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ }

    1..$count | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $($unitOfWork | ForEach-Object -Process  {
            $fn = $_.split(' ')[0]
            if ($functionList.IndexOf($fn.tolower()) -eq -1) {
            else {
                $_ | Invoke-Expression
        }) -join ''

   Utilize Invoke-Generate to create a random value with a specified type.
   NameIt returns strings including unecessary zeros in numbers. Get-RandomValue returns a specified values type.
   A Nameit template string.
   A type name specifying the return type of the command.
   A set of alpha characters used to generate random strings.
   A set of digit characters used to generate random numerics.
   PS C:\> 1..3 | % {Get-RandomValue "###.##" -as double}
   PS C:\> 1..3 | % {Get-RandomValue "#.#.#" -as version}
   Major Minor Build Revision
   ----- ----- ----- --------
   1 3 1 -1
   2 2 5 -1
   7 1 0 -1

function Get-RandomValue




    $type = $null

    if ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('As') )

        $type = $As


    $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('As')
    $stringValue = Invoke-Generate @PSBoundParameters

    if ( -not $null -eq $type )

        $returnValue = $stringValue -as $type
        if ($null -eq $returnValue) 

            Write-Warning "Could not cast '$stringValue' to [$($type.Name)]"



        $returnValue = $stringValue



function Get-RandomChoice {
    param ($list,
        [int]$length = 1)

    $max = $list.Length

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $length; $i++) {
        $list[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $max)]
    ) -join ''

$nouns=Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\cultures\en-US.nouns.txt"
$adjectives=Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\cultures\en-US.adjectives.txt"
$verbs=Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\cultures\en-US.verbs.txt"

function noun {
     $nouns | Get-Random

function adjective {
     $adjectives | Get-Random

function verb {
     $verbs | Get-Random

function address {
        [String]$Culture = "en-US"

    $numberLength = Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 6
    $streetLenth = Get-Random -Minimum 2 -Maximum 6

    $houseNumber = Get-RandomValue -Template "[numeric $numberLength]" -As int

    $streetTemplate = "[syllable]" * $streetLenth
    $street = Invoke-Generate $streetTemplate
    $suffix = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\cultures\$Culture.streetsuffix.txt" | Get-Random

    $address = $houseNumber,$street,$suffix -join ' '


function space {
    param (
        [int]$length = 1
    ' ' * $length

function alpha {
    param ([int]$length = 1)

    Get-RandomChoice $alphabet $length

function numeric {
    param ([int]$length = 1)

    Get-RandomChoice $numbers $length

function synonym {
    param ([string]$word)

    $url = "$($word)/json"

    $synonyms = $(foreach ($item in (Invoke-RestMethod $url)) {
        $names = $
        foreach ($name in $names) {
            $item.$name.syn -replace ' ', ''
    }) | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ }

    $max = $synonyms.Length
    $synonyms[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $max)]

function consonant { Get-RandomChoice 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz' }

function vowel { Get-RandomChoice 'aeiou' }

function phoneticVowel {

    Get-RandomChoice 'a', 'ai', 'ay', 'au', 'aw', 'augh', 'wa', 'all', 'ald', 'alk', 'alm', 'alt',
                     'e', 'ee', 'ea', 'eu', 'ei', 'ey', 'ew', 'eigh', 'i', 'ie', 'ye', 'igh', 'ign',
                     'ind', 'o', 'oo', 'oa', 'oe', 'oi', 'oy', 'old', 'olk', 'olt', 'oll', 'ost',
                     'ou', 'ow', 'u', 'ue', 'ui'

function syllable {
    param ([Switch]$usePhoneticVowels)

    $syllables = ((vowel) + (consonant)), ((consonant) + (vowel)), ((consonant) + (vowel) + (consonant))

    if ($usePhoneticVowels) {
        $syllables += ((consonant) + (phoneticVowel))

    Get-RandomChoice $syllables

function person {
    The function intended to generate string with name of a random person
    The function generate a random name of females or mailes based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>.
    The first and last names are randomly selected from the file delivered with for the culture
    The sex of random person.
    .PARAMETER Culture
    The culture used for generate - default is en-US.
    AUTHOR: Wojciech Sciesinski, wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net
    KEYWORDS: PowerShell
    0.1.0 - 2016-01-16 - The first version published as a part of NameIT powershell module
    0.1.1 - 2016-01-16 - Mistakes corrected, support for additional templates added, the paremeter Count removed
    0.1.2 - 2016-01-18 - Incorrect usage Get-Random in the templates [person*] corrected, the example corrected
    The future version will be developed under
    The source of last names for the en-US culture - taken the first 100 on the state 2016-01-15
    The source of the first names for the en-US culture - taken the first 100 on the state 2016-01-15
    [PS] > person
    Justin Carter
    The one name returned with random sex.
    [PS] > 1..3 | Foreach-Object -Process { person -Sex 'female' }
    Jacqueline Walker
    Julie Richardson
    Stacey Powell
    Three names returned, only women.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateSet("both", "female", "male")]
        [String]$Sex = "both",
        [String]$Culture = "en-US"

    $ModulePath = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

    [String]$CultureFileName = "{0}\cultures\{1}.csv" -f $ModulePath, $Culture

    $AllNames = Import-Csv -Path $CultureFileName -Delimiter ","

    $AllNamesCount = ($AllNames | Measure-Object).Count

    $LastName = $AllNames[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $AllNamesCount)].LastName

    If ($Sex -eq 'both') {

        $RandomSex = (Get-Random @('Female', 'Male'))

        $FirstNameFieldName = "{0}FirstName" -f $RandomSex

        $FirstName = $AllNames[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $AllNamesCount)].$FirstNameFieldName

    elseif ($Sex -eq 'female') {

        $FirstName = $AllNames[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $AllNamesCount)].FemaleFirstName

    else {

        $FirstName = $AllNames[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $AllNamesCount)].MaleFirstName


    Return $([String]"{0} {1}" -f $FirstName, $LastName)


Export-ModuleMember *-*