
#region Script variables

Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

$script:providerName ="NanoServerPackage"
$script:WindowsPackageExtension = ".cab"
$script:onlinePackageCache = @{}
$script:imageCultureCache = @{}
$script:imagePathCache = @{}
$script:wildcardOptions = [System.Management.Automation.WildcardOptions]::CultureInvariant -bor `

$script:WindowsPackage = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\NanoServerPackageProvider"
$script:downloadedCabLocation = "$script:WindowsPackage\DownloadedCabs"
$script:file_modules = "$script:WindowsPackage\sources.txt"
$script:windowsPackageSources = $null
$script:defaultPackageName = "NanoServerPackageSource"
$script:defaultPackageLocation = ""
$script:isNanoServerInitialized = $false
$script:isNanoServer = $false
$script:systemSKU = -1
$script:systemVersion = $null
$script:availablePackages = @()
$separator = "|#|"

#endregion Script variables

#region Stand-Alone

function Find-NanoServerPackage




    $PSBoundParameters["Provider"] = $script:providerName

    $packages = PackageManagement\Find-Package @PSBoundParameters

    foreach($package in $packages) {
        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Add-Member -InputObject $package -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Description" -Value $package.Summary
        try {
            if ($package.Metadata["NanoServerVersion"] -ne $null)
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Add-Member -InputObject $package -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "NanoServerVersion" -Value (ConvertNanoServerVersionToString $package.Metadata["NanoServerVersion"][0])
        catch {}

        $package.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NanoServerPackageItemInfo") | Out-Null

function Save-NanoServerPackage




        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='NameAndPathParameterSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='InputOjectAndPathParameterSet')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='NameAndLiteralPathParameterSet')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='InputOjectAndLiteralPathParameterSet')]



        # verify name does not have wild card
        foreach ($packageName in $Name)
            if ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($packageName))
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.Exception `
                            -ExceptionMessage "Name cannot contain wildcards" `
                            -ExceptionObject $packageName `
                            -ErrorId WildCardCharsAreNotSupported `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData


            $Name = $InputObject.Name
            $RequiredVersion = $InputObject.Version
            $Culture = $InputObject.Culture

            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture) -and $Culture.Contains(','))
                $Culture = ''

            $ExceptionObject = $Path
            $destinationPath = Resolve-PathHelper -Path $Path `
                                                  -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object -First 1
            $ExceptionObject = $LiteralPath
            $destinationPath = Resolve-PathHelper -Path $LiteralPath `
                                                  -IsLiteralPath `
                                                  -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object -First 1

        if(-not $destinationPath -or -not (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Test-Path -LiteralPath $destinationPath))
            # When -Force is specified, Path will be created if not available.
            if($Force -and $destinationPath) {               
                $null = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\New-Item -Path $destinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force
            } else {
                $errorMessage = ("Cannot find the path '{0}' because it does not exist" -f $LiteralPath)
                ThrowError  -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                            -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage `
                            -ErrorId "PathNotFound" `
                            -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionObject $ExceptionObject `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument

            # no culture given, use culture of the system
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture))
                $Culture = (Get-Culture).Name

            $listOfNames = @()
            foreach ($packageName in $Name)
                $listOfNames += $packagename

            $findResults = @()
            $findResults += (Find -Name $listOfNames `
                            -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion `
                            -MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion `
                            -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion `
                            -Culture $Culture `

            if ($findResults.Count -eq 0)
                Write-Error "No results found for $listOfNames"
            foreach($findResult in $findResults)
                $dependenciesToBeInstalled = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                if (-not (Get-DependenciesToInstall -availablePackages $script:availablePackages -culture $Culture -package $findResult -dependenciesToBeInstalled $dependenciesToBeInstalled)) {

                foreach ($result in $dependenciesToBeInstalled) {
                    $currLang = $result.Culture

                    $skipBase = $false

                    # check whether base package is in list of available packages, if so, don't save
                    foreach ($availablePackage in $script:availablePackages) {
                        if (Test-PackageWithSearchQuery -fullyQualifiedName $availablePackage -name $result.Name -requiredVersion $result.Version -Culture "Base")
                            # if it is, no need to download base installer
                            $skipBase = $true

                    if (-not $skipBase) {
                        # Base Installer
                        $fileName_base = Get-FileName -name $result.Name `
                                                        -Culture "" `
                                                        -version $result.Version.ToString()

                        $destination_base = Join-Path $destinationPath $fileName_base

                        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($fileName_base, "Save-NanoServerPackage"))
                            if(Test-Path $destination_base)
                                    Remove-Item $destination_base

                                    $token = $result.Locations.base
                                    DownloadFile -downloadURL $token -destination $destination_base
                                    # The file exists, not downloading
                                    Write-Information "$fileName_base already existsat $destinationPath. Skipping save."
                                $token = $result.Locations.base
                                DownloadFile -downloadURL $token -destination $destination_base

                    # Language Installer
                    $fileName_lang = Get-FileName -name $result.Name `
                                                    -Culture $currLang `
                                                    -version $result.Version.ToString()

                    $destination_lang = Join-Path $destinationPath $fileName_lang

                    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($fileName_lang, "Save-NanoServerPackage"))
                        if(Test-Path $destination_lang)
                                Remove-Item $destination_lang

                                $token = $result.Locations.$currLang
                                DownloadFile -downloadURL $token -destination $destination_lang
                                # The file exists, not downloading
                                Write-Information "$fileName_lang already exists at $destinationPath. Skipping save."
                            $token = $result.Locations.$currLang
                            DownloadFile -downloadURL $token -destination $destination_lang



function Install-NanoServerPackage








        # verify name does not have wild card
        foreach ($packageName in $Name)
            if ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($packageName))
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.Exception `
                            -ExceptionMessage "Name cannot contain wildcards" `
                            -ExceptionObject $packageName `
                            -ErrorId WildCardCharsAreNotSupported `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData


        # pipeline case where culture passed in is en-us, de-de, etc.
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture) -and $Culture.Contains(','))
            $Culture = ''

        $packagesToBeInstalled = @()
        # do a find first, if there are any errors, don't install
        $packagesToBeInstalled += (Find -Name $Name -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion -MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion `
            -Culture $Culture -ErrorAction Stop)
        if ($packagesToBeInstalled.Count -eq 0)
            ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                -ExceptionName System.InvalidOperationException  `
                -ExceptionMessage ("Package '{0}' not found" -f $Name) `
                -ExceptionObject $packageName `
                -ErrorId PackageNotFound `
                -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation            

        $mountDrive = $null

        # the available packages on the system
        $availablePackages = $()

        $installedPackage = $null

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ToVhd))
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ToVhd, "Mount-WindowsImage"))
                $ToVhd = Resolve-PathHelper $ToVhd -callerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet
                if (-not ([System.IO.File]::Exists($ToVhd)))
                    $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException "$ToVhd does not exist"
                    $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument
                    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "InvalidVhdPath", $errorCategory, $ToVhd


                # mount image
                $mountDrive = New-MountDrive

                Write-Verbose "Mounting $ToVhd to $mountDrive"

                Write-Progress -Activity "Mounting $ToVhd to $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 0

                $null = Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $ToVhd -Index 1 -Path $mountDrive

                $mountedVHDEdition = $null

                foreach ($packageToBeInstalled in $packagesToBeInstalled)
                    # if this package can't be install on standard, should do a check
                    if (-not $packageToBeInstalled.Sku.Contains("144") -or (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageToBeInstalled.NanoServerVersion)))
                        # initialize the regkey
                        if ($mountedVHDEdition -eq $null)
                            $regKey = $null

                            $vhdNanoServerVersion = $null
                            $mountedVHDEdition = "ERROR"

                                reg load HKLM\NANOSERVERPACKAGEVHDSYS "$mountDrive\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE" | Out-Null
                                $regKey = dir 'HKLM:\NANOSERVERPACKAGEVHDSYS\Microsoft\Windows NT'
                                $mountedVHDEdition = $regKey.GetValue("EditionID")
                                $majorVersion = $regKey.GetValue("CurrentMajorVersionNumber")
                                $minorVersion = $regKey.GetValue("CurrentMinorVersionNumber")
                                $buildVersion = $regKey.GetValue("CurrentBuildNumber")
                                $vhdNanoServerVersion = [version]::new($majorVersion, $minorVersion, $buildVersion, 0)
                                # ERROR
                                $mountedVHDEdition = "ERROR"
                                $vhdNanoServerVersion = $null
                                    if ($regKey -ne $null)
                                        reg unload HKLM\NANOSERVERPACKAGEVHDSYS | Out-Null
                                catch { }

                        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageToBeInstalled.NanoServerVersion) -and -not (NanoServerVersionMatched -dependencyVersionString $packageToBeInstalled.NanoServerVersion -version $vhdNanoServerVersion))
                            # unmount the drive
                            if ($null -ne $mountDrive)
                                Write-Progress -Activity "Unmounting mount drive $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 90
                                Write-Verbose "Unmounting mount drive $mountDrive"
                                Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive -discard $true
                                Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Completed"
                            $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException "The package '$name' with version $($packageToBeInstalled.Version) requires $(ConvertNanoServerVersionToString $packageToBeInstalled.NanoServerVersion). But the current Nano Server has version $vhdNanoServerVersion which is out of this range. Please see for instructions." `
                            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "WrongNanoServerEdition", $errorCategory, $packageToBeInstalled.Name


                        if (-not $packageToBeInstalled.Sku.Contains("144") -and $mountedVHDEdition -eq "ServerStandardNano")
                            # unmount the drive
                            if ($null -ne $mountDrive)
                                Write-Progress -Activity "Unmounting mount drive $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 90
                                Write-Verbose "Unmounting mount drive $mountDrive"
                                Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive -discard $true
                                Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Completed"

                            $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException "$($packageToBeInstalled.Name) cannot be installed on this edition of NanoServer"
                            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "WrongNanoServerEdition", $errorCategory, $packageToBeInstalled.Name

            foreach ($packageToBeInstalled in $packagesToBeInstalled)
                # this package can't be installed on standard
                if (IsNanoServer)
                    # if this is a nano, then systemSKU would be populated after isnanoserver call
                    if (-not $packageToBeInstalled.Sku.Contains($script:systemSKU.ToString()))
                        $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException "$($packageToBeInstalled.Name) cannot be installed on this edition of NanoServer"
                        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "WrongNanoServerEdition", $errorCategory, $packageToBeInstalled.Name


                    # if this is nanoserver, then we should also have the version populated
                    if (-not (NanoServerVersionMatched -dependencyVersionString $packageToBeInstalled.NanoServerVersion -version $script:systemVersion))

                        $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException "The package '$($packageToBeInstalled.Name)' with version $($packageToBeInstalled.Version) requires $(ConvertNanoServerVersionToString $packageToBeInstalled.NanoServerVersion). But the current Nano Server has version $script:systemVersion which is out of this range. Please see for instructions." 
                        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "WrongNanoServerVersion", $errorCategory, $packageToBeInstalled.Name


        $discard = $false

            # If no force, then just check whether the packages are already installed before proceeding
            if (-not $Force)
                Write-Verbose "Getting available packages"

                # installing online
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ToVhd))
                    $availablePackages = (Get-WindowsPackage -Online).PackageName.ToLower()
                    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($mountDrive, "Get-WindowsPackage"))
                        Write-Progress -Activity "Getting available packages on $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 10

                        $availablePackages = (Get-WindowsPackage -Path $mountDrive).PackageName.ToLower()

            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Install-NanoServerPackage"))
                [bool]$success = $false

                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ToVhd))
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Mounting $ToVhd to $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 20

                #Installing the package
                $installedPackage = Install-PackageHelper -Name $Name `
                                                            -Culture $Culture `
                                                            -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion `
                                                            -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion `
                                                            -MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion `
                                                            -imagePath $ToVhd `
                                                            -mountDrive $mountDrive `
                                                            -availablePackages $availablePackages `
                                                            -successfullyInstalled ([ref]$success) `
                                                            -Force:$Force `
                                                            -PackagesToBeInstalled $packagesToBeInstalled

                if (-not $success)
                    $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException "Cannot install package $packageName with culture $Culture and version $RequiredVersion"
                    $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument
                    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "FailedToInstallPackage", $errorCategory, $packageName

                    Write-Error $errorRecord
                    $discard = $true

            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument
            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $_.Exception, "FailedToInstallPackage", $errorCategory, $Name
            Write-Error $errorRecord
            $discard = $true
            # unmount the drive
            if ($null -ne $mountDrive)
                Write-Progress -Activity "Unmounting mount drive $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 90
                Write-Verbose "Unmounting mount drive $mountDrive"
                Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive -discard $discard
                Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Completed"


#endregion Stand-Alone

#region Helpers

function Find






    if(-not (CheckVersion $MinimumVersion $MaximumVersion $RequiredVersion $AllVersions))
        return $null

    $allSources = Get-Source

    $searchResults = @()

    if ($null -eq $Name -or $Name.Count -eq 0)
        $Name = @('')

    foreach($currSource in $allSources)
        foreach ($singleName in $Name)
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($singleName) -or $singleName.Trim() -eq '*')
                # if no name is supplied but min or max version is supplied, error out
                if ($null -ne $MinimumVersion -or $null -ne $MaximumVersion)
                    ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                                -ExceptionName System.Exception `
                                -ExceptionMessage "Name is required when either MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion parameter is used" `
                                -ExceptionObject $Name `
                                -ErrorId NameRequiredForMinOrMaxVersion `
                                -ErrorCategory InvalidData

            $result = Find-Azure -Name $singleName `
                                    -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion `
                                    -MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion `
                                    -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion `
                                    -AllVersions:$AllVersions `
                                    -Repository $currSource `
                                    -Culture $Culture `
            if($null -eq $result)
                # Error must have been thrown already
                # Just continue
            if ($result.GetType().IsArray -and $result.Count -eq 0)
                $sourceName = $currSource.Name
                Write-Error "No matching packages could be found for $singleName in $sourceName"

            $searchResults += $result

    return $searchResults

function Find-Azure







    $searchFile = Get-SearchIndex -Force:$Force -fwdLink $Repository.SourceLocation
    $searchFileContent = Get-Content $searchFile

    if($null -eq $searchFileContent)
        return $null

        $jsonDll = [Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyExtensions]::LoadFrom($PSScriptRoot + "\Json.coreclr.dll")
        $jsonParser = $jsonDll.GetTypes() | Where-Object name -match jsonparser
        $searchContent = $jsonParser::FromJson($searchFileContent)
        $searchStuff = $searchContent.Get_Item("array0")
        $searchData = @()
        foreach($searchStuffEntry in $searchStuff)
            $obj = New-Object PSObject 
            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $searchStuffEntry.Name
            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Version $searchStuffEntry.Version
            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Description $searchStuffEntry.Description
            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty SKU $searchStuffEntry.Sku
            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty NanoServerVersion $searchStuffEntry.NanoServerVersion

            $languageObj = New-Object PSObject
            $languageDictionary = $searchStuffEntry.Language
            $languageDictionary.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                $languageObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $_ $languageDictionary.Item($_)

            # process dependencies
            if ($searchStuffEntry.ContainsKey("Dependencies")) {
                $dependencies = @()
                foreach ($dep in $searchStuffEntry.Dependencies) {
                    $depObject = New-Object PSObject
                    $depObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $dep.Name
                    $depObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Version $dep.Version
                    $dependencies += $depObject

                $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Dependencies $dependencies

            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Language $languageObj
            $searchData += $obj
        $searchData = $searchFileContent | ConvertFrom-Json

    $searchResults = @()
    $searchDictionary = @{}

    # If name is null or whitespace, interpret as *
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name))
        $Name = "*"

    # Handle the version not given scenario
    if((-not ($MinimumVersion -or $MaximumVersion -or $RequiredVersion -or $AllVersions)))
        $MinimumVersion = [System.Version]''

    foreach($entry in $searchData)
        $toggle = $false

        # Check if the search string has * in it
        if ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name))
            if($ -like $Name)
                $toggle = $true
            if($ -eq $Name)
                $toggle = $true

        $thisVersion = Convert-Version $entry.version

            $convertedMinimumVersion = Convert-Version $MinimumVersion

            if(($thisVersion -ge $convertedMinimumVersion))
                    $objEntry = $searchDictionary[$]
                    $objVersion = Convert-Version $objEntry.Version

                    if($thisVersion -gt $objVersion)
                        $toggle = $true
                        $toggle = $false
                    $toggle = $true
                $toggle = $false

            $convertedMaximumVersion = Convert-Version $MaximumVersion

            if(($thisVersion -le $convertedMaximumVersion))
                    $objEntry = $searchDictionary[$]
                    $objVersion = Convert-Version $objEntry.Version

                    if($thisVersion -gt $objVersion)
                        $toggle = $true
                        $toggle = $false
                    $toggle = $true
                $toggle = $false

            $convertedRequiredVersion = Convert-Version $RequiredVersion

            if(($thisVersion -eq $convertedRequiredVersion))
                $toggle = $true                
                $toggle = $false

                $searchResults += $entry

            $searchDictionary.Add($, $entry)

    if(-not $AllVersions)
        $searchDictionary.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                $searchResults += $searchDictionary.Item($_)

    $searchLanguageResults = @()

    foreach($searchEntry in $searchResults)
        $EntryName = $searchEntry.Name
        $EntryVersion = $searchEntry.Version
        $EntryDescription = $searchEntry.Description
        $langDict = $searchEntry.Language
        $props= Get-Member -InputObject $langDict -MemberType NoteProperty
        $theSource = $Repository.Name
        $sku = [string]::Join(";", @($searchEntry.Sku))
        $nanoServerVersion = $searchEntry.NanoServerVersion

        $dependencies = @()
        $dependenciesProperty = Get-Member -InputObject $searchEntry -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Dependencies
        if ($null -ne $dependenciesProperty) {
            $dependencies = $searchEntry.Dependencies

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture))
            if(($props.Name -notcontains $Culture) -or `
                ($Culture -eq "base"))
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.Exception `
                            -ExceptionMessage "Culture: $Culture is not supported" `
                            -ExceptionObject $EntryName `
                            -ErrorId WildCardCharsAreNotSupported `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData

            $languageObj = New-Object PSObject
            $languageObj | Add-Member NoteProperty "base" $langDict."base"
            $languageObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $Culture $langDict.$Culture

            $ResultEntry = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                Name = $EntryName
                Version = $EntryVersion
                Description = $EntryDescription
                Source = $theSource
                Locations = $languageObj
                Culture = $Culture
                Sku = $sku
                Dependencies = $dependencies
                NanoServerVersion = $NanoServerVersion
            $ResultEntry.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NanoServerPackageItemInfo")
            $searchLanguageResults += $ResultEntry
            $langList = @()
            $langListString = ""

            $props.Name | ForEach-Object {
                $langList += $_
                if($_ -ne "base"){
                    $langListString += $_
                    $langListString += ", "

            $langListString = $langListString.Substring(0, $langListString.Length - 2)

            $ResultEntry = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                Name = $EntryName
                Version = $EntryVersion
                Description = $EntryDescription
                Source = $theSource
                Locations = $langDict
                Culture = $langListString
                Sku = $sku
                Dependencies = $dependencies
                NanoServerVersion = $NanoServerVersion
            $ResultEntry.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NanoServerPackageItemInfo")
            $searchLanguageResults += $ResultEntry
    return $searchLanguageResults

### SUMMARY: Download the file given the URI to the given location
function DownloadFile
    param($downloadURL, $destination, [switch]$noProgress)
    $startTime = Get-Date

        # Download the file
        Write-Verbose "Downloading $downloadUrl to $destination"
        $saveItemPath = $PSScriptRoot + "\SaveHTTPItemUsingBITS.psm1"
        Import-Module "$saveItemPath"
        Save-HTTPItemUsingBitsTransfer -Uri $downloadURL `
                        -Destination $destination `
        Write-Verbose "Finished downloading"

        $endTime = Get-Date
        $difference = New-TimeSpan -Start $startTime -End $endTime
        $downloadTime = "Downloaded in " + $difference.Hours + " hours, " + $difference.Minutes + " minutes, " + $difference.Seconds + " seconds."
        Write-Verbose $downloadTime
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                    -ExceptionMessage $_.Exception.Message `
                    -ExceptionObject $downloadURL `
                    -ErrorId FailedToDownload `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation        

function Install-PackageHelper

    $installedWindowsPackages = @()

    $successfullyInstalled.Value = $false

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture))
        # if the culture is null for the online case, we can find out easily

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($mountDrive))
            $Culture = (Get-Culture).Name
            Write-Verbose "Determining the culture of $mountDrive"

            $fileKey = Get-FileKey -filePath $imagePath

            if (-not $script:imageCultureCache.ContainsKey($fileKey))
                $Culture = Get-ImageCulture -mountDrive $mountDrive

                if ($null -eq $Culture)
                    Write-Verbose "Cannot determine culture of $mountDrive with /Get-Intl. Trying to find culture using a sample package"

                    $packagesOnTheMachine = $availablePackages

                    if ($null -eq $packagesOnTheMachine -or $packagesOnTheMachine.Count -eq 0)
                        $packagesOnTheMachine = (Get-WindowsPackage -Path $mountDrive).PackageName

                    foreach ($package in $packagesOnTheMachine)
                        $Culture = $package.Split('~')[3]

                        # we have found a culture from a package installed!
                        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture))

                # if after all that, culture still null then we have to abort
                if ($null -eq $Culture)
                    Write-Warning "Cannot determine culture of the vhd. Please supply it directly."

                $script:imageCultureCache[$fileKey] = $Culture
                $Culture = $script:imageCultureCache[$fileKey]

        Write-Verbose "The culture to be installed is $Culture"

    foreach ($packageName in $Name)
        $randomName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
        $destinationFolder = Join-Path $script:downloadedCabLocation $randomName

        $baseVersion = $null
        $languageVersion = $null

        foreach ($availablePackage in $availablePackages)
            # check whether base package is already installed
            if (Test-PackageWithSearchQuery -fullyQualifiedName $availablePackage -name $packageName -requiredVersion $RequiredVersion -minimumVersion $MinimumVersion -maximumVersion $MaximumVersion -Culture "Base")
                $baseVersion = Convert-Version ($availablePackage.Split('~')[4])
            # check whether language pack is installed
            elseif (Test-PackageWithSearchQuery -fullyQualifiedName $availablePackage -name $packageName -requiredVersion $RequiredVersion -minimumVersion $MinimumVersion -maximumVersion $MaximumVersion -Culture $Culture)
                $languageVersion = Convert-Version ($availablePackage.Split('~')[4])

        # no force and both are installed, just returned
        if (-not $Force)
            if ($null -ne $baseVersion -and $null -ne $languageVersion)
                Write-Verbose "Skipping installed package $packageName"
                $successfullyInstalled.Value = $true

                # returned the package to be installed

                if ($null -ne $PackagesToBeInstalled)
                    $PackagesToBeInstalled | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $packageName} | ForEach-Object {$_.Culture = $Culture; $_}


        # This means source is offline
        if ((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($source)) -and (Test-Path $source))
            Write-Verbose "Installing package from $source"
            $savedCabFilesToInstall = @($source)
            if (-not (Test-Path $destinationFolder))
                $null = mkdir $destinationFolder

            Write-Verbose "Downloading cab files to $destinationFolder"
            try {
                $script:availablePackages = $availablePackages
                $savedPackages = Save-NanoServerPackage -Name $packageName -Culture $Culture -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion -MinimumVersion $MinimumVersion `
                                                    -MaximumVersion $MaximumVersion -Path $destinationFolder -Force
            finally {
                $script:availablePackages = @()

        $savedCabFilesToInstall = @()
        $savedCabFilesToInstallTuple = @()

        foreach ($savedPackage in $savedPackages)
            $basePackageFile = (Join-Path $destinationFolder (Get-FileName -name $savedPackage.Name -Culture "" -version $savedPackage.Version))

            $basePackagePath = ""

            if (Test-Path $basePackageFile) {
                $savedCabFilesToInstall += $basePackageFile
                $basePackagePath = $basePackageFile

            # proceed with installation,
            $languagePackageFile = (Join-Path $destinationFolder (Get-FileName -name $savedPackage.Name -Culture $Culture -version $savedPackage.Version))

            $langPackagePath = ""

            if (Test-Path $languagePackageFile) {
                $savedCabFilesToInstall += $languagePackageFile
                $installedWindowsPackages += $savedPackage
                $langPackagePath = $languagePackageFile

            $savedCabFilesToInstallTuple += ([System.Tuple]::Create($basePackagePath, $langPackagePath))

        $restartNeeded = $false

            # Installing offline scenario
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($mountDrive))
                # in this scenario, the function that calls us already mount the drive
                Write-Verbose "Installing to mountdrive $mountDrive"
                $successfullyInstalled.Value = Install-CabOfflineFromPath -mountDrive $mountDrive -packagePaths $savedCabFilesToInstall
                Write-Verbose "Installing cab files $savedCabFilesToInstallTuple"                
                $successfullyInstalled.Value = Install-Online $savedCabFilesToInstallTuple -restartNeeded ([ref]$restartNeeded)

                if ($restartNeeded)
                    Write-Warning "Restart is needed to complete installation"
            $successfullyInstalled.Value = $false
            ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                        -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                        -ExceptionMessage $_.Exception.Message `
                        -ExceptionObject $Name `
                        -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                        -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation            
            # Remove the online source
            if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($source)) -or (-not (Test-Path $source)))
                Remove-Item $destinationFolder -Recurse -Force


### SUMMARY: Checks if the system is nano server or not
### Look into the win32 operating system class
### Returns True if running on Nano
### False otherwise
### 144: Server Standard
### 143: Server Datacenter
### 109: Test Images
function IsNanoServer
    if ($script:isNanoServerInitialized)
        return $script:isNanoServer
        $script:isNanoServerInitialized = $true
        $operatingSystem = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem
        $script:systemSKU = $operatingSystem.OperatingSystemSKU
        $script:systemVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
        $script:isNanoServer = ($systemSKU -eq 109) -or ($systemSKU -eq 144) -or ($systemSKU -eq 143)
        return $script:isNanoServer

### SUMMARY: Checks if the given destination is kosher or not
function CheckDestination

    # Check if entire path is folder structure
    $dest_item = Get-Item $Destination `
                            -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue `
                            -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

    if($dest_item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])
        return $true
        Write-Verbose "Creating directory structure: $Destination"
        mkdir $Destination
        return $true

    return $false

function CheckVersion

    if($AllVersions -and $RequiredVersion)
        Write-Error "AllVersions and RequiredVersion cannot be used together"
        return $false

    if($AllVersions -or $RequiredVersion)
        if($MinimumVersion -or $MaximumVersion)
            Write-Error "AllVersions and RequiredVersion switch cannot be used with MinimumVersion or MaximumVersion"
            return $false

    if($MinimumVersion -and $MaximumVersion)
        if($MaximumVersion -lt $MinimumVersion)
            Write-Error "Minimum Version cannot be more than Maximum Version"
            return $false

    return $true

function Get-FileName

    $fileName = $name + "_" + $Culture + "_" + $version.replace('.','-') + $script:WindowsPackageExtension
    return $fileName

### SUMMARY: Get the search index from Azure
function Get-SearchIndex

    $fullUrl = Resolve-FwdLink $fwdLink
    $fullUrl = $fullUrl.AbsoluteUri
    $destination = $script:WindowsPackage + "\searchNanoPackageIndex.txt"

    if(Test-Path $destination)
        Remove-Item $destination
        DownloadFile -downloadURL $fullUrl `
                -destination $destination `
        DownloadFile -downloadURL $fullUrl `
                    -destination $destination `
    return $destination

function Get-ImageCulture

    $languageSearch = dism /Image:$mountDrive /Get-Intl

    foreach ($languageString in $languageSearch)
        if ($languageString -match "\s*Default\s*system\s*UI\s*language\s*:\s*([a-z][a-z]-[A-Z][A-Z])\s*")
            return $matches[1]


### SUMMARY: Resolve the fwdlink to get the actual search URL
function Resolve-FwdLink
    if(-not (IsNanoServer))
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
    $httpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
    $response = $httpclient.GetAsync($Uri)
    $link = $response.Result.RequestMessage.RequestUri

    return $link

function Resolve-PathHelper


    $resolvedPaths =@()

    foreach($currentPath in $path)
                $currentResolvedPaths = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $currentPath -ErrorAction Stop
                $currentResolvedPaths = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Resolve-Path -Path $currentPath -ErrorAction Stop
            # Caller checks and throws an error if required
            $resolvedPaths += $currentPath

        foreach($currentResolvedPath in $currentResolvedPaths)
            $resolvedPaths += $currentResolvedPath.ProviderPath


### Function to get package dependencies that need to be install
### This will return false if there is a dependency loop
function Get-DependenciesToInstall($availablePackages, $culture, [psobject]$package, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$dependenciesToBeInstalled)
    # no dependencies to be installed
    if ($null -eq $package.Dependencies -or $package.Dependencies.Count -eq 0) {
        $dependenciesToBeInstalled.Add($package) | Out-NUll
        return $true

    $permanentlyMarked = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $temporarilyMarked = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    if (-not (DepthFirstVisit -package $package `
                            -temporarilyMarked $temporarilyMarked `
                            -permanentlyMarked $permanentlyMarked `
                            -dependenciesToBeInstalled $dependenciesToBeInstalled `
                            -culture $culture `
                            -availablePackages $availablePackages)) {
        return $false

    return $true

function DepthFirstVisit(
    $availablePackages) {
    # get the hash of the package which is name!#!version
    $hash = $package.Name.ToLower() + "!#!" + (Convert-Version $package.Version)

    if ($temporarilyMarked.IndexOf($hash) -ge 0) {
        # dependency loop!
        return $false        

    # no need to visit permanently marked node
    if ($permanentlyMarked.IndexOf($hash) -ge 0) {
        return $true

    $temporarilyMarked.Add($hash) | Out-Null

    foreach ($dependency in $package.Dependencies) {
        $skip = $false

        # check which dependencies are already installed
        foreach ($availablePackage in $availablePackages)
            # check whether language pack is installed (don't need to check base because if language pack is installed then base must be there)
            if (Test-PackageWithSearchQuery -fullyQualifiedName $availablePackage -name $dependency.Name -requiredVersion $dependency.Version -Culture $culture)
                # if it is, skipped this dependency
                $skip = $true

        if ($skip) {

        $dependencyPackage = Find -Name $dependency.Name -RequiredVersion $dependency.Version -Culture $culture

        if (-not (DepthFirstVisit -package $dependencyPackage -permanentlyMarked $permanentlyMarked `
                -temporarilyMarked $temporarilyMarked -culture $culture `
                -availablePackages $availablePackages -dependenciesToBeInstalled $dependenciesToBeInstalled)) {
            return $false

    # add to list to install later
    $dependenciesToBeInstalled.Add($package) | Out-Null

    # mark the node permanently
    $permanentlyMarked.Add($hash) | Out-Null

    # remove the temporary mark
    $temporarilyMarked.Remove($hash) | Out-Null

    return $true

Parse and return a dependency version
The version string is either a simple version or an arithmetic range
     1.0 --> 1.0 ≤ x
     (,1.0] --> x ≤ 1.0
     (,1.0) --> x lt 1.0
     [1.0] --> x == 1.0
     (1.0,) --> 1.0 lt x
     (1.0, 2.0) --> 1.0 lt x lt 2.0
     [1.0, 2.0] --> 1.0 ≤ x ≤ 2.0

function NanoServerVersionMatched([string]$dependencyVersionString, [version]$version)
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dependencyVersionString) -or $version -eq $null)
        return $true

    $dependencyVersionString = $dependencyVersionString.Trim()

    $first = $dependencyVersionString[0]
    $last = $dependencyVersionString[-1]
    if ($first -ne '(' -and $first -ne '[' -and $last -ne ']' -and $last -ne ')')
        # stand alone so it is min inclusive
        $versionToBeCompared = Convert-Version $dependencyVersionString

        return ($versionToBeCompared -ge $version)        

    # now dep version string must have length > 3
    if ($dependencyVersionString.Length -lt 3)
        return $true

    if ($first -ne '(' -and $first -ne '[')
        # first character must be either ( or [
        return $true

    if ($last -ne ']' -and $last -ne ')')
        # last character must be either ] or )
        return $true

    # inclusive if the first or last is [ or ], otherwise exclusive
    $minInclusive = ($first -eq '[')
    $maxInclusive = ($last -eq ']')

    $dependencyVersionString = $dependencyVersionString.Substring(1, $dependencyVersionString.Length - 2)

    $parts = $dependencyVersionString.Split(',')
    if ($parts.Length -gt 2)
        return $true

    $minVersion = Convert-Version $parts[0]

    if ($parts.Length -eq 1)
        $maxVersion = $minVersion
        $maxVersion = Convert-Version $parts[1]

    if ($minVersion -eq $null -and $maxVersion -eq $null)
        return $true

    # now we can compare
    if ($minVersion -ne $null)
        if ($minInclusive)
            # min inclusive so version must be >= minversion
            if ($version -lt $minVersion)
                return $false
            # not mininclusive so version must be > minversion
            if ($version -le $minVersion)
                return $false

    if ($maxVersion -ne $null)
        if ($maxInclusive)
            if ($version -gt $maxVersion)
                return $false
            if ($version -ge $maxVersion)
                return $false

    return $true

function ConvertNanoServerVersionToString([string]$NanoServerVersion)
    $result = $NanoServerVersion

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NanoServerVersion))
        return $result

    $NanoServerVersion = $NanoServerVersion.Trim()

    $first = $NanoServerVersion[0]
    $last = $NanoServerVersion[-1]
    if ($first -ne '(' -and $first -ne '[' -and $last -ne ']' -and $last -ne ')')
        return "minimum NanoServer version of $NanoServerVersion (inclusive)"

    # now dep version string must have length > 3
    if ($NanoServerVersion.Length -lt 3)
        return $NanoServerVersion

    if ($first -ne '(' -and $first -ne '[')
        # first character must be either ( or [
        return $NanoServerVersion

    if ($last -ne ']' -and $last -ne ')')
        # last character must be either ] or )
        return $NanoServerVersion

    # inclusive if the first or last is [ or ], otherwise exclusive
    $minInclusive = ($first -eq '[')
    $maxInclusive = ($last -eq ']')

    $NanoServerVersion = $NanoServerVersion.Substring(1, $NanoServerVersion.Length - 2)

    $parts = $NanoServerVersion.Split(',')
    if ($parts.Length -gt 2)
        return $NanoServerVersion

    $minVersion = $parts[0]

    if ($parts.Length -eq 1)
        $maxVersion = $minVersion
        $maxVersion = $parts[1]

    if ($minVersion -eq $null -and $maxVersion -eq $null)
        return $NanoServerVersion

    $result = ""

    # now we can compare
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($minVersion))
        $result += "minimum NanoServer version of $minVersion"

        if ($minInclusive)
            $result += " (inclusive)"

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($maxVersion))
        # there is already something in result, so add an and
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result))
            $result += " and "

        $result += "maximum NanoServer version of $maxVersion"
        if ($maxInclusive)
            $result += " (inclusive)"

    return $result

#endregion Helpers

#region Source

### SUMMARY: Gets the source from where to get the images
### Initializes the variables for find, download and install
### Returns the type of
function Get-Source


    $listOfSources = @()

    # if sources is supplied and we cannot find it, error out
    if((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($sources)) -and (-not $script:windowsPackageSources.Contains($sources)))
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.Exception `
                            -ExceptionMessage "Unable to find package source '$sources'. Use Get-PackageSource to see all available package sources." `
                            -ExceptionObject $sources `
                            -ErrorId WildCardCharsAreNotSupported `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData

    foreach($mySource in $script:WindowsPackageSources.Values)
        if((-not $sources) -or
            (($mySource.Name -eq $sources) -or
               ($mySource.Location -eq $sources)))
            $tempHolder = @{}

            $location = $mySource.SourceLocation
            $tempHolder.Add("SourceLocation", $location)
            $packageSourceName = $mySource.Name
            $tempHolder.Add("Name", $packageSourceName)
            $listOfSources += $tempHolder

    return $listOfSources

function Set-ModuleSourcesVariable
    if(Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Test-Path $script:file_modules)
        $script:windowsPackageSources = DeSerializePSObject -Path $script:file_modules
    if((-not (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Test-Path $script:file_modules)))
        $script:windowsPackageSources = [ordered]@{}
        $defaultModuleName = "NanoServerPackageSource"

        $defaultModuleSource = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
            Name = $script:defaultPackageName
            SourceLocation = $script:defaultPackageLocation
            Registered= $true
            InstallationPolicy = "Untrusted"

        $script:windowsPackageSources.Add($defaultModuleName, $defaultModuleSource)

function Get-PackageProviderName
    return $script:providerName

### SUMMARY: Deserializes the PSObject
function DeSerializePSObject
    $filecontent = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Content -Path $Path

function Save-ModuleSource
    # check if exists
    if(-not (Test-Path $script:WindowsPackage))
        $null = mkdir $script:WindowsPackage

    # seralize module
    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Out-File -FilePath $script:file_modules `
                                            -Force `
                                            -InputObject ([System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($script:windowsPackageSources))

function Resolve-PackageSource

    $SourceName = $request.PackageSources

    if(-not $SourceName)
        $SourceName = "*"

    foreach($moduleSourceName in $SourceName)
        $wildcardPattern = New-Object System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern $moduleSourceName,$script:wildcardOptions
        $moduleSourceFound = $false
        $script:windowsPackageSources.GetEnumerator() | 
            Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Where-Object {$wildcardPattern.IsMatch($_.Key)} | 
                Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\ForEach-Object {
                    $moduleSource = $script:windowsPackageSources[$_.Key]
                    $packageSource = New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource -ModuleSource $moduleSource
                    Write-Output -InputObject $packageSource
                    $moduleSourceFound = $true

        if(-not $moduleSourceFound)
            $sourceName  = Get-SourceName -Location $moduleSourceName
                $moduleSource = $script:windowsPackageSources[$sourceName]
                $packageSource = New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource -ModuleSource $moduleSource
                Write-Output -InputObject $packageSource

function Add-PackageSource


    $options = $request.Options
    $Default = $false

        foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
            Write-Debug ("OPTION dictionary: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

            $Default = $options['Default']

        $Name = $script:defaultPackageName
        $Location = $script:defaultPackageLocation

    # Check if this package source already exists
    foreach($psModuleSource in $script:windowsPackageSources.Values)
        if(($Name -eq $psModuleSource.Name) -or
                ($Location -eq $psModuleSource.SourceLocation))
            throw "Package Source $Name with $Location already exists"

    # Add new module source
    $moduleSource = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
            Name = $Name
            SourceLocation = $Location            
            Registered= $true
            InstallationPolicy = if($Trusted) {'Trusted'} else {'Untrusted'}

    $script:windowsPackageSources.Add($Name, $moduleSource)
    Write-Output -InputObject (New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource -ModuleSource $moduleSource)

function Remove-PackageSource
    Set-ModuleSourcesVariable -Force

    if(-not $script:windowsPackageSources.Contains($Name))
        Write-Error -Message "Package source $Name not found" `
                        -ErrorId "Package source $Name not found" `
                        -Category InvalidOperation `
                        -TargetObject $Name



function New-PackageSourceFromModuleSource

    $packageSourceDetails = @{}

    # create a new package source
    $src =  New-PackageSource -Name $ModuleSource.Name `
                              -Location $ModuleSource.SourceLocation `
                              -Trusted $ModuleSource.Trusted `
                              -Registered $ModuleSource.Registered `
                              -Details $packageSourceDetails

    # return the package source object.
    Write-Output -InputObject $src

function Get-SourceName


    foreach($psModuleSource in $script:windowsPackageSources.Values)
        if(($psModuleSource.Name -eq $Location) -or
           ($psModuleSource.SourceLocation -eq $Location))
            return $psModuleSource.Name

#endregion Source

#region OneGet

function Find-Package




    $options = $request.Options
    $languageChosen = $null
    $wildcardPattern = $null
    $force = $false
    $allVersions = $false

    # path to the offline nano image
    $imagePath = $null
    $source = $null

    # check out what options the users give us
        foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
            Write-Debug ("OPTION dictionary: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

            $force = $options['Force']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("ImagePath"))
            $imagePath = $options['ImagePath']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("Culture"))
            $languageChosen = $options['Culture']

        if ($options.ContainsKey('Source'))
            $source = $options['Source']

        if ($options.ContainsKey('AllVersions'))
            $allVersions = $options['AllVersions']

    # Let find-windowspackage handle the query
    $convertedRequiredVersion = Convert-Version $requiredVersion
    $convertedMinVersion = Convert-Version $minimumVersion
    $convertedMaxVersion = Convert-Version $maximumVersion

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name))
        $Name = @('*')

    $packages = Find -Name $Name `
        -MinimumVersion $convertedMinVersion `
        -MaximumVersion $convertedMaxVersion `
        -RequiredVersion $convertedRequiredVersion `
        -AllVersions:$AllVersions `
        -Culture $languageChosen `

    if ($null -eq $packages)

    # check for packages that match the query
    foreach ($package in $packages)
        $swid = New-SoftwareIdentityFromWindowsPackageItemInfo $package
        Write-Output $swid

function Install-Package

    Write-Verbose $fastPackageReference

    # path to the offline nano image
    $imagePath = $null

    $options = $request.Options

    $force = $false

    # check out what options the users give us
        foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
            Write-Debug ("OPTION dictionary: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

            $force = $options['Force']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("ToVhd"))
            $imagePath = $options['ToVhd']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("Culture"))
            $languageChosen = $options['Culture']

    # if image path is supplied and it points to non existing file, returns
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imagePath) -and (-not ([System.IO.File]::Exists($ImagePath))))
       ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
            -ExceptionMessage "$ImagePath does not exist" `
            -ExceptionObject $imagePath `
            -ErrorId "InvalidImagePath" `
            -ErrorCategory InvalidData


    [string[]] $splitterArray = @("$separator")
    [string[]] $resultArray = $fastPackageReference.Split($splitterArray, [System.StringSplitOptions]::None)

    $name = $resultArray[0]
    $version = $resultArray[1]
    $Culture = $resultArray[3]
    $Sku = $resultArray[4]
    $NanoServerVersion = $resultArray[5]

    # if culture is a string, set it to null (this means user did not supply culture)
    if ($Culture.Contains(','))
        $Culture = ''

    $convertedVersion = Convert-Version $version

    [bool]$success = $false

    $mountDrive = $null

    $availablePackages = @()

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imagePath))
        $mountDrive = New-MountDrive

        Write-Verbose "Mounting $imagePath to $mountDrive"

        $null = Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $imagePath -Index 1 -Path $mountDrive
        if (-not $force) {
            $fileKey = Get-FileKey -filePath $imagePath
            $availablePackages = @(($script:imagePathCache[$fileKey]).Keys)

        # if this package does not apply to standard, we have to check whether the nano is standard or not
        if (-not $Sku.Contains("144") -or (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NanoServerVersion)))
            $regKey = $null

            $mountedVhdEdition = "ERROR"
            $vhdNanoServerVersion = $null

                reg load HKLM\NANOSERVERPACKAGEVHDSYS "$mountDrive\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE" | Out-Null
                $regKey = dir 'HKLM:\NANOSERVERPACKAGEVHDSYS\Microsoft\Windows NT'
                $mountedVHDEdition = $regKey.GetValue("EditionID")
                $majorVersion = $regKey.GetValue("CurrentMajorVersionNumber")
                $minorVersion = $regKey.GetValue("CurrentMinorVersionNumber")
                $buildVersion = $regKey.GetValue("CurrentBuildNumber")
                $vhdNanoServerVersion = [version]::new($majorVersion, $minorVersion, $buildVersion, 0)
                # ERROR
                $mountedVHDEdition = "ERROR"
                $vhdNanoServerVersion = $null
                    if ($regKey -ne $null)
                        reg unload HKLM\NANOSERVERPACKAGEVHDSYS | Out-Null
                catch { }

            # if this is not applicable to server standard nano
            if (-not $Sku.Contains("144") -and $mountedVHDEdition -eq "ServerStandardNano")
                # cannot be installed
                # unmount
                if ($null -ne $mountDrive)
                    Write-Verbose "Unmounting mountdrive $mountDrive"
                    Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive -discard $true

                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
                            -ExceptionMessage "$name cannot be installed on this edition of NanoServer" `
                            -ExceptionObject $fastPackageReference `
                            -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData

            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NanoServerVersion) -and -not (NanoServerVersionMatched -dependencyVersionString $NanoServerVersion -version $vhdNanoServerVersion))
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
                            -ExceptionMessage "The package '$name $version' requires $(ConvertNanoServerVersionToString $NanoServerVersion). But the current Nano Server has version $vhdNanoServerVersion which is out of this range. Please see for instructions."  `
                            -ExceptionObject $fastPackageReference `
                            -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData
    else {
        if (IsNanoServer)
            # if this is a nano, then systemSKU would be populated after isnanoserver call
            if (-not $Sku.Contains($script:systemSKU.ToString()))
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
                            -ExceptionMessage "$name cannot be installed on this edition of NanoServer" `
                            -ExceptionObject $fastPackageReference `
                            -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData

            # if this is nanoserver, then we should also have the version populated
            if (-not (NanoServerVersionMatched -dependencyVersionString $NanoServerVersion -version $script:systemVersion))
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
                            -ExceptionMessage "The package '$name' with version $version requires $(ConvertNanoServerVersionToString $NanoServerVersion). But current Nano Server has version $script:systemVersion which is out of this range. Please see for instructions." `
                            -ExceptionObject $fastPackageReference `
                            -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData

        if (-not $force) {
            $availablePackages = @($script:onlinePackageCache.Keys)

        $installedPackages = Install-PackageHelper -Name $name `
                                                    -Culture $Culture `
                                                    -Version $convertedVersion `
                                                    -mountDrive $mountDrive `
                                                    -successfullyInstalled ([ref]$success) `
                                                    -availablePackages: $availablePackages

        foreach ($installedPackage in $installedPackages)
            Write-Output (New-SoftwareIdentityFromWindowsPackageItemInfo ($installedPackage))
        # unmount
        if ($null -ne $mountDrive)
            Write-Verbose "Unmounting mountdrive $mountDrive"
            Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive -discard (-not $success)

function Download-Package


    [string[]] $splitterArray = @("$separator")
    [string[]] $resultArray = $fastPackageReference.Split($splitterArray, [System.StringSplitOptions]::None)

    $name = $resultArray[0]
    $version = $resultArray[1]
    #$source = $resultArray[2]
    $Culture = $resultArray[3]
    $convertedVersion = Convert-Version $version

    # if culture is a string, set it to null (this means user did not supply culture)
    if ($Culture.Contains(','))
        $Culture = ''

    # no culture given, use culture of the system
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture))
        $Culture = (Get-Culture).Name

    $force = $false
    $options = $request.Options

    if ($options)
        if ($options.ContainsKey('Force'))
            $force = $options['Force']

    $savedWindowsPackageItems = Save-NanoServerPackage -Name $name `
                                                        -Culture $Culture `
                                                        -RequiredVersion $convertedVersion `
                                                        -Path $Location `

    foreach ($savedWindowsPackageItem in $savedWindowsPackageItems)
        Write-Output (New-SoftwareIdentityFromWindowsPackageItemInfo $savedWindowsPackageItem)

function Get-InstalledPackage




    $options = $request.Options
    $wildcardPattern = $null
    $languageChosen = $null

    # If name is null or whitespace, interpret as *
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name))
        $Name = "*"

    if ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name))
        $wildcardPattern = New-Object System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern $Name,$script:wildcardOptions

    $force = $false

    # path to the offline nano image
    $imagePath = $null

    # check out what options the users give us
        foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
            Write-Debug ("OPTION dictionary: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

            $force = $options['Force']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("FromVhd"))
            $imagePath = $options['FromVhd']
        elseif ($options.ContainsKey("ToVhd"))
            # in case of install
            $imagePath = $options['ToVhd']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("Culture"))
            $languageChosen = $options['Culture']

            $cannotConvertCulture = $false

            # try to convert the culture
                $convertedCulture = [cultureinfo]$languageChosen

                # apparently, converting culture 'blah' will not work but 'bla' will work ?!?
                if ($null -eq $convertedCulture -or $null -eq $convertedCulture.DisplayName -or $convertedCulture.DisplayName.Trim() -match "Unknown Language")
                    $cannotConvertCulture = $true
                $cannotConvertCulture = $true

            # if we cannot convert culture, throw error
            if ($cannotConvertCulture)
                ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
                            -ExceptionMessage "$languageChosen is not a valid culture" `
                            -ExceptionObject $languageChosen `
                            -ErrorId InvalidCulture `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidData

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imagePath))
        $mountDrive = New-MountDrive   

        Write-Verbose "Mounting $imagePath to $mountDrive"

        $id = Write-Progress -ParentId 1 -Activity "Getting packages information"
        if (-not $id)
            $id = 1

        Write-Progress -Activity "Mounting $imagePath to $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 0 -Id $id

        Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $imagePath -Index 1 -Path $mountDrive

        Write-Verbose "Done Mounting"

        # Now we can try to find the packages
            # Get all the available packages on the mountdrive
            $packages = Get-WindowsPackage -Path $mountDrive
            Write-Verbose "Finished getting packages from $mountDrive with $($packages.Count) packages"
            $count = 0

            Write-Progress -Activity "Getting packages information from $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 5 -Id $id
            $packagesToBeReturned = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'

            $availablePackages = $packages.PackageName.ToLower()

            # check for packages that match the query
            foreach ($fullyQualifiedName in $availablePackages)
                if (Test-PackageWithSearchQuery -fullyQualifiedName $fullyQualifiedName -requiredVersion $RequiredVersion -Name $Name `
                    -minimumVersion $MinimumVersion -maximumVersion $MaximumVersion -Culture $languageChosen -wildCardPattern $wildcardPattern)

            $fileKey = Get-FileKey -filePath $imagePath

            $packageDictionary = @{}

            # try to get the cache if it exists, otherwise create one
            if (-not $script:imagePathCache.ContainsKey($fileKey))
                $script:imagePathCache.Add($fileKey, $packageDictionary)

            $packageDictionary = $script:imagePathCache[$fileKey]

            foreach ($fullyQualifiedName in $availablePackages)
                if (-not $packageDictionary.ContainsKey($fullyQualifiedName))
                    $packageDictionary[$fullyQualifiedName] = $null

            # Before we get more details, we will clump together base and language pack if they have same name and version
            if ($packagesToBeReturned.Count -gt 0)
                $packagesToBeReturned = Filter-Packages $packagesToBeReturned

            foreach ($package in $packagesToBeReturned)
                # scale the percent from 1 to 80 to account for the initial and final step of mounting and dismounting
                $percentComplete = (($count*80/$packages.Count) + 10) -as [int]
                $count += 1

                Write-Progress -Activity `
                    "Getting package information for $package in $mountDrive" `
                    -PercentComplete $percentComplete `
                    -Id $id                

                # store the information in cache if it's not there or if user uses force
                if ((-not $packageDictionary.ContainsKey($package)) -or ($null -eq $packageDictionary[$package]) -or $force)
                    Write-Debug "Getting information for package $package and storing it in cache"
                    # store the information in cache
                    $packageDictionary[$package.ToLower()] = Get-WindowsPackage -PackageName $package -Path $mountDrive

                Write-Output (New-SoftwareIdentityPackage $packageDictionary[$package.ToLower()] -src $imagePath)

            # Get the list of packages that are in the cache but not in the latest list we have
            $packageToBeRemoved = @()
            foreach ($pkg in $packageDictionary.GetEnumerator())
                if (-not $availablePackages.Contains($pkg.Name))
                    $packageToBeRemoved += $pkg.Name

            # Remove packages in this list from the cache
            foreach ($pkg in $packageToBeRemoved)
                if ($packageDictionary.ContainsKey($pkg))
            Write-Progress -Activity "Unmounting image from $mountDrive" -PercentComplete 90 -Id $id
            # Unmount and delete directory
            Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive
            Write-Progress -Completed -Id $id -Activity "Completed"
        $count = 0;
        $id = Write-Progress -ParentId 1 -Activity "Getting packages information"
        if (-not $id)
            $id = 1
        Write-Progress -Activity "Getting available packages on the system" -PercentComplete 0 -Id $id
        # getting the packages on the current operating system
        # getting basic information about all the packages online
        $packages = Get-WindowsPackage -Online

            $packagesToBeReturned = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
            $availablePackages = $packages.PackageName.ToLower()

            # Get the list of packages that match what the user input
            foreach ($fullyQualifiedName in $availablePackages)
                if (Test-PackageWithSearchQuery -fullyQualifiedName $fullyQualifiedName -requiredVersion $RequiredVersion -Name $Name `
                    -minimumVersion $MinimumVersion -maximumVersion $MaximumVersion -Culture $languageChosen -wildCardPattern $wildCardPattern)
                    # Store the whole name instead of just the name without language or version

                if (-not ($script:onlinePackageCache.ContainsKey($fullyQualifiedName)))
                    $script:onlinePackageCache[$fullyQualifiedName] = $null

            # nothing matched!
            if ($packagesToBeReturned.Count -gt 0)
                # Before we get more details, we will clump together base and language pack if they have same name and version
                $packagesToBeReturned = Filter-Packages $packagesToBeReturned

            # Only update the list of packages that the user gives
            foreach ($package in $packagesToBeReturned)
                $percentComplete = ($count*90/$packages.Count + 10) -as [int]
                Write-Progress -Activity "Getting package information for $($package)" -PercentComplete $percentComplete -Id $id
                $count += 1;

                # store the information in cache if it's not there or if user uses force
                if ((-not $script:onlinePackageCache.ContainsKey($package)) -or ($null -eq $script:onlinePackageCache[$package]) -or $force)
                    Write-Debug "Getting information for package $package and storing it in cache"
                    # store the information in cache
                    $script:onlinePackageCache[$package.ToLower()] = Get-WindowsPackage -Online -PackageName $package

                if ($script:onlinePackageCache.ContainsKey($package))
                    # convert package to swid and return
                    Write-Output (New-SoftwareIdentityPackage $script:onlinePackageCache[$package] -src "Local Machine")
            # Get the list of packages that are in the cache but not in the latest list we have
            $packageToBeRemoved = @()
            foreach ($pkg in $script:onlinePackageCache.GetEnumerator())
               if (-not $availablePackages.Contains($pkg.Name))
                    $packageToBeRemoved += $pkg.Name

            # Remove packages in this list from the cache
            foreach ($pkg in $packageToBeRemoved)
                if ($script:onlinePackageCache.ContainsKey($pkg))
            Write-Progress -Completed -Id $id -Activity "Completed"

function Uninstall-Package

    Write-Verbose $fastPackageReference

    # path to the offline nano image
    $imagePath = $null

    $options = $request.Options

    $force = $false

    $languageChosen = $null

    # check out what options the users give us
        foreach( $o in $options.Keys )
            Write-Debug ("OPTION dictionary: {0} => {1}" -f ($o, $options[$o]) )

            $force = $options['Force']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("FromVhd"))
            $imagePath = $options['FromVhd']

        if ($options.ContainsKey("Culture"))
            $languageChosen = $options['Culture']

    # if image path is supplied and it points to non existing file, returns
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imagePath) -and (-not ([System.IO.File]::Exists($ImagePath))))
       ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
            -ExceptionName System.ArgumentException `
            -ExceptionMessage "$ImagePath does not exist" `
            -ExceptionObject $imagePath `
            -ErrorId "InvalidImagePath" `
            -ErrorCategory InvalidData


    [string[]] $splitterArray = @("$separator")
    [string[]] $resultArray = $fastPackageReference.Split($splitterArray, [System.StringSplitOptions]::None)

    $packageId = $resultArray[4]

    $basePackage = $null

    if ($null -eq $languageChosen) {
        Write-Verbose "No language chosen, removing base too"

        $packageFragments = $packageId.Split("~")

        $packageFragments[3] = ""

        $basePackage = [string]::Join("~", $packageFragments)

        Write-Debug "New package id is $packageId and the base package is $basePackage"

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imagePath)) {
        # removing from vhd
        $mountDrive = New-MountDrive

        Write-Verbose "Mounting $imagePath to $mountDrive"

        $null = Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $imagePath -Index 1 -Path $mountDrive
        $success = $false

        try {
            Write-Verbose "Removing $packageId from $mountDrive"

            # time to update the cache since we remove this package
            $fileKey = Get-FileKey -filePath $imagePath

            if ($script:imagePathCache.ContainsKey($fileKey)) {
                $packageDictionary = $script:imagePathCache[$fileKey]

                if ($null -ne $packageDictionary) {
                    if ($packageDictionary.ContainsKey($packageId)) {
                        Remove-WindowsPackage -PackageName $packageId -Path $mountDrive | Out-Null
                else {
                    # nothing in cache
                    Remove-WindowsPackage -PackageName $packageId -Path $mountDrive | Out-Null

            if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($basePackage)))
                Remove-WindowsPackage -PackageName $basePackage -Path $mountDrive | Out-Null

            if ($script:imagePathCache.ContainsKey($fileKey)) {
                $packageDictionary = $script:imagePathCache[$fileKey]

                if ($null -ne $packageDictionary)
                    if ($packageDictionary.ContainsKey($packageId))

                    if ((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($basePackage)) -and $packageDictionary.ContainsKey($basePackage))

            $success = $true
        catch {
            $success = $false
        finally {
            # unmount
            if ($null -ne $mountDrive)
                Write-Verbose "Unmounting mountdrive $mountDrive"
                Remove-MountDrive $mountDrive -discard (-not $success)
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Uninstalling $packageId online"

        $messages = $null

        if ($script:onlinePackageCache.ContainsKey($packageId)) {
            # removing online
            $messages = Remove-WindowsPackage -PackageName $packageId -Online -NoRestart -WarningAction Ignore

        $restart = $messages -ne $null -and $messages.RestartNeeded

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($basePackage))
            if ($script:onlinePackageCache.ContainsKey($basePackage)) {
                $messages = Remove-WindowsPackage -PackageName $basePackage -Online -NoRestart -WarningAction Ignore       
                $restart = $restart -or ($messages -ne $null -and $messages.RestartNeeded)

        if ($restart)
            Write-Warning "Restart is needed to complete installation"

#endregion OneGet

#region OneGet Helpers

# This is to display long name
function Get-Feature 
    Write-Output -InputObject (New-Feature -Name "DisplayLongName")

function Get-DynamicOptions

        # This is for dynamic options used by install/uninstall and get-packages
            # Provides path to image
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $category -Name "ToVhd" -ExpectedType File -IsRequired $false)
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $category -Name "FromVhd" -ExpectedType File -IsRequired $false)
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $Category -Name "DisplayCulture" -ExpectedType Switch -IsRequired $false)
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $category -Name "Culture" -ExpectedType String -IsRequired $false)
            # Switch to display culture
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $Category -Name "DisplayCulture" -ExpectedType Switch -IsRequired $false)
            # Provides path to image
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $category -Name "ImagePath" -ExpectedType String -IsRequired $false)
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $category -Name "Culture" -ExpectedType String -IsRequired $false)
            Write-Output -InputObject (New-DynamicOption -Category $Category -Name "Default" -ExpectedType Switch -IsRequired $false)

function Initialize-Provider
    write-debug "In $script:providerName - Initialize-Provider"

function Get-PackageProviderName
    return $script:providerName

function New-SoftwareIdentityFromWindowsPackageItemInfo

    $details = @{}
    $Culture = $package.Culture

    $fastPackageReference = $package.Name + 
                                $separator + $package.version + 
                                $separator + $package.Source + 
                                $separator + $Culture +
                                $separator + $package.Sku +
                                $separator + $package.NanoServerVersion

    $Name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($package.Name)

    $deps = (new-Object -TypeName  System.Collections.ArrayList)

    foreach( $dep in $package.Dependencies ) 
        # Add each dependency and say it's from this provider.
        $newDep = New-Dependency -ProviderName $script:providerName `
                                 -PackageName $dep.Name `
                                 -Version $dep.Version
        $deps.Add( $newDep )

    $details["Sku"] = $package.Sku
    $details["NanoServerVersion"] = $package.NanoServerVersion

    $params = @{FastPackageReference = $fastPackageReference;
                Name = $Name;
                Version = $package.version.ToString();
                versionScheme  = "MultiPartNumeric";
                Source = $package.Source;
                Summary = $package.Description;
                Details = $details;
                Culture = $Culture;
                Dependencies = $deps;

        New-SoftwareIdentity @params
        # throw error because older version of packagemanagement does not have culture key
        New-SoftwareIdentity @params

# this function is used by get-installedpackage
function New-SoftwareIdentityPackage



    $details = @{}

    $details.Add("Applicable", $package.Applicable)

    if ($null -ne $package.InstallTime)
        $details.Add("InstallTime", $package.InstallTime)

    if ($null -ne $package.CompletelyOfflineCapable)
        $details.Add("CompletelyOfflineCapable", $package.CompletelyOfflineCapable)

    if ($null -ne $package.PackageState)
        $details.Add("PackageState", $package.PackageState)

    if ($null -ne $package.RestartRequired)
        $details.Add("RestartRequired", $package.RestartRequired)

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($package.ReleaseType))
        $details.Add("ReleaseType", $package.ReleaseType)

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Package.ProductVersion)) {
        $version = "0.0"
    else {
        $version = $Package.ProductVersion

    # format is name~publickeytoken~architecture~language~version

    $packageNameFractions = $Package.PackageName.Split('~')

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageNameFractions[0]))
        $name = $packageNameFractions[0]
        $name = $package.PackageName

    # DISM team has a workaround where they add Feature in the name. We should remove that.
    if ($name -like "*Feature-Package*")
        $name = $name -replace "Feature-Package","Package"

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageNameFractions[1]))
        $details.Add("publickey", $packageNameFractions[1])

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageNameFractions[2]))
        $details.Add("architecture", $packageNameFractions[2])

    $Culture = $packageNameFractions[3]
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageNameFractions[4]))
        $version = $packageNameFractions[4]

    $fastPackageReference = $name + $separator + $version + $separator + $InstallLocation + $separator + $Culture + $separator + $package.PackageName

    $params = @{FastPackageReference = $fastPackageReference;
                Name = $name;
                Version = $version;
                versionScheme  = "MultiPartNumeric";
                Source = $src;
                Details = $details;
                Culture = $Culture;
                TagId = $Package.PackageName;

        New-SoftwareIdentity @params
        # throw error because older version of packagemanagement does not have culture key
        New-SoftwareIdentity @params

function Install-CabOfflineFromPath


    $discard = $false

    $id = Write-Progress -ParentId 1 -Activity "Installing packages"

    if (-not $id)
        $id = 1

    # Now we can try to install the package
        $count = 0

        foreach ($packagePath in $packagePaths)
            $percentComplete = ($count*100/$packagePaths.Count) -as [int]

            $count += 1

            Write-Progress -Activity `
                "Installing package $packagePath" `
                -PercentComplete $percentComplete `
                -Id $id                

            Write-Verbose "Adding $packagePath to $mountDrive"
            Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $packagePath -Path $mountDrive -NoRestart -WarningAction Ignore | Out-Null
        $discard = $true
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                    -ExceptionMessage $_.Exception.Message `
                    -ExceptionObject $RequiredVersion `
                    -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation
        Write-Progress -Completed -Id $id -Activity "Completed"

    # returns back whether we have successfully installed or not
    return (-not $discard)

function Install-Online

    $rollBack = $false

    $count = 0;
    Write-Verbose "Installing $($packagePaths.Count) packages online"
    $id = Write-Progress -ParentId 1 -Activity "Installing packages online"
    if (-not $id)
        $id = 1

        # first package of each pair is base, second is language

        foreach ($packageTuple in $packagePaths)
            $packagePath = $packageTuple.Item1

            $messages = $null

            $restart = $false

            $percentComplete = $count*100/$packagePaths.Count -as [int]

            for($i = 0; $i -lt 2; $i += 1)
                # valid base path
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packagePath))
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Installing package $($packagePath)" -PercentComplete $percentComplete -Id $id

                        $messages = Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $packagePath -Online -NoRestart -WarningAction Ignore -ErrorAction Ignore

                        if ($messages -ne $null -and $messages.RestartNeeded)
                            $restart = $true
                    catch { }

                # now install the language, even if the base fails, sometimes language will succeed
                $packagePath = $packageTuple.Item2

                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packagePath))
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Installing package $($packagePath)" -PercentComplete $percentComplete -Id $id

                    $hasError = $false

                    # first try
                    if ($i -eq 0)
                        # try catch for the first time we install
                            # don't try catch here because if this fails, that is it
                            $messages = Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $packagePath -Online -NoRestart -WarningAction Ignore

                            # restart or not
                            if (-not $restart -and $messages -ne $null -and $messages.RestartNeeded)
                                $restart = $true

                            if ($restart)
                                $restartNeeded.Value = $true
                        catch { $hasError = $true }

                        # no error, break out
                        if (-not $hasError)
                        Write-Verbose "Trying to install $packagePath for a second time"

                        # don't try catch here because if this fails, that is it
                        $messages = Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath $packagePath -Online -NoRestart -WarningAction Ignore

                        # restart or not
                        if (-not $restart -and $messages -ne $null -and $messages.RestartNeeded)
                            $restart = $true

                        if ($restart)
                            $restartNeeded.Value = $true

            $count += 1
        $rollBack = $true
        ThrowError -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                    -ExceptionName $_.Exception.GetType().FullName `
                    -ExceptionMessage $_.Exception.Message `
                    -ExceptionObject $RequiredVersion `
                    -ErrorId FailedToInstall `
                    -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation
        Write-Progress -Completed -Id $id -Activity "Completed"

    # returns whether we installed
    return (-not $rollBack)

function New-MountDrive
    # getting packages from an offline image
    # Mount to directory
    while ($true)
        $randomName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
        $mountDrive = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\NanoServerPackageProvider\MountDirectories\$randomName"
        if (Test-Path $mountDrive) 
            # We should create a directory that hasn't existed before
            $null = mkdir $mountDrive
            return $mountDrive

function Remove-MountDrive([string]$mountDrive, [bool]$discard)
    Write-Verbose "Dismounting $mountDrive"

    # Discard won't save anything we did to the image
    if ($discard)
        $null = Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $mountDrive -Discard
    # save will saves packages that we add to the image
        $null = Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $mountDrive -Save

    Write-Verbose "Deleting $mountDrive"
    Remove-Item -Path $mountDrive -Recurse -Force

# Given a fully qualified name of a package with the format name~publickeytoken~architecture~language~version
# checks whether this matches the search query
function Test-PackageWithSearchQuery








    if ($null -eq $WindowsPackage)
        # Split up the whole name since the name has language version and packagename in it
        # format is name~publickeytoken~architecture~language~version
        # now we want the package name to have en-us at the end if package is not base
        $packageNameFractions = $fullyQualifiedName.Split('~')
        $packageName = $packageNameFractions[0]
        $packageLanguage = $packageNameFractions[3]
        $version = $packageNameFractions[4]

        # DISM team has a workaround where they add Feature in the name. We should remove that.
        if ($packageName -like "*Feature-Package")
            $packageName = $packageName -replace "Feature-Package", "Package"
        $packageName = $WindowsPackage.Name
        $packageLanguage = $WindowsPackage.Culture
        $version = $WindowsPackage.version.ToString()

    # there is a chance user supplies *<PackageLanguage>
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageLanguage))
        $packageNameWithLanguage = "$packageName" + "_" + "$packageLanguage"

    if ($null -ne $wildCardPattern)
        # matching already ignore case
        if (-not $wildCardPattern.IsMatch($packageName))
            # we proceed if wildcard match <PackageName>_<PackageLanguage>
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageLanguage))
                if (-not $wildCardPattern.IsMatch($packageLanguage))
                    return $false
                return $false
        # no wildcard so check for name if we are given a name
        # eq operation is case insensitive
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name) -and $name -ne $packageName)
            # there is a chance user supplies <PackageName>_<PackageLanguage>
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageLanguage))
                # we proceed if name match <PackageName>_<PackageLanguage>
                if ($name -ne $packageNameWithLanguage)
                    return $false
                return $false

    # now we check language if the user providers it
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Culture))
        # if base, then packageLanguage needs to be null
        if ($Culture -eq 'Base')
            $Culture = ''

        if ($packageLanguage -ne $Culture)
            return $false

    # normalize versions
    $convertedVersion = Convert-Version $version

    # fails to normalize
    if ($null -eq $convertedVersion)
        return $false

    # now we check whether version is matched
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RequiredVersion))
        $convertedRequiredVersion = Convert-Version $RequiredVersion

        # fails if conversion fails or version does not match
        if (($null -eq $convertedRequiredVersion) -or ($convertedRequiredVersion -ne $convertedVersion))
            return $false

    # packagemanagement will make sure requiredversion is not used with either min or max so we don't have to worry about that
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MinimumVersion))
        $convertedMinimumVersion = Convert-Version $MinimumVersion

        # the converted version should be greater or equal to min version, not the other way round
        if (($null -eq $convertedMinimumVersion) -or ($convertedMinimumVersion -gt $convertedVersion))
            return $false

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MaximumVersion))
        $convertedMaximumVersion = Convert-Version $MaximumVersion

        # converted version should be the same or less than max version
        if (($null -eq $convertedMaximumVersion) -or ($convertedMaximumVersion -lt $convertedVersion))
            return $false

    # reached here means the package satisfied the search query
    return $true

# Given the path of a file, returns a simple key
# This function assumes that the user test that filePath exists
function Get-FileKey([string]$filePath)
    $info = Get-ChildItem $filePath
    return ($filePath + $separator + $info.Length + $separator + $info.CreationTime.ToShortDateString())

function Convert-Version([string]$version)
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($version))
        return $null;

    # not supporting semver here. let's try to normalize the versions
    if ($version.StartsWith("."))
        # add leading zeros
        $version = "0" + $version
    # let's see how many parts are we given with the version
    $parts = $version.Split(".").Count

    # add .0 dependending number of parts since we need 4 parts
    while ($parts -lt 4)
        $version = $version + ".0"
        $parts += 1

    [version]$convertedVersion = $null

    # try to convert
    if ([version]::TryParse($version, [ref]$convertedVersion))
        return $convertedVersion

    return $null;

function Filter-Packages ([string[]]$packagesToBeReturned)
    $helperDictionary = @{}
    foreach ($package in $packagesToBeReturned)
        # Split up the whole name since the name has language version and packagename in it
        # format is name~publickeytoken~architecture~language~version
        # now we want the package name to have en-us at the end if package is not base
        $packageNameFractions = $package.Split('~')
        $packageName = $packageNameFractions[0]
        $packageLanguage = $packageNameFractions[3]
        $version = $packageNameFractions[4]
        # use name and version as key
        $key = $packageName + "~" + $version

        # haven't encountered this before
        if (-not $helperDictionary.ContainsKey($key))
            $helperDictionary[$key] = @()

        $helperDictionary[$key] += $package

    $result = @()

    foreach ($packageArray in $helperDictionary.Values)
        if ($null -eq $packageArray)

        # only 1 member, then return that
        if ($packageArray.Count -eq 1)
            $result += $packageArray[0]

        # otherwise, only returns the 1 with language
        foreach ($possiblePackage in $packageArray)
            $packageNameFractions = $possiblePackage.Split('~')
            $packageName = $packageNameFractions[0]
            $packageLanguage = $packageNameFractions[3]
            $version = $packageNameFractions[4]

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($packageLanguage))

            $result += $possiblePackage

    # group according to name
    $groupedName = $result | Group-Object -Property {$_.Split('~')[0]}
    foreach ($groupResult in $groupedName)
        $groupResult.Group | Sort-Object -Property {Convert-Version $_.Split('~')[4]} -Descending

# Utility to throw an errorrecord
function ThrowError
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $exception = New-Object $ExceptionName $ExceptionMessage;
    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $ErrorId, $ErrorCategory, $ExceptionObject    

#endregion OneGet Helpers
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# bmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAcBgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jw
# H9DPc3OWlLK7v6lMzzWcJ+vFznCNquVnNkNPZilJxC/wd06Msu1EJCWeTah1ixqK
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# 81ZbWDGcM9JJEzwCrHwJVBo0YGLtbvIFlkv6uj9etEJRWy+eHcPD/Z2+IinT4iiz
# xHXPrZvnEHa80DUXeNG7hjgo2mGWazi3I05BDGXyXm1agyRDTpJ+BEBpHN2DI18/
# x0s1Rhkvw4jbU3N4y8E7Nltu2EA9ijWxOik0CO8vEK7KMTmn4vVT7tTVTlevsN4z
# SaBHoEWGQ2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9wa2kvY3JsL3Byb2R1Y3Rz
# AQUFBzAChjxodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NlcnRzL01pY3Jv
# hvcNAQEFBQADggEBAGInUOymTrWkyb96O7Y55tYwkEAmrIyaT9s3+oFuJyDlRvxZ
# qIVTVlQJ7iGG1NSU2QrNOtSX7cUyp4uTztC5Vvl/G6gJatiPUWuMDKHRM+vKl3y9
# OqE5M0ZVJ926hABCv5HURUREY7JT963ok5dpB7JKdY0RxXxNAtTxxMypJA6zkTDK
# GfgMhy1NEpee6RHtUAgHdIO0nlHZmM3JXezBkpZ/c/rSTVlfNEmV6CdRRLiLJaTA
# Z4qeNvykK44Ptzjvhq/7qOLlI6RVxKh1NWGPYOeE3tND6+azGnUsnct54w0cVe4I
# aWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xIzAhBgNVBAMTGk1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNp
# ibdobkuffryavVSGOanxODUW5h2s+65r3Akw77ge32z4SppVl0jII4mzWSc0vZUx
# R5wPzkA1Mjf+6fNPpBqks3m8gJs/JJjE0W/Vf+dDjeTc8tLmrmbtBDohlKZX3APb
# LMYb/ys5qF2/Vf7dSd9UBZSrM9+kfTGmTb1WzxYxaD+Eaxxt8+7VMIruZRuetwgc
# KX6TvfJ9QnY4ItR7fPS4uXGew5T0goY1gqZ0vQIz+lSGhaMlvqqJXuI5XyZBmBre
# Y3JsLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NybC9wcm9kdWN0cy9NaWNDb2RTaWdQQ0Ff
# Oi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vcGtpL2NlcnRzL01pY0NvZFNpZ1BDQV8wOC0z
# bCaj9+UJgAz/V+G01Nn5XEjhBn/CpFS4lnr1jcmDEwxxv/j8uy7MFXPzAGtOJar0
# xApylFKfd00pkygIMRbZ3250q8ToThWxmQVEThpJSSysee6/hU+EbkfvvtjSi0lp
# DimD9aW9oxshraKlPpAgnPWfEj16WXVk79qjhYQyEgICamR3AaY5mLPuoihJbKwk
# Mig+qItmLPsC2IMvI5KR91dl/6TV6VEIlPbW/cDVwCBF/UNJT3nuZBl/YE7ixMpT
# Th/7WpENW80kg3xz6MlCdxJfMSbJsM5TimFU98KNcpnxxbYdfqqQhAQ6l3mtYDCC
# JomT8ixkARkWA2NvbTEZMBcGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWCW1pY3Jvc29mdDEtMCsGA1UE
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# SIG # End signature block