
  Waits for the process "finsql" to complete. Only for NAV2018
  First, it will wait, if the process will be created within 10 seconds. If yes, it will wait until the process is completed
 .Parameter ContainerName
  Name of the container. Can be provided in the settings.json

function Wait-ForFinSqlToComplete {
        [string] $ContainerName

    if ($null -eq $ContainerName -or $ContainerName -eq "") {
        $ContainerName = (Get-EnvironmentKeyValue -KeyName 'name')

    [version]$platform = Get-AppKeyValue -KeyName 'platform'

    if ($platform.Major -eq 11) {
        Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer -containerName $ContainerName -scriptblock {
            $success = $false
            $attempt = 1

            Write-Output "Checking for process finsql"
            while (!$success -and $attempt -le 10) {
                try {
                    $process = Get-Process -Name "finsql"
                    if ($null -eq $process) {
                        $success = $true
                catch {
                    Write-Progress -CurrentOperation "WaitingForProcess" ( "Waiting ... " )
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                $attempt = $attempt + 1
            Write-Progress -CurrentOperation "WaitingForProcess" ( "Waiting ... Done" )

            if ($success) {
                Write-Output "Waiting for finsql to end (maximum of 10 minutes)"
                Wait-Process -id $process.Id -Timeout 600

            Write-Output "Waiting completed"
Export-ModuleMember Wait-ForFinSqlToComplete