
Creates a new [Manifest] instance from the specified path.
This function creates a new [Manifest] instance from the specified path. If a path is not provided the function will search the current directory for a 'manifest.json' file; passing a path to a directory will also invoke the same behavior.
The path of the manifest file.
.PARAMETER CreateIfNotFound
Determines wether to create a new 'manifest.json' file if none exist at the specified path.
This example creates a new [Manifest] from the 'manifest.json' file withing the current directory.
Get-NcrementManifest "C:\newproject\manifest.json";
This example creates a new [Manifest] from the specified path.

function Get-NcrementManifest
        [Alias('p', 'file')]

        [Alias('c', 'create', 'force')]

    # Resolving the specified manifest path.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path))
        { $Path = "$PWD\manifest.json"; }
    elseif ((Test-Path $Path -PathType Container))
        { $Path = Join-Path $Path "manifest.json"; }

    if ((-not (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) -and $CreateIfNotFound.IsPresent)
        $manifest = New-NcrementManifest;
        $manifest | Save-NcrementManifest $Path;
        return $manifest;
    elseif (-not (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf))
        throw "Could not file file at '$Path'.";

    # Extracting the manifest object from .json file.
    $json = Get-Content $Path | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json;
    $manifest = $json.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { ($_.Name -ieq "manifest") -or ($_.Name -ieq "project") -or ($_.Name -ieq "product")  } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value -First 1;
    if ($manifest -eq $null) { $manifest = $json; }

    # Appending missing properties.
    if ($manifest.PSObject.Properties.Match("Path").Count -eq 0)
        $manifest | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Path" -Value $Path;

    $model = New-NcrementManifest;
    foreach ($prop in $model.PSObject.Properties)
        if ($manifest.PSObject.Properties.Match($prop.Name).Count -eq 0)
            $manifest | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $prop.Name -Value "";

    return $manifest;