
        Git Helper
        Git Helper
        Author :
        Version : 2.5
        DateLastChanged : 2023-09-16

Write-Host "Load nested module 'helper' ... "; 

# ************************************************************************************************
# ************************************************************************************************
    # ************************************************************************************************
    #region TYPES

    # ************************************************************************************************
    #region USER_VARIABLES

    # ************************************************************************************************


# ************************************************************************************************
# ************************************************************************************************

# ************************************************************************************************
Function Show-ListSelection {
        [String[]] $List, 
        [Int[]] $Default = @(), 
        [String] $Title = "PLEASE SELECT"


    $rtrVal = @(); 
    [Int[]] $selectedNumbers0 = @(); 

    $PresentUi = {
            [String[]] $List, 
            [Int[]] $Default = @() 

        [Int[]] $selectedNumbers1 = @(); 
        # Compute ui
        [String] $ui = "`n<header_line> `n<title> `n<header_line> `n`n<list_of_choices> <explanation>"; 
        [String] $headerLine = "*" * 70; 
        [String] $listOfChoices = ""; 
        [Int] $listLength = $List.Length; 
        # [Int] $enumLength = [System.Enum]::GetValues($Enum).Length;
        For ( $i = 0; $i -lt $listLength; $i++ ){
            $listOfChoices += "[{0}] {1}" -f ($i + 1).ToString(), $List[$i] + "`n"; 

        [String] $explanation = ""; 
        $explanation += "`n- Input a single number "; 
        $explanation += "or `n- Input a list of numbers separated by ',' "; 
        If($Default.Length -gt 0){
            $explanation += "or `n- Press ENTER for default ({0})" -f ($Default -join ",");
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<header_line>", $headerLine); 
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<title>", $Title); 
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<list_of_choices>", $listOfChoices); 
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<explanation>", $explanation); 
        $userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt $ui; 
        # If null, apply default, else user input
        If ( ($userChoice -eq "") -and ($Default.Length -gt 0) ){
            $selectedNumbers1 = $Default; 

        # If invalid, apply 0
        If ( ($userChoice -eq "") -and ($Default.Length -eq 0) ){
            $selectedNumbers1 = @(0); 
        # Check input; try parse
        Try {
            If ( $userChoice.Length -gt 0){
                [String[]] $stringParts = $userChoice.Split(","); 

            ForEach ($item in $stringParts) {
                $item = $item.Trim(); 
                [Int] $number = -1; 
                # Check type
                [Boolean] $success = [Int]::TryParse($item, [ref] $number); 
                If (-not $success){
                    $number = 0; 

                # Check range
                If(-not ($number -ge 1 -and $number -le $listLength )) {
                    $number = 0; 

                # Check duplicate
                If(-not ($selectedNumbers1 -contains $number )){
                    $selectedNumbers1 += $number; 

        } Catch {} 

        # Return
        Write-Output $selectedNumbers1; 

    # Run
    [Int[]] $selectedNumbers0 = $PresentUi.Invoke(@($List,$Default)); 
    # Re-run
    If($selectedNumbers0 -contains 0){
        $rerun = Read-Host ( "Your selection contained 0. Re-run (y|n). Press ENTER for 'n'?")    
        If($rerun -eq "" -or $null -eq $rerun -or $rerun.ToLower() -eq "y"){
            [Int[]] $selectedNumbers0 = $PresentUi.Invoke(@($List,$Default)); 

    $selectedNumbers0 `
        | ForEach-Object {
            $selection = $List[$_ - 1]; 
            $rtrVal += $selection; 
    Write-Output $rtrVal;    

# ************************************************************************************************
# Enter selection

Function Show-EnumSelection {
        [Int[]] $Default = @(), 
        [String] $Title = "PLEASE SELECT"
    $rtrVal = @(); 
    [Int[]] $selectedNumbers0 = @(); 
    $PresentUi = {
            [Int[]] $Default = @()

        [Int[]] $selectedNumbers1 = @(); 
        # Compute ui
        [String] $ui = "`n<header_line> `n<title> `n<header_line> `n`n<list_of_choices> <explanation>"; 
        [String] $headerLine = "*" * 70; 
        # [String] $prompt = "PLEASE SELECT";
        [String] $listOfChoices = ""; 
        [Int] $enumLength = [System.Enum]::GetValues($Enum).Length; 
        For ( $i = 1; $i -lt $enumLength; $i++ ){
            $listOfChoices += "[{0}] {1}" -f $i.ToString(), $Enum.GetEnumName($i) + "`n"; 

        [String] $explanation = ""; 
        $explanation += "`n- Input a single number "; 
        $explanation += "or `n- Input a list of numbers separated by ',' "; 
        If($Default.Length -gt 0){
            $explanation += "or `n- Press ENTER for default ({0})" -f ($Default -join ",");
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<header_line>", $headerLine); 
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<title>", $Title); 
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<list_of_choices>", $listOfChoices); 
        $ui = $ui.Replace("<explanation>", $explanation); 
        $userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt $ui; 
        # If null, apply default
        If ( ($userChoice -eq "") -and ($Default.Length -gt 0) ){
            $selectedNumbers1 = $Default; 

        # If invalid, apply 0
        If ( ($userChoice -eq "") -and ($Default.Length -eq 0) ){
            $selectedNumbers1 = @(0); 
        # Check input; try parse
        Try {
            If ( $userChoice.Length -gt 0){
                [String[]] $stringParts = $userChoice.Split(","); 

            ForEach ($item in $stringParts) {
                $item = $item.Trim(); 
                [Int] $number = -1; 
                # Check type
                [Boolean] $success = [Int]::TryParse($item, [ref] $number); 
                If (-not $success){
                    $number = 0; 

                # Check range
                If(-not ($number -ge 1 -and $number -lt $enumLength )) {
                    $number = 0; 

                # Check duplicate
                If(-not ($selectedNumbers1 -contains $number )){
                    $selectedNumbers1 += $number; 

        } Catch {} 

        # Return
        Write-Output $selectedNumbers1; 
    # Run
    [Int[]] $selectedNumbers0 = $PresentUi.Invoke(@($Enum,$Default)); 
    # Re-run
    If($selectedNumbers0 -contains 0){
        $rerun = Read-Host ( "Your selection contained {0}. Re-run (y|n). Press ENTER for 'n'?" -f [Enum]::ToObject($Enum, 0))    
        If($rerun -eq "" -or $null -eq $rerun -or $rerun.ToLower() -eq "y"){
            [Int[]] $selectedNumbers0 = $PresentUi.Invoke(@($Enum,$Default)); 

    $selectedNumbers0 `
        | ForEach-Object {
            $selection = [Enum]::ToObject($Enum, $_); 
            $rtrVal += $Enum::$selection; 
    Write-Output $rtrVal;    

# ************************************************************************************************
# Get artifact feed url
Function Get-ArtifactFeedUrl {
        [NugetPackage] $NugetPackage, 
        [ArtifactSettings] $ArtifactSettings 

    [String] $rtrVal = $null; 
    [String] $feedUrl = $null; 

    # Write-Host ("Compute artifact feed url for '{0}' ... " -f $NugetPackage.Name);

    # ""
    [String] $templateFeedUrl = "<DEVOPS_URL>/<ORGANIZATION>/<PROJECT>/_packaging/<FEED>/nuget/v3/index.json"; 
    $feedUrl = $templateFeedUrl.Replace("<DEVOPS_URL>", $ArtifactSettings.DevopsUrl); 
    $feedUrl = $feedUrl.Replace("<ORGANIZATION>", $ArtifactSettings.OrganizationName); 
    $feedUrl = $feedUrl.Replace("<PROJECT>", $ArtifactSettings.ProjectName); 
    $feedUrl = $feedUrl.Replace("<FEED>", $NugetPackage.ArtifactFeedId); 

    # Return
    $rtrVal = $feedUrl; 
    Write-Output $rtrVal; 


# ************************************************************************************************
# Open script editor
Function Open-ScriptEditor { 
        [String] $Filepath 

    [String] $fileName = (Get-Item -Path $Filepath).Name; 
    Write-Host ("Edit script '{0}' ... " -f $fileName);  
    notepad "$Filepath";     


#region EXPORT

# Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-PathFromPattern';
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Show-EnumSelection'; 
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Show-ListSelection'; 
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ArtifactFeedUrl'; 
