
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger">
            Implementation of ILogger that writes to the Console output.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.#ctor(NebSharp.LogSeverity)">
            Instantiate a new logger that writes to the standard console.
            <param name="logLevel">Logging level</param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.#ctor">
            Instantiate a new logger that writes to the standard console.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.LogLevel">
            Logging level for this instance of a log writer.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.WriteDebug(System.String)">
            Write a debuging message.
            <param name="message">
            The message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.WriteError(System.String)">
            Write an error message
            <param name="message">
            The error message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.WriteProgress(System.String,System.Int32)">
            Write a progress update
            <param name="activity">
            The name of the activity that is updated
            <param name="percent">
            The current activity status in percent (0-100)
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.WriteVerbose(System.String)">
            Write a verbose message
            <param name="message">
            The message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.WriteWarning(System.String)">
            Write a warning message
            <param name="message">
            The message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ConsoleLogger.GetTimestamp">
            Returns the current date and time in the format [yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss].
            This uses the local time zone of the user's computer.
            Current date and time in a standard format.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Core.ILogger">
            Interface definition for log output.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Core.ILogger.LogLevel">
            Logging level for this instance of a log writer.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ILogger.WriteDebug(System.String)">
            Write a debuging message.
            <param name="message">
            The message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ILogger.WriteVerbose(System.String)">
            Write a verbose message
            <param name="message">
            The message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ILogger.WriteWarning(System.String)">
            Write a warning message
            <param name="message">
            The message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ILogger.WriteError(System.String)">
            Write an error message
            <param name="message">
            The error message to print
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.ILogger.WriteProgress(System.String,System.Int32)">
            Write a progress update
            <param name="activity">
            The name of the activity that is updated
            <param name="percent">
            The current activity status in percent (0-100)
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Core.NebException">
            Wrapper for standard System.Exception for nebulon specific errors.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.NebException.#ctor">
            Instanciate a new NebException
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.NebException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Instanciate a new NebException
            <param name="message">Message describing the error</param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Core.NebException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
            Instanciate a new NebException
            <param name="message">Message describing the error</param>
            <param name="innerException"></param>
        <member name="T:NebSharp.GraphQLMethodType">
            GraphQL method types supported by UCAPI
        <member name="T:NebSharp.GraphQLParameters">
            Parameter definition for a GraphQL command (mutation or query).
        <member name="F:NebSharp.GraphQLParameters.MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH">
            Defines the maximum recursion depth when resolving parameters.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.GraphQLParameters.Add(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
            Adds the specified key and value to the dictionary if the value is
            not null and optional is set to true, the element will not be added.
            <param name="key">
            The key of the element to add
            <param name="value">
            The value of the element to add
            <param name="optional">
            If true, the element will not be added when the value is null
        <member name="M:NebSharp.GraphQLParameters.ToString">
            Convert the GraphQLParameter object to a string representation
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath">
            Allows specifying the JSONPath expression for a class property for
            serialization and deserialization of a class.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Constructs a new JsonPath attribute
            <param name="path">
            JSONPath, e.g. "$.key"
            <param name="mandatory">
            Indicates if the value in the specified path must be provided
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.BasePath">
            Base path for the variable.
            For e.g. <b>$.name.something</b> it will be <b>name</b>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.GraphQLName">
            The JSON Path property as a GraphQL hierarchy
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.Mandatory">
            Indicates if the parameter must be set
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.Path">
            JSON path for the variable.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.GetJsonPathAttribute(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">
            Get the JsonPath attribute from a property. If there are multiple
            attributes specified, only the first attribute is returned. If
            no attribute is found, then null is returned.
            <param name="propertyInfo"></param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.GetJsonPathProperties(System.Object)">
            Gets the list of class properties that have a JsonPath attribute.
            <param name="value">
            The object from which to retrieve the properties
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Types.JsonPath.GetJsonPathProperties(System.Type)">
            Gets the list of class properties that have a JsonPath attribute.
            <param name="valueType">
            The type from which to retrieve the properties
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity">
            Severity of an alert
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity.Unknown">
            Alert severity is not known
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity.Urgent">
            Alert severity indicates complete loss of functionality or data
            unavailability and requires immediate attention by service owners
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity.Critical">
            Alert severity indicates complete loss of functionality or data
            unavailability and requires immediate attention by service owners
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity.Major">
            Alert severity indicates that there is partial loss of functionality or
            partial data unavailability, no redundancy in a service (failure of one
            more resource will cause an outage) and requires immediate attention by
            service owners
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity.Minor">
            Alert severity indicates that there is no loss in functionality, performance
            and stability issues that require attention by service owners
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertSeverity.Trivial">
            Alert severity indicates that there is no loss in functionality, only minor
            impacts to performance, or cosmetic issues or bugs, not affecting the
            customer's ability to use the product
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AlertStatus">
            Status of an alert
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertStatus.Unknown">
            Status of the alert is not known
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertStatus.Open">
            The alert is not resolved
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AlertStatus.Closed">
            The alert is resolved
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Alert">
             Instance of an alert in nebulon ON
             An alert represents an issue in nebulon ON or your infrastructure.
             If the alert is reporting a status of ``Open`` it is an active alert in your
             environment that may require immediate attention.If it is reporting
             ``Closed`` the issue was resolved.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.ActionOperation">
            Action that can be exectuted from this alert
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.ActionParameters">
            Parameters fort he action that can be executed from this alert.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.Code">
            Alert code allows the unique identification of an alert type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.CorrectiveActions">
            List of recommended corrective actions that a user can perform
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.CreateTime">
            Timestamp for when the alert was detected
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.Details">
            Detailed description for the alert
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.EventId">
            Unique identifier of the event (Open or Close)
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.IncidentGuid">
            Unique identifier of the incident
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.NPodGuid">
            Related nPod identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.ResourceId">
            Related resource identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.ResourceName">
            Related resource name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.ResourceType">
            Related resource type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.Severity">
            Severity of the alert
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.SpuSerial">
            Related services processing unit serial number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.Status">
            Status of the alert
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Alert.Summary">
            A short summary of the alert
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter">
             A filter object to filter alerts.
             Allows filtering for specific alerts in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows multiple properties to be specified.
             If multiple properties are provided they are concatenated
             with a logical ``AND``.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter.CreatedAfter">
            Filter for alerts created after the specified date and time
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter.CreatedBefore">
            Filter for alerts created before the specified date and time
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter.ResourceID">
            Filter for alerts that match the specified resource identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter.ResourceType">
            Filter for alerts that match the specified resource type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter.Severity">
            Filter for alerts that match the specified alert severity
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter.Status">
            Filter for alerts that match the specified status
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AlertList">
             Paginated Alert list object
             Contains a list of alert objects and information for pagination.
             By default a single page includes a maximum of ``100`` items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property ``more`` as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AuditStatus">
            Defines the status of a record in the audit log
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AuditStatus.InProgress">
            Operation is still ongoing
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AuditStatus.Completed">
            Operation completed successfully
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.AuditStatus.Failed">
            Operation failed
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry">
             Instance of an audit record entry in nebulon ON.
             An audit record entry represents an action that a user performed in
             nebulon ON. Actions include exclusively commands that alter the
             configuration of resources in nebulon ON or in your infrastructure.
             Queries that read configuration information are not included in
             the audit record list.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.ClientApp">
            Client application identifier from which the operation was called
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.ClientIP">
            IP address of the client that invoked the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.ClientPlatform">
            Client platform information from which the operation was called
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Component">
            Affected component by the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.ComponentId">
            Identifier of the affected component
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Error">
            Error message associated with the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Finish">
            Completion date and time for the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.NPodGuid">
            Identifier of the nPod associated with the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.NPodName">
            Name of the nPod associated with the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Operation">
            The operation a user executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Parameters">
            Parameters that were supplied with the operation as a JSON string
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.SpuSerial">
            The SPU serial number that is associated with the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Start">
            Start date and time for the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.Status">
            Status of the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.UserGuid">
            The identifier of the user that executed the operation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogEntry.UserName">
            The user name of the user that executed the operation
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter">
             A filter object to filter audit log entries
             Allows filtering for specific audit log entries in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <tt>and_filter</tt> and <tt>or_filter</tt> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.Component">
            Filter for records that match the specified component type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter for records that match the specified nPod UUID
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.Operation">
            Filter for records that match the specified operation name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.SpuSerial">
            Filter for records that match the specified SPU serial number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.StartAfter">
            Filter for records created after the specified date and time
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.StartBefore">
            Filter for records created before the specified date and time
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter.Status">
            Filter for records that match the specified operation status
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogList">
             Paginated audit record list object.
             Contains a list of audit records and information for pagination.
             By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>more</c> as per
             default the server does not return the full list of alerts but
             only one page.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogList.Items">
            List of audit log entries in the pagination list
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AuditLogList.More">
            Indicates if there are more items on the server
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat">
            Defines available date and time format options
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.ANSIC">
            Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.UNIX_DATE">
            Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RUBY_DATE">
            Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC822">
            02 Jan 06 15:04 MST
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC822_Z">
            02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC850">
            Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC1123">
            Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC1123_Z">
            Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC3339">
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.RFC3339_NANO">
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.KITCHEN">
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.STAMP">
            Jan _2 15:04:05
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.STAMP_MILLI">
            Jan _2 15:04:05.000
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.STAMP_MICRO">
            Jan _2 15:04:05.000000
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.DateFormat.STAMP_NANO">
            Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType">
            Enumeration of available resource types in nebulon ON
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Unknown">
            The resource type is not known
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Datacenter">
            A datacenter location information resource
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Host">
            A server or host resource
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Disk">
            A physical drive or physical disk resource
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Pod">
            A nPod resource
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.PodGroup">
            A group of nPods
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Lab">
            A room or lab in a datacenter
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Rack">
            A rack in a datacenter row
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Row">
            A row in a datacenter
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Snapshot">
            A point-in-time checkpoint of a storage volume
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.SPU">
            A services processing unit
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.VM">
            A virtual machine
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.Volume">
            A storage volume
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.ResourceType.NetworkInterface">
            A network interface
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SortDirection">
            Defines sorting direction
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SortDirection.Ascending">
            Sort items in ascending order
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SortDirection.Descending">
            Sort items in descending order
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PageInput">
             Defines input properties for pagination
             Allows specifying which page to return from the server for API calls that
             support pagination. It allows to specify the page number and the quantity
             of items to return in the page. Default values for a page are page number
             <c>1</c>, and <c>100</c> items per page.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Types.PageInput.#ctor(System.Int64,System.Int64)">
            Constructs a new PageInput object.
            <param name="page">
            The page number. Defaults to 1
            <param name="count">
            The maximum number of items to include in a page. Defaults to 100
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
            Raised when provided values are out of range.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageInput.First">
            The default first page
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageInput.Count">
            Specifies the number of items for each page. Defaults to <b>100</b>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageInput.Page">
            Specifies the page to return. Pages start at index <b>1</b>.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PageList`1">
             Base object for a paginated server response
             Contains a list of objects and information for pagination.
             By default a single page includes a maximum of `100` items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property ``more`` as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageList`1.FilteredCount">
            The number of items on the server matching the provided filter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageList`1.Items">
            List of items in the pagination list
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageList`1.More">
            Indicates if there are more items on the server
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PageList`1.TotalCount">
            The total number of items on the server
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CommunicationMethodType">
            Defines customer communication preferences
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.CommunicationMethodType.Email">
            Prefer communication via E-Mail
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.CommunicationMethodType.Phone">
            Prefer communication via Phone
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Address">
             An address for a datacenter.
             This information is used for support cases related to physical equipment
             in customer's datacenters and to allow part shipments to the provided
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.Address1">
            Address field 1, typically the street address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.Address2">
            Address field 2
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.Address3">
            Address field 3
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.City">
            City name for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.CountryCode">
            Country code for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.HouseNumber">
            House number and letters for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.PostalCode">
            Postal code for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Address.StateProvinceCode">
            State or province code for the address
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput">
             An input object to setup an address for a datacenter.
             Allows specifying a physical address for a datacenter. This information is
             used for support cases related to physical equipment in customer's
             datacenters and to allow part shipments to the provided address.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.Address1">
            Address field 1, typically the street address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.Address2">
            Address field 2, if n/a provide an empty string
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.Address3">
            Address field 3, if n/a provide an empty string
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.City">
            City name for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.CountryCode">
            Country code for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.HouseNumber">
            House number and letters for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.PostalCode">
            Postal code for the address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.AddressInput.StateProvinceCode">
            State or province code for the address
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Contact">
             Contact information for a datacenter.
             This information is used to contact a customer in case of infrastructure
             issues and to send replacement parts.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.BusinessPhone">
            The business phone number of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.CommunicationMethod">
            Indicates the preferred communication method for this contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.EmailAddress">
            The email address of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.FirstName">
            The first name of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.LastName">
            The last name of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.MobilePhone">
            The mobile phone number of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.Primary">
            Indicates if this contact is the primary contact for a datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Contact.UserGuid">
            The unique identifier of a nebulon ON user account
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.ContactInput">
             An input object to define a datacenter contact.
             Allows specifying contact information for a data center.This information
             is used to contact a customer in case of infrastructure issues and to send
             replacement parts.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ContactInput.CommunicationMethod">
            Indicates the preferred communication method for this contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ContactInput.Primary">
            Indicates if this contact is the primary contact for a datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ContactInput.UserGuid">
            The unique identifier of a nebulon ON user account
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateDataCenterInput">
             An input object to create a datacenter.
             Allows the creation of a datacenter object in nebulon ON. A
             datacenter record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location and associate address and contact
             information with the physical location. This is useful for effective support
             case handling and reporting purposes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateDataCenterInput.Address">
            Postal address for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateDataCenterInput.Contacts">
            List of contacts for the new datacenter. At least one
            contact must be provided.Exactly one contact must be marked
            as primary.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateDataCenterInput.Name">
            Name of the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateDataCenterInput.Note">
            An optional note for the datacenter
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter">
             A datacenter object.
             A datacenter record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location and associate address and contact
             information with the physical location. This is useful for effective support
             case handling and reporting purposes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.Address">
            Postal address for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.Contacts">
            List of contacts for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.Guid">
            Unique identifier of the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.HostCount">
            Number of hosts in the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.Name">
            Name for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.Note">
            An optional note for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.RackCount">
            Number of racks in the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.RoomCount">
            Number of rooms in the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.RoomGuids">
            Unique identifiers of rooms in the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenter.RowCount">
            Number of rows in the datacenter
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterFilter">
             A filter object to filter datacenters.
             Allows filtering for specific datacenters in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>and_filter</c> and <c>or_filter</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical <c>AND</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterFilter.DataCenterGuid">
            Filter based on datacenter unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterFilter.Name">
            Filter based on datacenter name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical <c>OR</c>.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterList">
             Paginated datacenter list object.
             Contains a list of datacenter objects and information for
             pagination. By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>more</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterSort">
             A sort object for datacenters.
             <para>Allows sorting datacenters on common properties. The sort object
             allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DataCenterSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DeleteDataCenterInput">
             An input object to delete a datacenter object.
             Allows additional options when deleting a datacenter. When <c>cascade</c> is
             set to <c>true</c> all child resources are deleted with the datacenter if
             no hosts are associated with the datacenter.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteDataCenterInput.Cascade">
            If set to <c>true</c> any child resources are deleted with
            the datacenter if no hosts are associated with them.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateDataCenterInput">
             An input object to update datacenter properties.
             Allows updating of an existing datacenter object in nebulon ON. A
             datacenter record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location and associate address and contact
             information with the physical location. This is useful for effective support
             case handling and reporting purposes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateDataCenterInput.Address">
            New postal address for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateDataCenterInput.Contacts">
            New list of contacts for the datacenter. If provided,
            the list of contacts must have at least one contact. Exactly one
            contact must be marked as primary.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateDataCenterInput.Name">
            New name for the datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateDataCenterInput.Note">
            The new note for the datacenter. For removing the note, provide an empty str.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.GuidFilter">
             A filter object to filter on Guid values
             Allows filtering on <c>Guid</c> value types. The filter allows only one
             property to be specified. If filtering on multiple properties is
             needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate
             multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.GuidFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation with another GuidFilter with a logical <c>AND</c>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.GuidFilter.In">
            Matches if a Guid is on of a provided list of values
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.GuidFilter.MustEqual">
            Filters Guids by being an exact match
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.GuidFilter.MustNotEqual">
            Filters Guids by not being an exact match
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.GuidFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation with another GuidFilter with a logical <c>OR</c>
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter">
             Defines filtering options for the Integer type.
             Allows filtering on <c>Integer</c> value types. The filter allows only one
             property to be specified. If filtering on multiple properties is
             needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate
             multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation with another int filer with a logical <c>AND</c>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.GreaterThan">
            Filters values with a <c>&gt;</c> comparison
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.GreaterThanEquals">
            Filters values with a <c>&#8805;</c> comparison
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.In">
            Matches if an Integer is on of a provided list of values
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.LessThan">
            Filters values with a <c>&lt;</c> comparison
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.LessThanEquals">
            Filters values with a <c>&#8804;</c> comparison
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.MustEqual">
            Filters values with a <c>==</c> comparison
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.MustNotEqual">
            Filters values with a <c>!=</c> comparison
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IntFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation with another int filer with a logical <c>OR</c>
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter">
             A filter object to filter items based on String values
             Allows filtering on <c>str</c> value types. The filter allows only one
             property to be specified.If filtering on multiple properties is
             needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate
             multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation with another string filer with a logical <c>AND</c>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.BeginsWith">
            Matches if a string begins with a provided value
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.Contains">
            Matches if a string contains a provided value
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.EndsWith">
            Matches if a string ends with a provided value
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.In">
            Matches if a string is on of a provided list of values
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.MustEqual">
            Filters strings by an exact match
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.MustNotEqual">
            "Filters strings by not being an exact match
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.NotContains">
            Matches if a string does not contain a provided value
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation with another string filer with a logical <c>OR</c>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.StringFilter.Regex">
            Matches by use of a regular expression
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Dimm">
            A memory DIMM object
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Dimm.Location">
            Location of the DIMM in the server
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Dimm.Manufacturer">
            Location of the DIMM in the server
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Dimm.SizeBytes">
            Location of the DIMM in the server
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Host">
            A host or server that contains a nebulon SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.BoardSerial">
            Board serial number of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.BootTime">
            Date and time when the host booted
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.ChassisSerial">
            Chassis serial number of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.CpuCoreCount">
            Number of cores of the installed CPUs
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.CpuCount">
            Number of installed CPUs in this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.CpuManufacturer">
            CPU manufacturer of the CPUs installed in this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.CpuSpeed">
            CPU clock speed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.CpuThreadCount">
            Number of threads of the installed CPUs
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.CpuType">
            CPU type of the CPUs installed in this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.DimmCount">
            CPU clock speed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.Dimms">
            List of DIMMs installed in this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.Guid">
            Unique identifier of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.LomAddress">
            IP address of the lights out management address of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.LomHostname">
            Hostname of the lights out management address of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.Manufacturer">
            Manufacturer name for this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.MemoryBytes">
            Total amount of memory in bytes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.Model">
            Model of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.Name">
            Name of the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.Note">
            Optional note for the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.NPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod this host is part of
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.RackGuid">
            Unique identifier associated with this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.SpuCount">
            Number of SPUs installed in this host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Host.SpuSerials">
            List of SPU serial numbers that are installed in this host
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter">
             A filter object to filter hosts.
             Allows filtering for specific hosts in nebulon ON.The filter allows only
             one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple properties is
             needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate
             multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical <c>AND</c>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.BoardSerial">
            Filter based on board serial number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.ChassisSerial">
            Filter based on host chassis serial number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.HostGuid">
            Filter based on host unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.Manufacturer">
            Filter based on host manufacturer name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.Model">
            Filter based on host model name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.Name">
            Filter based on host name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter based on nPod unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical <c>OR</c>
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.HostList">
             Paginated host list object
             Contains a list of host objects and information for
             pagination.By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>more</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.HostSort">
             A sort object for hosts
             Allows sorting hosts on common properties. The sort object allows only one
             property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostSort.Manufacturer">
            Sort direction for the <c>Manufacturer</c> property of a host object
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostSort.Model">
            Sort direction for the <c>Model</c> property of a host object
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.HostSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property of a host object
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHostInput">
             An input object to update host properties.
             Allows updating of an existing host object in nebulon ON. Only few
             properties of a host are user modifiable. Most properties are automatically
             populated by the host's services processing unit (SPU).
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHostInput.Name">
            Name of the host (server)
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHostInput.Note">
            Optional note for the host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHostInput.RackGuid">
            Associated unique identifier of a rack associated with the host
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.IssueInstance">
             An issue instance
             Issue instances describe issues with certain nebulon ON commands as part
             of a pre-execution step.Issues can be of type warning or errors.
             Warnings may be ignored (although not recommended), whereas errors are
             blocking users from continuing with the main execution.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IssueInstance.Message">
            Error or warning message of the issue instance
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IssueInstance.SpuSerials">
            List of SPU serial numbers associated with the issue instance
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Issues">
             List of issue instances
             Issues describe issues with certain nebulon ON commands as part
             of a pre-execution step.Issues can be of type warning or errors.
             Warnings may be ignored (although not recommended), whereas errors are
             blocking users from continuing with the main execution.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Issues.Errors">
            List or errors. Errors need to be resolved before continuing
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Issues.Warnings">
            List of warnings. Warnings can be ignored although not recommended
        <member name="M:NebSharp.Types.Issues.AssertNoIssues(System.Boolean)">
             Utility method to check for issues
             Method checks if there are any warnings or errors present in the
             list of issues. If there are any issues of type error, an exception
             is raised. If there are any warnings and <c>ignoreWarnings</c> is
             set to <c>false</c> an exception is thrown, if set to <c>true</c>,
             warnings are ignored.
             <param name="ignoreWarnings">
              If set to <c>true</c> warnings are silently ignored. By default
              warnings are not ignored
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DeleteKeyValueInput">
            An input object to delete a key value entry
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteKeyValueInput.Key">
            Metadata key
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteKeyValueInput.NPodGroupGuid">
            "nPod Group identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteKeyValueInput.ResourceId">
            Identifier of the resource for the key value entry
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteKeyValueInput.ResourceType">
            Type of resource for the key value data
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.KeyValue">
             Key value pair
             Represents metadata assigned to various resources in nebulon ON in the form
             of key value pairs.This metadata can be used by customers to add arbitrary
             text information to resources that are not part of the default resource
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValue.Key">
            Metadata key
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValue.Value">
            Metadata value
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueFilter">
             A filter object to filter key value objects.
             Allows filtering for specific key value objects in nebulon ON.The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueFilter.KeyName">
            Filter based on the key name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueFilter.NPodGroupGuid">
            Filter based on the associated nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueFilter.ResourceId">
            Filter based on the associated Resource
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueFilter.ResourceType">
            Filter based on the associated resource type
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueList">
            List of key value pairs
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueList.FilteredCount">
            Indicates the total amount of items defined on the server
            that match a filter input object.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueList.Items">
            Contains the items returned in the page
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.KeyValueList.TotalCount">
            Indicates the total amount of items defined on the server
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpsertKeyValueInput">
             An input object to create or update a key value entry.
             Allows adding metadata to various resources in nebulon ON in the form of
             key value pairs. This metadata can be used by customers to add arbitrary
             text information to resources that are not part of the default resource
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpsertKeyValueInput.Key">
            Metadata key
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpsertKeyValueInput.NPodGroupId">
            nPod Group identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpsertKeyValueInput.ResourceId">
            "Identifier of the resource for the key value entry
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpsertKeyValueInput.ResourceType">
            Type of resource for the key value data
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpsertKeyValueInput.Value">
            Metadata value
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.BatchDeleteLunInput">
            An input object to delete multiple LUNs at once
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.BatchDeleteLunInput.HostGuids">
            List of host identifiers from which LUNs shall be deleted
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.BatchDeleteLunInput.LunGuids">
            List of LUN identifiers that shall be deleted
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.BatchDeleteLunInput.VolumeGuid">
            Identifier of the volume from which LUNs shall be deleted
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput">
             An input object to create a LUN for a volume
             Allows the creation of a LUN for a volume.A LUN is an instance of a
             volume export that makes a volume accessible to a host.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput.HostGuids">
            List of host UUIDs that identify the hosts the volume shall be
            exported to. This must be provided if <c>SpuSerials</c> is not
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput.Local">
            If <c>true</c>, volumes will be exported with ALUA turned off
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput.LunId">
            An optional LUN ID to assign to the volume export
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput.SpuSerials">
            List of serial numbers of the SPUs from which a volume shall be
            exported from
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput.VolumeGuid">
            The unique identifier of the volume that shall be made available
            to a host
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Lun">
             A LUN / an export of a volume to a host
             A LUN is an instance of a volume export that makes a volume accessible
             to a host
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Lun.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the LUN
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Lun.HostGuid">
            The unique identifier of the host this volume is exported to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Lun.LunId">
            The LUN ID of the volume export
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Lun.SpuSerial">
            The SPU serial where the LUN is exported from
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Lun.VolumeGuid">
            The unique identifier of the volume that is exported
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter">
             A filter object to filter LUNs.
             Allows filtering for specific LUNs.The filter allows only one property to
             be specified. If filtering on multiple properties is needed, use the
             <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.HostGuid">
            Filter based on host unique identifer
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.LunGuid">
            Filter based on LUN unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.LunId">
            Filter based on LUN ID
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter based on nPod unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.SpuSerial">
            Filter based on SPU serial number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunFilter.VolumeGuid">
            Filter based on volume unique identifier
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.LunList">
            Pagination list definition for LUN query
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.LunSort">
             A sort object for LUNs
             Allows sorting LUNs on common properties. The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LunSort.LunId">
            Sort direction for the <c>LunId</c> property of a Lun
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Metadata">
            Metadata information that describes UCAPI
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Metadata.RBAC">
            Metadata information for role-based access control
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Metadata.SupportMetadata">
            Metadata information for support
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.MetaValue">
            Metadata information that describes API options
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.MetaValue.Actual">
            Actual value
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.MetaValue.Description">
            Description of the value
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RBACMetadata">
            Metadata information for role-based access control
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RBACMetadata.Permissions">
            List possible permissions
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RBACMetadata.ResourceTypes">
            List of possible resource types
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportMetadata">
            Metadata information for Support options
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportMetadata.ResourceTypes">
            List of possible resource types
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodGroupInput">
             An input object to create a new nPod group
             Allows creation of a new nPod group object in nebulon ON. A nPod
             group allows logical grouping of nPods into security domains. Each nPod
             group can receive custom security policies.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodGroupInput.Name">
            The name of the nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodGroupInput.Note">
            The note for the nPod group
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup">
             A group of nPods
             A nPod group allows logical grouping of nPods into security domains.
             Each nPod group can receive custom security policies and contain
             multiple nPods.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.Guid">
            The unique identifier for the nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.HostCount">
            Number of hosts (servers) in this nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.Name">
            The name of the nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.Note">
            An optional note for the nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.NPodCount">
            Number of nPods in this nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.NPodGuids">
            List of nPod unique identifiers in this nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroup.SpuCount">
            Number of services processing units in this nPod group
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter">
             A filter object to filter nPod groups.
             Allows filtering for specific nPod groups in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on nPod group unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter.Name">
            Filter based on nPod group name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupList">
             Paginated nPod group list object
             Contains a list of nPod group objects and information for
             pagination. By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupSort">
             A sort object for nPod groups
             Allows sorting nPod groups on common properties. The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupSort.Name">
            Sort direction for <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodGroupInput">
             An input object to update nPod group properties
             Allows updating of an existing nPod group object in nebulon ON. A nPod
             group allows logical grouping of nPods into security domains. Each nPod
             group can receive custom security policies.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodGroupInput.Name">
            The new name of the nPod group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodGroupInput.Note">
            The new note for the nPod group
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.BondLACPTransmitRate">
            Link aggregation transmit rate for LCAP
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondLACPTransmitRate.LACPTransmitRateSlow">
            Transmit rate slow
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondLACPTransmitRate.LACPTransmitRateFast">
            Transmit rate fast
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.BondTransmitHashPolicy">
            Transmit has policy used by link aggregation
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondTransmitHashPolicy.TransmitHashPolicyLayer2">
            Hash policy layer 2
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondTransmitHashPolicy.TransmitHashPolicyLayer34">
            Hash policy layer 3 and 4
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondTransmitHashPolicy.TransmitHashPolicyLayer23">
            Hash policy layer 2 and 3
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.BondType">
            Link aggregation type for data ports
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondType.BondModeNone">
            No link aggregation is used
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondType.BondMode8023ad">
            Link aggregation IEEE 802.3ad
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.BondType.BondModeBalanceALB">
            Link aggregation Balance ALB
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput">
            An input object to create a new nPod
            A nPod is a collection of network-connected application servers with
            SPUs installed that form an application cluster.Together, the SPUs in a
            nPod serve shared or local storage to the servers in the application
            cluster, e.g.a hypervisor cluster, container platform, or clustered
            bare metal application.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput.Name">
            Name of the new nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput.Note">
            An optional note for the new nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput.NPodGroupGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod group this nPod will be added to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput.NPodTemplateGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod template to use for the new nPod.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput.Spus">
            List of SPU configuration information that will be used in the new
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodInput.Timezone">
            The timezone to be configured for all SPUs in the nPod
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity">
            Describes information for nPods that are about to be created
            Allows predicting of the storage configuration of an nPod before its
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity.TemplateSavingFactor">
            Savings factor used for the calculation, provided by the template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity.TotalPhysicalDiskCapacityBlocks">
            Total physical drive capacity in blocks (512 bytes)
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity.TotalPresentedCapacity">
            Total capacity presented to hosts
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity.TotalRawCapacityBlocks">
            Total raw capacity in blocks (512 bytes)
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity.TotalUserDataCapacityBlocks">
            Total usable capacity in blocks (512 bytes)
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ExpectedNPodCapacity.TotalVolumeCount">
            Total number of volumes that will be created
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput">
             An input object to configure SPU networking
             SPU network configuration is determined at nPod creation.
             Customers have the option to use static IP addresses for the control
             network or DHCP. When using DHCP, it is recommended to use static IP
             reservations for the data networks.
             Customers can choose between using two separate networks for the data
             network or a link aggregation (LACP). When using link aggregation, two
             interface names are expected, one if not.
             When specifying an IP address, it can be either IPv4 or IPv6 and
             supports the CIDR address format.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.Address">
            The IPv4 or IPv6 address for the data network interface.
            If CIDR format is used, the <c>NetmaskBits</c> value is ignored. If
            <c>Dhcp</c> is set to <c>true</c>, this field must not be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.BondLACPTransmitRate">
            Allows altering the default LACP transmit rate. This field is
            ignored if <c>BondMode</c> is not set to <c>BondMode8023ad</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.BondMIIMonitorMilliSeconds">
            Allows alerting the default media independent interface monitoring
            interval. This field is ignored when <c>BondMonde</c> is set to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.BondMode">
            Specifies the link aggregation mode for the data
            network ports. If not set to <c>None</c>, the <c>Interfaces</c>
            parameter must be an array that lists the names of both interfaces:
            <c>["enP8p1s0f0np0", "enP8p1s0f1np1"]</c>, if set to <c>None</c>
            the specific interface must be identified by its name.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.BondTransmitHashPolicy">
            Allows specifying the transmit hashing policy mode when using link
            aggregation.This field is ignored when <c>BondMonde</c> is set to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.Dhcp">
            Specifies if DHCP should be used for the data network. If
            set to <c>true</c>, fields <c>Address</c>, <c>NetMaskBits</c>,
            <c>Gateway</c> are optional. If set to <c>false</c>, these values
            become mandatory.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.Gateway">
            The network gateway address for the network interface.
            If <c>Dhcp</c> is set to <c>true</c> this field is optional and
            ignored. If static IP address is used, this field is mandatory.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.HalfDuplex">
            Specifies if the network interface shall use half duplex. By
            default, this field should be set to <c>false</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.Interfaces">
            List of interfaces that shall be configured with this object.
            If <c>BondMone</c> is set to <c>None</c> a single interface
            shall be specified. If set to a link aggregation mode both data
            interface names shall be specified. Options are "enP8p1s0f0np0" and
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.LockedSpeed">
            Allows setting the interface speed and the duplex mode to specific
            values. If set to <c>true</c> the values of <c>SpeedMB</c> and
            <c>HalfDuplex</c> are enforced.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.Mtu">
            Allows setting the maximum transfer unit (MTU) for the interface.
            By default an MTU of <c>1500</c> is used.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.NetmaskBits">
            The network mask in bits. If <c>Address</c> is specified in CIDR
            format, this value will be ignored, otherwise this is a mandatory
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoConfigInput.SpeedMB">
            Allows setting the interface speed to a specific value. This field
            is ignored when <c>LockedSpeed</c> is set to <c>false</c> (default).
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NebNpodSort">
             A sort object for nPods
             Allows sorting nPods on common properties.The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NebNpodSort.Name">
            Sort direction for <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPod">
            Defines a nebulon Pod (nPod)
            A nPod is a collection of network-connected application servers with
            SPUs installed that form an application cluster. Together, the SPUs in
            a nPod serve shared or local storage to the servers in the application
            cluster, e.g.a hypervisor cluster, container platform, or clustered
            bare metal application.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.HostCount">
            Number of hosts / servers part of this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.HostGuids">
            List of host identifiers part of this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.Name">
            The name of the nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.Note">
            An optional note for the nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.NPodGroupGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod group this nPod belongs to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.SnapshotGuids">
            List of snapshot identifiers defined in this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.SpuCount">
            Number of spus part of this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.SpuSerials">
            List of serial numbers part of this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.UpdateHistory">
            List of updates performed on this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.VolumeCount">
            Number of volumes defined in this nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPod.VolumeGuids">
            List of volume identifiers defined in this nPod
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodCustomDiagnostics">
            Defines a custom diagnostics script
            Custom diagnostics scripts are used by nebulon customer satisfaction
            when custom commands and diagnostics scripts need to be executed on
            SPUs in customers datacenters to resolve issues.
            Commands cannot be executed without customer approval as they need to
            be approved and authenticated through the security triangle. Custom
            diagnostics scripts are the vehicle to facilitate the security
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodCustomDiagnostics.DiagnosticName">
            Human readable name for the diagnostic script
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodCustomDiagnostics.Note">
            An optional note for the diagnostics script
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodCustomDiagnostics.NPodGuid">
            Unique identifier of the nPod on which the script should run
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodCustomDiagnostics.OnceOnly">
            Indicates that the script will only be executed once
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodCustomDiagnostics.RequestGuid">
            Unique identifier for the diagnostic script
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodFilter">
             A filter object to filter nPods.
             Allows filtering for specific nPods in nebulon ON.The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodFilter.Name">
            Filter based on nPod name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter based on nPod unique identifiers
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodList">
            Paginated nPod list object
            Contains a list of nPod objects and information for pagination.
            By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items unless
            specified otherwise in the paginated query.
            Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per
            default the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput">
            An input object to configure SPUs for nPod creation.
            Allows specifying SPU configuration options when creating a new nPod.
            Configuration is mostly for network configuration.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput.DataIps">
            Allows configuring the SPUs network interfaces.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput.Name">
            Human readable name for a SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput.Serial">
            Serial number for the SPU
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SetNPodTimeZoneInput">
            Allows setting the timezone of an nPod or SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SetNPodTimeZoneInput.Timezone">
            The time zone to set
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput">
             An input object to create a new nPod template
             nPod templates are used during nPod creation and are application
             specific. The template defines the anticipated data storage savings and
             the expected storage artifacts. Architects would compile nPod templates
             and users would consume templates during self-service infrastructure
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.Application">
            The name of the application that will be running on the nPod.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.BootImageURL">
            Allows specifying an HTTP(s) URL for a boot image that is applied
            to the boot volume when an nPod is created.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.BootVolume">
            If set to <c>true</c> nebulon ON will provision a boot volume for
            the server's operating system. If set, the parameter
            <c>BootVolumeSizeBytes</c>must also be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.BootVolumeSizeBytes">
            The size of the boot volume to create in bytes. This value is only
            considered when the parameter <c>BootVolume</c> is set to <c>true</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.MirroredVolume">
            Specifies if volumes shall be mirrored for high availability. If
            set to <c>true</c> two copies of the same volume will be created in
            an nPod on different SPUs for high availability.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.Name">
            The name of the nPod template to update. The name cannot
            be changed. If users want to change the name of a nPod template they
            should clone the template with a new name and delete the old record
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.Note">
            An optional note for the nPod template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.OperatingSystem">
            The name of the operating system that will be installed on servers
            in the nPod.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.SavingFactor">
            The anticipated saving factor for the specified application after
            data compression and data deduplication. Allowed values are between
            <c>1.0</c> and <c>10.0</c>. nebulon ON will use this assumption for
            provisioning storage volumes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.SharedLun">
            Allows configuring volume export options. If set to <c>true</c> all
            volumes except boot volumes will be made available to each host /
            server in the nPod for read and write access. If set to <c>false</c>
            volumes will only be made available to the local host of every SPU.
            By default volumes are created as shared volumes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.SnapshotScheduleTemplateGuids">
            Allows specifying snapshot schedule templates that will be
            automatically created for any derived nPods after nPod creation.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.VolumeCount">
            Allows specifying a volume count. This option is only allowed when
            <c>SharedVolume</c> is set to <c>false</c> and allows creating a
            specific number of volumes per host / server. This is useful when
            the size of the volume does not matter but the number of volumes is
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput.VolumeSizeBytes">
            The size of volumes to create in bytes. Either volume size or
            volume count must be present.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate">
             Defines a nebulon Pod (nPod) template
             nPod templates are used during nPod creation and are application
             specific. The template defines the anticipated data storage savings and
             the expected storage artifacts. Architects would compile nPod templates
             and users would consume templates during self-service infrastructure
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.Application">
            Name of the application running on the hosts in the nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.BootVolume">
            If true, the template will provision a boot volume that is exported
            to the local host with LUN ID 0
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.BootVolumeImageUrl">
            Allows specifying a URL to an O/S image for the boot volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.BootVolumeSizeBytes">
            Indicates the boot volume size in bytes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the template if versioned
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.MirroredVolume">
            If true, data volumes will be mirrored within the nPod. If false,
            no high availability is provided in case an SPU fails
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.Mutable">
            Indicates if the template can be modified
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.Name">
            The unique name of the nPod template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.NebulonTemplate">
            If true, the template is provided to customers by nebulon. If false,
            the template is custom and created by the customer
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.Note">
            An optional note for the nPod template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.OperatingSystem">
            Name of the operating system running on the hosts in the nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.ParentGuid">
            The unique identifier of the original template if versioned
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.SavingFactor">
            Anticipated data saving factor after compression and deduplication
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.SharedLun">
            If true, data volumes will be presented to all hosts in the nPod.
            If this value is set to false, volumes will only be presented to
            the local hosts of each SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.SnapshotScheduleTemplateGuids">
            List of associated snapshot schedule templates contained in this
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.Version">
            The version of the template. Every update creates a new version
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.VolumeCount">
            Indicates how many volumes shall be provisioned by the template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplate.VolumeSizeBytes">
            Volume size in bytes
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter">
             A filter object to filter nPod templates.
             Allows filtering for specific nPod templates in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.Application">
            Filter based on nPod template application name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on nPod template unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.Name">
            Filter based on nPod template name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.NebulonTempalte">
            Filter nPod templates for nebulon templates or custom templates
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.OnlyLastVersion">
            Filter nPod tempaltes for only the latest versions
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.OperatingSystem">
            Filter based on nPod template operating system name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateList">
             Paginated nPod template list object
             Contains a list of nPod template objects and information for pagination.
             By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items unless
             specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per
             default the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateSort">
             A sort object for nPod templates
             Allows sorting nPod templates on common properties.The sort object
             allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateSort.Application">
            Sort direction for the <c>Application</c> property
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateSort.OperatingSystem">
            Sort direction for the <c>OperatingSystem</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput">
             An input object to update nPod template properties
             Every change to a nPod template will create a new version of the
             template and generate a new unique identifier (Guid). The parent /
             original nPod template is accessible via the nPod template
             <c>ParentGuid</c> property.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.Application">
            The name of the application that will be running on the nPod.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.BootImageURL">
            Allows specifying an HTTP(s) URL for a boot image that is applied
            to the boot volume when an nPod is created.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.BootVolume">
            If set to <c>true</c> nebulon ON will provision a boot volume for
            the server's operating system. If set, the parameter
            <c>BootVolumeSizeBytes</c>must also be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.BootVolumeSizeBytes">
            The size of the boot volume to create in bytes. This value is only
            considered when the parameter <c>BootVolume</c> is set to <c>true</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.MirroredVolume">
            Specifies if volumes shall be mirrored for high availability. If
            set to <c>true</c> two copies of the same volume will be created in
            an nPod on different SPUs for high availability.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.Name">
            The name of the nPod template to update. The name cannot
            be changed. If users want to change the name of a nPod template they
            should clone the template with a new name and delete the old record
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.Note">
            An optional note for the nPod template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.OperatingSystem">
            The name of the operating system that will be installed on servers
            in the nPod.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.SavingFactor">
            The anticipated saving factor for the specified application after
            data compression and data deduplication. Allowed values are between
            <c>1.0</c> and <c>10.0</c>. nebulon ON will use this assumption for
            provisioning storage volumes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.SharedLun">
            Allows configuring volume export options. If set to <c>true</c> all
            volumes except boot volumes will be made available to each host /
            server in the nPod for read and write access. If set to <c>false</c>
            volumes will only be made available to the local host of every SPU.
            By default volumes are created as shared volumes.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.SnapshotScheduleTemplateGuids">
            Allows specifying snapshot schedule templates that will be
            automatically created for any derived nPods after nPod creation.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.VolumeCount">
            Allows specifying a volume count. This option is only allowed when
            <c>SharedVolume</c> is set to <c>false</c> and allows creating a
            specific number of volumes per host / server. This is useful when
            the size of the volume does not matter but the number of volumes is
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput.VolumeSizeBytes">
            The size of volumes to create in bytes. Either volume size or
            volume count must be present.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.LocatePhysicalDriveInput">
             An input object to turn on the physical drive locate LED
             Allows turning on the locate LED of a physical drive identified by WWN
             to easily find it in a server.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LocatePhysicalDriveInput.DurationSeconds">
            Number of seconds after which the locate LED will turn off
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LocatePhysicalDriveInput.Wwn">
            The world-wide name of the physical drive
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive">
             A physical drive
             Represents a physical drive that is attached to a services processing
             unit in a server.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.FirmwareRevision">
            The firmware revision of the physical drive
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.InterfaceType">
            The interface type of the physical drive
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.MediaType">
            The media type of the physical drive
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.Model">
            The model of the physical drive
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.Position">
            The position or slot in the host's storage enclosure
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.Serial">
            The serial number of the physical drive
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.SizeBytes">
            The physical capacity of the physical drive in bytes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.SpuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU that the physical drive connects to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.State">
             The physical drive state.
             <para>Possible values are:<br/>
             1: PdNormal : normal<br/>
             2: PdFailed: failed, can’t handle IO<br/>
             3: PdMissing: device is missing<br/>
             4: PdVacant: data on device has been vacated<br/>
             5: PdIncompatible: device is incompatible to other devices<br/>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.StateDisplay">
            The physical drive state as a string
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.Unadmitted">
            Indicates if the physical drive is not yet used for data storage
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.Vendor">
            The vendor for the physical drive
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDrive.Wwn">
            The unique world-wide name of the physical drive
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter">
             A filter object to filter physical drives.
             Allows filtering for specific physical drives in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on
             multiple properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options
             to concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.And">
            Allows specifying more filters. This filter will be evaluated with
            a logical "and" operation.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.InterfaceType">
            Filter by interface type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.Model">
            Filter by drive model
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.Or">
            Allows specifying more filters. This filter will be evaluated with
            a logical "or" operation.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.SizeBytes">
            Filter by drive size
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.Vendor">
            Filter by drive vendor
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter.Wwn">
            Filter by WWN
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveList">
             Paginated physical drive list object
             Contains a list of datacenter objects and information for
             pagination.By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per
             default the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort">
             A sort object for physical drives
             Allows sorting physical drives on common properties. The sort object
             allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort.InterfaceType">
            Sort direction for the interface type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort.Model">
            Sort direction for model
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort.SizeBytes">
            Sort direction for the drive size
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort.Vendor">
            Sort direction for drive vendor
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort.Wwn">
            Sort direction for WWN
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate">
             An update for a physical drive
             nebulon ON only reports recommended physical drive updates.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.Model">
            The model of the physical drive this update is relevant for
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.NewFirmwareRev">
            The firmware revision this update will install
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.OldFirmwareRev">
            The firmware revision this update replaces
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.PodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod this update is relevant for
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.SpuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU this update is relevant for
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.Vendor">
            The vendor of the physical drive this update is relevant for
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdate.Wwn">
            The unique WWN of the physical drive this update is relevant for
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesFilter">
             A filter object to filter physical drive updates
             Allows filtering for specific physical drive updates in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on
             multiple properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options
             to concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesFilter.And">
            Allows specifying more filters. This filter will be evaluated with
            a logical "and" operation.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter by nPod Guid
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesFilter.Or">
            Allows specifying more filters. This filter will be evaluated with
            a logical "or" operation.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesFilter.SpuSerial">
            Filter by SPU serial number
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesList">
             Paginated physical drive update list object
             Contains a list of physical drive update objects and information for
             pagination. By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort">
             A sort object for physical drive updates
             Allows sorting physical drive updates on common properties. The sort
             object allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort.Model">
            Sort by physical drive model
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort.NPodGuid">
            Sort by NPod Guid
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort.SpuSerial">
            Sort by SPU serial number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort.Vendor">
            Sort by vendor
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort.Wwn">
            Sort by world wide name
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePhysicalDriveFirmwareInput">
             An input object to update physical drive firmware
             Allows updating all physical drives in an SPU or nPod to the
             recommended drive firmware level.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePhysicalDriveFirmwareInput.AcceptEula">
            Indicates if the user accepts the end user license agreement
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePhysicalDriveFirmwareInput.NPodGuid">
            The nPod unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePhysicalDriveFirmwareInput.SpuSerial">
            The SPU serial number
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateRackInput">
             An input object to create a rack
             Allows the creation of a rack object in nebulon ON. A rack record
             allows customers to logically organize their infrastructure by physical
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRackInput.Location">
            An optional location for the new rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRackInput.Name">
            Name for the new rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRackInput.Note">
            An optional note for the new rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRackInput.RowGuid">
            Unique identifier for the parent row
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Rack">
             A rack in a datacenter
             A rack record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.Guid">
            Unique identifier for the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.HostCount">
            Number of hosts (servers) in the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.HostGuids">
            Unique identifiers of hosts in the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.Location">
            An optional location for the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.Name">
            Name of the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.Note">
            An optional note for the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Rack.RowGuid">
            Unique identifier of the parent row
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter">
             A filter object to filter racks.
             Allows filtering for specific racks in nebulon ON. The filter allows
             only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple properties
             is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate
             multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on rack unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter.Location">
            Filter based on rack location
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter.Name">
            Filter based on rack name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackFilter.RowGuid">
            Filter based on the rack's row unique identifier
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RackList">
             Paginated rack list object
             Contains a list of rack objects and information for pagination. By
             default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items unless
             specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RackSort">
             A sort object for racks
             Allows sorting racks on common properties. The sort object allows only
             one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RackSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRackInput">
             An input object to update rack properties
             Allows updating of an existing rack object in nebulon ON. A rack record
             allows customers to logically organize their infrastructure by physical
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRackInput.Location">
            A new optional location for the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRackInput.Name">
            The new name of the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRackInput.Note">
            The new note of the rack
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRackInput.RowGuid">
            Unique identifier for a new row for the rack
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacPolicyInput">
             An input object to create a RBAC policy
             Policies in role-based access control associate RBAC roles with users
             and resources in nebulon ON. Scopes can be added and removed from policies,
             users and user groups can be added and removed from policies. Nebulon ON
             will not allow two policies with the same definition.
             Scopes are defined through a string with the format
             <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/{npod_uuid}</c> with varying
             length. For example:<br/>
             - <c>/nPodGroup/*</c>: scopes the policy to all nPod groups in the
             - <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/*</c>: scopes the policy to a
             specific nPod group in the organization and all nPods in this group.
             - <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/{npod_uuid}</c>: scopes the
             policy to a specific nPod.
             User groups are not added and removed from a policy through this API,
             but through the users API. Use <c>CreateUserGroup</c>, <c>UpdateUserGroup</c>
             for adding and removing user groups to RBAC policies and similarly
             <c>CreateUser</c> and <c>UpdateUser</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacPolicyInput.RoleGuid">
            The RBAC role unique identifier to associate with the policy
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacPolicyInput.Scopes">
            List of scope definitions that this policy applies to
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacRoleInput">
             An input object to create a RBAC role
             Roles in role-based access control define a set of permissions (rights)
             that can be assigned to user groups according to their responsibilities.
             Rights can be added and removed if these responsibilities change and
             propagate to any user that is associated with a role.
             Rights are defined through a string with the format
             <c>{resource}/{permission}</c>, where the following resources are
             available: <c>*</c>, <c>Datacenter</c>, <c>Lab</c>, <c>Audit</c>,
             <c>Alert</c>, <c>FirmwareUpdate</c>, <c>UserGroup</c>, <c>nPodGroup</c>,
             <c>Volume</c>, <c>PhysicalDrive</c>, <c>User</c>, <c>nPod</c>,
             <c>SnapshotScheduleTemplate</c>, <c>SPU</c>, <c>Row</c>, <c>Rack</c>,
             <c>nPodTemplate</c>, <c>SnapshotSchedule</c>, <c>Host</c>, <c>LUN</c>,
             The following permissions are available:<br/>
             <c>*</c> - everything is permitted<br/>
             <c>read</c> - read operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>create</c> - create operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>update</c> - update operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>delete</c> - delete operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>execute</c> - execute operations are permitted (used for operations
             that do not fall in the above categories)
             The number and type of permissions and resources may change over time
             and users can query the currently available resources and permissions
             with the <c>GetMetadata</c> query.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacRoleInput.Description">
            Description of the RBAC role and associated rights
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacRoleInput.Name">
            Human readable name for the RBAC role
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRbacRoleInput.Rights">
            List of rights definitions for the RBAC role
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicy">
             A RBAC policy object
             Policies in role-based access control associate RBAC roles with users
             and resources in nebulon ON. Scopes can be added and removed from policies,
             users and user groups can be added and removed from policies. Nebulon ON
             will not allow two policies with the same definition.
             Scopes are defined through a string with the format
             <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/{npod_uuid}</c> with varying
             length. For example:<br/>
             - <c>/nPodGroup/*</c>: scopes the policy to all nPod groups in the
             - <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/*</c>: scopes the policy to a
             specific nPod group in the organization and all nPods in this group.
             - <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/{npod_uuid}</c>: scopes the
             policy to a specific nPod.
             User groups are not added and removed from a policy through this API,
             but through the users API. Use <c>CreateUserGroup</c>, <c>UpdateUserGroup</c>
             for adding and removing user groups to RBAC policies and similarly
             <c>CreateUser</c> and <c>UpdateUser</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicy.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the RBAC policy
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicy.RoleGuid">
            The unique identifier of the RBAC role in this policy
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicy.Scopes">
            List of scope definitions that this policy applies to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicy.UserGroupGuids">
            List of unique identifiers of user groups in the RBAC policy
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicy.UserGuids">
            List of unique identifiers of explicit users in the RBAC policy
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyFilter">
             A filter object to filter RBAC policies
             Allows filtering for specific RBAC policies in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on RBAC policy unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyFilter.RoleGuid">
            Filter based on RBAC role unique identifier
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyList">
             Paginated RBAC policy list object
             Contains a list of RBAC policy objects and information for
             pagination.By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicySort">
             A sort object for RBAC policies
             Allows sorting RBAC policies on common properties. The sort object
             allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicySort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacRole">
             A role definition for role-based access control (RBAC)
             Roles in role-based access control define a set of permissions (rights)
             that can be assigned to user groups according to their responsibilities.
             Rights can be added and removed if these responsibilities change and
             propagate to any user that is associated with a role.
             Rights are defined through a string with the format
             <c>{resource}/{permission}</c>, where the following resources are
             available: <c>*</c>, <c>Datacenter</c>, <c>Lab</c>, <c>Audit</c>,
             <c>Alert</c>, <c>FirmwareUpdate</c>, <c>UserGroup</c>, <c>nPodGroup</c>,
             <c>Volume</c>, <c>PhysicalDrive</c>, <c>User</c>, <c>nPod</c>,
             <c>SnapshotScheduleTemplate</c>, <c>SPU</c>, <c>Row</c>, <c>Rack</c>,
             <c>nPodTemplate</c>, <c>SnapshotSchedule</c>, <c>Host</c>, <c>LUN</c>,
             The following permissions are available:<br/>
             <c>*</c> - everything is permitted<br/>
             <c>read</c> - read operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>create</c> - create operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>update</c> - update operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>delete</c> - delete operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>execute</c> - execute operations are permitted (used for operations
             that do not fall in the above categories)
             The number and type of permissions and resources may change over time
             and users can query the currently available resources and permissions
             with the <c>GetMetadata</c> query.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRole.Custom">
            Indicates if the RBAC role was user defined
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRole.Description">
            Description of the RBAC role and associated rights
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRole.Guid">
            Unique identifier of the RBAC role
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRole.Name">
            Human readable name for the RBAC role
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRole.Rights">
            List of rights definitions for the RBAC role
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleFilter">
             A filter object to filter RBAC roles
             Allows filtering for specific RBAC roles in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on RBAC role unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleFilter.Name">
            Filter based on RBAC role name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleList">
             Paginated RBAC role list object
             Contains a list of RBAC role objects and information for
             pagination. By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleSort">
             A sort object for RBAC roles
             Allows sorting RBAC roles on common properties. The sort object
             allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRbacPolicyInput">
             An input object to update RBAC policy properties
             Policies in role-based access control associate RBAC roles with users
             and resources in nebulon ON. Scopes can be added and removed from policies,
             users and user groups can be added and removed from policies. Nebulon ON
             will not allow two policies with the same definition.
             Scopes are defined through a string with the format
             <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/{npod_uuid}</c> with varying
             length. For example:<br/>
             - <c>/nPodGroup/*</c>: scopes the policy to all nPod groups in the
             - <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/*</c>: scopes the policy to a
             specific nPod group in the organization and all nPods in this group.
             - <c>/nPodGroup/{npod_group_uuid}/nPod/{npod_uuid}</c>: scopes the
             policy to a specific nPod.
             User groups are not added and removed from a policy through this API,
             but through the users API. Use <c>CreateUserGroup</c>, <c>UpdateUserGroup</c>
             for adding and removing user groups to RBAC policies and similarly
             <c>CreateUser</c> and <c>UpdateUser</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRbacPolicyInput.Scopes">
            List of scope definitions that this policy applies to
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRbacRoleInput">
             An input object to update properties a RBAC role
             Roles in role-based access control define a set of permissions (rights)
             that can be assigned to user groups according to their responsibilities.
             Rights can be added and removed if these responsibilities change and
             propagate to any user that is associated with a role.
             Rights are defined through a string with the format
             <c>{resource}/{permission}</c>, where the following resources are
             available: <c>*</c>, <c>Datacenter</c>, <c>Lab</c>, <c>Audit</c>,
             <c>Alert</c>, <c>FirmwareUpdate</c>, <c>UserGroup</c>, <c>nPodGroup</c>,
             <c>Volume</c>, <c>PhysicalDrive</c>, <c>User</c>, <c>nPod</c>,
             <c>SnapshotScheduleTemplate</c>, <c>SPU</c>, <c>Row</c>, <c>Rack</c>,
             <c>nPodTemplate</c>, <c>SnapshotSchedule</c>, <c>Host</c>, <c>LUN</c>,
             The following permissions are available:<br/>
             <c>*</c> - everything is permitted<br/>
             <c>read</c> - read operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>create</c> - create operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>update</c> - update operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>delete</c> - delete operations are permitted<br/>
             <c>execute</c> - execute operations are permitted (used for operations
             that do not fall in the above categories)
             The number and type of permissions and resources may change over time
             and users can query the currently available resources and permissions
             with the <c>GetMetadata</c> query.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRbacRoleInput.Description">
            Description of the RBAC role and associated rights
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRbacRoleInput.Name">
            Human readable name for the RBAC role
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRbacRoleInput.Rights">
            List of rights definitions for the RBAC role
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState">
            Status of the recipe execution
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Queued">
            Recipe is queued for execution
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Running">
            Recipe is running
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Completed">
            Recipe execution completed successfully
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Failed">
            Recipe execution completed with a failure
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Timeout">
            Recipe execution timed out
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Cancelling">
            Recipe execution is being canceled
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeState.Cancelled">
            Recipe execution completed by a cancelation
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType">
            Type of recipe
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.Unknown">
            Recipe type is unknown
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.Claim">
            Claim SPU
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.CreateVolume">
            Create volume
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.CreatePod">
            Create nPod
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.ValidatePod">
            Validate nPod
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.ConfirmPod">
            Confirm nPod
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.CreateSnapshot">
            Create snapshot
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.CreateScheduledSnapshot">
            Create snapshot via a schedule
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.Update">
            Update SPU or nPod
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.AbortUpdate">
            Abort SPU or nPod update
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.RemoveSnapshotSchedule">
            Remove snapshot schedule
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.SendSPUDebugInfo">
            Send SPU debug information to nebulon ON
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.RunTest">
            Run test
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.WipePod">
            Wipe nPod
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.DeleteVolume">
            Delete volume
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.SetVSphereCredentials">
            Set vCenter credentials
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.ResetOrganization">
            Reset organization
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.PingSPU">
            Locate / ping SPU
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.CreateLUN">
            Create LUN
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.DeleteLUN">
            Delete LUN
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.SetProxy">
            Set Proxy Server information
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.SetNTP">
            Set network time protocol server
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.UpdatePhysicalDrive">
            Update physical drive
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.SetTimezone">
            Set timezone
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.CloneVolume">
            Clone volume
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.LocatePhysicalDrive">
            Locate physical drive
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.ReplaceSPU">
            Replace SPU
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.RecipeType.SecureEraseSPU">
            Secure erase SPU
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodRecipeFilter">
             A filter object to filter recipes.
             Allows filtering active and completed recipes. Recipes are the result
             of mutations of mutations or modifications of on-premises
             infrastructure. As commands may require some time to complete, the
             recipe filter allows the query for their status.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodRecipeFilter.Completed">
            Filter based on completion status
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodRecipeFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter based on nPod unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodRecipeFilter.RecipeGuid">
            Filter based on nPod recipe unique identifier
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord">
             A recipe record
             A recipe record describes the status of the execution of a mutation that
             affects on-premises infrastructure. Status information of such mutations
             are recorded in recipe records.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.CancelGuid">
            A unique identifier that can be used to cancel recipe execution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.CoordinatorSpuSerial">
            Serial number of the SPU that coordinates the execution of the
            recipe within a nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.CreatedAfter">
            The unique identifier for the nPod that this recipe is associated
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the recipe record
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.LastUpdated">
            Date and time when the recipe was last updated
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.Start">
            Date and time when the recipe started execution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.State">
            Current state of recipe execution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.Status">
            Textual description of the recipe execution status
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecord.Type">
            The type of recipe that is executed
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecordIdentifier">
             A reference to a recipe
             This object is created and returned to a caller for recipe engine
             version 2 calls to allow the caller to query for the status of
             recipe execution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecordIdentifier.NPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod the recipe is executed for
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecordIdentifier.RecipeGuid">
            The unique identifier of the recipe generated
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecordList">
             Paginated nPod recipe list object
             Contains a list of nPod recipes objects. At this point all recipes
             are returned in a single page.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecordList.cursor">
            A cursor that can be used (in the future) for pagination
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecipeRecordList.Items">
            List of nPod recipies
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateRoomInput">
             An input object to create a datacenter room
             Allows the creation of a datacenter room object in nebulon ON. A
             datacenter room record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRoomInput.DataCenterGuid">
            Unique identifier for the parent datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRoomInput.Location">
            An optional location for the new datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRoomInput.Name">
            Name for the new datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRoomInput.Note">
            An optional note for the new datacenter room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DeleteRoomInput">
             An input object to delete a datacenter room object
             Allows additional options when deleting a datacenter room.When cascade
             is set to <c>true</c> all child resources are deleted with the datacenter
             room if no hosts are associated with the datacenter room.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteRoomInput.Cascade">
            Indicates that child items shall be deleted with the room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Room">
             A datacenter room object
             A datacenter room record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.DatacenterGuid">
            Unique identifier of the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.HostCount">
            Number of hosts (servers) in the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.LabGuid">
            Unique identifier of the parent datacenter
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.Location">
            An optional location for the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.Name">
            Name of the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.Note">
            An optional note for the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.RackCount">
            Number of racks in the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.RowCount">
            Number of rows in the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Room.RowGuids">
            Unique identifiers of rows in the datacenter room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter">
             A filter object to filter datacenter rooms
             Allows filtering for specific datacenters in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter.DatacenterGuid">
            Filter based on datacenter unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter.Name">
            Filter based on datacenter room name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter.RoomGuid">
            Filter based on datacenter room unique identifiers
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RoomList">
             Paginated datacenter room list object
             Contains a list of datacenter room objects and information for
             pagination.By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RoomSort">
             A sort object for rooms
             Allows sorting rooms in datacenters on common properties.The sort object
             allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RoomSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c>name property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRoomInput">
             An input object to update datacenter room properties
             Allows updating of an existing datacenter room object in nebulon ON. A
             datacenter room record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRoomInput.Location">
            A new optional location for the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRoomInput.Name">
            New name for the datacenter room
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRoomInput.Note">
            The new note for the datacenter room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateRowInput">
             An input object to create a row
             Allows the creation of a row object in nebulon ON. A row record allows
             customers to logically organize their infrastructure by physical
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRowInput.Location">
            An optional location for the new row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRowInput.Name">
            Name for the new row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRowInput.Note">
            An optional note for the new row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateRowInput.RoomGuid">
            Unique identifier for the parent room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.DeleteRowInput">
             An input object to delete a row object
             Allows additional options when deleting a row. When cascade is
             set to <c>true</c> all child resources are deleted with the datacenter
             room if no hosts are associated with the datacenter room.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.DeleteRowInput.Cascade">
            If set to <i>true</i> all child objects of the row will also
            be deleted. This includes racks. This will also unlink
            all affected racks with their hosts.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Row">
             A row object
             A row record allows customers to logically organize their infrastructure
             by physical location.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.Guid">
            Unique identifier of the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.HostCount">
            Number of hosts (servers) in the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.Location">
            An optional location for the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.Name">
            Name of the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.Note">
            An optional note for the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.RackCount">
            Number of racks in the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.RackGuids">
            Unique identifiers of racks in the row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Row.RoomGuid">
            Unique identifier of the parent room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter">
             A filter object to filter rows in a datacenter.
             Allows filtering for specific rows in nebulon ON. The filter allows
             only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple properties
             is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to concatenate
             multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on row unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter.Location">
            Filter based on location
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter.Name">
            Filter based on row name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowFilter.RoomGuid">
            Filter based on the room's row unique identifier
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RowList">
             Paginated row list object
             Contains a list of row objects and information for pagination.
             By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RowSort">
             A sort object for rows
             Allows sorting rows on common properties. The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RowSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the row name
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRowInput">
             An input object to update row properties
             Allows updating of an existing row object in nebulon ON. A row record
             allows customers to logically organize their infrastructure by physical
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRowInput.Location">
            An optional location for the new row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRowInput.Name">
            Name for the new row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRowInput.Note">
            An optional note for the new row
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateRowInput.RoomGuid">
            Unique identifier for the parent room
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults">
            Result of a login request
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.EulaAccepted">
            Indicates if a user in the org has accepted the EULA
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.Expiration">
            Describes when the session will expire
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.Message">
            A message describing the login result
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.Organization">
            The name of the organization the user logged in
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.Preferences">
            User preferences associated with the logged in user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.Success">
            Indicates if the login was successful
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginResults.UserGuid">
            The unique identifier of the user that logged in
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.LoginState">
            Represents the session state of a user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginState.Expiration">
            Describes when the session expires
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginState.Organization">
            Name of the organization for this session
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginState.UserGuid">
            The user identifier of the user for this session
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.LoginState.Username">
            The name of the user for this session
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotConsistencyLevel">
            Defines the snapshot consistency level for snapshots
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotConsistencyLevel.VV">
            Consistency is only guaranteed for a single volume
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotConsistencyLevel.SPU">
            Consistency is only quaranteed for volumes on the same SPU
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotConsistencyLevel.Pod">
            Consistency is guaranteed for all volumes in the same nPod
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateCloneInput">
             An input object to create a volume clone
             Allows the creation of a volume clone from a base volume or snapshot.
             Clones are read and writeable copies of another volume. Clones can be
             used to quickly instantiate copies of data and data for recovery
             purposes when applications require read/write access for copy
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateCloneInput.Name">
            Name for the volume clone
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateCloneInput.VolumeGuid">
            Unique identifier of the volume or snapshot to clone
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput">
             An input object to create a snapshot schedule template
             Allows the creation of snapshot schedule templates.Snapshot schedule
             templates are used to consistently provision snapshot schedules across
             nPods. They are referenced in nPod templates and are provisioned when a
             nPod is formed from such a template.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.ExpirationSeconds">
            A time in seconds when snapshots will be automatically deleted.
            If not specified, snapshots will not be deleted automatically
            (not recommended).
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.IgnoreBootVolume">
            Allows specifying if boot volumes shall be included when doing
            snapshots (<c>true</c>) or if they shall be ignored (<c>false</c>).
            By default, all volumes are included.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.Name">
            Human readable name for the snapshot schedule template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.NamePattern">
            A naming pattern for volume snapshot names when snapshots are
            automatically created. Available variables for the format
            string are from the standard <c>strftime</c> function. Additionally
            <c>%v</c> is used for the base volume name.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.RetentionSeconds">
            A time in seconds that prevents users from deleting snapshots. If
            not specified, snapshots can be immediately deleted.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.Schedule">
            The schedule by which volume snapshots will be created
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule">
             A snapshot schedule that is defined for an entire nPod
             nPod snapshot schedules are defined for the entire nPod vs. for
             individual volumes. They are centrally configured through a template or
             on-demand and apply to every volume in an nPod.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.ConsistencyLevel">
            Defines the consistency level when snapshotting multiple volumes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.DayOfMonth">
            The days in the month when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.DayOfWeek">
            The days of the week when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.ExpirationSeconds">
            A time in seconds when snapshots will be automatically deleted.
            If not specified, snapshots will not be deleted automatically
            (not recommended).
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.Guid">
            The unique identifier for the nPod snapshot schedule
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.Hour">
            The hours of the time when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.IgnoreBootVolume">
            Allows specifying if boot volumes shall be included when doing
            snapshots (<c>true</c>) or if they shall be ignored (<c>false</c>).
            By default, all volumes are included.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.Minute">
            The minutes of the time when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.Month">
            The months in the year when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.NamePattern">
            A naming pattern for volume snapshot names when snapshots are
            automatically created. Available variables for the format
            string are from the standard <c>strftime</c> function. Additionally
            <c>%v</c> is used for the base volume name.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.RetentionSeconds">
            A time in seconds that prevents users from deleting snapshots. If
            not specified, snapshots can be immediately deleted.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.SnapshotCount">
            The number of nPod templates that make use of this template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.SnapshotGuids">
            The number of snapshots created from this schedule
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.SnapshotScheduleTemplateGuids">
            Unique identifiers of the templates that created this schedule
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodSnapshotSchedule.SpuSerial">
            The SPU serial number on which the schedule is defined
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Schedule">
             A schedule object
             Schedules are used to perform operations automatically. The schedule
             defines when and how often the operations are executed.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Schedule.DayOfMonth">
            The days in the month when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Schedule.DayOfWeek">
            The days of the week when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Schedule.Hour">
            The hours of the time when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Schedule.Minute">
            The minutes of the time when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Schedule.Month">
            The months in the year when an operation should be executed
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput">
             An input object to create a schedule
             Schedules are used to perform operations automatically. The schedule
             defines when and how often the operations are executed.
             Multiple values for <c>Minute</c>, <c>Hour</c>, <c>DayOfWeek</c>,
             <c>DayOfMonth</c>, and <c>Month</c> can be specified when the operation
             should be executed multiple times in the respective time frame.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput.DayOfMonth">
            The days in the month when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput.DayOfWeek">
            The days of the week when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput.Hour">
            The hours of the time when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput.Minute">
            The minutes of the time when an operation should be executed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput.Month">
            The months in the year when an operation should be executed
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate">
             A snapshot schedule template object
             Snapshot schedule templates are used to consistently provision snapshot
             schedules across nPods. They are referenced in nPod templates and are
             provisioned when a nPod is formed from such a template.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.AssociatedNPodTempalteCount">
            The number of nPod templates that make use of this template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.AssociatedScheduleCount">
            The number of provisioned snapshot schedules from this template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.ConsistencyLevel">
            Snapshot consistency level. Always set to <c>Volume</c>
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.ExpirationSeconds">
            A time in seconds when snapshots will be automatically deleted.
            If not specified, snapshots will not be deleted automatically
            (not recommended).
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the snapshot schedule template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.IgnoreBootVolume">
            Allows specifying if boot volumes shall be included when doing
            snapshots (<c>true</c>) or if they shall be ignored (<c>false</c>).
            By default, all volumes are included.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.Name">
            Human readable name for the snapshot schedule template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.NamePattern">
            A naming pattern for volume snapshot names when snapshots are
            automatically created. Available variables for the format
            string are from the standard <c>strftime</c> function. Additionally
            <c>%v</c> is used for the base volume name.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.RetentionSeconds">
            A time in seconds that prevents users from deleting snapshots. If
            not specified, snapshots can be immediately deleted.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplate.Schedule">
            The schedule by which volume snapshots will be created
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateFilter">
             A filter object to filter snapshot schedule templates
             Allows filtering for specific snapshot schedule templates in nebulon ON.
             The filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on
             multiple properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options
             to concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on snapshot schedule template unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateFilter.Name">
            Filter based on snapshot schedule template name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateList">
             Paginated snapshot schedule template list
             Contains a list of snapshot schedule template objects and information
             for pagination. By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateSort">
             A sort object for snapshot schedule templates
             Allows sorting snapshot schedule templates on common properties. The
             sort object allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput">
             An input object to update snapshot schedule template properties
             Allows updating of snapshot schedule template properties. Snapshot
             schedule templates are used to consistently provision snapshot
             schedules across nPods. They are referenced in nPod templates and are
             provisioned when a nPod is formed from such a template.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.ExpirationSeconds">
            A time in seconds when snapshots will be automatically deleted.
            If not specified, snapshots will not be deleted automatically
            (not recommended).
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.IgnoreBootVolume">
            Allows specifying if boot volumes shall be included when doing
            snapshots (<c>true</c>) or if they shall be ignored (<c>false</c>).
            By default, all volumes are included.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.Name">
            Human readable name for the snapshot schedule template
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.NamePattern">
            A naming pattern for volume snapshot names when snapshots are
            automatically created. Available variables for the format
            string are from the standard <c>strftime</c> function. Additionally
            <c>%v</c> is used for the base volume name.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.RetentionSeconds">
            A time in seconds that prevents users from deleting snapshots. If
            not specified, snapshots can be immediately deleted.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplateInput.Schedule">
            The schedule by which volume snapshots will be created
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState">
            A state for IP configuration of a SPU logical network interface
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.Addresses">
            List of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in CIDR format
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.BondLACPTransmitRate">
            The active LACP transmit rate for the link aggregation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.BondMIIMonitorMilliSeconds">
            The active MII monitoring interval in ms for the link aggregation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.BondMode">
            The link aggregation mode for the interface
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.BondTransmitHashPolicy">
            The active transmit hash policy for the link aggregation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.Dhcp">
            Indicates if DHCP is used for IP addressing
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.Gateway">
            The gateway IP address specified for the interface
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.HalfDuplex">
            Indicates if the interface operates in half-duplex
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.InterfaceMAC">
            The physical address of the interface
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.InterfaceNames">
            The names of the physical interfaces for the logical interface
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.LockedSpeed">
            Indicates if the network interface speed is locked
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.Mtu">
            maximum transfer unit
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.Speed">
            Indicates the network interface speed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.SwitchMAC">
            The name of the switch this interface connects to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.SwitchName">
            The name of the switch this interface connects to
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.IPInfoState.SwitchPort">
            The port identifier of the switch this interface connects to
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NTPServer">
             A network time protocol server
             NTP servers are used for automatic time configuration on the services
             processing unit (SPU).
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NTPServer.Pool">
            Indicates if the specified NTP server hostname is a NTP pool
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NTPServer.Prefer">
            Indicates if the specified NTP server is the preferred NTP server
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NTPServer.ServerHostname">
            The DNS hostname of the NTP server
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NTPServerInput">
             An input object to configure a NTP server
             NTP servers are used for automatic time configuration on the services
             processing unit (SPU). The SPU has default network time servers (NTP)
             configured. However, customers can customize them if the default NTP
             servers are not accessible or different time settings are required.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NTPServerInput.Pool">
            Indicates if the specified NTP server hostname is a NTP pool
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NTPServerInput.Prefer">
            Indicates if the specified NTP server is the preferred NTP server
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NTPServerInput.ServerHostname">
            The DNS hostname of the NTP server
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.ReplaceSpuInput">
             An input object to replace a services processing unit (SPU)
             The replace services processing unit (SPU) operation is used to
             transition the configuration of an old, likely failed, SPU to a new
             replacement unit and allows modifying the configuration during the
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ReplaceSpuInput.NewSpuInfo">
            Configuration information for the new SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ReplaceSpuInput.NPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod of the old SPU that is being
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ReplaceSpuInput.PreviousSpuSerial">
            The serial number of the old SPU that is being replaced
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.ReplaceSpuInput.SsetGuid">
            The storage set information for the existing SPU. This information
            can be obtained from the active replacement alert and only used to
            verify that the correct SPU is selected
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SecureEraseSpuInput">
             An input object to secure-erase a services processing unit (SPU)
             The secure erase functionality allows a deep-erase of data stored on
             the physical drives attached to the SPU.Only SPUs that are not part of
             a nPod can be secure-erased.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SecureEraseSpuInput.SpuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SetNTPServerInput">
             An input object to configure NTP servers
             NTP servers are used for automatic time configuration on the services
             processing unit(SPU). The SPU has default network time servers (NTP)
             configured. However, customers can customize them if the default NTP
             servers are not accessible or different time settings are required.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SetNTPServerInput.NPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SetNTPServerInput.Servers">
            List of NTP server configurations that shall be applied to an SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SetNTPServerInput.SpuSerial">
            The serial number of the services processing unit
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Spu">
            A services processing unit (SPU)
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.ControlInterface">
            Network information for the control interface
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.DataInterfaces">
            Network information for the data interfaces
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.HardwareRevision">
            The hardware revision of the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.HostGuid">
            The unique identifier of the host the SPU is installed in
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.LastReported">
            Date and time when the SPU last reported state to nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.LunCount">
            Number of provisioned LUNs on the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.LunGuids">
            List of unique identifiers of LUNs provisioned on the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.NPodGuid">
            The services processing unit's nPod identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.NPodMemberCanTalkCount">
            Number of SPUs that can successfully communicate with each other
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.PhysicalDriveCount">
            Number of physical drives attached to the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.PhysicalDriveWwns">
            List of WWNs for all physical drives attached to the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.ResetReasonInt">
            A integer representation of the reason why a SPU was reset
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.ResetReasonString">
            A string representation of the reason why a SPU was reset
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.Serial">
            The unique serial number of the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.SpuType">
            The type of SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.Timezone">
            The configured time zone
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.UEFIVersion">
            Status message for NTP
            [JsonPath("$.ntpStatus", true)]
            public string NtpStatus { get; set; }
            Version for UEFI
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.UpdateHistory">
            List of historical updates that were applied to the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.UptimeSeconds">
            Uptime of the services processing unit in seconds
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.Version">
            The version of nebOS that is running on the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Spu.Wiping">
            List of configured NTP servers
            [JsonPath("$.ntpServers", true)]
            public NTPServer[] NtpServers { get; set; }
            Indicates if the SPU is doing a secure wipe
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SpuCustomDiagnostic">
             A staged custom diagnostics request
             SPU custom diagnostics requests allows customers to run arbitrary
             diagnostic commands on the services processing units as part of
             troubleshooting issues during a support case.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuCustomDiagnostic.DiagnosticName">
            The human readable name of the custom diagnostic request
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuCustomDiagnostic.Note">
            An optional note for the diagnostic request
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuCustomDiagnostic.OnceOnly">
            Indicates if this request will disappear after execution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuCustomDiagnostic.RequestGuid">
            The unique identifier or the custom diagnostic request
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuCustomDiagnostic.SpuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU on which to run diagnostic
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SpuFilter">
             A filter object to filter services processing units (SPU)
             Allows filtering for specific SPUs registered in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on
             multiple properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options
             to concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuFilter.NotInNPod">
            Filter for SPUs that are not in a nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuFilter.Serial">
            Filter based on SPU serial number
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SpuList">
             Paginated services processing unit (SPU) list
             Contains a list of SPU objects and information for pagination. By
             default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items unless
             specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per
             default the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SpuSort">
             A sort object for services processing units (SPU)
             Allows sorting SPUs on common properties. The sort object allows only
             one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SpuSort.Serial">
            Sort direction for the <c>Serial</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseIssueType">
            Indicates the type of support case
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseIssueType.Question">
            Customer has a question
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseIssueType.Hardware">
            Suport case is related to a hardware issue
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseIssueType.Software">
            Support case is related to a software issue
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseIssueType.FeatureRequest">
            Customer has a feature request
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseIssueType.Unknown">
            Support case issue type is not known
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCasePriority">
            Indicates the customer specified priority for the support case
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCasePriority.High">
            High urgency
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCasePriority.Medium">
            Medium urgency
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCasePriority.Low">
            Low urgency
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseStatus">
            Indicates the status of the support case
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseStatus.New">
            A new support case
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseStatus.Pending">
            Work is pending information from the customer
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseStatus.Working">
            Customer support is actively working the support case
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseStatus.Escalated">
            The support case is escalated with customer support
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseStatus.Closed">
            The support case was resolved
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput">
             An input object to create a new support case
             Allows creation of a support case in nebulon ON. A support case allows
             customers to get their issues associated with nebulon Cloud-Defined Storage
             to be resolved with their preferred support channel. Issues may include
             infrastructure and hardware issues, software issues, or questions.
             Depending on the type of support case the required parameters change.
             At a minimum, customers need to supply a <c>subject</c> that describes the
             high level summary of the issue, a <c>description</c> that details their
             specific problem, a <c>priority</c> to indicate the urgency of the request,
             and the <c>issue_type</c> to better route the support case to the appropriate
             subject matter expert.
             If the issue is related to a specific services processing unit (SPU) or
             resource in nebulon ON or in the customer's datacenter, <c>spu_serial</c>,
             <c>resource_type</c>, and <c>resource_id</c> shall be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.Description">
            Detailed description of the issue that requires resolution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.IssueType">
            The type of issue. If the issue is not clearly identifiable,
            use <c>SupportCaseIssueType.Unknown</c>.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.Priority">
            The urgency of the request
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.ResourceId">
            The unique identifier of the resource related to the support case.
            If <c>resourceType</c> is specified, also this parameter should be supplied.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.ResourceType">
            The type of resource related to the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.SpuSerial">
            The serial number of an SPU related to the support case.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput.Subject">
            High level summary of an issue
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase">
             A support case object in nebulon ON.
             A support case is used by customers to have their issues with nebulon
             infrastructure resolved. Issues may include infrastructure and hardware
             issues, software issues, or general questions.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.AlertId">
            Unique identifier of the associated alert for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Attachments">
            List of attachments for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.ClosedDate">
            Date and time when the support case / issue was resolved
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Comments">
            List of comments for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Contact">
            The customer contact for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.CreatedDate">
            Date and time when the support case was created
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Description">
            Detailed description of the support case / issue
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.ImprovementSuggestion">
            Customer feedback for improving future requests
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.IssueType">
            Type of issue
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.KnowledgeBaseLink">
            Knowledge Base article related to this support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Number">
            Support case number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.OemCaseNumber">
            Support case number with the server vendor
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.OemCreatedDate">
            Date and time of support case creation with the server vendor
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.OemName">
            Name of the server vendor associated with the infrastructure
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.OemUpdatedDate">
            Date and time of last update with the server vendor
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.OwnerEmail">
            The email of the case owner working the support case in support
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.OwnerName">
            The case owner working the support case in support
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Priority">
            Urgency of the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.ResourceId">
            Unique identifier of the associated resource for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.ResourceType">
            Associated resource type for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.SpuSerial">
            Serial number of the associated SPU for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Status">
            Status of the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.Subject">
            High level summary of the support case / issue
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCase.UpdatedDate">
            Date and time when the support case was last updated
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseAttachment">
             A file attachment to a support case.
             Allows customers to attach arbitrary data to a support case. Examples are
             screenshots of the user interface, log files from application servers, or
             other supporting data for resolving a support case.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseAttachment.FileLink">
            A link to the file where it is uploaded
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseAttachment.FileName">
            The name of the uploaded file
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseAttachment.FileSizeBytes">
            The size of the file in bytes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseAttachment.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the uploaded file
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseAttachment.UploadTime">
            The date and time of upload
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseComment">
             A comment in the support case history.
             Allows interaction between the customer and support for further
             clarification of issues or providing support case status updates. Customers
             and support can add comments to a support case for bi-directional
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseComment.Text">
            The text contents of the comment
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseComment.Time">
            The date and time when the comment was published
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseComment.UserName">
            The name of the user that published the comment
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseContact">
             Represents the user contact for a support case.
             The support case contact is used by support to work on resolving an issue.
             By default the contact for a support case is the user that created the
             support case, but can be altered.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseContact.ContactGuid">
            The unique identifier of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseContact.Email">
            The email address of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseContact.Mobile">
            The mobile phone number of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseContact.Name">
            The name of the contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseContact.Phone">
            The phone number of the contact
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseFilter">
             A filter object to filter support cases.
             Allows filtering for specific support cases in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseFilter.ContactGuid">
            Filter based on the support case contact
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseFilter.IssueType">
            Filter based on the support case type
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseFilter.Number">
            Filter based on the support case number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseFilter.Status">
            Filter based on the support case status
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseList">
             Paginated support case list object.
             Contains a list of support case objects and information for
             pagination.By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items
             unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>more</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseSort">
             A sort object for support cases
             Allows sorting support cases on common properties. The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseSort.CreatedDate">
            Sort direction for the <c>CreatedDate</c> property of a support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseSort.IssueType">
            Sort direction for the <c>IssueType</c> property of a support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseSort.Status">
            Sort direction for the <c>Status</c> property of a support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseSort.UpdatedDate">
            Sort direction for the <c>UpdatedDate</c> property of a support case
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput">
             An input object to update an existing support case.
             Allows updating of a support case in nebulon ON. A support case allows
             customers to get their issues associated with nebulon Cloud-Defined Storage
             to be resolved with their preferred support channel. Issues may include
             infrastructure and hardware issues, software issues, or questions.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.Comment">
            A comment to add to the support case history
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.ContactUserGuid">
            The identifier for the user to be contacted for the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.Description">
            Detailed description of the issue that requires resolution
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.ImprovementSuggestion">
            Feedback for support for improvement
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.Priority">
            The urgency of the request
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.Status">
            The new status of the support case
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateSupportCaseInput.Subject">
            High level summary of an issue
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.MustSendTargetDns">
             Used in mutations for on-premises infrastructure via security triangle.
             Represents a definition of SPUs that a security token needs to be sent to.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.MustSendTargetDns.ControlPortDns">
            The DNS name of the SPU's control port
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.MustSendTargetDns.DataPortDns">
            List of DNS names of the SPU's data ports
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.NPodTokenResponse">
            Token response when creating a new nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTokenResponse.Issues">
            List of errors and warnings associated with the mutation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.NPodTokenResponse.TokenResponse">
            Token that needs to be delivered to on-premises SPUs
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse">
             Used in mutations for on-premises infrastructure via security triangle
             Represents a response for a mutation that alters the customers'
             on-premises infrastructure and requires the completion of the security
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse.Issues">
            List of errors and warnings associated with the mutation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse.MustSendTargetDns">
            List of data IP addresses of SPUs involved in the mutation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse.TargetDataIps">
            List of data IP addresses of SPUs involved in the mutation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse.TargetIps">
            List of control IP addresses of SPUs involved in the mutation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse.Token">
            Token that needs to be delivered to on-premises SPUs
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse.WaitOn">
            Unique identifier of the resource that is about to be created
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PackagePriority">
            Indicates the importance for installing a nebulon package
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.PackagePriority.Normal">
            Indicates a routing installation package
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.PackagePriority.Critical">
            Indicates a critical update
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PackageType">
            Indicates the type of software package
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.PackageType.Base">
            Baseline package that includes major changes to nebOS
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.PackageType.Patch">
            A patch package that resolves a specific issue with nebOS
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo">
             A nebulon update package
             Allows updating nebulon services processing units to a specific nebOS
             version. The package information object describes each released nebOS
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.EligibleNPodGuids">
            List of nPod unique identifiers that can install this package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PackageDeprecated">
            Indicates it the package is deprecated and no longer available
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PackageDescription">
            Description for the package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PackageName">
            The name of the nebulon update package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PackagePriority">
            Indicates the importance for installing a nebulon package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PackageSizeBytes">
            The size of the update package in bytes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PackageType">
            Type of the nebOS installation package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.PatchNumber">
            The patch number if it is a patch
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.Prerequisites">
            Describes the prerequisites for the package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.ReleaseNotesUrl">
            A URL to the release notes of the package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.ReleaseUnix">
            The release date as a UNIX timestamp
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.PackageInfo.VersionNumber">
            The version number if it is a nebOS package
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.RecommendedPackages">
             Recommended packages for customers
             Recommended packages indicate the currently recommended packages for
             customers given their current version and hardware.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecommendedPackages.BaseVersion">
            Indicates the base version for the recommended package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecommendedPackages.PackageInfo">
            Information concerning the update pacakge
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecommendedPackages.PackageName">
            The name of the package that is recommended
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.RecommendedPackages.SpuType">
            Indicates the type of SPU for which the package is recommended
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHistory">
            An object describing past updates
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHistory.Finish">
            Date and time when the update completed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHistory.PackageName">
            The name of the package that is installed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHistory.Start">
            Date and time when the update started
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHistory.Success">
            Indicates if the update completed successfully
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateHistory.UpdateGuid">
            The identifier of the update
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePackages">
             An object describing nebOS software packages
             Describes software packages that are available for installation and
             recommended for customers.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePackages.Available">
            List of available nebulon software packages
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePackages.Latest">
            The latest available nebulon software package
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdatePackages.Recommended">
            List or recommended nebulon software packages
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu">
            An object describing the current state of an update installation
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.DownloadProgressPercent">
            Download progress in percent
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.FailureLog">
            Contains information about update errors
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.LastChanged">
            Date and time when the SPU last reported update status
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.PackageName">
            The name of the package that is installed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.RestartComplete">
            Indicates if nebOS has completed the restart
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.Restarting">
            Indicates if nebOS is restarting
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.SpuSerial">
            The serial number for the SPU on which the update is installed
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.StartedInstall">
            Indicates if the SPU has started installing the SPU
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.UpdateId">
            The identifier of the update
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateStateSpu.WaitingForSpuSerial">
            Indicates if the SPU is waiting for a SPU to complete its update
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserGroupInput">
            An input object to create a new user group in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserGroupInput.Name">
            The name of the user group"
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserGroupInput.Note">
            An optional note for the user group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserGroupInput.PolicyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies associated with the user group
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserGroupInput">
            An input object to update properties of a user group in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserGroupInput.Name">
            The name of the user group"
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserGroupInput.Note">
            An optional note for the user group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserGroupInput.PolicyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies associated with the user group
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserGroup">
             A user group in nebulon ON
             User groups allow grouping users for more convenient management of
             permissions and policies.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroup.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the user group in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroup.Name">
            The name of the user group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroup.Note">
            An optional note for the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroup.PolicyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies associated with the user group
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroup.UserGuids">
            List of user unique identifiers that are part of the group
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter">
             A filter object to filter user groups
             Allows filtering for specific user groups in nebulon ON. The filter
             allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on users unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter.Name">
            Filter based on user name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupList">
             Paginated user group list
             Contains a list of user group objects and information for
             pagination. By default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c>
             items unless specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per default
             the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one page.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupSort">
             A sort object for user groups
             Allows sorting user groups on common properties. The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserGroupSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.SendNotificationType">
            Defines a user's notification preferences
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SendNotificationType.Disabled">
            No email notifications are sent to the user
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SendNotificationType.Instant">
            The user will receive email notifications as events are triggered
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.SendNotificationType.Daily">
            The user will receive a daily digest of alerts over the last 24 hours
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput">
            An input object to create a new user account in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.BusinessPhone">
            The business phone number of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.Email">
            The business email address for the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.FirstName">
            The user's first name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.GroupGuids">
            Unique identifiers of user groups the user is part of
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.Inactive">
            Indicates if the user is marked as inactive / disabled
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.LastName">
            The user's last name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.MobilePhone">
            The mobile phone number of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.Note">
            An optional note for the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.Password">
            The password of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.PolicyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies associated with the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.SendNotification">
            The user's notification preferences for alerts
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.Timezone">
            The user's time zone
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput.UserName">
            User name. This is used to login to nebulon ON and must be unique
            across all users in nebulon ON.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput">
            An input object to update properties of a user in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.BusinessPhone">
            The business phone number of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.Email">
            The business email address for the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.FirstName">
            The user's first name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.GroupGuids">
            Unique identifiers of user groups the user is part of
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.Inactive">
            Indicates if the user is marked as inactive / disabled
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.LastName">
            The user's last name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.MobilePhone">
            The mobile phone number of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.Note">
            An optional note for the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.Password">
            The password of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.PolicyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies associated with the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.SendNotification">
            The user's notification preferences for alerts
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.Timezone">
            The user's time zone
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput.UserName">
            User name. This is used to login to nebulon ON and must be unique
            across all users in nebulon ON.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.User">
            A user in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.BusinessPhone">
            The user's business phone number
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.ChangePassword">
            Indicates if the user has to change the password during next login
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.Email">
            The user's email address.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.FirstName">
            The user's first name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.GroupGuids">
            List of user group unique identifiers the user is part of
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.Guid">
            The unique identifier of the user in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.Inactive">
            Indicates if the user is marked as inactive. If true, the user can't
            log in to nebulon ON.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.LastName">
            Last name of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.MobilePhone">
            Mobile phone number of the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.Note">
            An optional note for the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.PolicyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies associated with the user
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.UserName">
            The user name. This is used for login and must be unique across all
            users in nebulon ON
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.User.UserPreferences">
            The user's personal preferences
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserFilter">
             A filter object to filter users
             Allows filtering for specific user objects in nebulon ON. The filter
             allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on multiple
             properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options to
             concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserFilter.Email">
            Filter based on user email address
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserFilter.Guid">
            Filter based on users unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserFilter.Name">
            Filter based on user name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserList">
             Paginated user list
             Contains a list of user objects and information for pagination. By
             default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items unless
             specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per
             default the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferences">
             Settings and configuration options for a user
             User preferences define settings and configuration options for
             individual user accounts in nebulon ON that are not globally configured.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferences.DateFormat">
            Specifies the user's preferred date and time formatting
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferences.NotificationType">
            Specifies if and the rate at which the user receives notifications
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferences.ShowBaseTwo">
            Specifies if the user wants capacity values displayed in base2
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferences.Timezone">
            Specifies the time zone of the user
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferencesInput">
             An input object to define user preferences
             User preferences define settings and configuration options for
             individual user accounts in nebulon ON that are not globally
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferencesInput.DateFormat">
            Specifies the user's preferred date and time formatting
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferencesInput.NotificationType">
            Specifies if and the rate at which the user receives notifications
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferencesInput.ShowBaseTwo">
            Specifies if the user wants capacity values displayed in base2
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserPreferencesInput.Timezone">
            Specifies the time zone of the user
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.UserSort">
             A sort object for users
             Allows sorting users on common properties. The sort object allows only
             one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.UserSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSyncState">
            Represents volume sync status for mirrored volumes
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSyncState.NotMirrored">
            The volume is not mirrored
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSyncState.InSync">
            The volume is healthy and all data is in-sync
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSyncState.Syncing">
            The volume is unhealthy and data is currently synchronizing
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSyncState.Unsynced">
            The volume is unhealthy and data is currently not synchronizing
        <member name="F:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSyncState.Unknown">
            The volume sync status is unavailable
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput">
             An input object to create a new volume
             One of <c>nPodGuid</c> or <c>ownerSpuSerial</c> must be provided. If
             <c>ownerSpuSerial</c> or <c>backupSpuSerial</c> are not provided,
             nebulon ON will automatically determine where the volume will be
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.BackupSpuSerial">
            Serial number of the services processing unit that should be the
            backup for this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.Force">
            If set to true, warnings will be ignored during the creation of the
            volume. As an example, if there is not enough capacity available
            for the volume, this may yield in a warning that can be overwritten
            using this parameter.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.Mirrored">
            If set to true, the volume will be setup with a mirrored
            configuration. This requires two or more services processing units
            in an nPod
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.Name">
            User friendly name for the volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.NPodGuid">
            Unique identifier of the nPod for this volume. If only this parameter
            is provide (no SPU serial numbers), nebulon ON will determine the
            best placement for the volume amongst all SPUs.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.OwnerSpuSerial">
            Services processing unit serial number that should be the primary
            owner of the volume. If the volume is not created with mirroring
            enabled, this is the SPU where the volume will be created on.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput.SizeBytes">
            Size in bytes for the volume. Minimum size for the volume is 1 GiB
            and the maximum enforced size is 64 GiB.
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.Volume">
            A volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.AccessibleByHostGuids">
            List of host / server uuids that have access to the volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.Boot">
            Indicates if the volume is a boot volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.CreationTime">
            Date and time when the volume was created
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.CurrentOwnerHostGuid">
            Unique identifier of the host that currently owns this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.ExpirationTime">
            Date and time when this volume will be automatically deleted
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.Guid">
            Unique identifier for this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.LunGuids">
            List of uuids for all LUNs created for the volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.Name">
            Human readable name for the volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.NaturalBackupHostGuid">
            Unique identifier of the host that is normally the backup for
            this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.NaturalBackupSpuSerial">
            Serial number of the SPU that is normally the backup for
            this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.NaturalOwnerHostGuid">
            Unique identifier of the host that is normally the owner for
            this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.NaturalOwnerSpuSerial">
            Serial number of the SPU that is normally the owner for
            this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.NPodGuid">
            Unique identifier of the nPod that this volume is part of
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.ReadOnlySnapshot">
            If true, this volume is a read-only snapshot instead of a base
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.SizeBytes">
            Size of the volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.SnapshotGuids">
            If the volume has snapshots, this references all snapshots that
            are based on this volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.SnapshotParentGuid">
            If the volume is a snapshot, this references the parent volume's
            unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.VolumeSyncState">
            Indicates the health and sync state of the volume
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.Volume.Wwn">
            The world wide name for this volume
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter">
             A filter object to filter volumes
             Allows filtering for specific volumes registered in nebulon ON. The
             filter allows only one property to be specified. If filtering on
             multiple properties is needed, use the <c>And</c> and <c>Or</c> options
             to concatenate multiple filters.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.And">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical AND
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.BaseOnly">
            Filter for only base volumes
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.CreationTime">
            Filter based on creation time
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.ExpirationTime">
            Filter based on creation time
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.Guid">
            Filter by unique Id
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.Name">
            Filter based on volume name
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.NPodGuid">
            Filter based on nPod unique identifier
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.Or">
            Allows concatenation of multiple filters via logical OR
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.ParentGuid">
            Filter based on volume parent uuid
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.SizeBytes">
            Filter based on volume size
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.SnapshotsOnly">
            Filter for only snapshots
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter.Wwn">
            Filter based on volume WWN
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.VolumeList">
             Paginated volume list
             Contains a list of volume objects and information for pagination. By
             default a single page includes a maximum of <c>100</c> items unless
             specified otherwise in the paginated query.
             Consumers should always check for the property <c>More</c> as per
             default the server does not return the full list of alerts but only one
        <member name="T:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort">
             A sort object for volumes
             Allows sorting volumes on common properties. The sort object allows
             only one property to be specified.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort.CreationTime">
            Sort direction for the <c>CreationTime</c> property
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort.ExpirationTime">
            Sort direction for the <c>ExpirationTime</c> property
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort.Name">
            Sort direction for the <c>Name</c> property
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort.SizeBytes">
            Sort direction for the <c>SizeBytes</c> property
        <member name="P:NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort.Wwn">
            Sort direction for the <c>Wwn</c> property
        <member name="T:NebSharp.LogSeverity">
            Severity of a message written to the log
        <member name="F:NebSharp.LogSeverity.Debug">
            Debug information
        <member name="F:NebSharp.LogSeverity.Verbose">
            Verbose information
        <member name="F:NebSharp.LogSeverity.Warning">
        <member name="F:NebSharp.LogSeverity.Error">
        <member name="T:NebSharp.NebConnection">
            Nebulon connection
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection.GRAPHQL_WAITTIME_MS">
            Time in milliseconds to wait for a response from UCAPI.
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection.TOKEN_WAITTIME_MS">
            Time in milliseconds to wait for resource creation after token
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection._assemblyVersion">
            Version string for this binary
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection._httpClient">
            Reusable HTTP client. After login, this HTTP client will carry the session
            cookie until the user explicitly logs out.
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection._httpHandler">
            Custom HTTP Client handler. This is required to dynamically update
            Cookies for other paths in the same domain.
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection._platform">
            Platform string where this library is used
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection._server">
            Full UCAPI Server URI.
            By default this is
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.#ctor">
            Instantiate a new connection to Nebulon ON. This will not automatically log in a user.
        <member name="P:NebSharp.NebConnection.Logger">
            Log writer. Overwrite this if you need to write to a custom log, e.g.
            to a file or to a message queue. By default this will log to the
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeliverToken(NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse)">
            Sends a token (received by Nebulon ON) to one or more SPUs that are
            specified in the token. It will return true if at least one of the
            SPUs in the token accepted token delivery. It returns false if none
            are reachable.
            <param name="tokenResponse">
            A valid nebulon token
            <returns>True - if successful; False - if failed</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeliverTokenV2(NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse)">
             Delivers the token to SPUs that support recipe engine v2
             <param name="tokenResponse">
             A valid nebulon token
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.ObjectFromJObject(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject,System.Type)">
            Converts a JObject to a .NET object as per the provided type name
            <param name="objectData">JObject data to convert</param>
            <param name="type">Target type</param>
            <returns>Populated object</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.RunMutation``1(System.String,NebSharp.GraphQLParameters)">
            Run a mutation against Nebulon ON. This function should be used when
            you expect just a single item returned.
            <typeparam name="T">The Type of the target array</typeparam>
            <param name="name">Name of the mutation</param>
            <param name="parameters">Parameters for the mutation</param>
            <returns>Single item returned by the mutation</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.RunMutationMany``1(System.String,NebSharp.GraphQLParameters)">
            Run a mutation against Nebulon ON
            <typeparam name="T">The Type of the target array</typeparam>
            <param name="name">Name of the mutation</param>
            <param name="parameters">Parameters for the mutation</param>
            <returns>List of items returned by the mutation</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.RunQuery``1(System.String,NebSharp.GraphQLParameters)">
            Run a query against Nebulon ON. This function should be used when
            you expect just a single item returned.
            <typeparam name="T">The Type of the target array</typeparam>
            <param name="name">Name of the query</param>
            <param name="parameters">Parameters for the query</param>
            <returns>Single item returned by the query</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.RunQueryMany``1(System.String,NebSharp.GraphQLParameters)">
            Run a query against Nebulon ON
            <typeparam name="T">The Type of the target array</typeparam>
            <param name="name">Name of the query</param>
            <param name="parameters">Parameters for the query</param>
            <returns>List of items returned by the query</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetQueryFields(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
            Get all GraphQL fields to query for given a Type. The Type needs to
            have JsonPath attributes specified for its properties for them to
            be included.
            <param name="inputType">Type of the class</param>
            <param name="convert">Convert the fields to GraphQL</param>
            <returns>List of (nested) GrapQL fields</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GraphQLFieldsFromJsonp(System.String[])">
            Sorts, reduces and aggregates a list of JSONP queries into
            GraphQL fieldQuery. This is a recursive function and will convert
            <code>["b.c", "a", "b.d"]</code>
            <param name="fields">List of JSONP queries</param>
            <returns>List of (nested) GrapQL fields</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.ReadResponseBodyString(System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage)">
            Extract the response body from an HTTP response. This method
            uses a global timeout variable defined in GRAPHQL_WAITTIME_MS
            <param name="response">Response to read the data from</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.TimeoutException"/>
            <returns>HTTP response body as string</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CastObjects``1(System.Object[])">
            Convert an array of generic object types securely into a specified
            type. If the cast is not successful, this method will use the
            type's default value.
            <typeparam name="T">The Type of the target array</typeparam>
            <param name="input">Array of generic objects to cast</param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeliverTokenString(NebSharp.Types.TokenResponse)">
            Delivers the token to SPUs as a generic method.
            <param name="tokenResponse"></param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.Post(System.String,System.Net.Http.HttpContent)">
            Make a blocking HTTP POST request to the specified URI. This
            method uses a global timeout variable defined in GRAPHQL_WAITTIME_MS.
            <param name="uri">URI to call</param>
            <param name="content">Contents of the request</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.TimeoutException"/>
            <returns>HttpResponse from the request</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.Run``1(NebSharp.GraphQLMethod)">
            Execute a GraphQL method against nebulon on.
            <typeparam name="T">Type of the object that we expect as a response</typeparam>
            <param name="method">GraphQL method</param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateCookieForPath(System.Uri)">
            This method is needed as the HTTP client will not store cookies for a
            domain but per path. This will create a new cookie for the specified
            <param name="uri">The URI for which to set the cookie</param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetHistoricalAlerts(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter)">
            Retrieves a list of resolved alerts
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <tt>100</tt> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the open alerts on the
            server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <exception cref="T:NebSharp.Core.NebException">
            An error with the GraphQL endpoint
            <returns>A paginated list of resolved alerts</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetOpenAlerts(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.AlertFilter)">
            Retrieves a list of open alerts
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <tt>100</tt> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the open alerts on the
            server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <exception cref="T:NebSharp.Core.NebException">
            An error with the GraphQL endpoint
            <returns>A paginated list of open alerts</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetAuditRecords(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.AuditLogFilter)">
            Retrieves a list of audit records
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the audit records on the
            server. If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateDataCenter(System.String,NebSharp.Types.AddressInput,NebSharp.Types.ContactInput[],System.String)">
             Allows creation of a new datacenter object.
             A datacenter record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location and associate address and contact
             information with the physical location. This is useful for effective
             support case handling and reporting purposes.
             <param name="name">
             Name for the new datacenter
             <param name="address">
             Postal address for the new datacenter
             <param name="contacts">
             List of contacts for the new datacenter. At least one
             contact must be provided and exactly one contact must have the
             <c>Primary</c> property set to <c>true</c>.
             <param name="note">
             An optional note for the new datacenter
             <returns>The new datacenter</returns>
             <exception cref="T:NebSharp.Core.NebException">
             An error with the GraphQL endpoint
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteDataCenter(System.Guid,System.Boolean)">
             Allows deletion of an existing datacenter object.
              The deletion of a datacenter is only possible if the datacenter has
              no hosts (servers) associated with any child items. By default,
              deletion of a datacenter is only allowed when the datacenter is not
              referenced by any rooms or if the <c>cascade</c> parameter is set
              to <c>true</c>.
             <param name="dataCenterGuid">
             The unique identifier of the datacenter to delete
             <param name="cascade">
              If set to <c>true</c> any child items of the datacenter (room, row, rack)
              will automatically deleted with this request. If set to <c>false</c>
              or omitted and the datacenter has child objects, the deletion will
              fail with an error.
             <returns>A bool indicating if the deletion was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetDataCenters(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.DataCenterFilter,NebSharp.Types.DataCenterSort)">
            Retrieves a list of datacenter objects.
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the datacenters on the
            server. If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the datacenter objects
            on supported properties. If omitted objects are returned in the
            order as they were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateDataCenter(System.Guid,System.String,NebSharp.Types.ContactInput[],NebSharp.Types.AddressInput,System.String)">
            Allows updating properties of an existing datacenter object
            <param name="dataCenterGuid">
            The unique identifier of the datacenter to update
            <param name="name">
            New name for the datacenter
            <param name="contacts">
            New list of contacts for the new datacenter. At least one
            contact must be provided and exactly one contact must have the
            <c>Primary</c> property set to <c>true</c>.
            <param name="address">
            New postal address for the datacenter
            <param name="note">
            A new note for the datacenter. For removing the note, provide an empty str
            <returns>The updated datacenter</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetHosts(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.HostFilter,NebSharp.Types.HostSort)">
            Retrieves a list of host objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of `100` items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the hosts on the
            server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the host objects
            on supported properties.If omitted objects are returned in the
            order as they were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of hosts</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateHost(System.Guid,NebSharp.Types.UpdateHostInput)">
            Allows updating properties of a host object
            <param name="hostGuid">
            The unique identifier of the host to update
            <param name="input">
            An input object to update host properties
            <returns>Updated host</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteKeyValue(NebSharp.Types.ResourceType,System.Guid,System.String,System.String)">
            Remove a key value entry from a resource
            <param name="resourceType">Type of resource for the key value data</param>
            <param name="nPodGroupGuid">nPod Group identifier</param>
            <param name="resourceId">Identifier of the resource for the key value entry</param>
            <param name="key">Metadata key</param>
            <returns>Indicator if the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetKeyValues(NebSharp.Types.KeyValueFilter)">
            Retrieves a list of key value objects
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter key value objects on the
            server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <returns>A list of key value objects</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.SetKeyValue(NebSharp.Types.ResourceType,System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             Set a key value entry for a resource.
             Allows adding metadata to various resources in nebulon ON in the form of
             key value pairs. This metadata can be used by customers to add arbitrary
             text information to resources that are not part of the default resource
             <param name="resourceType">Type of resource for the key value data</param>
             <param name="nPodGroupGuid">nPod Group identifier</param>
             <param name="resourceId">Identifier of the resource for the key value entry</param>
             <param name="key">Metadata key</param>
             <param name="value">Metadata value</param>
             <returns>Indicator if the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateLun(NebSharp.Types.CreateLunInput)">
             Allows creation of a new LUN
             Allows the creation of a LUN for a volume.A LUN is an instance of a
             volume export that makes a volume accessible to a host.
             At least one host must be specified via <c>HostGuids</c> or
             <c>SpuSerials</c> - either one option must be specified but not
             both. If the <c>Locak</c> option is provided and set to <c>true</c>
             then the volume will be exported with ALUA, otherwise with ALUA
             turned off.
             <param name="input">
             An input definition for the new LUN. Review the CreateLunInput
             properties for configuration details
             <returns>The new LUN if successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteLun(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of a LUN
            <param name="lunGuid">
            The unique identifier of the LUN to delete
            <returns>If the deletion was a success</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteLuns(System.Guid,System.Guid[],System.Guid[])">
            Allows deletion of multiple LUNs
            <param name="volumeGuid">
            The unique identifier of the volume from which the LUNs shall be
            <param name="lunGuids">
            The list of LUN identifiers that shall be deleted. If <c>hostGuids</c>
            is not specified this parameter is mandatory
            <param name="hostGuids">
            The list of host identifiers from which the LUNs shall be deleted.
            If <c>lunGuids</c> is not specified this parameter is mandatory
            <returns>If the deletion was a success</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetLuns(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.LunFilter,NebSharp.Types.LunSort)">
            Retrieves a list of LUN objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the LUNs on the
            server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the LUN objects
            on supported properties.If omitted objects are returned in the
            order as they were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of LUNs</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetMetadata">
            Retrieves a list of metadata information describing UCAPI
            <returns>Metadata information that describes UCAPI</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateNPodGroup(System.String,System.String)">
             Allows creation of a new nPod group object
             Allows creation of a new nPod group object in nebulon ON. A nPod
             group allows logical grouping of nPods into security domains. Each
             nPod group can receive custom security policies.
             <param name="name">
             The name of the new nPod group
             <param name="note">
             The optional note for the new nPod group.
             <returns>The new nPod group</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteNPodGroup(System.Guid)">
            Allows deleting a nPod group object
            <param name="nPodGroupGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod group to delete
            <returns>If the deletion was a success</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNebNPodGroups(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter,NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupSort)">
            Retrieves a list of nPod group objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the items on the server. If omitted, the
            server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the objects on supported
            properties.If omitted objects are returned in the order as they
            were created in.
            <returns>Paginated list of nPod groups</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNPodGroupCount(NebSharp.Types.NPodGroupFilter)">
            Retrieves the number of nPod groups matching the filter
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the items on the server. If omitted, all
            items are counted on the server
            <returns>The number of nPod groups matching the filter</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateNPodGroup(System.Guid,System.String,System.String)">
             Allows updating new nPod group object properties
             Allows updating of an existing nPod group object in nebulon ON. A
             nPod group allows logical grouping of nPods into security domains.
             Each nPod group can receive custom security policies.
             <param name="nPodGroupGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod group to update
             <param name="name">
             The new name of the nPod group
             <param name="note">
             The new note for the nPod group. For removing the note, provide an
             empty string.
             <returns>The updated nPod group</returns>
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection.NPOD_CREATE_WAITTIME_SEC">
            Total wait time in seconds until a nPod is created
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateNPod(System.String,System.Guid,NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput[],System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
             Allows creation of a new nPod
             A nPod is a collection of network-connected application servers
             with SPUs installed that form an application cluster. Together, the
             SPUs in a nPod serve shared or local storage to the servers in the
             application cluster, e.g.a hypervisor cluster, container platform,
             or clustered bare metal application.
             <param name="name">
             Name of the new nPod
             <param name="nPodGroupGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod group this nPod will be added to
             <param name="nPodSpuInputs">
             List of SPU configuration information that will be used in the new
             <param name="templateGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod template to use for the new nPod
             <param name="note">
             An optional note for the new nPod
             <param name="timezone">
             The timezone to be configured for all SPUs in the nPod
             <param name="ignoreWarnings">
             If specified and set to <c>true</c> the nPod creation will proceed
             even if nebulon ON reports warnings. It is advised to not ignore
             warnings. Consequently, the default behavior is that the nPod
             creation will fail when nebulon ON reports validation errors.
             <returns>The new nPod</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteNPod(System.Guid,System.Boolean)">
            Delete an existing nPod
            Deletes an nPod and erases all stored data.During nPod deletion the
            configuration of SPUs in an nPod is wiped and data encryption keys
            are erased. This renders all data in the nPod unrecoverable. This
            operation is irreversible.
            <param name="nPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod to delete
            <param name="secureErase">
            Forces a secure wipe of the nPod. While this is not required in
            most cases as nPod deletion will destroy the encryption keys and
            render data unreadable, it allows to explicitly overwrite data on
            server SSDs. Only use this flag when decommissioning storage as the
            secure_wipe procedure will take some time.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNebNPods(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.NPodFilter,NebSharp.Types.NebNpodSort)">
            Retrieve a list of provisioned nPods
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the nPods on the server. If omitted, the
            server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the nPod objects on supported
            properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order as they
            were created in.
            A paginated list of nPods
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.SendNPodDebugInfo(System.Guid,System.String)">
             Allows sending verbose diagnostic information to nebulon ON
             In cases where more in-depth diagnostic information is required to
             resolve customer issues, this method allows capturing and uploading
             verbose diagnostic information from SPUs in the specified nPod
             through a secure channel to nebulon ON.
             <param name="nPodGuid">
             The unique identifier of the affected nPod.
             <param name="note">
             Allows specifying additional textual information that is
             added to the diagnostic bundle.This allows a user to provide
             accompanying information, describe an observed issue.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.SetNPodTimezone(System.Guid,System.String)">
            Allows setting the timezone for all SPUs in an nPod
            <param name="nPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod that is being modified
            <param name="timezone">
            The target timezone for the nPod. Refer to the <c>Timezone</c>
            enumeration for available options. By default <c>UTC</c> is used
            for the timezone.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNewNPodIssues(NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput[])">
            Internal method that checks for issues during nPod creation.
            <param name="nPodSpuInputs"></param>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateNPodTemplate(NebSharp.Types.CreateNPodTemplateInput)">
            Create a new nPod template
            <param name="input">
            An input object that describes the new nPod template
            <returns>The created nPod template</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteNPodTemplate(System.Guid)">
             Delete an existing nPod template tree
             This deletes an nPod template and all associated versions will
             become unavailable for nPod provisioning if the <c>ParentGuid</c>
             is supplied, otherwise the specific version is deleted.
             <param name="nPodTemplateGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod template tree. The <c>ParentGuid</c>
             property of the nPod template should be used for deletion.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNPodTemplates(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateFilter,NebSharp.Types.NPodTemplateSort)">
            Retrieve a list of provisioned nPod templates
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the nPod templates on the server. If
            omitted, the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the nPod template objects on
            supported properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order
            as they were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of nPod templates</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateNPodTemplate(NebSharp.Types.UpdateNPodTemplateInput)">
            Update an existing nPod template.
            Every change to a nPod template will create a new version of the
            template and generate a new unique identifier (Guid). The parent /
            original nPod template is accessible via the nPod template
            <c>ParentGuid</c> property.
            <param name="input">
            An input object that describes the changes to the nPod template
            <returns>The created nPod template</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetPhysicalDrives(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveFilter,NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveSort)">
            Retrieves a list of physical drive objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the physical drives on the server. If
            omitted, the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the physical drive objects on
            supported properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order
            as they were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetPhysicalDriveUpdates(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesFilter,NebSharp.Types.PhysicalDriveUpdatesSort)">
            Retrieves a list of physical drive update objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the physical drive updates on the server.
            If omitted, the server will return all objects as a paginated
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the physical drive update objects
            on supported properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order
            as they were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.LocatePhysicalDrive(System.String,System.Int64)">
            Turn on the locate LED of a physical drive
            <param name="wwn">
            The world-wide name of the physical drive
            <param name="durationSeconds">
            The number of seconds after which the locate LED will automatically
            be turned off again
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdatePhysicalDriveFirmware(System.Nullable{System.Guid},System.String,System.Boolean)">
             Update the firmware of physical drives.
             Either <c>nPodGuid</c> or <c>spuSerial</c> must be specified
             <param name="nPodGuid">
             The nPod unique identifier.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The SPU serial number
             <param name="acceptEula">
             Specify <c>true</c> if you accept the physical drive end user
             license agreement. If not specified or set to <c>false</c> the
             update will fail.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateRack(System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             Allows creation of a new rack object
             A rack record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location.
             <param name="rowGuid">
             Unique identifier for the parent row
             <param name="name">
             Name for the new rack
             <param name="note">
             An optional note for the new rack
             <param name="location">
             An optional location for the new rack
             <returns>The new rack</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteRack(System.Guid)">
             Allows deletion of an existing rack object
             The deletion of a rack is only possible if the rack has no hosts
             (servers) associated.
             <param name="rackGuid">
             The unique identifier of the datacenter room to delete
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetRacks(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.RackFilter,NebSharp.Types.RackSort)">
            Retrieves a list of rack objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of `100` items.</param>
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the racks on the server. If omitted,
            the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the racks on supported properties.
            If omitted objects are returned in the order as they were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateRack(System.Guid,System.Nullable{System.Guid},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             Allows updating properties of an existing rack object
             <para>At least one property must be specified</para>
             <param name="rackGuid">
             The unique identifier of the rack to update
             <param name="rowGuid">
             New parent row for the rack
             <param name="name">
             New name for the rack
             <param name="note">
             The new note for the rack. For removing the note, provide an empty
             <param name="location">
             A new optional location for the new datacenter room
             <returns>The updated rack object</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateRbacPolicy(System.Guid,System.String[])">
            Allows creation of a new RBAC policy
            <param name="roleGuid">
            The RBAC role unique identifier to associate with the policy
            <param name="scopes">
            List of scope definitions that this policy applies to. At least one
            scope must be provided.
            <returns>The new RBAC policy</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateRbacRole(System.String,System.String,System.String[])">
            Allows creation of a new RBAC role.
            <param name="name">
            Human readable name for the RBAC role
            <param name="description">
            A description that well describes the role and associated rights.
            The role description should provide enough clarity so that users
            should not have to read individual rights
            <param name="rights">
            List of rights definitions. Please review the class description of
            options for <c>Resource</c> and <c>Permission</c> in the rights string
            that is in the format <c>{resource}/{permission}</c>. Use the
            <c>GetMetadata</c> query to retrieve the latest list of options.
            <returns>The new RBAC role</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteRbacPolicy(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of an RBAC policy object
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the RBAC policy to delete
            <returns>If the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteRbacRole(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of an RBAC role object
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the RBAC role to delete
            <returns>If the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetRbacPolicies(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicyFilter,NebSharp.Types.RbacPolicySort)">
            Retrieves a list of RBAC policy objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.</param>
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the RBAC policies on the server. If omitted,
            the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the RBAC policies on supported properties.
            If omitted objects are returned in the order as they were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of RBAC policies.</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetRbacRoles(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleFilter,NebSharp.Types.RbacRoleSort)">
            Retrieves a list of RBAC role objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of `100` items.</param>
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the RBAC roles on the server. If omitted,
            the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the RBAC roles on supported properties.
            If omitted objects are returned in the order as they were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of RBAC roles</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateRbacPolicy(System.Guid,System.String[])">
            Allows updating of RBAC policy properties
            <param name="guid">
            The RBAC policy unique identifier to update
            <param name="scopes">
            List of scope definitions that this policy applies to. At least one
            scope must be provided.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateRbacRole(System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String[])">
            Allows updating of RBAC role properties
            <param name="guid">
            The RBAC role unique identifier to update
            <param name="name">
            Human readable name for the RBAC role
            <param name="description">
            A description that well describes the role and associated rights.
            The role description should provide enough clarity so that users
            should not have to read individual rights
            <param name="rights">
            List of rights definitions. Please review the class description of
            options for <c>Resource</c> and <c>Permission</c> in the rights string
            that is in the format <c>{resource}/{permission}</c>. Use the
            <c>GetMetadata</c> query to retrieve the latest list of options.
            <returns>The new RBAC role</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNPodRecipes(NebSharp.Types.NPodRecipeFilter)">
             Retrieves a list of recipes
             Recipes are the result of mutations of mutations or modifications of
             on-premises infrastructure. As commands may require some time to
             complete, the recipe filter allows the query for their status.
             <param name="filter">
             A filter object to filter the nPod recipes on the server. If
             omitted, the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
             A paginated list of nPod recipes
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateRoom(System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             Allows creation of a new datacenter room object
             A datacenter room record allows customers to logically organize their
             infrastructure by physical location.
             <param name="dataCenterGuid">
             Unique identifier for the parent datacenter
             <param name="name">
             Name for the new datacenter room
             <param name="note">
             An optional note for the new datacenter room
             <param name="location">
             An optional location for the new datacenter room
             <returns>The new datacenter room</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteRoom(System.Guid,System.Boolean)">
             Allows deletion of an existing datacenter room object
             The deletion of a datacenter room is only possible if the room
             has no hosts (servers) associated with any child items. By default,
             deletion of a datacenter room is only allowed when it is not
             referenced by any rows or if the <c>cascade</c> parameter is set
             to <c>true</c>.
             <param name="roomGuid">
             The unique identifier of the datacenter room to delete
             <param name="cascade">
             If set to True any child items of the datacenter room
             (row, rack) will automatically deleted with this request. If set
             to False or omitted and the datacenter room has child objects, the
             deletion will fail with an error.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetRooms(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.RoomFilter,NebSharp.Types.RoomSort)">
            Retrieves a list of datacenter room objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of `100` items.</param>
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the datacenter rooms on
            the server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the datacenter rooms
            on supported properties.If omitted objects are returned in the
            order as they were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateRoom(System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
             Allows updating properties of an existing datacenter room object
             <para>At least one property must be specified</para>
             <param name="roomGuid">
             The unique identifier of the datacenter room to update
             <param name="name">
             New name for the datacenter room
             <param name="note">
             The new note for the datacenter room. For removing the
             note, provide an empty str
             <param name="location">
             A new optional location for the new datacenter room
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateRow(System.String,System.Guid,System.String,System.String)">
             Allows creation of a new datacenter room object
             Allows the creation of a row object in nebulon ON. A row record
             allows customers to logically organize their infrastructure by
             physical location.
             <param name="name">
             Name for the new row
             <param name="roomGuid">
             Unique identifier for the parent room
             <param name="note">
             An optional note for the new row
             <param name="location">
             An optional location for the new row
             <returns>The new row in a datacenter</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteRow(System.Guid,System.Boolean)">
            Allows deletion of an existing row object
            The deletion of a row is only possible if the row has no hosts
            (servers) associated with any child items. By default, deletion of
            a row is only allowed when it is not referenced by any racks or if
            the <c>cascade</c> parameter is set to <c>true</c>.
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the row to delete
            <param name="cascade">
            If set to <c>true</c> any child items of the row (rack) will
            automatically deleted with this request. If set to <c>false</c> or
            omitted and the row has child objects, the deletion will fail with
            an error.
            <returns>If the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetRows(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.RowFilter,NebSharp.Types.RowSort)">
            Retrieves a list of row objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the row on the server. If omitted, the
            server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the row on supported properties.
            If omitted objects are returned in the order as they were created
            <returns>A paginated list of rows in a datacenter</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.Update(System.Guid,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Guid},System.String,System.String)">
             Allows updating properties of an existing datacenter room object.
             At least one property must be specified.
             <param name="guid">
             The unique identifier of the row to update
             <param name="name">
             New name for the row
             <param name="roomGuid">
             New parent room for the row
             <param name="note">
             The new note for the row. For removing the note, provide an empty str.
             <param name="location">
             A new optional location for the row
             <returns>The updated datacenter row object</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetSessionState">
            Allows querying for the current login state
            <returns>Session state</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.Login(System.String,System.String)">
            Login to nebulon ON
            <param name="username">User name</param>
            <param name="password">Password</param>
            <returns>Login request result</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.Logout">
            Logout from nebulon ON
            <returns>If the logout request was successful</returns>
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection.SNAPSHOT_CREATE_WAITTIME_SEC">
            Total wait time in seconds until a snapshot is created
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateClone(System.String,System.Guid)">
            Allows creating a read/writeable clone of a volume or snapshot
            Allows the creation of a volume clone from a base volume or
            snapshot. Clones are read and writeable copies of another volume.
            Clones can be used to quickly instantiate copies of data and data
            for recovery purposes when applications require read/write access
            for copy operations.
            <param name="name">
            The human readable name for the volume clone
            <param name="volumeGuid">
            The unique identifier for the volume or snapshot from which to
            create the clone.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateSnapshot(System.Guid[],System.String[],System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Int64})">
            Allows creation of an on-demand snapshot of volumes
            If multiple volumes are provided, multiple name patterns are
            required, where the index of the list of items are related. For
            example, the name pattern at index <c>3</c> of the
            <c>namePatterns</c> parameter will be applied to the volume
            specified at index <c>3</c> of the <c>parentVolumeGuids</c> list.
            <param name="parentVolumeGuids">
            List of unique identifiers for all volumes for which to create a
            <param name="namePatterns">
            List of naming patterns for volume snapshots. Options of the
            <c>strftime</c> function are available to format time and the
            variable <c>%v</c> that will be translated to the volume name.
            <param name="expirationSeconds">
            The number of seconds after snapshot creation when the snapshots
            will be automatically deleted
            <param name="retentionSeconds">
            The number of seconds before a user can delete the snapshots.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateSnapshotScheduleTemplate(System.String,System.String,NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
            Allows creation of a new snapshot schedule template
            Allows the creation of snapshot schedule templates. Snapshot
            schedule templates are used to consistently provision snapshot
            schedules across nPods. They are referenced in nPod templates and
            are provisioned when a nPod is formed from such a template.
            <param name="name">
            Human readable name for the snapshot schedule template
            <param name="namePattern">
            A naming pattern for volume snapshot names when they are
            automatically created. Available variables for the format string
            are from the standard <c>strftime</c> function. Additionally
            <c>%v</c> is used for the base volume name.
            <param name="schedule">
            The schedule by which volume snapshots will be created
            <param name="expirationSeconds">
            A time in seconds when snapshots will be automatically deleted. If
            not specified, snapshots will not be deleted automatically (not
            <param name="retentionSeconds">
            A time in seconds that prevents users from deleting snapshots. If
            not specified, snapshots can be immediately deleted.
            <param name="ignoreBootVolumes">
            Allows specifying if boot volumes shall be included when doing
            snapshots (<c>true</c>) or if they shall be ignored (<c>false</c>).
            By default, all volumes are included.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteSnapshotScheduleTemplate(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of an existing snapshot schedule template
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the snapshot schedule template to delete
            <returns>If the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetSnapshotSchedules(System.Guid)">
            Retrieves a list of provisioned snapshot schedules on an nPod
            <param name="nPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod from which the snapshot schedules
            shall be retrieved.
            <returns>A list of snapshot schedules</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetSnapshotScheduleTemplates(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateFilter,NebSharp.Types.SnapshotScheduleTemplateSort)">
            Retrieves a list of snapshot schedule template objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the snapshot schedule template objects
            on the server. If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the snapshot schedule template
            objects on supported properties. If omitted objects are returned in
            the order as they were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateSnapshotScheduleTemplate(System.Guid,System.String,System.String,NebSharp.Types.ScheduleInput,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
             Allows updating the properties of a snapshot schedule template
             Allows updating of snapshot schedule template properties. Snapshot
             schedule templates are used to consistently provision snapshot
             schedules across nPods. They are referenced in nPod templates and
             are provisioned when a nPod is formed from such a template.
             <param name="guid">
             The unique identifier of the snapshot schedule template to update
             <param name="name">
             Human readable name for the snapshot schedule template
             <param name="namePattern">
             A naming pattern for volume snapshot names when they are
             automatically created. Available variables for the format string
             are from the standard <c>strftime</c> function. Additionally
             <c>%v</c> is used for the base volume name.
             <param name="schedule">
             The schedule by which volume snapshots will be created
             <param name="expirationSeconds">
             A time in seconds when snapshots will be automatically deleted. If
             not specified, snapshots will not be deleted automatically (not
             <param name="retentionSeconds">
             A time in seconds that prevents users from deleting snapshots. If
             not specified, snapshots can be immediately deleted.
             <param name="ignoreBootVolumes">
             Allows specifying if boot volumes shall be included when doing
             snapshots (<c>true</c>) or if they shall be ignored (<c>false</c>).
             By default, all volumes are included.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.ClaimSpu(System.String)">
             Adds an unregistered SPU to the organization
             SPUs need to be claimed by an organization before they can be used
             for nPod creation.While the nPod creation command will perform an
             implicit claim, this method allows registering SPUs with an
             organization without creating an nPod.
             Once an SPU was claimed, it will become visible in the <c>GetSpus</c>
             query and in the nebulon ON web user interface.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number of the SPU to register with an organization.
             <returns>If the claim process was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteSpuInformation(System.String)">
            Allows deletion of SPU information in nebulon ON
            <param name="spuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetSpuCustomDiagnostics(System.String)">
             Retrieves a list of custom diagnostic command requests
             Custom diagnostic command requests are used by customer satisfaction
             teams to run arbitrary troubleshooting commands on SPUs. These
             require user confirmation.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number for which to query for custom diagnostic command
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetSpus(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.SpuFilter,NebSharp.Types.SpuSort)">
            Retrieves a list of SPUs
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the SPUs on the server. If omitted, the
            server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the SPU objects on supported
            properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order as they
            were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.LocateSpu(System.String)">
             Turns on the locate LED pattern of the SPU
             Allows identification of an SPU in the servers by turning on the
             locate LED pattern for the SPU. Please consult the Cloud-Defined
             Storage manual for the LED blink patterns.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number of the SPU
             <returns>If the process was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.ReleaseSpu(System.String)">
            Removes an SPU from an organization
            <param name="spuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.ReplaceSpu(System.Guid,System.String,NebSharp.Types.NPodSpuInput,System.Guid)">
             Allows replacing an SPU
             The replace services processing unit (SPU) operation is used to
             transition the configuration of an old, likely failed, SPU to a new
             replacement unit and allows modifying the configuration during the
             <param name="nPodGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod of the old SPU that is being
             <param name="previousSpuSerial">
             The serial number of the old SPU that is being replaced
             <param name="newSpuInfo">
             Configuration information for the new SPU
             <param name="sSetGuid">
             The storage set information for the existing SPU. This information
             can be obtained from the active replacement alert and only used to
             verify that the correct SPU is selected.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.RunCustomDiagnostics(System.String,System.Nullable{System.Guid},System.String,System.Nullable{System.Guid})">
             Allows running custom diagnostic commands
             SPU custom diagnostics requests allows customers to run arbitrary
             diagnostic commands on the services processing units as part of
             troubleshooting issues during a support case.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number of the SPU on which to run diagnostic
             <param name="npodGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod on which to run diagnostic
             <param name="diagnosticName">
             The name of the diagnostic to run
             <param name="requestGuid">
             The unique identifier of the custom diagnostic request to run
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.SecureEraseSpu(System.String)">
             Allows to secure-erase data on a services processing unit (SPU)
             The secure erase functionality allows a deep-erase of data stored
             on the physical drives attached to the SPU.Only SPUs that are not
             part of a nPod can be secure-erased.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number of the SPU to secure-erase
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.SendSpuDebugInfo(System.String,System.String)">
             Allows submitting additional debugging information to nebulon ON
             Used for customers to send additional debug information to nebulon
             ON for troubleshooting and resolve issues.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number of the SPU
             <param name="note">
             An optional note to attach to the debug information
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.SetSpuProxy(System.String,System.String)">
            Allows configuring a proxy server for an SPU
            <param name="spuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU
            <param name="proxy">
            The proxy server IP address
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateSupportCase(NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput)">
            Allows creation of a new support case
            <param name="supportCase">
            A support case input object
            <returns>The created support case</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetSupportCases(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseFilter,NebSharp.Types.SupportCaseSort)">
            Retrieves a list of support cases
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional
            argument and if omitted the server will default to returning the
            first page with a maximum of `100` items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter support cases on the
            server.If omitted, the server will return all objects as a
            paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort support case objects
            on supported properties.If omitted objects are returned in the
            order as they were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of support cases</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateSupportCase(System.String,NebSharp.Types.CreateSupportCaseInput)">
            Allows updating an existing support case
            <param name="number">
            The case number of the support case to update
            <param name="supportCase">
            An input object that describes all fields to update
            <returns>The updated support case</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UploadSupportCaseAttachment(System.String,System.String)">
            Allows uploading and attaching files to a support case
            <param name="number">
            The case number of the support case to update
            <param name="filePath">
            The absolute path to the file to upload
            <returns>The updated support case</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.AbortFirmwareUpdate(System.String,System.Nullable{System.Guid})">
             Abort an ongoing firmware update
             Either <c>spuSerial</c> or <c>nPodGuid</c> must be specified.
             <param name="spuSerial">
             The serial number of the SPU
             <param name="nPodGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetUpdatePackages">
            Retrieves a list of update packages
            An object describing latest, available, and recommended nebOS
            software packages
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetUpdateState(System.Nullable{System.Guid},System.Nullable{System.Guid})">
             Retrieves a list of active updates
             Allows querying for currently ongoing updates and their status
             <param name="nPodGuid">
             Filter active updates for a specific nPod by providing its unique
             <param name="updateGuid">
             The unique identifier of an ongoing update
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateNPodFirmware(System.Guid,System.String,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Boolean)">
            Update nPod firmware to specified package
            <param name="nPodGuid">
            The unique identifier of the nPod to update
            <param name="packageName">
            The package name to install
            <param name="scheduleAt">
            Allows scheduling the installation of a package at the specified
            date and time. If omitted, the package will be installed immediately
            <param name="ignoreWarnings">
            If specified warnings that are discovered during the update
            pre-check are ignored (not recommended). If omitted or set to
            <c>false</c> will cause the update to stop.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateSpuFirmware(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
            Update nebOS of an SPU to a specific package
            <param name="spuSerial">
            The serial number of the SPU to update
            <param name="packageName">
            The name of the update package to install
            <param name="force">
            If set to <c>true</c> the update will bypass any safeguards
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.RunUpdatePreCheck(System.Guid,System.String)">
             Runs diagnostics before an update is installed
             Ensures that an nPod is in a healthy state and that there are no
             issues preventing a successful update.
             <param name="nPodGuid">
             The unique identifier of the nPod for which the update pre-check
             is performed
             <param name="packageName">
             The package name to be installed
             A list of warnings and errors discovered during the pre-check
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateUserGroup(System.String,System.Guid[],System.String)">
            Allows creating a new user group in nebulon ON
            <param name="name">
            The name of the user group
            <param name="policyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies that shall be assigned to the user group
            <param name="note">
            An optional note for the user
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteNebUserGroup(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of a user group
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the user group that should be deleted
            <returns>If the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetNebUserGroupCount(NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter)">
            Get the number of user groups that match the specified filter
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the user group objects on the server. If
            omitted, the server will count all objects.
            <returns>The number of user groups matching the filter</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetUserGroups(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.UserGroupFilter,NebSharp.Types.UserGroupSort)">
            Retrieves a list of user group objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the user group objects on the server. If
            omitted, the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the user group objects on supported
            properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order as they
            were created in.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateUserGroup(System.Guid,System.String,System.Guid[],System.String)">
            Allow updating properties of an existing user group
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the user group to update
            <param name="name">
            New name for the user group
            <param name="policyGuids">
            List of RBAC policies that shall be assigned to the user group
            <param name="note">
            An optional note for the user
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateUser(NebSharp.Types.CreateUserInput)">
            Allows creating a new user in nebulon ON
            <param name="input">
            The configuration for the new user
            <returns>The new user</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteUser(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of a user account
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the user that should be deleted
            <returns>If the query was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetUserCount(NebSharp.Types.UserFilter)">
            Get the number of users that match the specified filter
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the user objects on the server. If
            omitted, the server will count all objects.
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetUsers(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.UserFilter,NebSharp.Types.UserSort)">
            Retrieves a list of user objects
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the user objects on the server. If
            omitted, the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the user objects on supported
            properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order as they
            were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of users</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.UpdateUser(System.Guid,NebSharp.Types.UpdateUserInput)">
            Allow updating properties of an existing user
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the user that should be updated
            <param name="input">
            The updates for the user
        <member name="F:NebSharp.NebConnection.VOLUME_CREATE_WAITTIME_SEC">
            Total wait time in seconds until a snapshot is created
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.CreateVolume(NebSharp.Types.CreateVolumeInput)">
            Allows creation of a new volume
            <param name="input">
            Configuration definition for the new volume
            <returns>The created volume</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.DeleteVolume(System.Guid)">
            Allows deletion of a volume
            <param name="guid">
            The unique identifier of the volume or snapshot to delete
            <returns>If the request was successful</returns>
        <member name="M:NebSharp.NebConnection.GetVolumes(NebSharp.Types.PageInput,NebSharp.Types.VolumeFilter,NebSharp.Types.VolumeSort)">
            Returns a list of configured <b>NebVolume</b> instances based on the
            provided page and filter information.
            <param name="page">
            The requested page from the server. This is an optional argument
            and if omitted the server will default to returning the first page
            with a maximum of <c>100</c> items.
            <param name="filter">
            A filter object to filter the volumes on the server. If omitted,
            the server will return all objects as a paginated response.
            <param name="sort">
            A sort definition object to sort the volume objects on supported
            properties. If omitted objects are returned in the order as they
            were created in.
            <returns>A paginated list of volumes</returns>