
These series of PowerShell functions allow administrators to automate many functions in Nectar 10 that are otherwise difficult or time-consuming to perform in the UI.
To install, place the Nectar10.psm1, Nectar10.psd1 and format.ps1xml in a folder called Nectar10 in your %ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder.
To begin, start a PowerShell session and type:
Connect-NectarCloud (or whatever tenant you want to connect to). You will be prompted to input the creds for the tenant you want to connect to.
Once you are successfully connected, you can run any number of commands. For a complete list, type Get-Command -Module Nectar10.
If you want help with a particular command, type Get-Help <commandname> -Full (ie. Get-Help Connect-NectarCloud -Full).

############################################################## Tenant Connection Functions ##############################################################

Function Connect-NectarCloud {
        Connects to Nectar 10 cloud and store the credentials for later use.
        Connects to Nectar 10 cloud and store the credentials for later use.
        .PARAMETER CloudFQDN
        The FQDN of the Nectar 10 cloud.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of a Nectar 10 cloud tenant to connect to and use for subsequent commands. Only useful for multi-tenant deployments
        .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials used to access the Nectar 10 UI. Normally in format
        .PARAMETER StoredCredentialTarget
        Use stored credentials saved via New-StoredCredential. Requires prior installation of CredentialManager module via Install-Module CredentialManager, and running:
        Get-Credential | New-StoredCredential -Target MyN10Creds -Persist LocalMachine
        $Cred = Get-Credential
        Connect-NectarCloud -Credential $cred -CloudFQDN
        Connects to the Nectar 10 cloud using the credentials supplied to the Get-Credential command
        Connect-NectarCloud -CloudFQDN -StoredCredentialTarget MyN10Creds
        Connects to Nectar 10 cloud using previously stored credentials called MyN10Creds
        Version 1.3

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateScript ({
            If ($_ -Match "(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$)") {
            Else {
                Throw "ERROR: Nectar 10 cloud name must be in FQDN format."
        [string] $CloudFQDN,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [PSCredential] $Credential,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    # Need to force TLS 1.2, if not already set
    If ([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -ne 'Tls12') { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 }
    # Ask for the tenant name if global Nectar tenant variable not available and not entered on command line
    If ((-not $Global:NectarCloud) -And (-not $CloudFQDN)) {
        $CloudFQDN = Read-Host "Enter the Nectar 10 cloud FQDN"
    ElseIf (($Global:NectarCloud) -And (-not $CloudFQDN)) {
        $CloudFQDN = $Global:NectarCloud
    # Ask for credentials if global Nectar creds aren't available
    If (((-not $Global:NectarCred) -And (-not $Credential)) -Or (($Global:NectarCloud -ne $CloudFQDN) -And (-Not $Credential)) -And (-Not $StoredCredentialTarget)) {
        $Credential = Get-Credential
    ElseIf ($Global:NectarCred -And (-not $Credential)) {
        $Credential = $Global:NectarCred
    # Pull stored credentials if specified
    If ($StoredCredentialTarget) {
        Try {
            $Credential = Get-StoredCredential -Target $StoredCredentialTarget
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Cannot find stored credential for target: $StoredCredentialTarget"
    If ((-not $Global:NectarCred) -Or (-not $Global:NectarCloud) -Or ($Global:NectarCloud -ne $CloudFQDN)) {
        # Attempt connection to tenant
        $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$CloudFQDN/dapi/info/network/types" -Method GET -Credential $Credential -UseBasicParsing
        If ($WebRequest.StatusCode -ne 200) {
            Write-Error "Could not connect to $CloudFQDN using $($Credential.UserName)"
        Else {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successful connection to https://$CloudFQDN using" ($Credential).UserName
            $Global:NectarCloud = $CloudFQDN
            $Global:NectarCred = $Credential
            # If there is only one availabe tenant, assign that to the NectarTenantName global variable
            $TenantList = $WebRequest | ConvertFrom-Json
            If ($TenantList.Count -eq 1) { $Global:NectarTenantName = $TenantList }            
    # Check to see if tenant name was entered and set global variable, if valid.
    If ($TenantName) {
        $TenantList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/tenant"
         Try {
            If ($TenantList -Contains $TenantName) {
                $Global:NectarTenantName = $TenantName
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successsfully set the tenant name to $TenantName. This name will be used in all subsequent commands."
            Else {
                $TenantList | %{$TList += ($(if($TList){", "}) + $_)}
                Write-Error "Could not find a tenant with the name $TenantName on https://$Global:NectarCloud. Select one of $TList"
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Invalid tenant name on https://$Global:NectarCloud"
    ElseIf ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TenantName')) { # Remove the NectarTenantName global variable only if TenantName is explicitly set to NULL
        Remove-Variable NectarTenantName -Scope Global -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

Function Connect-NectarCloudSSO {
        Connects to Nectar 10 cloud via SSO and store the crendentials for later use.
        Connects to Nectar 10 cloud via SSO and store the crendentials for later use.
        .PARAMETER CloudFQDN
        The FQDN of the Nectar 10 cloud.
        .PARAMETER DomainName
        The name of the SSO domain to use for connecting to N10
        Version 0.1 (not working yet)

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateScript ({
            If ($_ -Match "(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-)\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$)") {
            Else {
                Throw "ERROR: Nectar 10 cloud name must be in FQDN format."
        [string] $CloudFQDN,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
    # Need to force TLS 1.2, if not already set
    If ([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -ne 'Tls12') { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 }
    # Ask for the tenant name if global Nectar tenant variable not available and not entered on command line
    If ((-not $Global:NectarCloud) -And (-not $CloudFQDN)) {
        $CloudFQDN = Read-Host "Enter the Nectar 10 cloud FQDN"
    ElseIf (($Global:NectarCloud) -And (-not $CloudFQDN)) {
        $CloudFQDN = $Global:NectarCloud
    # Check that the entered domain is valid
    $DomainCheck = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$CloudFQDN/adminapi/user/sso/domain/exists?domain=$DomainName" -Method GET
    If ($DomainCheck.content -eq 'True') {
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$CloudFQDN/saml/login?domain=$DomainName" -Method POST
    Else {
        Write-Error "The domain name $DomainName is not valid for $CloudFQDN."
    # This opens the auth provider portal in a web browser and progresses from there to the N10 web UI.
    # Need to figure out how to intercept the auth token for PS usage.

Function Get-NectarCloudInfo {
        Shows information about the active Nectar 10 connection
        Shows information about the active Nectar 10 connection
        Version 1.1

    param ()
    $CloudInfo = "" | Select-Object -Property CloudFQDN, Credential
    $CloudInfo.CloudFQDN = $Global:NectarCloud
    $CloudInfo.Credential = ($Global:NectarCred).UserName
    $CloudInfo | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.CloudInfo'
    Try {
        $TenantCount = Get-NectarTenantNames
        If ($TenantCount.Count -gt 1) {
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName) {
                $CloudInfo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $Global:NectarTenantName
            Else {
                $CloudInfo | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue '<Not Set>'
    Catch {
    Return $CloudInfo

Function Get-NectarTenantNames {
        Shows all the available Nectar tenants on the cloud host.
        Shows all the available Nectar tenants on the cloud host. Only available for multi-tenant deployments.
        Version 1.0

    param ()
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/tenant"
            $TenantList = @()
            Foreach ($Item in $JSON) {
                $PSObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    TenantName = $Item
                $TenantList += $PSObject
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'No tenants found, or insufficient permissions.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarTenantDatasources {
        Shows all the datasources available on a given tenant.
        Shows all the datasources available on a given tenant.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            If (!$TenantName) { $TenantName = Set-NectarDefaultTenantName }

            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/tenant/datasources?tenant=$TenantName"
            Return $JSON
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'No tenant datasources found, or insufficient permissions.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarTenantPlatforms {
        Shows all the platforms available on a given tenant.
        Shows all the platforms available on a given tenant.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            If (!$TenantName) { $TenantName = Set-NectarDefaultTenantName }

            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/tenant/platforms?tenant=$TenantName"

            ForEach ($Item in $JSON) {
                $PlatformList = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                    TenantName = $TenantName
                    Platform = $Item.platform
                    Supported = $Item.supported
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'No tenant platforms found, or insufficient permissions.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Disconnect-NectarCloud {
        Disconnects from any active Nectar 10 connection
        Essentially deletes any stored credentials and FQDN from global variables
        Disconnects from all active connections to Nectar 10 tenants
        Version 1.1

    param ()
    Remove-Variable NectarCred -Scope Global -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Variable NectarCloud -Scope Global -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Variable NectarTenantName -Scope Global -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

############################################################## Tenant Email Domain Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarEmailDomain {
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 allowed email domains that can be used for login IDs.
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 allowed email domains that can be used for login IDs.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Returns all the allowed email domains for the logged in tenant.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/client/domains?searchQuery=$SearchQuery&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize"

            If ($JSON.domainNames) { Return $JSON.domainNames }
            If ($JSON.elements) { Return $JSON.elements }
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'No email domains found, or insufficient permissions.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function New-NectarEmailDomain {
        Add a new allowed email domain that can be used for login IDs.
        Add a new allowed email domain that can be used for login IDs.
        .PARAMETER EmailDomain
        The email domain to add to the tenant.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        New-NectarEmailDomain -EmailDomain
        Adds the email domain to the logged in Nectar 10 tenant.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/client/domains?tenant=$TenantName"
        $JSONBody = $EmailDomain
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose "Successfully added $EmailDomain as an allowed email domain."
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to add $EmailDomain to list of allowed email domains."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Remove-NectarEmailDomain {
        Remove an allowed email domain that can be used for login IDs.
        Remove an allowed email domain that can be used for login IDs.
        .PARAMETER EmailDomain
        The email domain to remove from the tenant.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Remove-NectarEmailDomain -EmailDomain
        Removes the email domain from the list of allowed domains on the logged in Nectar 10 tenant.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }

        If ($EmailDomain -and !$Identity) {
            $Identity = (Get-NectarEmailDomain -TenantName $TenantName -SearchQuery $EmailDomain -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable GetDomainError).ID

        If (!$GetDomainError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/client/domains/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"

            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                Write-Verbose "Successfully deleted $EmailDomain from list of allowed email account domains."
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to delete email domain $EmailDomain. Ensure you typed the name of the email domain correctly."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## Tenant Admin User Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarAdmin {
        Get information about 1 or more Nectar 10 users.
        Get information about 1 or more Nectar 10 users.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        A full or partial match of the user's first or last name or email address
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Get-NectarAdmin -SearchQuery
        Returns information about the user
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/users?searchQuery=$SearchQuery&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize"
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.AdminList'            
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to get user details."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Set-NectarAdmin {
        Update 1 or more Nectar 10 admin accounts.
        Update 1 or more Nectar 10 admin accounts.
        .PARAMETER FirstName
        The first name of the user
        .PARAMETER LastName
        The last name of the user
        .PARAMETER EmailAddress
        The email address of the user
        .PARAMETER AdminStatus
        True if Admin, False if not. Used when importing many admin accounts via CSV
        .PARAMETER IsAdmin
        Include if user is to be an admin. If not present, then user will be read-onl
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical identity of the user
        Set-NectarAdmin Identity 233
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        # If ($IsAdmin -and !$AdminStatus) {
            # $AdminStatus = "true"
        # }
        # ElseIf (!$IsAdmin -and !$AdminStatus) {
            # $AdminStatus = "false"
        # }
        If ($EmailAddress -And !$Identity) {
            $UserInfo = Get-NectarAdmin -SearchQuery $EmailAddress -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1
            $Identity = $
        If (-not $FirstName) {$FirstName = $UserInfo.firstName}
        If (-not $LastName) {$LastName = $UserInfo.lastName}
        If (-not $EmailAddress) {$EmailAddress = $}
        If (-not $IsAdmin -and !$AdminStatus) {$AdminStatus = $UserInfo.admin}
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/user/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"

        $Body = @{
            id = $Identity
            email = $EmailAddress
            firstName = $FirstName
            lastName = $LastName
# isAdmin = $AdminStatus
            userRoleName = $Role
# userStatus = "ACTIVE"
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for user $EmailAddress."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function New-NectarAdmin {
        Create a new Nectar 10 admin account.
        Create a new Nectar 10 admin account.
        .PARAMETER FirstName
        The user's first name
        .PARAMETER LastName
        The user's last name
        .PARAMETER EmailAddress
        The user's email address
        .PARAMETER Password
        The password to assign to the new account
        .PARAMETER AdminStatus
        True if Admin, False if not. Used when importing many admin accounts via CSV
        .PARAMETER IsAdmin
        Include if user is to be an admin. If not present, then user will be read-only
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        New-NectarAdmin -FirstName Turd -LastName Ferguson -Email -Password VeryStrongPassword -IsAdmin
        Creates a new admin user called Turd Ferguson
        Import-Csv .\Users.csv | New-NectarAdmin
        Creates admin accounts using a CSV file as input. CSV file must have the following headers: FirstName,LastName,Password,Email,AdminStatus (Use True/False for AdminStatus)
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]

    Begin {
    Process {
        If ($IsAdmin -and !$AdminStatus) {
            $AdminStatus = "true"
        ElseIf (!$IsAdmin -and !$AdminStatus) {
            $AdminStatus = "false"

        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/user?tenant=$TenantName"
        $Body = @{
            email = $EmailAddress
            firstName = $FirstName
            lastName = $LastName
            password = $Password
            isAdmin = $AdminStatus
            userRoleName = $Role
            userStatus = "ACTIVE"
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to create admin account $EmailAddress."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Remove-NectarAdmin {
        Removes one or more Nectar 10 admin account.
        Removes one or more Nectar 10 admin account.
        .PARAMETER EmailAddress
        The email address of the admin account to remove.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical ID of the admin account to remove. Can be obtained via Get-NectarAdmin and pipelined to Remove-NectarAdmin
        Removes the admin account
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($EmailAddress -and !$Identity) {
            $Identity = (Get-NectarAdmin -SearchQuery $EmailAddress -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable GetUserError).ID
        If (!$GetUserError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/user/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"
            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                Write-Verbose "Successfully deleted $EmailAddress from admin account list."
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to delete user $EmailAddress. Ensure you typed the name of the user correctly."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## Tenant Location Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarLocation {
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 locations
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 locations
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        The name of the location to get information on based on either network, networkName, City, StreetAddress, State, SiteName or SiteCode. Can be a partial match, and may return more than one entry.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns the first 10 locations
        Get-NectarLocation -ResultSize 100
        Returns the first 100 locations
        Get-NectarLocation -LocationName Location2
        Returns up to 10 locations that contains "location2" anywhere in the name. The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Location2, Location20, Location214, MyLocation299 etc
        Get-NectarLocation -LocationName ^Location2
        Returns up to 10 locations that starts with "location2" in the name. The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Location2, Location20, Location214 etc, but NOT MyLocation299
        Get-NectarLocation -LocationName ^Location2$
        Returns a location explicitly named "Location2". The search is not case-sensitive.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 5000
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/config/locations?pageNumber=1&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize&searchQuery=$SearchQuery"
            If (!$JSON.elements) {
                Write-Error "Location $SearchQuery not found."
            Else {
                If ($TenantName) { $JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty } # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
                $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.LocationList'
                Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to get location details."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Set-NectarLocation {
        Update a Nectar 10 location in the location database
        Update a Nectar 10 location in the location database. This command can use the Google Geocode API to automatically populate the latitude/longitude for each location. You can register for an API key and save it as persistent environment variable called GoogleGeocode_API_Key on this machine. This command will prompt for the GeoCode API key and will save it in the appropriate location. Follow this link to get an API Key - If this is not an option, then use the -SkipGeoLocate switch
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        A string to search for. Will search in Network, NetworkName, City, Street Address, Region etc.
        .PARAMETER Network
        The IP subnet of the network
        .PARAMETER NetworkMask
        The subnet mask of the network
        .PARAMETER ExtNetwork
        The IP subnet of the external/public network. Optional. Used to help differentiate calls from corporate locations that use common home subnets (192.168.x.x)
        .PARAMETER ExtNetworkMask
        The subnet mask of the external/public network. Optional. Used to help differentiate calls from corporate locations that use common home subnets (192.168.x.x)
        .PARAMETER NetworkName
        The name to give to the network
        .PARAMETER SiteName
        The name to give to the siteCode
        .PARAMETER SiteCode
        A site code to assign to the site
        .PARAMETER Region
        The name of the region. Typically is set to country name or whatever is appropriate for the company
        .PARAMETER StreetAddress
        The street address of the location
        .PARAMETER City
        The city of the location
        .PARAMETER State
        The state/province of the location
        .PARAMETER PostCode
        The postal/zip code of the location
        .PARAMETER Country
        The 2-letter ISO country code of the location
        .PARAMETER Description
        A description to apply to the location
        .PARAMETER IsWireless
        True or false if the network is strictly wireless
        .PARAMETER IsExternal
        True or false if the network is outside the corporate network
        True or false if the network is a VPN
        .PARAMETER Latitude
        The geographical latitude of the location. If not specified, will attempt automatic geolocation.
        .PARAMETER Longitude
        The geographical longitude of the location. If not specified, will attempt automatic geolocation.
        .PARAMETER SkipGeoLocate
        Don't attempt geolocation. Do this if you don't have a valid Google Maps API key.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical ID of the location to update. Can be obtained via Get-NectarLocation and pipelined to Set-NectarLocation
        Set-NectarLocation HeadOffice -Region WestUS
        Changes the region for HeadOffice to WestUS
        Get-NectarLocation | Set-NectarLocation
        Will go through each location and update the latitude/longitude. Useful if a Google Geocode API key was obtained after initial location loading
        Version 1.11

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias("networkRange", "subnetMask")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias("Network Name")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias("Site Code")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet("True","False","Yes","No",0,1, IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet("True","False","Yes","No",0,1, IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet("True","False","Yes","No",0,1, IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }

        Try {
            If ($SearchQuery) {
                $LocationInfo = Get-NectarLocation -SearchQuery $SearchQuery -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1
                $Identity = $
            If (-not $Network) {$Network = $}
            If (-not $NetworkMask) {$NetworkMask = $LocationInfo.networkRange}
            If (-not $ExtNetwork) {$ExtNetwork = $LocationInfo.externalNetwork}
            If (-not $ExtNetworkMask) {$ExtNetworkMask = $LocationInfo.externalNetworkRange}
            If (-not $NetworkName) {$NetworkName = $LocationInfo.networkName}
            If (-not $SiteName) {$SiteName = $LocationInfo.siteName}
            If (-not $SiteCode) {$SiteCode = $LocationInfo.siteCode}
            If (-not $Region) {$Region = $LocationInfo.region}
            If (-not $StreetAddress) {$StreetAddress = $LocationInfo.streetAddress}
            If (-not $City) {$City = $}
            If (-not $State) {$State = $LocationInfo.state}
            If (-not $PostCode) {$PostCode = $LocationInfo.zipCode}
            If (-not $Country) {$Country = $}
            If (-not $Description) {$Description = $LocationInfo.description}
            If (-not $IsWireless) {$IsWireless = $LocationInfo.isWirelessNetwork}
            If (-not $IsExternal) {$IsExternal = $LocationInfo.isExternal}
            If (-not $IsVPN) {$IsVPN = $LocationInfo.vpn}
            If ($Latitude -eq $NULL -or $Latitude -eq 0) {$Latitude = $LocationInfo.latitude}
            If ($Longitude -eq $NULL -or $Longitude -eq 0) {$Longitude = $LocationInfo.longitude}
            If (-not $IsVPN) {$IsVPN = $LocationInfo.vpn}

            If ((($Latitude -eq $NULL -Or $Longitude -eq $NULL) -Or ($Latitude -eq 0 -And $Longitude -eq 0)) -Or $ForceGeoLocate -And !$SkipGeoLocate) {
                Write-Verbose "Lat/Long missing. Getting Lat/Long."
                $LatLong = Get-LatLong "$StreetAddress, $City, $State, $PostCode, $Region"
                $Latitude = $LatLong.Latitude
                $Longitude = $LatLong.Longitude

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/config/location/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"

            $Body = @{
                city = $City
                description = $Description
                id = $Identity
                isExternal = ParseBool $IsExternal
                isWirelessNetwork = ParseBool $IsWireless
                latitude = $Latitude
                longitude = $Longitude
                network = $Network
                networkRange = $NetworkMask
                externalNetwork = $ExtNetwork
                externalNetworkRange = $ExtNetworkMask
                networkName = $NetworkName
                region = $Region
                siteCode = $SiteCode
                siteName = $SiteName
                state = $State
                streetAddress = $StreetAddress
                country = $Country
                vpn = ParseBool $IsVPN
                zipCode = $PostCode
            $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

            Try {
                Write-Verbose $JSONBody
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' 

            Catch {
                If ($NetworkName) {
                    $IDText = $NetworkName
                Else {
                    $IDText = "with ID $Identity"
                Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for location $IDText."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_
        Catch {
            Write-Error $_

Function New-NectarLocation {
        Creates a Nectar 10 location in the location database
        Creates a Nectar 10 location in the location database. This command can use the Google Geocode API to automatically populate the latitude/longitude for each location. You can register for an API key and save it as persistent environment variable called GoogleGeocode_API_Key on this machine. This command will prompt for the GeoCode API key and will save it in the appropriate location. Follow this link to get an API Key - If this is not an option, then use the -SkipGeoLocate switch
        .PARAMETER Network
        The IP subnet of the network
        .PARAMETER NetworkMask
        The subnet mask of the network
        .PARAMETER ExtNetwork
        The IP subnet of the external/public network. Optional. Used to help differentiate calls from corporate locations that use common home subnets (192.168.x.x)
        .PARAMETER ExtNetworkMask
        The subnet mask of the external/public network. Optional. Used to help differentiate calls from corporate locations that use common home subnets (192.168.x.x)
        .PARAMETER NetworkName
        The name to give to the network
        .PARAMETER SiteName
        The name to give to the site
        .PARAMETER SiteCode
        A site code to assign to the site
        .PARAMETER Region
        The name of the region. Typically is set to country name or whatever is appropriate for the company
        .PARAMETER StreetAddress
        The street address of the location
        .PARAMETER City
        The city of the location
        .PARAMETER State
        The state/province of the location
        .PARAMETER PostCode
        The postal/zip code of the location
        .PARAMETER Country
        The 2-letter ISO country code of the location
        .PARAMETER Description
        A description to apply to the location
        .PARAMETER IsWireless
        True or false if the network is strictly wireless
        .PARAMETER IsExternal
        True or false if the network is outside the corporate network
        True or false if the network is a VPN
        .PARAMETER SkipGeoLocate
        Don't attempt geolocation. Do this if you don't have a valid Google Maps API key.
        .PARAMETER Latitude
        The geographical latitude of the location. If not specified, will attempt automatic geolocation.
        .PARAMETER Longitude
        The geographical longitude of the location. If not specified, will attempt automatic geolocation.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        New-NectarLocation -Network -NetworkMask 24 -NetworkName Corp5thFloor -SiteName 'Head Office'
        Creates a new location using the minimum required information
        New-NectarLocation -Network -NetworkMask 24 -ExtNetwork -ExtNetworkMask 28 -NetworkName Corp3rdFloor -SiteName 'Head Office' -SiteCode HO3 -IsWireless True -IsVPN False -Region EastUS -StreetAddress '366 North Broadway' -City Jericho -State 'New York' -Country US -PostCode 11753 -Description 'Head office 3rd floor' -Latitude 40.7818283 -Longitude -73.5351438
        Creates a new location using all available fields
        Import-Csv LocationData.csv | New-NectarLocation
        Imports a CSV file called LocationData.csv and creates new locations
        Import-Csv LocationData.csv | New-NectarLocation -SkipGeolocate
        Imports a CSV file called LocationData.csv and creates new locations but will not attempt geolocation
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias('Network Range','networkRange', 'subnetMask')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias('Network Name')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias('Site Name')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias('Site Code')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias('Street Address', 'address')]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias('Zip Code', 'zipcode')]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('True','False','Yes','No',0,1, IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('True','False','Yes','No',0,1, IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('True','False','Yes','No',0,1, IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias('Coordinates Latitude','CoordinatesLatitude')]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Alias('Coordinates Longitude','CoordinatesLongitude')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/config/location?tenant=$TenantName"

        If (-not $Latitude -Or -not $Longitude -And !$SkipGeoLocate) {
            $LatLong = Get-LatLong "$StreetAddress, $City, $State, $PostCode, $Country"
            [double]$Latitude = $LatLong.Latitude
            [double]$Longitude = $LatLong.Longitude

        $Body = @{
            city = $City
            description = $Description
            isExternal = ParseBool $IsExternal
            isWirelessNetwork = ParseBool $IsWireless
            latitude = $Latitude
            longitude = $Longitude
            network = $Network
            networkName = $NetworkName
            networkRange = $NetworkMask
            externalNetwork = $ExtNetworkName
            externalNetworkRange = $ExtNetworkMask
            region = $Region
            siteCode = $SiteCode
            siteName = $SiteName
            state = $State
            streetAddress = $StreetAddress
            country = $Country
            vpn = ParseBool $IsVPN
            zipCode = $PostCode

        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to create location $NetworkName with network $Network/$NetworkMask"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Remove-NectarLocation {
        Removes a Nectar 10 location from the location database
        Removes a Nectar 10 location from the location database
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        The name of the location to remove. Can be a partial match. To return an exact match and to avoid ambiguity, enclose location name with ^ at the beginning and $ at the end.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical ID of the location to remove. Can be obtained via Get-NectarLocation and pipelined to Remove-NectarLocation
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($SearchQuery -And !$Identity) {
            $LocationInfo = Get-NectarLocation -SearchQuery $SearchQuery -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable GetLocationError
            $Identity = $
            $NetworkName = $LocationInfo.networkName
        If (!$GetLocationError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/config/location/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"
            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                Write-Verbose "Successfully deleted $LocationName."
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to delete location $NetworkName. Ensure you typed the name of the location correctly."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Import-NectarLocations {
        Imports a CSV list of locations into Nectar 10
        Import a CSV list of locations into Nectar 10. This will overwrite any existing locations with the same network ID. Useful for making wholesale changes without wiping and replacing everything.
        Assumes you are working from an export from the existing Nectar 10 location list.
        .PARAMETER Path
        The path to the CSV file to import into Nectar 10. The CSV file must use the standard column heading template used by Nectar 10 exports.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER SkipGeoLocate
        Don't attempt geolocation. Do this if you don't have a valid Google Maps API key or the lat/long is already included in the CSV.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
    $LocTable = ((Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw) -replace '\(Yes/No\)','')
    $LocTable = $LocTable -replace '\"?Network\"?\,',"""SearchQuery""," 
    $LocationList = ConvertFrom-Csv $LocTable

    ForEach ($Location in $LocationList) {
        $LocationHashTable = @{}
        $ | ForEach { $LocationHashTable[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
        If ($TenantName) { $LocationHashTable += @{TenantName = $TenantName } }# Add the tenant name to the hashtable
        If ($SkipGeoLocate) { $LocationHashTable += @{SkipGeoLocate = $TRUE} }
        Try {
            Write-Host "Updating location with subnet $($Location.SearchQuery)"
            Write-Verbose $LocationHashTable
            Set-NectarLocation @LocationHashTable -ErrorAction:Stop
        Catch {
            Write-Host "Location does not exist. Creating location $($Location.SearchQuery)"
            New-NectarLocation @LocationHashTable

Function Import-MSTeamsLocations {
        Imports a CSV list of locations downloaded from Microsoft CQD into Nectar 10
        Import a CSV list of locations downloaded from Microsoft CQD into Nectar 10. This will overwrite any existing locations with the same network ID. Useful for making wholesale changes without wiping and replacing everything.
        .PARAMETER Path
        The path to the CSV file to import into Nectar 10. The CSV file must be in the same format as downloaded from Microsoft CQD as per
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER SkipGeoLocate
        Don't attempt geolocation. Do this if you don't have a valid Google Maps API key.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
    $Header = 'SearchQuery', 'NetworkName', 'NetworkMask', 'SiteName', 'OwnershipType', 'BuildingType', 'BuildingOfficeType', 'City', 'PostCode', 'Country', 'State', 'Region', 'IsExternal', 'ExpressRoute', 'IsVPN'
    $LocationList = Import-Csv $Path -Header $Header | Select-Object 'SearchQuery','NetworkMask','NetworkName','SiteName','City','PostCode','Country','State','Region','IsExternal','IsVPN'
    ForEach ($Location in $LocationList) {
        If ($Location.IsExternal -eq 0) { $Location.IsExternal = 1 } Else { $Location.IsExternal = 0 }
        If ($Location.IsVPN -eq 1) { $Location.IsVPN = 1 } Else { $Location.IsVPN = 0 }
        $LocationHashTable = @{}
        $ | ForEach { $LocationHashTable[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
        If ($TenantName) { $LocationHashTable += @{TenantName = $TenantName } }# Add the tenant name to the hashtable
        If ($SkipGeoLocate) { $LocationHashTable += @{SkipGeoLocate = $TRUE} }
        Try {
            Write-Host "Updating location with subnet $($Location.SearchQuery)"
            Write-Verbose $LocationHashTable
            Set-NectarLocation @LocationHashTable -ErrorAction:Stop
        Catch {
            Write-Host "Location does not exist. Creating location $($Location.SearchQuery)"
            New-NectarLocation @LocationHashTable

############################################################## DID Management Functions - Number Location ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarNumberLocation {
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 service locations used in the DID Management tool.
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 service locations used in the DID Management tool.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The name of the service location to get information on. Can be a partial match. To return an exact match and to avoid ambiguity, enclose service location name with ^ at the beginning and $ at the end.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns the first 10 service locations
        Get-NectarNumberLocation -ResultSize 100
        Returns the first 100 service locations
        Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName Location2
        Returns up to 10 service locations that contains "location2" anywhere in the name. The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Location2, Location20, Location214, MyLocation299 etc
        Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName ^Location2
        Returns up to 10 service locations that starts with "location2" in the name. The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Location2, Location20, Location214 etc, but NOT MyLocation299
        Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName ^Location2$
        Returns a service location explicitly named "Location2". The search is not case-sensitive.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/locations?pageNumber=1&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize&q=$LocationName"

            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.Number.LocationList'
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Service location not found. Ensure you typed the name of the service location correctly."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Set-NectarNumberLocation {
        Update a Nectar 10 service location used in the DID Management tool.
        Update a Nectar 10 service location used in the DID Management tool.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The name of the service location to get information on. Can be a partial match. To return an exact match and to avoid ambiguity, enclose location name with ^ at the beginning and $ at the end.
        .PARAMETER NewLocationName
        Replace the existing service location name with this one.
        .PARAMETER ServiceID
        The service ID associated with the telephony provider for this service location
        .PARAMETER ServiceProvider
        The name of the service provider that provides telephony service to this service location
        .PARAMETER NetworkLocation
        The phyiscal location for this service location
        .PARAMETER Notes
        Can be used for any additional information
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Set-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName Dallas -ServiceID 44FE98 -ServiceProvider Verizon -Notes "Head office"
        Returns the first 10 locations
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($LocationName -And !$Identity) {
            $LocationInfo = Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName $LocationName -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1
            $Identity = $
        If ($LocationInfo.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Error "Multiple number locations found that match $LocationName. Please refine your location name search query"

        If ($NewLocationName) {$LocationName = $NewLocationName}
        If (-not $ServiceID) {$ServiceID = $LocationInfo.ServiceId}
        If (-not $ServiceProvider) {$ServiceProvider = $LocationInfo.provider}
        If (-not $NetworkLocation) {$NetworkLocation = $LocationInfo.location}
        If (-not $Notes) {$Notes = $LocationInfo.notes}

        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/location/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"

        $Body = @{
            name = $LocationName
            serviceId = $ServiceID
            provider = $ServiceProvider
            location = $NetworkLocation
            notes = $Notes
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for location $LocationName."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function New-NectarNumberLocation {
        Create a new Nectar Service Location for DID Management used in the DID Management tool.
        Create a new Nectar Service Location for DID Management used in the DID Management tool.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The name of the new service location. Must be unique.
        .PARAMETER ServiceID
        The service ID for telephony services at the newservice location. Can be used as desired. Not required.
        .PARAMETER ServiceProvider
        The service provider for telephony services at the newservice location. Can be used as desired. Not required.
        .PARAMETER ServiceProvider
        The network location to associate with the newservice location. Can be used as desired. Not required.
        .PARAMETER Notes
        Any relevent notes about the service location. Can be used as desired. Not required.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        New-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName Dallas -ServiceID 348FE22 -ServiceProvider Verizon -NetworkLocation Dallas -Notes "This is headquarters"
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/location/?tenant=$TenantName"
        $Body = @{
            name = $LocationName
            serviceId = $ServiceID
            provider = $ServiceProvider
            location = $NetworkLocation
            notes = $Notes
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to create service location $LocationName. The service location may already exist."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Remove-NectarNumberLocation {
        Removes one or more service locations in the DID Management tool.
        Removes one or more service locations in the DID Management tool.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The name of the number service location to remove.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical ID of the number service location. Can be obtained via Get-NectarNumberLocation and pipelined to Remove-NectarNumberLocation
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Remove-NectarNumberLocation Tokyo
        Removes the Toyota location. The command will fail if the location has number ranges assigned.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($LocationName -And !$Identity) {
            $Identity = (Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName $LocationName -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable GetLocationError).ID
        If ($Identity.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Error "Multiple number locations found that match $LocationName. Please refine your location name search query"
        If (!$GetLocationError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/location/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"
            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                Write-Verbose "Successfully deleted $LocationName."
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to delete service location $LocationName. Ensure you typed the name of the service location correctly and that the service location has no assigned ranges."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## DID Management Functions - Number Range ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarNumberRange {
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 number ranges in the DID Management tool
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 ranges in the DID Management tool
        .PARAMETER RangeName
        The name of the number range to get information on. Can be a partial match. To return an exact match and to avoid ambiguity, enclose range name with ^ at the beginning and $ at the end.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The name of the location to get information on. Will be an exact match.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns the first 10 number ranges
        Get-NectarNumberRange -ResultSize 100
        Returns the first 100 number ranges
        Get-NectarNumberRange -LocationName Tokyo
        Returns the first 10 number ranges at the Tokyo location
        Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName Range2
        Returns up to 10 ranges that contains "range2" anywhere in the name. The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Range2, Range20, Range214, MyRange299 etc
        Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName ^Range2
        Returns up to 10 ranges that starts with "range2" in the name. The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Range2, Range20, Range214 etc, but NOT MyRange299.
        Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName ^Range2$
        Returns any range explicitly named "Range2". The search is not case-sensitive. This example would return Range2 only. If there are multiple ranges with the name Range2, all will be returned.
        Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName ^Range2$ -LocationName Tokyo
        Returns a range explicitly named "Range2" in the Tokyo location. The search is not case-sensitive.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($LocationName) {    
            $LocationID = (Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName "$LocationName" -Tenant $TenantName -ErrorVariable LocError).ID 
        If ($LocError) { Break}
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/ranges?pageNumber=1&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize&serviceLocationId=$LocationID&q=$RangeName"
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.Number.RangeList'
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "An error occurred."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Set-NectarNumberRange {
        Make changes to a Nectar range for DID Management
        Make changes to a Nectar range for DID Management
        .PARAMETER RangeName
        The name of the range. Must be unique.
        .PARAMETER RangeType
        The type of range. Can be either STANDARD (for DID ranges) or EXTENSION (for extension-based ranges).
        .PARAMETER FirstNumber
        The first number in a STANDARD range. Must be numeric, but can start with +.
        .PARAMETER LastNumber
        The last number in a STANDARD range. Must be numeric, but can start with +. Must be larger than FirstNumber, and must have the same number of digits.
        .PARAMETER BaseNumber
        The base DID for an EXTENSION range. Must be numeric, but can start with +.
        .PARAMETER ExtStart
        The first extension number in an EXTENSION range. Must be numeric.
        .PARAMETER ExtEnd
        The last extension number in an EXTENSION range. Must be numeric. Must be larger than ExtStart, and must have the same number of digits.
        .PARAMETER RangeSize
        The number of phone numbers/extensions in a range. Can be used instead of LastNumber/ExtEnd.
        .PARAMETER HoldDays
        The number of days to hold a newly-freed number before returning it to the pool of available numbers.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The service location to assign the range to.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Set-NectarNumberRange -RangeName DIDRange1 -RangeType STANDARD -FirstNumber +15552223333 -LastNumber +15552224444 -LocationName Dallas
        Edits a DID range for numbers that fall in the range of +15552223333 to +15552224444
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet("STANDARD","EXTENSION", IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
# [ValidatePattern("^(\+|%2B)?\d+$")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
# [ValidatePattern("^(\+|%2B)?\d+$")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
# [ValidatePattern("^(\+|%2B)?\d+$")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
# [ValidatePattern("^\d+$")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
# [ValidatePattern("^\d+$")]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$HoldDays = 0,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($RangeName -And !$Identity) {
            $RangeInfo = Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName $RangeName -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1
            $Identity = $
            If ($NewRangeName) {$RangeName = $NewRangeName}
            If (-not $FirstNumber) {$FirstNumber = $RangeInfo.firstNumber}
            If (-not $LastNumber) {$LastNumber = $RangeInfo.lastNumber}
            If (-not $RangeType) {$RangeType = $RangeInfo.type}
            If (-not $HoldDays) {$HoldDays = $RangeInfo.holdDays}
            If (-not $BaseNumber) {$BaseNumber = $RangeInfo.baseNumber}
            If (-not $ExtStart) {$ExtStart = $RangeInfo.extStart}
            If (-not $ExtEnd) {$ExtEnd = $RangeInfo.extEnd}
            # If (-not $LocationName) {$LocationID = $RangeInfo.serviceLocationId}
        $LocationID = (Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName "$LocationName" -Tenant $TenantName -ErrorVariable LocError).ID
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/range/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"

        $Body = @{
            name = $RangeName
            type = $RangeType
            holdDays = $HoldDays
            serviceLocationId = $LocationID

        If ($FirstNumber) { $Body.Add('firstNumber', $FirstNumber) }
        If ($LastNumber) { $Body.Add('lastNumber', $LastNumber) }
        If ($BaseNumber) { $Body.Add('baseNumber', $BaseNumber) }
        If ($ExtStart) { $Body.Add('extStart', $ExtStart) }
        If ($ExtEnd) { $Body.Add('extEnd', $ExtEnd) }
        If ($RangeSize) { $Body.Add('rangeSize', $RangeSize) }
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for range $RangeName."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function New-NectarNumberRange {
        Create a new Nectar range for DID Management
        Create a new Nectar range for DID Management
        .PARAMETER RangeName
        The name of the new range. Must be unique.
        .PARAMETER RangeType
        The type of range. Can be either STANDARD (for DID ranges) or EXTENSION (for extension-based ranges).
        .PARAMETER FirstNumber
        The first number in a STANDARD range. Must be numeric, but can start with +.
        .PARAMETER LastNumber
        The last number in a STANDARD range. Must be numeric, but can start with +. Must be larger than FirstNumber, and must have the same number of digits.
        .PARAMETER BaseNumber
        The base DID for an EXTENSION range. Must be numeric, but can start with +.
        .PARAMETER ExtStart
        The first extension number in an EXTENSION range. Must be numeric.
        .PARAMETER ExtEnd
        The last extension number in an EXTENSION range. Must be numeric. Must be larger than ExtStart, and must have the same number of digits.
        .PARAMETER RangeSize
        The number of phone numbers/extensions in a range. Can be used instead of LastNumber/ExtEnd.
        .PARAMETER HoldDays
        The number of days to hold a newly-freed number before returning it to the pool of available numbers.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The location to assign the range to.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        New-NectarNumberRange -RangeName DIDRange1 -RangeType STANDARD -FirstNumber +15552223333 -LastNumber +15552224444 -LocationName Dallas
        Creates a DID range for numbers that fall in the range of +15552223333 to +15552224444
        New-NectarNumberRange -RangeName DIDRange1 -RangeType STANDARD -FirstNumber +15552223000 -RangeSize 1000 -LocationName Dallas
        Creates a DID range for numbers that fall in the range of +15552223000 to +15552223999
        New-NectarNumberRange -RangeName ExtRange1 -RangeType EXTENSION -BaseNumber +15552223000 -ExtStart 2000 -ExtEnd 2999 -LocationName Dallas
        Creates an extension range for numbers that fall in the range of +15552223000 x2000 to x2999
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet("STANDARD","EXTENSION", IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $LocationID = (Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName $LocationName -Tenant $TenantName -ErrorVariable NumLocError).ID
        If ($LocationID.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Error "Multiple locations found that match $LocationName. Please refine your location name search query"
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/range?tenant=$TenantName"
        $Body = @{
            name = $RangeName
            type = $RangeType
            holdDays = $HoldDays
            serviceLocationId = $LocationID

        If ($FirstNumber) { $Body.Add('firstNumber', $FirstNumber) }
        If ($LastNumber) { $Body.Add('lastNumber', $LastNumber) }
        If ($BaseNumber) { $Body.Add('baseNumber', $BaseNumber) }
        If ($ExtStart) { $Body.Add('extStart', $ExtStart) }
        If ($ExtEnd) { $Body.Add('extEnd', $ExtEnd) }
        If ($RangeSize) { $Body.Add('rangeSize', $RangeSize) }
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to create range $RangeName."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Remove-NectarNumberRange {
        Removes one or more ranges from a service location in the DID Management tool.
        Removes one or more ranges from a service location in the DID Management tool.
        .PARAMETER RangeName
        The name of the number range to remove.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical ID of the number range. Can be obtained via Get-NectarNumberRange and pipelined to Remove-NectarNumberRange
        Remove-NectarNumberRange Range1
        Removes the range Range1
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]

    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($RangeName -And !$Identity) {
            $Identity = (Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName $RangeName -Tenant $TenantName -ErrorVariable GetRangeError).ID
        If ($Identity.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Error "Multiple ranges found that match $RangeName. Please refine your range name search query"
        If (!$GetRangeError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/range/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"
            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method DELETE -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                Write-Verbose "Successfully deleted $RangeName number range."
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to delete $RangeName number range. Ensure you typed the name of the range correctly."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## DID Management Functions - Numbers ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarNumber {
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 numbers from the DID Management tool
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 numbers from the DID Management tool
        .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
        The phone number to return information about. Can be a partial match. To return an exact match and to avoid ambiguity, enclose number with ^ at the beginning and $ at the end.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The name of the location to get number information about. Will be an exact match.
        .PARAMETER RangeName
        The name of the range to get number information about. Will be an exact match.
        .PARAMETER NumberState
        Returns information about numbers that are either USED, UNUSED or RESERVED
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns the first 10 numbers
        Get-NectarNumber -ResultSize 100
        Returns the first 100 numbers
        Get-NectarNumber -LocationName Tokyo
        Returns the first 10 numbers at the Tokyo location
        Get-NectarNumber -RangeName Range2
        Returns up to 10 numbers from a number range called Range2.
        Get-NectarNumber -RangeName Range2 -NumberState UNUSED -ResultSize 100
        Returns up to 100 unused numbers in the Range2 range.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [ValidateSet("USED","UNUSED","RESERVED", IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 10000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            If ($LocationName) {
                $LocationID = (Get-NectarNumberLocation -LocationName ^$LocationName$ -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable NectarError).ID 
            If ($RangeName) {
                $RangeID = (Get-NectarNumberRange -RangeName $RangeName -LocationName $LocationName -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable +NectarError).ID
            If ($PhoneNumber) {
                # Replace + with %2B if present
                $PhoneNumber = $PhoneNumber.Replace("+", "%2B")
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/"
            $Params = @{
                'orderByField' = 'number'
                'orderDirection' = 'asc'
            If ($ResultSize) { 
                $Params.Add('pageSize', $ResultSize) 
            Else { 
                $Params.Add('pageSize', $PageSize)

            If ($LocationID) { $Params.Add('serviceLocationId', $LocationID) }
            If ($RangeID) { $Params.Add('numbersRangeId', $RangeID) }
            If ($NumberState) { $Params.Add('states', $NumberState) }
            If ($PhoneNumber) { $Params.Add('q', $PhoneNumber) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant', $TenantName) }            
            If (!$NectarError) {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params
                If ($TenantName) { $JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty } # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
                $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.Number.List'
                $TotalPages = $JSON.totalPages
                If ($TotalPages -gt 1 -and !($ResultSize)) {
                    $PageNum = 2
                    Write-Verbose "Page size: $PageSize"
                    While ($PageNum -le $TotalPages) {
                        Write-Verbose "Working on page $PageNum of $TotalPages"
                        $PagedURI = $URI + "?pageNumber=$PageNum"
                        $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $PagedURI -Body $Params
                        If ($TenantName) { $JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty }
                        $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.Number.List'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to retrieve number information"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        

Function Set-NectarNumber {
        Makes changes to one or more phone numbers.
        Makes changes to one or more phone numbers.
        .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
        A phone number to make changes to. Must be an exact match.
        .PARAMETER NumberState
        Change the state of a phone number to either UNUSED or RESERVED. A number marked USED cannot be modified.
        .PARAMETER Comment
        A comment to add to a reserved phone number.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Set-NectarNumber +12223334444 -NumberState RESERVED
        Reserves the number +12223334444
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet("UNUSED","RESERVED", IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($PhoneNumber -And !$Identity) {
            $Identity = (Get-NectarNumber -PhoneNumber $PhoneNumber -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable PhoneNumError).ID
        If (!$PhoneNumError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/numbers/$Identity/state?state=$NumberState&tenant=$TenantName"
            If (($Comment) -And ($NumberState -eq "RESERVED")) {
                # Convert special characters to URI-compatible versions
                #$Comment = [uri]::EscapeDataString($Comment)
                $URI += "&comment=$Comment"
            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                Write-Verbose "Successfully applied changes to $PhoneNumber."
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for phone number $PhoneNumber. The number may already be in the desired state."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarUnallocatedNumber {
        Returns the next available number in a given location/range.
        Returns the next available number in a given location/range.
        .PARAMETER LocationName
        The service location to return a number for
        .PARAMETER RangeName
        The range to return a number for
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarUnallocatedNumber -RangeName Jericho
        Returns the next available number in the Jericho range.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
    If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
    $NextFreeNum = Get-NectarNumber -LocationName $LocationName -RangeName $RangeName -NumberState UNUSED -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 

    If ($NextFreeNum) {
        Return $NextFreeNum
    Else {
        Write-Error "No available phone number found."

############################################################## Supported Devices Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarSupportedDevice {
        Get information about 1 or more Nectar 10 supported devices.
        Get information about 1 or more Nectar 10 supported devices.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        A full or partial match of the device's name
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 10000.
        Get-NectarSupportedDevice -SearchQuery Realtek
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 10000
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/supported/devices?q=$SearchQuery&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize"
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.DeviceList'
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to get device details."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Set-NectarSupportedDevice {
        Update 1 or more Nectar 10 supported device.
        Update 1 or more Nectar 10 supported device.
        .PARAMETER DeviceName
        The name of the supported device
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical identity of the supported device
        Set-NectarSupportedDevice Identity 233 -Supported $FALSE
        Get-NectarSupportedDevice -SearchQuery realtek | Set-NectarSupportedDevice -Supported $FALSE
        Sets all devices with 'Realtek' in the name to Unsupported
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($DeviceName -and !$Identity) {
            $DeviceInfo = Get-NectarSupportedDevice -SearchQuery $DeviceName -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1
            $DeviceName = $DeviceInfo.DeviceName
            If ($Supported -eq $NULL) {$Supported = $DeviceInfo.deviceSupported}
            $Identity = $DeviceInfo.deviceKey
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/supported/device/$Identity/?tenant=$TenantName"

        $Body = @{
            deviceKey = $Identity
            deviceSupported = $Supported
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
        Catch {
            If ($DeviceName) {
                $IDText = $DeviceName
            Else {
                $IDText = "with ID $Identity"
            Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for device $IDText."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## Supported Client Version Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarSupportedClient {
        Get information about 1 or more Nectar 10 supported client versions.
        Get information about 1 or more Nectar 10 supported client versions.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        A full or partial match of the client versions's name
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Get-NectarSupportedClient -SearchQuery Skype
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 10000
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/supported/client/versions?q=$SearchQuery&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize"
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.ClientList'
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to get client version details."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Set-NectarSupportedClient {
        Update 1 or more Nectar 10 supported client versions.
        Update 1 or more Nectar 10 supported client versions.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical identity of the supported client version.
        Set-NectarSupportedClient Identity 233 -Supported $FALSE
        Sets the device with identity 233 to unsupported
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($ClientVersion -and !$Identity) {
            $ClientInfo = Get-NectarSupportedClient -SearchQuery $ClientVersion -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1
            $ClientVersion = $ClientInfo.version
            If ($Supported -eq $NULL) {$Supported = $ClientInfo.clientVersionSupported}
            $Identity = $ClientInfo.versionId
            $Platform = $ClientInfo.platform
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/supported/client/version?versionName=$ClientVersion&tenant=$TenantName"

        $Body = @{
             clientVersionSupported = $Supported
             platform = $Platform
             versionId = $Identity
        $JSONBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
            Write-Verbose $JSONBody
        Catch {
            If ($ClientVersion) {
                $IDText = $ClientVersion
            Else {
                $IDText = "with ID $Identity"
            Write-Error "Unable to apply changes for client version $IDText."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## AD User Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarUser {
        Get information about 1 or more users via Nectar 10.
        Get information about 1 or more users via Nectar 10.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        A full or partial match of the user name. Will do an 'includes' type search by default. So searching for would return, etc.
        For a specific match, enclose the name in square brackets IE: []
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Get-NectarUser -SearchQuery tferguson
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 10000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/user/search?q=$SearchQuery&tenant=$TenantName&pageSize=$ResultSize"
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI        
            If ($JSON.amount -eq 0) {
                Write-Error "Cannot find user with name $SearchQuery."
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Cannot find user with name $SearchQuery."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarUserDetails {
        Returns all information on a user.
        Returns all information on a user.
        .PARAMETER EmailAddress
        The email address of the user.
        .PARAMETER Identity
        The numerical ID of the user. Can be obtained via Get-NectarUser and pipelined to Get-NectarUserDetails
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($EmailAddress -and !$Identity) {
            $Identity = (Get-NectarUser -SearchQuery $EmailAddress -Tenant $TenantName -ResultSize 1 -ErrorVariable GetUserError).userId
        If (!$GetUserError) {
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/user/$Identity/advanced?tenant=$TenantName"
            Try {
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI
                If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty} # Add the tenant name to the output which helps pipelining
                Return $JSON
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Unable to find user $EmailAddress. Ensure you typed the name of the user correctly."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################# Call Detail Functions ##############################################################

Function Set-NectarFilterParams {
        Sets the filter parameters used for querying call data
        Sets the filter parameters used for querying call data
        WebSession cookie to use in other JSON requests
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [ValidateSet('GOOD','POOR_0_25','PARTIALLY_GOOD_25_50','PARTIALLY_GOOD_50_75','PARTIALLY_GOOD_75_100','UNAVAILABLE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [int]$DurationFrom = 0,
        [int]$DurationTo = 99999999,
        [ValidateSet('TCP','UDP','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('DEFAULT','USERS', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$Scope = 'DEFAULT'

    Begin {
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        # Convert to all-caps
        If($Scope) { $Scope = $Scope.ToUpper() }
        If($TimePeriod) { $TimePeriod = $TimePeriod.ToUpper() }    
        $FilterParams = @{
            'Scope' = $Scope
            'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
        $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
        # Convert any PowerShell array objects to comma-separated strings to add to the GET querystring
        If ($SessionQualities) { $SessionQualities.ToUpper() | %{$SessionQualitiesStr += ($(if($SessionQualitiesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('SessionQualities',$SessionQualitiesStr) }
        If ($DurationFrom) { $FilterParams.Add('DurationFrom',$DurationFrom) }
        If ($DurationTo) { $FilterParams.Add('DurationTo',$DurationTo) }
        If ($Modalities) { $Modalities | %{$ModalitiesStr += ($(if($ModalitiesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Modalities',$ModalitiesStr) }
        If ($Protocols) { $Protocols | %{$ProtocolsStr += ($(if($ProtocolsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Protocols',$ProtocolsStr) }
        If ($ResponseCodes) { $ResponseCodes | %{$ResponseCodesStr += ($(if($ResponseCodesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('ResponseCodes',$ResponseCodesStr) }
        If ($SessionScenarios) { $SessionScenarios.ToUpper() | %{$SessionScenariosStr += ($(if($SessionScenariosStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('SessionScenarios',$SessionScenariosStr) }
        If ($SessionTypes) { $SessionTypes | %{$SessionTypesStr += ($(if($SessionTypesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('SessionTypes',$SessionTypesStr) }
        If ($SessionTypes) { If ($SessionTypes.IndexOf('CONFERENCE_SESSION') -ge 0) { $FilterParams.Add('showConferenceSessions','true') } }
        If ($Codecs) { $Codecs | %{$CodecsStr += ($(if($CodecsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Codecs',$CodecsStr) }
        If ($CallerCodecs) { $CallerCodecs | %{$CallerCodecsStr += ($(if($CallerCodecsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerCodecs',$CallerCodecsStr) }
        If ($CalleeCodecs) { $CalleeCodecs | %{$CalleeCodecsStr += ($(if($CalleeCodecsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeCodecs',$CalleeCodecsStr) }
        If ($Devices) { $Devices | %{$DevicesStr += ($(if($DevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Devices',$DevicesStr) }
        If ($CallerDevices) { $CallerDevices | %{$CallerDevicesStr += ($(if($CallerDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerDevices',$CallerDevicesStr) }
        If ($CalleeDevices) { $CalleeDevices | %{$CalleeDevicesStr += ($(if($CalleeDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeDevices',$CalleeDevicesStr) }
        If ($CaptureDevices) { $CaptureDevices | %{$CaptureDevicesStr += ($(if($CaptureDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CaptureDevices',$CaptureDevicesStr) }
        If ($CallerCaptureDevices) { $CallerCaptureDevices | %{$CallerCaptureDevicesStr += ($(if($CallerCaptureDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerCaptureDevices',$CallerCaptureDevicesStr) }
        If ($CalleeCaptureDevices) { $CalleeCaptureDevices | %{$CalleeCaptureDevicesStr += ($(if($CalleeCaptureDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeCaptureDevices',$CalleeCaptureDevicesStr) }
        If ($RenderDevices) { $RenderDevices | %{$RenderDevicesStr += ($(if($RenderDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('RenderDevices',$RenderDevicesStr) }
        If ($CallerRenderDevices) { $CallerRenderDevices | %{$CallerRenderDevicesStr += ($(if($CallerRenderDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerRenderDevices',$CallerRenderDevicesStr) }
        If ($CalleeRenderDevices) { $CalleeRenderDevices | %{$CalleeRenderDevicesStr += ($(if($CalleeRenderDevicesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeRenderDevices',$CalleeRenderDevicesStr) }
        If ($DeviceVersions) { $DeviceVersions | %{$DeviceVersionsStr += ($(if($DeviceVersionsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('DeviceVersions',$DeviceVersionsStr) }
        If ($CallerDeviceVersions) { $CallerDeviceVersions | %{$CallerDeviceVersionsStr += ($(if($CallerDeviceVersionsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerDeviceVersions',$CallerDeviceVersionsStr) }
        If ($CalleeDeviceVersions) { $CalleeDeviceVersions | %{$CalleeDeviceVersionsStr += ($(if($CalleeDeviceVersionsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeDeviceVersions',$CalleeDeviceVersionsStr) }
        If ($IPAddresses) { $IPAddresses | %{[string]$IPAddressesStr += ($(if([string]$IPAddressesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('IPAddresses',$IPAddressesStr) }
        If ($CallerIPAddresses) { $CallerIPAddresses | %{[string]$CallerIPAddressesStr += ($(if([string]$CallerIPAddressesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerIPAddresses',$CallerIPAddressesStr) }
        If ($CalleeIPAddresses) { $CalleeIPAddresses | %{[string]$CalleeIPAddressesStr += ($(if([string]$CalleeIPAddressesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeIPAddresses',$CalleeIPAddressesStr) }
        If ($Locations) { $Locations | %{$LocationsStr += ($(if($LocationsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Locations',$LocationsStr) }
        If ($CallerLocations) { $CallerLocations | %{$CallerLocationsStr += ($(if($CallerLocationsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerLocations',$CallerLocationsStr) }
        If ($CalleeLocations) { $CalleeLocations | %{$CalleeLocationsStr += ($(if($CalleeLocationsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeLocations',$CalleeLocationsStr) }
        If ($ExtCities) { $ExtCities | %{$ExtCitiesStr += ($(if($ExtCitiesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('ExtCities',$ExtCitiesStr) }
        If ($CallerExtCities) { $CallerExtCities | %{$CallerExtCitiesStr += ($(if($CallerExtCitiesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerExtCities',$CallerExtCitiesStr) }
        If ($CalleeExtCities) { $CalleeExtCities | %{$CalleeExtCitiesStr += ($(if($CalleeExtCitiesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeExtCities',$CalleeExtCitiesStr) }
        If ($ExtCountries) { $ExtCountries | %{$ExtCountriesStr += ($(if($ExtCountriesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('ExtCountries',$ExtCountriesStr) }
        If ($CallerExtCountries) { $CallerExtCountries | %{$CallerExtCountriesStr += ($(if($CallerExtCountriesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerExtCountries',$CallerExtCountriesStr) }
        If ($CalleeExtCountries) { $CalleeExtCountries | %{$CalleeExtCountriesStr += ($(if($CalleeExtCountriesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeExtCountries',$CalleeExtCountriesStr) }
        If ($ExtISPs) { $ExtISPs | %{$ExtISPsStr += ($(if($ExtISPsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('extIsps',$ExtISPsStr) }
        If ($CallerExtISPs) { $CallerExtISPs | %{$CallerExtISPsStr += ($(if($CallerExtISPsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('callerExtIsps',$CallerExtISPsStr) }
        If ($CalleeExtISPs) { $CalleeExtISPs | %{$CalleeExtISPsStr += ($(if($CalleeExtISPsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('calleeExtIsps',$CalleeExtISPsStr) }
        If ($NetworkTypes) { $NetworkTypes | %{$NetworkTypesStr += ($(if($NetworkTypesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('NetworkTypes',$NetworkTypesStr) }
        If ($CallerNetworkTypes) { $CallerNetworkTypes | %{$CallerNetworkTypesStr += ($(if($CallerNetworkTypesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerNetworkTypes',$CallerNetworkTypesStr) }
        If ($CalleeNetworkTypes) { $CalleeNetworkTypes | %{$CalleeNetworkTypesStr += ($(if($CalleeNetworkTypesStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeNetworkTypes',$CalleeNetworkTypesStr) }
        If ($Platforms) { $Platforms.ToUpper() | %{$PlatformsStr += ($(if($PlatformsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Platforms',$PlatformsStr) }
        If ($CallerPlatforms) { $CallerPlatforms.ToUpper() | %{$CallerPlatformsStr += ($(if($CallerPlatformsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerPlatforms',$CallerPlatformsStr) }
        If ($CalleePlatforms) { $CalleePlatforms.ToUpper() | %{$CalleePlatformsStr += ($(if($CalleePlatformsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleePlatforms',$CalleePlatformsStr) }
        If ($Scenarios) { $Scenarios.ToUpper() | %{$ScenariosStr += ($(if($ScenariosStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Scenarios',$ScenariosStr) }
        If ($CallerScenarios) { $CallerScenarios.ToUpper() | %{$CallerScenariosStr += ($(if($CallerScenariosStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerScenarios',$CallerScenariosStr) }
        If ($CalleeScenarios) { $CalleeScenarios.ToUpper() | %{$CalleeScenariosStr += ($(if($CalleeScenariosStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeScenarios',$CalleeScenariosStr) }
        If ($Subnets) { $Subnets | %{[string]$SubnetsStr += ($(if([string]$SubnetsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Subnets',$SubnetsStr) }
        If ($CallerSubnets) { $CallerSubnets | %{[string]$CallerSubnetsStr += ($(if([string]$CallerSubnetsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerSubnets',$CallerSubnetsStr) }
        If ($CalleeSubnets) { $CalleeSubnets | %{[string]$CalleeSubnetsStr += ($(if($CalleeSubnetsStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeSubnets',$CalleeSubnetsStr) }
        If ($VPN) { $VPN.ToUpper() | %{$VPNStr += ($(if($VPNStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('Vpn',$VPNStr) }
        If ($CallerVPN) { $CallerVPN.ToUpper() | %{$CallerVPNStr += ($(if($CallerVPNStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CallerVpn',$VPNStr) }
        If ($CalleeVPN) { $CalleeVPN.ToUpper() | %{$CalleeVPNStr += ($(if($CalleeVPNStr){","}) + $_)}; $FilterParams.Add('CalleeVpn',$VPNStr) }
        If ($ParticipantsMinCount) { $FilterParams.Add('participantsMinCount',$ParticipantsMinCount) }
        If ($ParticipantsMaxCount) { $FilterParams.Add('participantsMaxCount',$ParticipantsMaxCount) }
        If ($TenantName) { $FilterParams.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

        # Get the user IDs for any entered users
        If ($Users) {
            $UserIDs = @()
            ForEach($User in $Users) {
                $UserIDs += (Get-NectarUser $User -TenantName $TenantName -ErrorAction:Stop).UserID

            $UserIDs | %{$UserIDsStr += ($(if($UserIDsStr){","}) + $_)}

        If ($FromUsers) {
            $FromUserIDs = @()
            ForEach($User in $FromUsers) {
                $FromUserIDs += (Get-NectarUser $User -TenantName $TenantName -ErrorAction:Stop).UserID
            $FromUserIDs | %{$FromUserIDsStr += ($(if($FromUserIDsStr){","}) + $_)}
        If ($ToUsers) {
            $ToUserIDs = @()
            ForEach($User in $ToUsers) {
                $ToUserIDs += (Get-NectarUser $User -TenantName $TenantName -ErrorAction:Stop).UserID
            $ToUserIDs | %{$ToUserIDsStr += ($(if($ToUserIDsStr){","}) + $_)}

        # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
        If ($TimePeriodFrom) {
            $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
        If ($TimePeriodTo) {
            $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'

        Try {
            # Run the filter POST and obtain the session cookie for the GET
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/filter/apply"
            $FilterResults = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $FilterParams -UseBasicParsing
            $Cookie = $FilterResults.BaseResponse.Cookies | Where {$_.Name -eq 'SESSION'}
            $FilterSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
            Write-Verbose "Successfully set filter parameters."    
            Write-Verbose $Uri
            Write-Verbose $FilterResults
            Return $FilterSession
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to set filter parameters."
            (Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_).Replace("startDate","TimePeriod")

Function Get-NectarSessions {
        Returns all session information.
        Returns all session information as presented on the SESSION LIST section of the CALL DETAILS page
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show session data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER SessionQualities
        Show sessions that match a given quality rating. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER DurationFrom
        The shortest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER DurationTo
        The longest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER Modalities
        Show sessions that match one or more modality types. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Protocols
        Show sessions that match one or more network protocol types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER ResponseCodes
        Show sessions that match one or more SIP response codes. Accepts numbers from 200 to 699
        .PARAMETER SessionScenarios
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER SessionTypes
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Conference','Peer To Peer','Peer To Peer (Multimedia)','PSTN/External'
        .PARAMETER Codecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CallerCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the caller. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER Devices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER RenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER DeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CallerDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER IPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the caller. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER Locations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CallerLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the caller. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CalleeLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER ExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCities
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER ExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCountries
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER ExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtISPs
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER NetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CallerNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the caller. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CalleeNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER Platforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerPlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the caller. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleePlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Scenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the caller. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleeScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Subnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CallerSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the caller. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CalleeSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER Users
        Show sessions where the selected user was either caller or callee. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER FromUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the caller. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER ToUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the callee. Can query for multiple users.
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by either caller or callee.
        .PARAMETER CallerVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the caller.
        .PARAMETER CalleeVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the callee.
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMinCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is greater than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMaxCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is less than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER OrderByField
        Sort the output by the selected field
        .PARAMETER OrderDirection
        Sort direction. Use with OrderByField. Not case sensitive. Choose from:
        ASC, DESC
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarSessions -TimePeriod LAST_HOUR -Platforms TEAMS -Modalities AUDIO -SessionQualities POOR
        Returns a list of all Teams audio sessions for the past hour where the quality was rated Poor
        (Get-NectarSessions -SessionTypes CONFERENCE -TimePeriod CUSTOM -TimePeriodFrom '2021-05-06' -TimePeriodTo '2021-05-07').Count
        Returns a count of all conferences between May 6 and 7 (all times/dates UTC)
        Get-NectarSessions -SessionTypes PEER2PEER,PEER2PEER_MULTIMEDIA -TimePeriod CUSTOM -TimePeriodFrom '2021-05-06 14:00' -TimePeriodTo '2021-05-06 15:00'
        Returns a list of all P2P calls between 14:00 and 15:00 UTC on May 6
        Get-NectarSessions -TimePeriod LAST_WEEK -SessionTypes CONFERENCE | Select-Object confOrganizerOrSpace | Group-Object confOrganizerOrSpace | Select-Object Name, Count | Sort-Object Count -Descending
        Returns a list of conference organizers and a count of the total conferences organized by each, sorted by count.
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [ValidateSet('GOOD','POOR_0_25','PARTIALLY_GOOD_25_50','PARTIALLY_GOOD_50_75','PARTIALLY_GOOD_75_100','UNAVAILABLE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [int]$DurationFrom = 0,
        [int]$DurationTo = 99999999,
        [ValidateSet('TCP','UDP','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('ASC','DESC', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('DEFAULT','USERS', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$Scope = 'DEFAULT',
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        If ($PageSize) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('PageSize') | Out-Null }
        If ($ResultSize) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ResultSize') | Out-Null }
        If ($OrderByField) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('OrderByField') | Out-Null }
        If ($OrderDirection) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('OrderDirection') | Out-Null }
        $FilterSession = Set-NectarFilterParams @PsBoundParameters
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session"
        # Set the page size to the result size if -ResultSize switch is used to limit the number of returned items
        # Otherwise, set page size (defaults to 1000)
        If ($ResultSize) {
            $Params = @{ 'pageSize' = $ResultSize }
        Else {
            $Params = @{ 'pageSize' = $PageSize }
        If($OrderByField) { $Params.Add('OrderByField',$OrderByField) }
        If($OrderDirection) { $Params.Add('OrderDirection',$OrderDirection) }
        If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
        If ($SessionTypes) {
            If ($SessionTypes.IndexOf('CONFERENCE_SESSION') -ge 0) { 
                $Params.Add('showConferenceSessions','true') | Out-Null 
            Else {
                $Params.Add('showConferenceSessions','false') | Out-Null 
        Else {
            $Params.Add('showConferenceSessions','false') | Out-Null

        # Return results in pages
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession
            $TotalPages = $JSON.totalPages
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.SessionList'
            If ($TotalPages -gt 1 -and !($ResultSize)) {
                $PageNum = 2
                Write-Verbose "Page size: $PageSize"
                While ($PageNum -le $TotalPages) {
                    Write-Verbose "Working on page $PageNum of $TotalPages"
                    $PagedURI = $URI + "?pageNumber=$PageNum"
                    $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $PagedURI -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession
                    If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
                    $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.SessionList'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarSessionHistograms {
        Returns session histogram for a given timeframe.
        Returns session histogram for a given timeframe. This returns the numbers used to build the chart in the SESSIONS section of the CALL DETAILS screen
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show session data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER SessionQualities
        Show sessions that match a given quality rating. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER DurationFrom
        The shortest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER DurationTo
        The longest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER Modalities
        Show sessions that match one or more modality types. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Protocols
        Show sessions that match one or more network protocol types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER ResponseCodes
        Show sessions that match one or more SIP response codes. Accepts numbers from 200 to 699
        .PARAMETER SessionScenarios
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER SessionTypes
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Conference','Peer To Peer','Peer To Peer (Multimedia)','PSTN/External'
        .PARAMETER Codecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CallerCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the caller. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER Devices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER RenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER DeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CallerDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER IPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the caller. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER Locations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CallerLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the caller. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CalleeLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER ExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCities
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER ExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCountries
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER ExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtISPs
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER NetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CallerNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the caller. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CalleeNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER Platforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerPlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the caller. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleePlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Scenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the caller. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleeScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Subnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CallerSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the caller. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CalleeSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER Users
        Show sessions where the selected user was either caller or callee. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER FromUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the caller. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER ToUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the callee. Can query for multiple users.
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by either caller or callee.
        .PARAMETER CallerVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the caller.
        .PARAMETER CalleeVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the callee.
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMinCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is greater than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMaxCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is less than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarSessionHistograms -TimePeriod LAST_HOUR
        Returns a minute-by-minute count of the number of sessions occuring over the past hour
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [ValidateSet('GOOD','POOR_0_25','PARTIALLY_GOOD_25_50','PARTIALLY_GOOD_50_75','PARTIALLY_GOOD_75_100','UNAVAILABLE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [int]$DurationFrom = 0,
        [int]$DurationTo = 99999999,
        [string[]]$Modalities = 'TOTAL',
        [ValidateSet('TCP','UDP','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Params = @{}
            If ($Modalities) { $Modalities | %{$ModalitiesStr += ($(if($ModalitiesStr){","}) + $_)}; $Params.Add('Modalities',$ModalitiesStr) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
            #Remove Modalities from FilterSession POST. For some reason, TOTAL results come back as empty if this is set
            $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Modalities') | Out-Null
            $FilterSession = Set-NectarFilterParams @PsBoundParameters

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session/histograms"
            Write-Verbose $URI

            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession
            Return $JSON
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Session histogram not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarSessionSummary {
        Returns call summary information for a given session
        Returns call summary information for a given session. This is used to populate the top few sections of an individual session on the session OVERVIEW screen.
        .PARAMETER SessionID
        The session ID of the selected session
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the session took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarSessionSummary 2021-04-30T16:04:28.572701_1_1_*_*_*_6_*_29fe15a4-99e5-4a2c-92a6-fbf3024944fc_29abe23a4-33e5-4a2c-92a6-faf30445e5bc_* -Platform TEAMS
        Returns summary information for a specific Teams session
        Get-NectarSessions -Platform TEAMS -Users -SessionTypes PEER2PEER -TimePeriod LAST_DAY | Get-NectarSessionSummary -Platform TEAMS
        Returns summary information for all Teams peer-to-peer calls for TFerguson for the last day.
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("Platforms", "callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session/$SessionID/summary?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $SessionSummary = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                SessionID = $SessionID
                StartTime = $JSON.startTime
                EndTime = $JSON.endTime
                Duration = $JSON.duration
                Quality = $JSON.quality
                CallerRenderDevice = $JSON.caller.renderDevice.value
                CallerCaptureDevice = $JSON.caller.captureDevice.value
                CallerClientVersion = $JSON.caller.clientVersion.value
                CallerNetworkType = $JSON.caller.networkType.value
                CallerNetworkWarning = $JSON.caller.networkType.warning
                CallerServer = $JSON.caller.server.value
                CallerServerAlertLevel = $JSON.caller.server.alertLevel
                CalleeRenderDevice = $JSON.callee.renderDevice.value
                CalleeCaptureDevice = $JSON.callee.captureDevice.value
                CalleeClientVersion = $JSON.callee.clientVersion.value
                CalleeNetworkType = $JSON.callee.networkType.value
                CalleeNetworkWarning = $JSON.callee.networkType.warning
                CalleeServer = $JSON.callee.server.value
                CalleeServerAlertLevel = $JSON.callee.server.alertLevel

            Return $SessionSummary
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Session diagnostics not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarSessionDetails {
        Returns details for a given session
        Returns details for a given session. This is used to populate the session ADVANCED screen for a given session.
        .PARAMETER SessionID
        The session ID of the selected session
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the session took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarSessionDetails 2021-04-30T16:04:28.572701_1_1_*_*_*_6_*_29fe15a4-99e5-4a2c-92a6-fbf3024944fc_29abe23a4-33e5-4a2c-92a6-faf30445e5bc_* -Platform TEAMS
        Returns detailed information for a specific Teams session
        Get-NectarSessions -Platform TEAMS -Users -SessionTypes PEER2PEER,PEER2PEER_MULTIMEDIA -TimePeriod LAST_DAY | Get-NectarSessionDetails -Platform TEAMS
        Returns detailed information for all Teams peer-to-peer and multimedia P2P calls for TFerguson for the last day.
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session/$SessionID/advanced?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $SessionDetails = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                SessionID = $SessionID
                SessionType = $JSON.type
                Caller = $JSON.caller
                Callee = $JSON.callee

            ForEach ($DataGroup in $JSON.groups) {
                ForEach ($DataElement in $ {
                    $SessionDetails | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $DataElement.Name -NotePropertyValue $DataElement.Value.Value

            Return $SessionDetails
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Session details not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarSessionAlerts {
        Returns alerts for a given session
        Returns alerts for a given session. This is used to populate the SESSION ALERTS portion of the session OVERVIEW screen.
        .PARAMETER SessionID
        The session ID of the selected session
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the session took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarSessionAlerts 2021-04-30T16:04:28.572701_1_1_*_*_*_6_*_29fe15a4-99e5-4a2c-92a6-fbf3024944fc_29abe23a4-33e5-4a2c-92a6-faf30445e5bc_* -Platform TEAMS
        Returns alert information for a specific Teams session
        Get-NectarSessions -Platform TEAMS -Users -SessionTypes PEER2PEER -TimePeriod LAST_DAY | Get-NectarSessionAlerts -Platform TEAMS
        Returns session alerts for all Teams peer-to-peer calls for TFerguson for the last day.
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session/$SessionID/alerts?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $UserList = 'Caller','Callee'
            ForEach ($User in $UserList) {    
                ForEach ($Alert in $JSON.$User.alerts.PsObject.Properties) {
                    $AlertDetails = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                        SessionID = $SessionID
                        User = $User
                        Parameter = $Alert.Name
                        Value = $Alert.Value.Value
                        AlertLevel = $Alert.Value.AlertLevel
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Session alerts not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarSessionDiagnostics {
        Returns call diagnostics for a given session
        Returns call diagnostics for a given session. This is used to populate the session DIAGNOSTICS screen for a given session.
        .PARAMETER SessionID
        The session ID of the selected session
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the session took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarSessionDetails 2021-04-30T16:04:28.572701_1_1_*_*_*_6_*_29fe15a4-99e5-4a2c-92a6-fbf3024944fc_29abe23a4-33e5-4a2c-92a6-faf30445e5bc_* -Platform SKYPE
        Returns diagnostic information for a specific Skype for Business session
        Get-NectarSessions -Platform SKYPE -Users -SessionTypes PEER2PEER -TimePeriod LAST_DAY | Get-NectarSessionDetails -Platform SKYPE
        Returns detailed information for all Skype for Business peer-to-peer calls for TFerguson for the last day.
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session/$SessionID/diagnostic?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'sessionId' -NotePropertyValue $SessionID
            Return $JSON.elements
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Session diagnostics not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarConferenceSummary {
        Returns session summaries for a given conference
        Returns session summaries for a given conference. This is used to populate the CONFERENCE section of the details of a specific conference.
        .PARAMETER ConferenceID
        The conference ID of the selected conference
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the conference took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarConferenceSummary 2021-05-06T13:30:34.795296_*_*_*_*_*_*_173374c1-a15a-47dd-b11c-d32ab5442774_*_*
        Returns conference summary information for a specific conference
        Get-NectarSessions -TimePeriod LAST_DAY -Users CONFERENCE -Platforms TEAMS | Get-NectarConferenceSummary -Platform TEAMS
        Returns the conference summary information for all Teams conferences participated by for the past day
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/conference/$ConferenceID/?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $ConferenceSummary = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                ConferenceID = $ConferenceID
                StartTime = $JSON.conference.startTime
                EndTime = $JSON.conference.endTime
                Duration = $JSON.duration
                AverageMOS = $JSON.avgMos
                Participants = $JSON.participants
                TotalSessions = $
                GoodSessions = $JSON.sessions.good
                PoorSessions = $JSON.sessions.poor
                UnknownSessions = $JSON.sessions.unknown

            Return $ConferenceSummary
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Conference not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarConferenceTimeline {
        Returns session timeline details for a given conference
        Returns session timeline details for a given conference. This is used to build the Gantt chart view of a specific conference.
        .PARAMETER ConferenceID
        The conference ID of the selected conference
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the conference took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarConferenceTimeline 2021-05-06T13:30:34.795296_*_*_*_*_*_*_173374c1-a15a-47dd-b11c-d32ab5442774_*_* -Platform TEAMS
        Returns conference summary information for a specific conference
        Get-NectarSessions -TimePeriod LAST_DAY -Users CONFERENCE -Platforms TEAMS | Get-NectarConferenceTimeline -Platform TEAMS
        Returns the conference timeline information for all Teams conferences participated by for the past day
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/conference/$ConferenceID/timeline?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $JSON | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'conferenceId' -NotePropertyValue $ConferenceID
            $JSON | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.Conference.Timeline'
            Return $JSON
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Conference not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarConferenceParticipants {
        Returns session participant details for a given conference
        Returns session participant details for a given conference. This is used to build the PARTICIPANTS section of a specific conference.
        .PARAMETER ConferenceID
        The conference ID of the selected conference
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the conference took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarConferenceParticipants 2021-05-06T13:30:34.795296_*_*_*_*_*_*_173374c1-a15a-47dd-b11c-d32ab5442774_*_* -Platform TEAMS
        Returns conference participant information for a specific conference
        Get-NectarSessions -TimePeriod LAST_DAY -Users CONFERENCE -Platforms TEAMS | Get-NectarConferenceParticipants -Platform TEAMS
        Returns the conference participant information for all Teams conferences participated by for the past day
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $Platform = $Platform.ToUpper()
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/conference/$ConferenceID/participants?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            $JSON | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'conferenceId' -NotePropertyValue $ConferenceID
            $JSON | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.Conference.Participants'
            Return $JSON
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Conference not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarSessionMultiTimeline {
        Returns multimedia session timeline details for a given P2P multimedia session
        Returns multimedia session (an audio/video P2P session or an audio/appsharing P2P session) timeline details for a given session
        Used to build the Gantt chart view for a given P2P multimedia session on the Session Details screen.
        .PARAMETER SessionID
        The sessionID of a multimedia P2P session
        .PARAMETER Platform
        The platform where the P2P session took place
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-NectarSessionMultiTimeline 2021-05-05T19:17:14.324027_1_1_*_*_*_6_*_6efc12345-4229-4c11-9001-9a00667a761e9_6efc8348-4809-4caf-9141-9afa87a761e9_* -Platform TEAMS
        Returns multimedia session timeline information for a specific multimedia P2P session
        Get-NectarSessions -TimePeriod LAST_DAY -Users PEER2PEER_MULTIMEDIA -Platforms TEAMS | Get-NectarSessionMultiTimeline -Platform TEAMS
        Returns the multimedia session timeline information for all Teams P2P multimedia sessions participated by for the past day
        Version 1.3

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Alias("callerPlatform", "calleePlatform")]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/session/$SessionID/multi/timeline?platform=$Platform&tenant=$TenantName"
            #$JSON | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'sessionId' -NotePropertyValue $SessionID
            Return $JSON
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Multimedia session not found.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarModalityQualitySummary {
        Returns summary quality information for different modalities over a given timeperiod.
        Returns summary quality information for audio, video and appsharing modalities. Used to build the QUALITY section of the CALL DETAILS screen.
        .PARAMETER Modality
        Show sessions that match one or more modality types. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show session data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER SessionQualities
        Show sessions that match a given quality rating. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER DurationFrom
        The shortest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER DurationTo
        The longest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER Protocols
        Show sessions that match one or more network protocol types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER ResponseCodes
        Show sessions that match one or more SIP response codes. Accepts numbers from 200 to 699
        .PARAMETER SessionScenarios
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER SessionTypes
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Conference','Peer To Peer','Peer To Peer (Multimedia)','PSTN/External'
        .PARAMETER Codecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CallerCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the caller. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER Devices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER RenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER DeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CallerDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER IPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the caller. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER Locations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CallerLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the caller. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CalleeLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER ExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCities
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER ExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCountries
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER ExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtISPs
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER NetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CallerNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the caller. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CalleeNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER Platforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerPlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the caller. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleePlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Scenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the caller. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleeScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Subnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CallerSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the caller. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CalleeSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER Users
        Show sessions where the selected user was either caller or callee. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER FromUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the caller. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER ToUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the callee. Can query for multiple users.
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by either caller or callee.
        .PARAMETER CallerVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the caller.
        .PARAMETER CalleeVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the callee.
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMinCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is greater than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMaxCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is less than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER OrderByField
        Sort the output by the selected field
        .PARAMETER OrderDirection
        Sort direction. Use with OrderByField. Not case sensitive. Choose from:
        ASC, DESC
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarModalityQualitySummary -TimePeriod LAST_DAY
        Returns the modality quality summary for the past day
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('AUDIO','VIDEO','APPSHARE', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [ValidateSet('GOOD','POOR_0_25','PARTIALLY_GOOD_25_50','PARTIALLY_GOOD_50_75','PARTIALLY_GOOD_75_100','UNAVAILABLE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [int]$DurationFrom = 0,
        [int]$DurationTo = 99999999,
        [ValidateSet('TCP','UDP','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('DEFAULT','USERS', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$Scope = 'DEFAULT',
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Modality') | Out-Null
        $FilterSession = Set-NectarFilterParams @PsBoundParameters

        $Modality = $Modality.ToLower()    
        $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/quality/session/$Modality"
        If ($TenantName) { $Params = @{'Tenant' = $TenantName} }

        Try {
            Write-Verbose $PsBoundParameters
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession
            ForEach ($SessionType in $JSON) {
                $QualitySummary = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{}
                If ($Modality -ne 'appshare') { $QualitySummary | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'SessionType' -NotePropertyValue $SessionType.QualityType }
                ForEach ($QualityMetric in $SessionType.QualityMetrics) {
                    $QualitySummary | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $ -NotePropertyValue $QualityMetric.value
                    $TrendMetricName = $ + '_TREND'
                    $QualitySummary | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $TrendMetricName -NotePropertyValue $QualityMetric.trends

                If ($TenantName) { $QualitySummary | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $TenantName }    
                If ($PSItem.SiteName) { $QualitySummary | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'SiteName' -NotePropertyValue $PSItem.SiteName }
                $QualitySummary | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.ModalityQuality'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarLocationQualitySummary {
        Returns summary information for different locations over a given timeperiod.
        Returns summary information for different locations over a given timeperiod. This is used to build the SUMMARY page in Nectar 10.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show session data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show session data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER SessionQualities
        Show sessions that match a given quality rating. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER DurationFrom
        The shortest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER DurationTo
        The longest call length (in seconds) to show session data.
        .PARAMETER Modalities
        Show sessions that match one or more modality types. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Protocols
        Show sessions that match one or more network protocol types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER ResponseCodes
        Show sessions that match one or more SIP response codes. Accepts numbers from 200 to 699
        .PARAMETER SessionScenarios
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Not case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER SessionTypes
        Show sessions that match one or more session scenarios. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Conference','Peer To Peer','Peer To Peer (Multimedia)','PSTN/External'
        .PARAMETER Codecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CallerCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the caller. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCodecs
        Show sessions where the selected codec was used by the callee. Can query for multiple codecs. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarCodecs for a list of valid codecs.
        .PARAMETER Devices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDevices
        Show sessions where the selected device was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeCaptureDevices
        Show sessions where the selected capture device (microphone) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER RenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CallerRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER CalleeRenderDevices
        Show sessions where the selected render device (speaker) was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarSupportedDevice for a list of valid devices.
        .PARAMETER DeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CallerDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the caller. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER CalleeDeviceVersions
        Show sessions where the selected device version was used by the callee. Can query for multiple devices. Case sensitive. Use Get-NectarClientVersion for a list of valid client versions.
        .PARAMETER IPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the caller. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeIPAddresses
        Show sessions where the selected IP address was used by the callee. Can query for multiple IPs.
        .PARAMETER Locations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CallerLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the caller. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER CalleeLocations
        Show sessions where the selected location was used by the callee. Can query for multiple locations.
        .PARAMETER ExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCities
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCities
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected city (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple cities.
        .PARAMETER ExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtCountries
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtCountries
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected country (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple countries.
        .PARAMETER ExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller or callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CallerExtISPs
        Show sessions where the caller was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER CalleeExtISPs
        Show sessions where the callee was located in the selected ISP (as detected via geolocating the user's external IP address). Can query for multiple ISPs.
        .PARAMETER NetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CallerNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the caller. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER CalleeNetworkTypes
        Show sessions where the selected network type was used by the callee. Can query for multiple network types. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        'Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable'
        .PARAMETER Platforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerPlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the caller. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleePlatforms
        Show sessions where the selected platform was used by the callee. Can query for multiple platforms. Case sensitive. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Scenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CallerScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the caller. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER CalleeScenarios
        Show sessions where the selected scenario was used by the callee. Can query for multiple scenarios. Choose one or more from:
        .PARAMETER Subnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by either caller or callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CallerSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the caller. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER CalleeSubnets
        Show sessions where the selected subnet was used by the callee. Can query for multiple subnets.
        .PARAMETER Users
        Show sessions where the selected user was either caller or callee. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER FromUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the caller. Can query for multiple users.
        .PARAMETER ToUsers
        Show sessions where the selected user was the callee. Can query for multiple users.
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by either caller or callee.
        .PARAMETER CallerVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the caller.
        .PARAMETER CalleeVPN
        Show sessions where the selected VPN was used by the callee.
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMinCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is greater than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER ParticipantsMaxCount
        Show sessions where the number of participants is less than or equal to the entered value
        .PARAMETER OrderByField
        Sort the output by the selected field
        .PARAMETER OrderDirection
        Sort direction. Use with OrderByField. Not case sensitive. Choose from:
        ASC, DESC
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarLocationQualitySummary -TimePeriod LAST_DAY
        Returns the quality summary for each location for the last day
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [ValidateSet('GOOD','POOR_0_25','PARTIALLY_GOOD_25_50','PARTIALLY_GOOD_50_75','PARTIALLY_GOOD_75_100','UNAVAILABLE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [int]$DurationFrom = 0,
        [int]$DurationTo = 99999999,
        [ValidateSet('TCP','UDP','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Enterprise WiFi','Enterprise Wired','External Mobile','External WiFi','External Wired','Unknown','Unavailable', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('External','Internal','Federated','Unknown', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('TRUE','FALSE','UNKNOWN', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('DEFAULT','USERS', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$Scope = 'DEFAULT',
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Process {
        # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
        $FilterSession = Set-NectarFilterParams @PsBoundParameters

        If ($TenantName) { $Params = @{'Tenant' = $TenantName} }
        Try {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/quality/locations" -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession
            $JSONGoodPoor = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/quality/map" -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession

            ForEach ($Location in $JSON) {
                $LocGoodPoor = $JSONGoodPoor | Where {$ -eq $Location.Name}
                $QualitySummary = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
                    'LocationName' = $Location.Name
                    'Sessions' = $Location.Data.Sessions
                    'CurrentSessions' = $Location.Data.currentSession
                    'GoodSessions' = $LocGoodPoor.Sessions.Good
                    'PoorSessions' = $LocGoodPoor.Sessions.Poor
                    'UnknownSessions' = $LocGoodPoor.Sessions.Unknown
                    'AvgMOS' = $Location.Data.avgMos
                    'MOSTrend' = $Location.Data.mos
                If ($TenantName) { $QualitySummary | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $TenantName }
                $QualitySummary | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.LocationQuality'
                If ($Location.Name -ne 'All') { $QualitySummary }
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## Events Functions ###############################################################

Function Get-NectarEvent {
        Return a list of current or historic Nectar monitored device events
        Return a list of current or historic Nectar monitored device events
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show event data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC.
        .PARAMETER LastTimeAfter
        Only return results that occurred more recently than the entered value. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER EventAlertLevels
        Return only events that meet the specified alert level. Choose one or more from CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, WARNING, GOOD, NO_ACTIVITY
        .PARAMETER Locations
        Show alerts for one or more specified locations
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        Search for events that contain the specified string
        .PARAMETER OrderByField
        Order the resultset by the specified field. Choose from id, type, lastTime, displayName, deviceName, description, eventId, time, delay, source, location, sourceId
        .PARAMETER EventState
        Return either current events or previously acknowledged events
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarEvent -EventAlertLevels CRITICAL,MAJOR
        Returns a list of current events in the last hour that are either critical or major
        Get-NectarEvent -SearchQuery BadServer -EventState Historic -TimePeriod LAST_WEEK
        Returns a list of historical events from the last week that include the word 'badserver'
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [ValidateSet('CRITICAL', 'MAJOR', 'MINOR', 'WARNING', 'GOOD', 'NO_ACTIVITY', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('id', 'type', 'lastTime', 'displayName', 'deviceName', 'description', 'eventId', 'time', 'delay', 'source', 'location', 'sourceId', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('asc', 'desc', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('Current', 'Historic', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$EventState = 'Current',        
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 

            $Params = @{
                'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
            # Convert any PowerShell array objects to comma-separated strings to add to the GET querystring
            If ($LastTimeAfter) { $Params.Add('LastTimeAfter',$LastTimeAfter) } 
            If ($EventAlertLevels) { $EventAlertLevels | %{$EventAlertLevelsStr += ($(if($EventAlertLevelsStr){","}) + $_)}; $Params.Add('EventAlertLevels',$EventAlertLevelsStr) }
            If ($Locations) { $Locations | %{$LocationsStr += ($(if($LocationsStr){","}) + $_)}; $Params.Add('Locations',$LocationsStr) }
            If ($SearchQuery) { $Params.Add('q',$SearchQuery) }
            If ($OrderByField) { $Params.Add('OrderByField',$OrderByField) }
            If ($OrderDirection) { $Params.Add('OrderDirection',$OrderDirection) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
            If($TimePeriodFrom) {
                $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
            If($TimePeriodTo) {
                $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'

            # Set the page size to the result size if -ResultSize switch is used to limit the number of returned items
            # Otherwise, set page size (defaults to 1000)
            If ($ResultSize) {
            Else {

            If ($EventState -eq 'Current') {
                $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/event/current"
            Else {
                $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/event/historic"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params
            $TotalPages = $JSON.totalPages
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
            $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.EventList'
            If ($TotalPages -gt 1 -and !($ResultSize)) {
                $PageNum = 2
                Write-Verbose "Page size: $PageSize"
                While ($PageNum -le $TotalPages) {
                    Write-Verbose "Working on page $PageNum of $TotalPages"
                    $PagedURI = $URI + "?pageNumber=$PageNum"
                    $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $PagedURI -Body $Params -WebSession $FilterSession
                    If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
                    $JSON.elements | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.SessionList'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarEventDetail {
        Return information about a specific event
        Return information about a specific event
        .PARAMETER EventID
        The ID of the event to return details about
        .PARAMETER EventState
        Return either current events or previously acknowledged events
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Get-MSTeamsCallRecord -CallRecordID ed672235-5417-40ce-8425-12b8b702a505
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('Current', 'Historic', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$EventState = 'Current',        
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 

            $Params = @{
                'eventId' = $ID
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            If ($EventState -eq 'Current') {
                $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/event/current/view"
            Else {
                $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/event/historic/view"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
            $JSON | Add-Member -TypeName 'Nectar.EventDetail'
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not find event with ID $EventID"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################# Platform Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-NectarPlatformItems {
        Return information about all the platforms installed
        Return information about all the platforms installed
        .PARAMETER Platform
        Show information about selected platform. Choose one or more from: 'AVAYA_MEDIA_GATEWAY','AVAYA_SESSION_MANAGER','AVAYA_VOICE_PORTAL','CISCO','CISCO_CMS','CISCO_VKM','SKYPE','SKYPE_ONLINE','TEAMS'
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show event data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarPlatformItems -Platform CISCO
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        $Params = @{
            'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
            'Platform' = $Platform

        # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
        If($TimePeriodFrom) {
            $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
        If($TimePeriodTo) {
            $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/platform/clusters"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not get platform items"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarPlatformItemSummary {
        Return summary information about a specific platform item
        Return summary information about a specific platform item
        .PARAMETER ClusterID
        The ID of a cluster to return summary information
        .PARAMETER Platform
        Show information about selected platform. Choose one or more from: 'AVAYA_MEDIA_GATEWAY','AVAYA_SESSION_MANAGER','AVAYA_VOICE_PORTAL','CISCO','CISCO_CMS','CISCO_VKM','SKYPE','SKYPE_ONLINE','TEAMS'
        .PARAMETER Source
        Show information about either events, current status or both
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show event data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarPlatformItemSummary -Platform CISCO -ClusterID 3_1
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('Events','Current','All', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$Source = 'All',    
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        $Params = @{
            'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
            'Platform' = $Platform

        # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
        If($TimePeriodFrom) {
            $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
        If($TimePeriodTo) {
            $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/platform/cluster/$ClusterID/summary"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
            If ($Source -ne 'All') {
            Else {
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not get platform item summary"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarPlatformItemResources {
        Return resource information about a specific platform item
        Return resource information about a specific platform item
        .PARAMETER ClusterID
        The ID of a cluster to return resource information
        .PARAMETER Platform
        Show information about selected platform. Choose one or more from: 'AVAYA_MEDIA_GATEWAY','AVAYA_SESSION_MANAGER','AVAYA_VOICE_PORTAL','CISCO','CISCO_CMS','CISCO_VKM','SKYPE','SKYPE_ONLINE','TEAMS'
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show event data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarPlatformItemResources -Platform CISCO -ClusterID 3_1
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        $Params = @{
            'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
            'Platform' = $Platform

        # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
        If($TimePeriodFrom) {
            $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
        If($TimePeriodTo) {
            $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/platform/cluster/$ClusterID/resources"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not get platform item server resources"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarPlatformItemServers {
        Return information about a specific platform item's servers
        Return information about a specific platform item's servers
        .PARAMETER ClusterID
        The ID of a cluster to return server information
        .PARAMETER Platform
        Show information about selected platform. Choose one or more from: 'AVAYA_MEDIA_GATEWAY','AVAYA_SESSION_MANAGER','AVAYA_VOICE_PORTAL','CISCO','CISCO_CMS','CISCO_VKM','SKYPE','SKYPE_ONLINE','TEAMS'
        .PARAMETER Type
        Show information about either publishers, subscribers or both
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show event data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarPlatformItemServers -Platform CISCO -ClusterID 3_1
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('Publisher','Subscribers','All', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$Type = 'All',    
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        $Params = @{
            'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
            'Platform' = $Platform

        # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
        If($TimePeriodFrom) {
            $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
        If($TimePeriodTo) {
            $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/platform/cluster/$ClusterID/servers"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
            If ($Type -ne 'All') {
            Else {
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not get platform item servers"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarPlatformServerServices {
        Return service information about a specific platform item
        Return service information about a specific platform item
        .PARAMETER ClusterID
        The ID of a cluster to return service information
        .PARAMETER ServerID
        The ID of a server within a cluster to return service information
        .PARAMETER Platform
        Show information about selected platform. Choose one or more from: 'AVAYA_MEDIA_GATEWAY','AVAYA_SESSION_MANAGER','AVAYA_VOICE_PORTAL','CISCO','CISCO_CMS','CISCO_VKM','SKYPE','SKYPE_ONLINE','TEAMS'
        .PARAMETER TimePeriod
        The time period to show event data from. Select from 'LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM'.
        CUSTOM requires using StartDateFrom and TimePeriodTo parameters.
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodFrom
        The earliest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodTo parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TimePeriodTo
        The latest date/time to show event data from. Must be used in conjunction with -TimePeriod CUSTOM and TimePeriodFrom parameters. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. All time/dates in UTC. Use date-time format as in 2020-04-20T17:46:37.554
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The size of the page used to return data. Defaults to 1000
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The total number of results to return. Defaults to 1000. Maximum result size is 9,999,999 results
        Get-NectarPlatformServerServices -Platform CISCO -ClusterID 3_1 -ServerID 1
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('LAST_HOUR','LAST_DAY','LAST_WEEK','LAST_MONTH','CUSTOM', IgnoreCase=$False)]
        [string]$TimePeriod = 'LAST_HOUR',
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 1000,
    Begin {
    Process {
        $Params = @{
            'TimePeriod' = $TimePeriod
            'Platform' = $Platform
            'type' = $Type

        # Convert date to UNIX timestamp
        If($TimePeriodFrom) {
            $TimePeriodFrom = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodFrom -UFormat %s) + '000'
        If($TimePeriodTo) {
            $TimePeriodTo = (Get-Date -Date $TimePeriodTo -UFormat %s) + '000'
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { 
                $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName 
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }

            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/platform/cluster/$ClusterID/server/$ServerID/services"
            Write-Verbose $URI        
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params    
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not get platform item server services"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################# MS Teams Functions ##############################################################

Function Get-MSGraphAccessToken {
        Get a Microsoft Graph access token for a given MS tenant. Needed to run other Graph API queries.
        Get a Microsoft Graph access token for a given MS tenant. Needed to run other Graph API queries.
        .PARAMETER MSClientID
        The MS client ID for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSClientSecret
        The MS client secret for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSTenantID
        The MS tenant ID for the O365 customer granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER CertFriendlyName
        The friendly name of an installed certificate to be used for certificate authentication. Can be used instead of MSClientSecret
        .PARAMETER CertThumbprint
        The thumbprint of an installed certificate to be used for certificate authentication. Can be used instead of MSClientSecret
        .PARAMETER CertPath
        The path to a PFX certificate to be used for certificate authentication. Can be used instead of MSClientSecret
        .PARAMETER CertStore
        The certificate store to be used for certificate authentication. Select either LocalMachine or CurrentUser. Used in conjunction with CertThumbprint or CertFriendlyName
        Can be used instead of MSClientSecret.
        $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID 41a228ad-db6c-4e4e-4184-6d8a1175a35f -MSClientSecret 43Rk5Xl3K349w-pFf0i_Rt45Qd~ArqkE32. -MSTenantID 17e1e614-8119-48ab-8ba1-6ff1d94a6930
        Obtains an authtoken for the given tenant using secret-based auth and saves the results for use in other commands in a variable called $AuthToken
        $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID 029834092-234234-234234-23442343 -MSTenantID 234234234-234234-234-23-42342342 -CertFriendlyName 'CertAuth' -CertStore LocalMachine
        Obtains an authtoken for the given tenant using certificate auth and saves the results for use in other commands in a variable called $AuthToken
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [ValidateSet('LocalMachine','CurrentUser', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$CertStore = 'CurrentUser'
    Begin {
        $Scope = ''
    Process {
        If ($MSClientSecret) {
            Try {
                # Get the Azure Graph API auth token
                $AuthBody = @{
                    grant_type = 'client_credentials'
                    client_id = $MSClientID
                    client_secret = $MSClientSecret
                    scope = $Scope
                $JSON_Auth = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -uri "$MSTenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Body $AuthBody
                $AuthToken = $JSON_Auth.access_token
                Return $AuthToken
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Failed to get access token."
                Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_
        Else {
            # Get the certificate information via one of several methods
            If ($CertThumbprint) { $Certificate = Get-Item Cert:\$CertStore\My\$CertThumbprint }
            If ($CertFriendlyName) { $Certificate = Get-ChildItem Cert:\$CertStore\My | Where {$_.FriendlyName -eq $CertFriendlyName} }
            If ($CertPath) { $Certificate = Get-PfxCertificate -FilePath $CertPath }    
            If ($Certificate) {
                # Adapted from
                # Create base64 hash of certificate
                $CertificateBase64Hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Certificate.GetCertHash())
                # Create JWT timestamp for expiration
                $StartDate = (Get-Date "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ).ToUniversalTime()
                $JWTExpirationTimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddMinutes(2)).TotalSeconds
                $JWTExpiration = [math]::Round($JWTExpirationTimeSpan,0)

                # Create JWT validity start timestamp
                $NotBeforeExpirationTimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime())).TotalSeconds
                $NotBefore = [math]::Round($NotBeforeExpirationTimeSpan,0)

                # Create JWT header
                $JWTHeader = @{
                    alg = "RS256"
                    typ = "JWT"
                    # Use the CertificateBase64Hash and replace/strip to match web encoding of base64
                    x5t = $CertificateBase64Hash -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='

                # Create JWT payload
                $JWTPayload = @{
                    # What endpoint is allowed to use this JWT
                    aud = "$MSTenantID/oauth2/token"

                    # Expiration timestamp
                    exp = $JWTExpiration

                    # Issuer = your application
                    iss = $MSClientID

                    # JWT ID: random guid
                    jti = [guid]::NewGuid()

                    # Not to be used before
                    nbf = $NotBefore

                    # JWT Subject
                    sub = $MSClientID

                # Convert header and payload to base64
                $JWTHeaderToByte = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($JWTHeader | ConvertTo-Json))
                $EncodedHeader = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($JWTHeaderToByte)

                $JWTPayloadToByte =  [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($JWTPayload | ConvertTo-Json))
                $EncodedPayload = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($JWTPayloadToByte)

                # Join header and Payload with "." to create a valid (unsigned) JWT
                $JWT = $EncodedHeader + "." + $EncodedPayload

                # Get the private key object of your certificate
                $PrivateKey = $Certificate.PrivateKey
                # Define RSA signature and hashing algorithm
                $RSAPadding = [Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1
                $HashAlgorithm = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256

                # Create a signature of the JWT
                $Signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($PrivateKey.SignData([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($JWT),$HashAlgorithm,$RSAPadding)) -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='

                # Join the signature to the JWT with "."
                $JWT = $JWT + "." + $Signature
                # Create a hash with body parameters
                $Body = @{
                    client_id = $MSClientID
                    client_assertion = $JWT
                    client_assertion_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"
                    scope = $Scope
                    grant_type = "client_credentials"

                $Uri = "$MSTenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token"

                # Use the self-generated JWT as Authorization
                $Header = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $JWT"

                # Splat the parameters for Invoke-Restmethod for cleaner code
                $PostSplat = @{
                    ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                    Method = 'POST'
                    Body = $Body
                    Uri = $Uri
                    Headers = $Header

                $Request = Invoke-RestMethod @PostSplat
                $AuthToken = $Request.access_token
                Return $AuthToken
            Else {
                Write-Error "Could not find certificate in $CertStore"

Function Get-MSOfficeAccessToken {
        Get an Office 365 access token for a given MS tenant. Needed to run specific Office365 API queries (not Graph).
        Get an access token for a given MS tenant. Needed to run specific Office365 API queries (not Graph).
        $MSOAccessToken = Get-MSOfficeAccessToken -MSClientID 41a228ad-db6c-4e4e-4184-6d8a1175a35f -MSClientSecret 43Rk5Xl3K349w-pFf0i_Rt45Qd~ArqkE32. -MSTenantID 17e1e614-8119-48ab-8ba1-6ff1d94a6930
        Obtains an MS Office access token using the supplied clientID/secret/tenantID and stores the results for later use.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
    Process {
        Try {
            # Get the Azure Graph API auth token
            $AuthBody = @{
                grant_type = 'client_credentials'
                client_id = $MSClientID
                client_secret = $MSClientSecret
                resource = ''
            $JSON_Auth = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -uri "$MSTenantID/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0" -Body $AuthBody
            $AuthToken = $JSON_Auth.access_token
            Return $AuthToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to get access token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Test-MSTeamsConnectivity {
        Tests if we are able to retrieve Teams call data and Azure AD information from a O365 tenant.
        Tests if we are able to retrieve Teams call data and Azure AD information from a O365 tenant.
        .PARAMETER MSClientID
        The MS client ID for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSClientSecret
        The MS client secret for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSTenantID
        The MS tenant ID for the O365 customer granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER SkipUserCount
        Skips the user count
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName contoso | Test-MSAzureADAccess
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Process {
        If ($MSTenantID) { 
            $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID $MSClientID -MSClientSecret $MSClientSecret -MSTenantID $MSTenantID
        ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
            $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        $Headers = @{
            Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
        # Test MS Teams call record access
        Try {
            $FromDateTime = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
            $ToDateTime = ((Get-Date).AddDays(+1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))
            $URI = "$FromDateTime,toDateTime=$ToDateTime)"
            If ($TenantName) { Write-Host "TenantName: $TenantName - " -NoNewLine }
            Write-Host 'Teams CR Status: ' -NoNewLine
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers

            Write-Host 'PASS' -ForegroundColor Green
        Catch {
            Write-Host 'FAIL' -ForegroundColor Red

        # Test Azure AD group access
        Try {
            $URI = ''
            If ($TenantName) { Write-Host "TenantName: $TenantName - " -NoNewLine }
            Write-Host 'Azure AD Group Status: ' -NoNewLine
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers

            Write-Host 'PASS' -ForegroundColor Green
        Catch {
            Write-Host 'FAIL' -ForegroundColor Red
        # Test Azure AD user access
        Try {
            $URI = ''
            If ($TenantName) { Write-Host "TenantName: $TenantName - " -NoNewLine }
            Write-Host 'Azure AD User Status: ' -NoNewLine
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers

            Write-Host 'PASS' -ForegroundColor Green
            If (!$SkipUserCount) { Get-MSTeamsUserLicenseCount -AuthToken $AuthToken }
        Catch {
            Write-Host 'FAIL' -ForegroundColor Red
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_
        Clear-Variable AuthToken

Function Get-MSAzureGraphSubscriptions {
        Return data about the subscriptions for a given Azure tenant.
        Return data about the subscriptions for a given Azure tenant.
        .PARAMETER MSClientID
        The MS client ID for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSClientSecret
        The MS client secret for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSTenantID
        The MS tenant ID for the O365 customer granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Process {
        Try {
            If ($MSTenantID) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID $MSClientID -MSClientSecret $MSClientSecret -MSTenantID $MSTenantID
            ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken

            # Test Azure AD access
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri "" -Headers $Headers
            Return $JSON.value
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain subscription information."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-MSTeamsAppInfo {
        Return data about the MSTeams subscription for a given tenant.
        Return data about the MSTeams subscription for a given tenant. Requires a global admin account. Not available to tenant-level admins.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            If (!$TenantName) { $TenantName = Set-NectarDefaultTenantName }

            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/clouddatasources/configuration/msteams/subscription?tenant=$TenantName"
            Return $
        Catch {
            Write-Error "TenantName: $TenantName - No MS Teams information found, or insufficient permissions."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-MSTeamsCallRecord {
        Return a specific call record details directly from MS Azure tenant.
        Return a specific call record details directly from MS Azure tenant.
        .PARAMETER CallRecordID
        The MS call record ID
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Get-MSTeamsCallRecord -CallRecordID ed672235-5417-40ce-8425-12b8b702a505 -AuthToken $AuthToken
        Returns the given MS Teams call record using a previously-obtained authtoken
        Get-MSTeamsCallRecord -CallRecordID ed672235-5417-40ce-8425-12b8b702a505 -AuthToken $AuthToken -TextOutput | Out-File Call.json
        Returns the given MS Teams call record using a previously-obtained authtoken and saves the results to a .JSON file.
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If (!$AuthToken) { $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Where {$_.SubscriptionStatus -eq 'ACTIVE'} | Get-MSGraphAccessToken }    
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
    Process {
        Try {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"

            If ($BetaCallRecord) {
                $URI = "$CallRecordID/?`$expand=sessions(`$expand=segments)"
            Else {
                $URI = "$CallRecordID/?`$expand=sessions(`$expand=segments)"
            Write-Verbose $URI
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers
            If ($TextOutput) {
                $JSON = $JSON | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8

            Return $JSON

        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not get call record."
            Write-Error $_

Function Get-MSTeamsDRCalls {
        Return a list of MS Teams Direct Routing calls
        Return a list of MS Teams Direct Routing calls
        .PARAMETER FromDateTime
        Start of time range to query. UTC, inclusive. Time range is based on the call start time. Defaults to today
        .PARAMETER ToDateTime
        End of time range to query. UTC, inclusive. Defaults to today
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER MSClientID
        The MS client ID for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSClientSecret
        The MS client secret for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSTenantID
        The MS tenant ID for the O365 customer granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Get-MSTeamsDRCalls -MSClientID 41a228ad-db6c-4e4e-4184-6d8a1175a35f -MSClientSecret 43Rk5Xl3K349w-pFf0i_Rt45Qd~ArqkE32. -MSTenantID 17e1e614-8119-48ab-8ba1-6ff1d94a6930
        Returns all Teams DR calls for the specified tenant/clientID/secret combination
        Get-MSTeamsDRCalls -AuthToken $AuthToken
        Returns all Teams DR calls using a previously obtained authtoken
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [string]$FromDateTime = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
        [string]$ToDateTime = ((Get-Date).AddDays(+1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')),        
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]

    Process {
        $Body = @{}
        $Params = @{}
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If ($MSTenantID) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID $MSClientID -MSClientSecret $MSClientSecret -MSTenantID $MSTenantID
            ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"

            $URI = "$FromDateTime,toDateTime=$ToDateTime)"
            Write-Verbose $URI
            $Params = @{}
            If ($AuthToken) { $Params.Add('AuthToken',$AuthToken) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            $PageSize = $JSON.value.count
            While (($JSON.'@odata.nextLink') -And ($PageSize -lt $ResultSize)) {
                $NextURI = $JSON.'@odata.nextLink'
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $NextURI -Headers $Headers
                $PageSize += $JSON.value.count
            Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-MSAzureUsers {
        Return a list of users from Azure AD.
        Return a list of users from Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER Properties
        A comma-delimited list of properties to return in the results
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER HideProgressBar
        Don't show the progress bar. Cleans up logs when running on Docker.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        .PARAMETER TotalCount
        Only return a total count of objects
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns all MS Azure user accounts
        Get-MSAzureUsers -Properties 'id,userPrincipalName' -AuthToken $AuthToken
        Returns a list of Azure users' ID and userPrincipalNames using a previously-obtained authtoken
        Version 1.3

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ProgressUpdateFreq = 1    

    Process {
        $Body = @{}
        $Params = @{}
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If (!$AuthToken) { $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken }
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            Try {
                $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"

                If ($Properties) { 

                If ($Filter) { 

                If ($TotalCount) {
                    $URI = '$count'
                    $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
                    $UserCount = New-Object PsObject
                    $UserCount | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'UserCount' -NotePropertyValue $JSON
                    If ($TenantName) { $UserCount | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $TenantName }
                    Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken
                    Return $UserCount
                Else {
                    $URI = ""
                    Write-Verbose $URI
                    $Params = @{}
                    If ($AuthToken) { $Params.Add('AuthToken',$AuthToken) }
                    If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
                    $TotalUsers = Get-MSAzureUsers @Params -TotalCount
                    $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
                    $PageSize = $JSON.value.count
                    $Message = "Getting Azure AD users for tenant $TenantName." 
                    If ($HideProgressBar) { Write-Host $Message }
                    $UserCount = 0
                    $LastCount = 0
                    $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
                    While (($JSON.'@odata.nextLink') -And ($PageSize -lt $ResultSize)) {
                        $NextURI = $JSON.'@odata.nextLink'
                        $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $NextURI -Headers $Headers
                        $PageSize += $JSON.value.count
                        If ($Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -ge $ProgressUpdateFreq) {
                            $Percentage = ($PageSize / $TotalUsers.UserCount) * 100
                            If ($HideProgressBar) {
                                $Percentage = [math]::Round($Percentage,1)
                                Write-Host "Retrieving $Percentage`% of $($TotalUsers.UserCount) users on tenant $TenantName..."
                            Else { 
                                Write-Progress -Activity $Message -PercentComplete $Percentage -Status 'Retrieving...' 
                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Could not get user data."
                Write-Error $_
                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-MSAzurePhoto {
        Return users who have a photo in MS Azure.
        Return users who have a photo in MS Azure. Useful for troubleshooting
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER HideProgressBar
        Don't show the progress bar. Cleans up logs when running on Docker.
        .PARAMETER ProgressUpdateFreq
        How frequently to show progress updates, in seconds. Defaults to 1 second
        .PARAMETER UserList
        Use a previously obtained list of Azure user IDs. If this isn't specified, then a list will be downloaded using Get-MSAzureUsers
        .PARAMETER MSClientID
        The MS client ID for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSClientSecret
        The MS client secret for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSTenantID
        The MS tenant ID for the O365 customer granted access to Azure AD.
        Get-MSAzurePhoto -TenantName contoso
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ProgressUpdateFreq = 1,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If ($MSTenantID) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID $MSClientID -MSClientSecret $MSClientSecret -MSTenantID $MSTenantID
            Else {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token for tenant $TenantName."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
            $Params = @{
                TenantName = $TenantName
                Properties = 'id'
                Filter = 'accountEnabled eq true'
                AuthToken = $AuthToken
                ResultSize = 200000
            If ($HideProgressBar) { $Params.Add('HideProgressBar', $HideProgressBar) }
            If ($ProgressUpdateFreq) { $Params.Add('ProgressUpdateFreq', $ProgressUpdateFreq) }
            If (!$UserList) { $UserList = Get-MSAzureUsers @Params }
            $TotalUsers = $UserList.Count

            $UserCount = 0
            $PhotoCount = 0
            $LastCount = 0
            $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
            ForEach ($User in $UserList) {
                $Retry = $FALSE
                [int]$RetryCount = 0
                Do {
                    # The AuthToken will expire after an hour or so. This Try/Catch block will get a new AuthToken when an error occurs
                    Try {
                        $URI = "$($"
                        Write-Verbose $URI
                        $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers
                        $Retry = $FALSE
                    Catch {
                        # If ($RetryCount -gt 1) {
                            # Write-Error "Could not get user data for tenant $TenantName."
                            # Write-Error $_
                            # $Retry = $FALSE
                        # }
                        # Else {
                            # If ($MSTenantID) {
                                # $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID $MSClientID -MSClientSecret $MSClientSecret -MSTenantID $MSTenantID
                            # }
                            # Else {
                                # $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
                            # }
                            # $Headers = @{
                                # Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
                            # }
                            # $RetryCount++
                        # }
                } While ($Retry -eq $TRUE)
                If ($Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -ge $ProgressUpdateFreq) {
                    $Percentage = $UserCount / $TotalUsers
                    $Rate = ($UserCount - $LastCount) / $ProgressUpdateFreq
                    $LastCount = $UserCount
                    $Message = "Checking Azure photo for user {0} of {1} on tenant {2} at a rate of {3}/sec." -f $UserCount, $TotalUsers, $TenantName, $Rate
                    If ($HideProgressBar) {
                        Write-Host $Message
                    Else {
                        Write-Progress -Activity $Message -PercentComplete ($Percentage * 100) -Status 'Calculating...' 
            $AzurePhoto = New-Object PsObject
            $AzurePhoto | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'PhotoCount' -NotePropertyValue $PhotoCount 

            If ($TenantName) { $AzurePhoto | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $TenantName }
            Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

            Return $AzurePhoto

Function Get-MSTeamsServiceStatus {
        Return the current MS Teams service status from Office 365
        Return the current MS Teams service status from Office 365
        .PARAMETER CallRecordID
        The MS call record ID
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            $TenantInfo = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName
            $TenantID = $TenantInfo.msTenantID
            $AuthToken = $TenantInfo | Get-MSOfficeAccessToken    
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            Try {
                $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"

                $URI = "$($TenantID)/ServiceComms/CurrentStatus?`$filter=Workload eq 'microsoftteams'"
                Write-Verbose $URI
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers
                If ($TextOutput) {
                    $JSON = $JSON | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8

                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

                Return $JSON.value

            Catch {
                Write-Error $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-MSTeamsServiceMessages {
        Return any current service status messages regarding MS Teams cloud issues
        Return any current service status messages regarding MS Teams cloud issues
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]

    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            $TenantInfo = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName
            $TenantID = $TenantInfo.msTenantID
            $AuthToken = $TenantInfo | Get-MSOfficeAccessToken    
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        

        If ($AuthToken) {    
            Try {
                $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
                $URI = "$($TenantID)/ServiceComms/Messages?`$filter=Workload eq 'microsoftteams'"
                If ($Current) { $URI = $URI + " and EndTime eq null" }
                Write-Verbose $URI
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers
                If ($TextOutput) {
                    $JSON = $JSON | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8

                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

                Return $JSON.value
            Catch {
                Write-Error $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-MSTeamsLicenseStatus {
        Return the total number of SKUs for a company that have Teams in it
        Return the total number of SKUs for a company that have Teams in it. Requires Organization.Read.All permission on
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]

    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If (!$AuthToken) { $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken }
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token for tenant $TenantName."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            Try {
                $Headers = @{
                    Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"

                $URI = ""
                Write-Verbose $URI

                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers

                $TotalSKUs = $JSON.value

                $LicenseCount = $TotalSKUs | Where {$_.servicePlans.ServicePlanName -eq 'TEAMS1'} | Select-Object skuPartNumber, ConsumedUnits
                If ($TotalOnly) {
                    $LicenseCount = $LicenseCount | Measure-Object -Property consumedUnits -Sum | Select-Object Sum

                If ($TenantName) { $LicenseCount | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $TenantName }
                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken
                Return $LicenseCount
            Catch {
                Write-Error "Could not get license data for tenant $TenantName."
                Write-Error $_
                Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-MSTeamsUserLicenseCount {
        Return the total number of Teams licensed users for a given tenant.
        Return the total number of Teams licensed users for a given tenant. Excludes disabled accounts.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER HideProgressBar
        Don't show the progress bar. Cleans up logs when running on Docker.
        .PARAMETER ProgressUpdateFreq
        How frequently to show progress updates, in seconds. Defaults to 1 second
        .PARAMETER UserList
        Use a previously obtained list of Azure user IDs. If this isn't specified, then a list will be downloaded using Get-MSAzureUsers
        .PARAMETER MSClientID
        The MS client ID for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSClientSecret
        The MS client secret for the application granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER MSTenantID
        The MS tenant ID for the O365 customer granted access to Azure AD.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        .PARAMETER TestMode
        Sets the mode to run the tests under. Choose from Basic or Enhanced. Defaults to Enhanced mode
        Enhanced mode checks user O365 Service Plans for both Teams and Enterprise Voice functionality. Most accurate, but slower because it requires pulling
        down about 10x the data. The process ends up taking about twice as long as Basic mode.
        Fast mode looks at the assigned license SKUs, and also checks to see if TEAMS1 has been disabled. Faster because it requires about 10x less data than
        Enhanced mode, but can't obtain information about Enterprise Voice functionality. It's twice as fast as Enhanced mode
        Get-MSTeamsUserLicenseCount -TenantName contoso
        Version 1.2

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ProgressUpdateFreq = 1,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [ValidateSet('Basic','Extended', IgnoreCase=$True)]
        [string]$TestMode = 'Extended'
    Begin {
        $TeamsSKUList = 
            '4b590615-0888-425a-a965-b3bf7789848d', # Microsoft 365 Education A3 for Faculty (M365EDU_A3_FACULTY)
            '7cfd9a2b-e110-4c39-bf20-c6a3f36a3121', # Microsoft 365 Education A3 for Students (M365EDU_A3_STUDENT)
            'e97c048c-37a4-45fb-ab50-922fbf07a370', # Microsoft 365 Education A5 for Faculty (M365EDU_A5_FACULTY)
            '46c119d4-0379-4a9d-85e4-97c66d3f909e', # Microsoft 365 Education A5 for Students (M365EDU_A5_STUDENT)
            '3b555118-da6a-4418-894f-7df1e2096870', # Microsoft 365 Business Basic (O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS)
            'dab7782a-93b1-4074-8bb1-0e61318bea0b', # Microsoft 365 Business Basic (SMB_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS)
            'f245ecc8-75af-4f8e-b61f-27d8114de5f3', # Microsoft 365 Business Standard (O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM)
            'ac5cef5d-921b-4f97-9ef3-c99076e5470f', # Microsoft 365 Business Standard (SMB_BUSINESS_PREMIUM)
            'cbdc14ab-d96c-4c30-b9f4-6ada7cdc1d46', # Microsoft 365 Business Premium (SPB)
            '05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965', # Microsoft 365 E3 (SPB_E3)
            '06ebc4ee-1bb5-47dd-8120-11324bc54e06', # Microsoft 365 E5 (SPB_E5)
            '44575883-256e-4a79-9da4-ebe9acabe2b2', # Microsoft 365 F1 (M365_F1)
            '66b55226-6b4f-492c-910c-a3b7a3c9d993', # Microsoft 365 F3 (SPE_F1)
            'a4585165-0533-458a-97e3-c400570268c4', # Office 365 A5 for Faculty (ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_FACULTY)
            'ee656612-49fa-43e5-b67e-cb1fdf7699df', # Office 365 A5 for Students (ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_STUDENT)
            '18181a46-0d4e-45cd-891e-60aabd171b4e', # Office 365 E1 (STANDARDPACK)
            '6634e0ce-1a9f-428c-a498-f84ec7b8aa2e', # Office 365 E2 (STANDARDWOFFPACK)
            '6fd2c87f-b296-42f0-b197-1e91e994b900', # Office 365 E3 (ENTERPRISEPACK)
            '189a915c-fe4f-4ffa-bde4-85b9628d07a0', # Office 365 Developer (DEVELOPERPACK)
            '1392051d-0cb9-4b7a-88d5-621fee5e8711', # Office 365 E4 (ENTERPRISEWITHSCAL)
            'c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df', # Office 365 E5 (ENTERPRISEPREMIUM)
            '26d45bd9-adf1-46cd-a9e1-51e9a5524128', # Office 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing (ENTERPRISEPREMIUM_NOPSTNCONF)
            '4b585984-651b-448a-9e53-3b10f069cf7f', # Office 365 F1/3 (DESKLESSPACK)
            '6070a4c8-34c6-4937-8dfb-39bbc6397a60', # Meeting Room (MEETING_ROOM)
            '710779e8-3d4a-4c88-adb9-386c958d1fdf', # Teams Exploratory
            '7a551360-26c4-4f61-84e6-ef715673e083', # Dynamics 365 Remote Assist
            '50f60901-3181-4b75-8a2c-4c8e4c1d5a72', #
            '295a8eb0-f78d-45c7-8b5b-1eed5ed02dff'  # Common Area Phones
        $TeamsPlanID = '57ff2da0-773e-42df-b2af-ffb7a2317929'        # TEAMS1
        $TeamsPhoneSystemID = '4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7' # MCOEV
        $TeamsCallingPlanList = 
            '4828c8ec-dc2e-4779-b502-87ac9ce28ab7', # MCOEV
            '4ed3ff63-69d7-4fb7-b984-5aec7f605ca8', # MCOPSTN1
            '5a10155d-f5c1-411a-a8ec-e99aae125390', # MCOPSTN2
            '54a152dc-90de-4996-93d2-bc47e670fc06'  # MCOPSTN5
        $UnmatchedSKUList = @()
        class UnmatchedSKU {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If ($MSTenantID) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-MSGraphAccessToken -MSClientID $MSClientID -MSClientSecret $MSClientSecret -MSTenantID $MSTenantID
            ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token for tenant $TenantName."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        $TeamsCount = 0
        $TeamsEVCount = 0
        If ($AuthToken) {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
            If ($TestMode -eq 'Fast') {
                $Properties = 'id,assignedLicenses'
            Else {
                $Properties = 'id,assignedPlans'

            $Params = @{
                TenantName = $TenantName
                Properties = $Properties
                Filter = 'accountEnabled eq true'
                AuthToken = $AuthToken
                ResultSize = 200000
            If ($HideProgressBar) { $Params.Add('HideProgressBar', $HideProgressBar) }
            If ($ProgressUpdateFreq) { $Params.Add('ProgressUpdateFreq', $ProgressUpdateFreq) }
            If (!$UserList) { 
                If ($TestMode -eq 'Fast') {
                    $UserList = Get-MSAzureUsers @Params | Where {$_.assignedLicenses -ne ''} 
                    $TotalUsers = $UserList.Count
                    $UserCount = 0
                    $LastCount = 0
                    $Stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
                    ForEach ($User in $UserList) {
                        $Retry = $TRUE
                        [int]$RetryCount = 0
                        $LicenseSKUs = $User.assignedLicenses
                        # Find all SKUs that match the reference list
                        [string[]]$MatchingSKUs = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $TeamsSKUList -DifferenceObject $LicenseSKUs.skuId -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent).InputObject
                        # Check each SKU to make sure Teams isn't explicity disabled
                        :SKULoop ForEach ($MatchSKU in $MatchingSKUs) {
                            $TeamsSKUs = $LicenseSKUs | Where {$_.skuId -eq $MatchSKU}
                            ForEach ($SKU in $TeamsSKUs) {
                                If (!($SKU | Where {$_.disabledPlans -eq $TeamsPlanID})) {
                                    #Teams isn't disabled for this user. Increase the Teams user count and break out
                                    Break SKULoop
                        If ($Stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -ge $ProgressUpdateFreq) {
                            $Percentage = $UserCount / $TotalUsers
                            $Rate = ($UserCount - $LastCount) / $ProgressUpdateFreq
                            $LastCount = $UserCount
                            $Message = "Checking Teams license status for user {0} of {1} ({4} Teams users so far) on tenant {2} at a rate of {3}/sec." -f $UserCount, $TotalUsers, $TenantName, $Rate, $TeamsCount
                            If ($HideProgressBar) {
                                Write-Host $Message
                            Else {
                                Write-Progress -Activity $Message -PercentComplete ($Percentage * 100) -Status 'Calculating...' 
                Else {
                    $UserList = Get-MSAzureUsers @Params | Where {$_.assignedPlans -ne ''}
                    $TeamsCount = ($UserList | Select-Object -ExpandProperty assignedPlans | Where {$_.capabilityStatus -eq 'Enabled' -and $_.servicePlanId -eq $TeamsPlanID}).Count
                    $TeamsEVCount = ($UserList | Select-Object -ExpandProperty assignedPlans | Where {$_.capabilityStatus -eq 'Enabled' -and $_.servicePlanId -eq $TeamsPhoneSystemID}).Count
            $TeamsLicense = New-Object PsObject
            $TeamsLicense | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TeamsCount' -NotePropertyValue $TeamsCount
            If ($TestMode -eq 'Extended') { $TeamsLicense | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'EVCount' -NotePropertyValue $TeamsEVCount }
            If ($TenantName) { $TeamsLicense | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TenantName' -NotePropertyValue $TenantName }
            Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

            Return $TeamsLicense

################################################################# Zoom Functions ##################################################################

Function Get-ZoomAccessToken {
        Get a Zoom JWT access token for a given Zoom tenant. Needed to run other Zoom API queries.
        Get a Zoom access token for a given Zoom tenant. Needed to run other Zoom API queries. Generates a JSON Web Ticket (JWT)
        $AuthToken = Get-ZoomAccessToken -APIKey yourapikey -APISecret yourapisecret
        Version 1.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512')]
        $Algorithm = 'HS256',
        $type = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string]$APIKey = $null,
        [int]$ValidforSeconds = 86400,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        $APISecret = $null

    $exp = [int][double]::parse((Get-Date -Date $((Get-Date).addseconds($ValidforSeconds).ToUniversalTime()) -UFormat %s)) # Grab Unix Epoch Timestamp and add desired expiration.

    [hashtable]$header = @{alg = $Algorithm; typ = $type}
    [hashtable]$payload = @{iss = $APIKey; exp = $exp}

    $headerjson = $header | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    $payloadjson = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    $headerjsonbase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($headerjson)).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')
    $payloadjsonbase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($payloadjson)).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')

    $ToBeSigned = $headerjsonbase64 + "." + $payloadjsonbase64

    $SigningAlgorithm = switch ($Algorithm) {
        "HS256" {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256}
        "HS384" {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384}
        "HS512" {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512}

    $SigningAlgorithm.Key = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($APISecret)
    $Signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($SigningAlgorithm.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($ToBeSigned))).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')
    $Token = "$headerjsonbase64.$payloadjsonbase64.$Signature"
    Return $Token

Function Get-ZoomMeeting {
        Return a list of Zoom meetings.
        Return a list of Zoom meetings.
        .PARAMETER MeetingID
        Return information about a specific meeting. Provide meeting ID or UUID. Don't use with From/To date range
        .PARAMETER Type
        Return live, past or past meetings with only one participant. Defaults to past
        .PARAMETER FromDateTime
        Start of date/time range to query. UTC, inclusive. Time range is based on the call start time. Defaults to yesterday.
        .PARAMETER ToDateTime
        End of date/time range to query. UTC, inclusive. Defaults to today
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        The Zoom API key for the application granted access to Zoom.
        .PARAMETER APISecret
        The Zoom API secret for the application granted access to Zoom.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-ZoomAccessToken
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The number of results to return per page. Defaults to 30.
        Get-ZoomMeetings -AuthToken $AuthToken
        Returns all past Zoom meetings from the previous 24 hours
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('past', 'pastone', 'live')]
        $Type = 'past',
        [string]$FromDateTime = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')),
        [string]$ToDateTime = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'),        
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 30

    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If ($APIKey) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-ZoomAccessToken -APIKey $APIKey -APISecret $APISecret
            ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
            If ($MeetingID) {
                $URI = "$MeetingID"
                $Body = @{
                    type = $Type
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            Else {
                $URI = ""
                $Body = @{
                    from = $FromDateTime
                    to = $ToDateTime
                    type = $Type
                    page_size = $PageSize
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
                # If there is more than one page, use next_page_token to iterate through the pages
                While ($JSON.next_page_token) {
                    $Body.next_page_token = $JSON.next_page_token
                    $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-ZoomMeetingParticipants {
        Return a list of Zoom meeting participants for a given meeting and their connection details.
        Return a list of Zoom meeting participants for a given meeting and their connection details.
        .PARAMETER MeetingID
        The ID of the meeting. Provide meeting ID or UUID.
        .PARAMETER Type
        Return live, past or past meetings with only one participant. Defaults to past
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        The Zoom API key for the application granted access to Zoom.
        .PARAMETER APISecret
        The Zoom API secret for the application granted access to Zoom.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-ZoomAccessToken
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The number of results to return per page. Defaults to 30.
        Get-ZoomMeetingParticipants 928340928 -AuthToken $AuthToken
        Returns participant information from a specific meeting
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('past', 'pastone', 'live')]
        $Type = 'past',
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 30

    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If ($APIKey) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-ZoomAccessToken -APIKey $APIKey -APISecret $APISecret
            ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"

            $URI = "$MeetingID/participants"
            $Body = @{
                type = $Type
                page_size = $PageSize
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            # If there is more than one page, use next_page_token to iterate through the pages
            While ($JSON.next_page_token) {
                $Body.next_page_token = $JSON.next_page_token
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

Function Get-ZoomMeetingParticipantQoS {
        Return the participant QoS from a given meeting.
        Return the participant QoS from a given meeting.
        .PARAMETER MeetingID
        Return information about a specific meeting.
        .PARAMETER ParticipantID
        Return information about a specific participant in a given meeting. Optional
        .PARAMETER Type
        Return live, past or past meetings with only one participant. Defaults to past
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        The Zoom API key for the application granted access to Zoom.
        .PARAMETER APISecret
        The Zoom API secret for the application granted access to Zoom.
        .PARAMETER AuthToken
        The authorization token used for this request. Normally obtained via Get-ZoomAccessToken
        .PARAMETER PageSize
        The number of results to return per page. Defaults to 30.
        Get-ZoomMeetingParticipantQoS 928340928 -AuthToken $AuthToken
        Returns all past Zoom meetings from the previous 24 hours
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [ValidateSet('past', 'pastone', 'live')]
        $Type = 'past',    
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$PageSize = 30

    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }    
            If ($APIKey) { 
                $AuthToken = Get-ZoomAccessToken -APIKey $APIKey -APISecret $APISecret
            ElseIf (!$AuthToken) {
                $AuthToken = Get-MSTeamsAppInfo -TenantName $TenantName | Get-MSGraphAccessToken
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Could not obtain authorization token."
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_        
        If ($AuthToken) {
            $Headers = @{
                Authorization = "Bearer $AuthToken"
            If ($ParticipantID) {
                $URI = "$MeetingID/participants/$ParticipantID/qos"
                $Body = @{
                    type = $Type
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            Else {
                $URI = "$MeetingID/participants/qos"
                $Body = @{
                    type = $Type
                    page_size = $PageSize
                $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
                # If there is more than one page, use next_page_token to iterate through the pages
                While ($JSON.next_page_token) {
                    $Body.next_page_token = $JSON.next_page_token
                    $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri $URI -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
            Clear-Variable -Name AuthToken

############################################################# Informational Functions #############################################################

Function Get-NectarCodecs {
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 codecs used in calls
        Returns a list of Nectar 10 codecs used in calls
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Returns all codecs
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/info/codecs?tenant=$TenantName"
            If (!$JSON) {
                Write-Error 'Codec not found.'
            Else {
                Return $JSON
        Catch {
            Write-Error 'Unable to get codecs.'
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarExtCities {
        Returns a list of cities found via IP geolocation
        Most call records include the user's external IP address. Nectar 10 does a geo-IP lookup of the external IP address and stores the geographic information for later use. This command will return all the cities where Nectar 10 was able to successfully geolocate an external IP address.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        The name of the city to locate. Can be a partial match, and may return more than one entry.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns the first 1000 cities sorted alphabetically.
        Get-NectarExtCities -ResultSize 5000
        Returns the first 5000 cities sorted alphabetically.
        Get-NectarExtCities -SearchQuery Gu
        Returns all cities that contain the letters 'gu'
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/info/external/cities"
            $Params = @{ 'pageSize' = $ResultSize }    
            If ($SearchQuery) { $Params.Add('searchQuery',$SearchQuery) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarExtCountries {
        Returns a list of 2-letter country codes found via IP geolocation
        Most call records include the user's external IP address. Nectar 10 does a geo-IP lookup of the external IP address and stores the geographic information for later use. This command will return all the countries where Nectar 10 was able to successfully geolocate an external IP address.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        The 2-letter country code to locate. Can be a partial match, and may return more than one entry.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns all country codes sorted alphabetically.
        Get-NectarExtCountries -SearchQuery US
        Returns all country codes that contain the letters 'US'
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/info/external/countries"
            $Params = @{ 'pageSize' = $ResultSize }    
            If ($SearchQuery) { $Params.Add('searchQuery',$SearchQuery) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

Function Get-NectarExtISPs {
        Returns a list of ISPs found via IP geolocation
        Most call records include the user's external IP address. Nectar 10 does a geo-IP lookup of the external IP address and stores the geographic information for later use. This command will return all the ISPs where Nectar 10 was able to successfully geolocate an external IP address.
        .PARAMETER SearchQuery
        The name of the city to locate. Can be a partial match, and may return more than one entry.
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        .PARAMETER ResultSize
        The number of results to return. Defaults to 1000.
        Returns the first 1000 ISPs sorted alphabetically.
        Get-NectarExtISPs -ResultSize 5000
        Returns the first 5000 ISPs sorted alphabetically.
        Get-NectarExtISPs -SearchQuery Be
        Returns all ISPs that contain the letters 'be'
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$False)]
        [int]$ResultSize = 1000
    Begin {
    Process {
        Try {
            # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
            If ($Global:NectarTenantName -And !$TenantName) { $TenantName = $Global:NectarTenantName }
            $URI = "https://$Global:NectarCloud/dapi/info/external/isps"
            $Params = @{ 'pageSize' = $ResultSize }    
            If ($SearchQuery) { $Params.Add('searchQuery',$SearchQuery) }
            If ($TenantName) { $Params.Add('Tenant',$TenantName) }
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri $URI -Body $Params
            If ($TenantName) {$JSON.elements | Add-Member -Name 'TenantName' -Value $TenantName -MemberType NoteProperty}
        Catch {
            Write-Error "No results. Try specifying a less-restrictive filter"
            Get-JSONErrorStream -JSONResponse $_

############################################################## Supporting Functions ##############################################################

Function Convert-NectarNumToTelURI {
        Converts a Nectar formatted number "+12223334444 x200" into a valid TEL uri "+12223334444;ext=200"
        Converts a Nectar formatted number "+12223334444 x200" into a valid TEL uri "+12223334444;ext=200"
        .PARAMETER PhoneNumber
        The phone number to convert to a TEL URI
        .PARAMETER TenantName
        The name of the Nectar 10 tenant. Used in multi-tenant configurations.
        Convert-NectarNumToTelsURI "+12224243344 x3344"
        Converts the above number to a TEL URI
        Get-NectarUnallocatedNumber -LocationName Jericho | Convert-NectarNumToTelURI
        Returns the next available phone number in the Jericho location in Tel URI format
        Version 1.1

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory=$true)]
    $PhoneNumber = "tel:" + $PhoneNumber.Replace(" x", ";ext=")
    Return $PhoneNumber    

Function Set-NectarDefaultTenantName {
        Set the default tenant name for use with other commands.
        Set the default tenant name for use with other commands.
        Version 1.0

    Param ()

    If ($Global:NectarTenantName) { # Use globally set tenant name, if one was set and not explicitly included in the command
        Return $Global:NectarTenantName 
    ElseIf (!$TenantName -And !$Global:NectarTenantName) { # If a tenant name wasn't set (normal for most connections, set the TenantName variable if only one available
        $TenantList = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Credential $Global:NectarCred -uri "https://$Global:NectarCloud/aapi/tenant"
        If ($TenantList.Count -eq 1) {
            Return $TenantList
        Else {
            $TenantList | %{$TList += ($(if($TList){", "}) + $_)}
            Write-Error "TenantName was not specified. Select one of $TList"

Function Get-LatLong {
        Returns the geographical coordinates for an address.
        Returns the geographical coordinates for an address.
        .PARAMETER Address
        The address of the location to return information on. Include as much detail as possible.
        Get-LatLong -Address "33 Main Street, Jonestown, NY, USA"
        Retrieves the latitude/longitude for the selected location
        Version 1.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    Begin {
        $GoogleGeoAPIKey = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('GoogleGeocode_API_Key','user')
        If(!$GoogleGeoAPIKey) {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "You need to register for an API key and save it as persistent environment variable called GoogleGeocode_API_Key on this machine. Follow this link to get an API Key - "
            $GoogleGeoAPIKey = Read-Host "Enter a valid Google API key to be saved as environment variable GoogleGeocode_API_Key"
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GoogleGeocode_API_Key', $GoogleGeoAPIKey,[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
    Process {
        Try    {
            $JSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$Address&key=$GoogleGeoAPIKey" -ErrorVariable EV
            $Status = $JSON.Status
            [double]$Lat = $
            [double]$Lng = $JSON.results.geometry.location.lng
            $LatLong = New-Object PSObject
            If($Status -eq "OK") {
                $LatLong | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Latitude' -Value $Lat
                $LatLong | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Longitude' -Value $Lng
            ElseIf ($Status -eq 'ZERO_RESULTS') {
                $LatLong | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Latitude' -Value 0
                $LatLong | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Longitude' -Value 0                
            Else {
                $ErrorMessage = $JSON.error_message
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "WARNING: Address geolocation failed for the following reason: $Status - $ErrorMessage"
                $LatLong | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Latitude' -Value 0
                $LatLong | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Longitude' -Value 0
        Catch {
            "Something went wrong. Please try again."
        Return $LatLong

Function Show-GroupAndStats {
        Groups a set of data by one parameter, and shows sum, average, min, max for another numeric parameter (such as duration)
        Groups a set of data by one parameter, and shows sum, average, min, max for another numeric parameter (such as duration)
        .PARAMETER Input
        The data to group and sum. Can be pipelined
        .PARAMETER GroupBy
        The parameter to group on
        .PARAMETER SumBy
        The parameter to calculate numerical statistics. Must be a numeric field
        Get-NectarSessions | Show-GroupAndStats -GroupField CallerLocation -StatsField Duration
        Will group all calls by caller location and show sum, avg, min, max for the Duration column
        Version 1.0

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory=$True)]

    # Validate the parameters exist and are the proper format
    If (($Input | Get-Member $GroupBy) -eq $NULL) {
        Write-Error "$GroupBy is not a valid parameter for the source data"
    If (($Input | Get-Member $SumBy) -eq $NULL) {
        Write-Error "$SumBy is not a valid parameter for the source data"
    ElseIf (($Input | Get-Member $SumBy).Definition -NotMatch 'int|float|double') {
        Write-Error "$SumBy is not a numeric field"
    Try {
        $Input | Group-Object $GroupBy | %{
            [pscustomobject][ordered] @{
                $GroupBy = $_.Name
                'Count' = $_.Count
                "SUM_$SumBy"  = ($_.Group | Measure-Object $SumBy -Sum).Sum
                "AVG_$SumBy" = ($_.Group | Measure-Object $SumBy -Average).Average
                "MIN_$SumBy" = ($_.Group | Measure-Object $SumBy -Minimum).Minimum
                "MAX_$SumBy" = ($_.Group | Measure-Object $SumBy -Maximum).Maximum
    Catch {
        Write-Error "Error showing output."

Function Get-JSONErrorStream {
        Returns the error text of a JSON stream
        Returns the error text of a JSON stream
        .PARAMETER JSONResponse
        The error response
        Get-JSONErrorStream $_
        Returns the error message from a JSON stream that errored out.
        Version 1.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    $ResponseStream = $JSONResponse.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($ResponseStream)
    $ResponseBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black $ResponseBody.errorMessage

Function New-JWT {
        Generates a JSON Web Ticket (JWT) for authenticating with services like Zoom
        Generates a JSON Web Ticket (JWT) for authenticating with services like Zoom
        .PARAMETER JSONResponse
        The error response
        Get-JSONErrorStream $_
        Returns the error message from a JSON stream that errored out.
        Version 1.0

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet("HS256", "HS384", "HS512")]
        $Algorithm = $null,
        $type = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string]$Issuer = $null,
        [int]$ValidforSeconds = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        $SecretKey = $null

    $exp = [int][double]::parse((Get-Date -Date $((Get-Date).addseconds($ValidforSeconds).ToUniversalTime()) -UFormat %s)) # Grab Unix Epoch Timestamp and add desired expiration.

    [hashtable]$header = @{alg = $Algorithm; typ = $type}
    [hashtable]$payload = @{iss = $Issuer; exp = $exp}

    $headerjson = $header | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    $payloadjson = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    $headerjsonbase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($headerjson)).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')
    $payloadjsonbase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($payloadjson)).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')

    $ToBeSigned = $headerjsonbase64 + "." + $payloadjsonbase64

    $SigningAlgorithm = switch ($Algorithm) {
        "HS256" {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256}
        "HS384" {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384}
        "HS512" {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512}

    $SigningAlgorithm.Key = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($SecretKey)
    $Signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($SigningAlgorithm.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($ToBeSigned))).Split('=')[0].Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')
    $token = "$headerjsonbase64.$payloadjsonbase64.$Signature"

Function ParseBool {
    switch -regex ($inputVal.Trim()) {
        "^(1|true|yes|on|enabled)$" { Return $True }
        default { Return $False }

Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function *

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# cmwzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9zaGEyLWFzc3VyZWQtY3MtZzEuY3JsMDWgM6Axhi9o
# dHRwOi8vY3JsNC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vc2hhMi1hc3N1cmVkLWNzLWcxLmNybDBM
# CCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20wTgYIKwYBBQUHMAKG
# Qmh0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2VydFNIQTJBc3N1cmVk
# A4IBAQAVlWAZaJ+IYUINcKhTdojQ3ViHdfcuzgTMECn1bCbr4DxH/SDmNr1n3Nm9
# ZIodfPE5fjFuqaYqQvfzFutqBTiX5hStT284WpGjrPwSuiJDRoI3iBTjyy5OABpi
# kpgdncJeyNvEO2ermcBrVw4t4AUZKfYsyjxfXaX8INcvHdNGhTiN5x4SjGSXxSvx
# hr7F9aLeE0mG+5yDlr5HbfPbyqLWdvLP4UcQ9WrJOmN0wa7qanrErr3ZeuDZQebL
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# cep2nQUut4/6kkPApfmJ1DcZ17aq8JyGpdglrA55KDp+6dFn08b7KSfH03sjlOSR
# I5aQd4L5oYQjZhJUM1B0sSgmuyRpwsJS8hRniolF1C2ho+mILCCVrhxKhwjfDPXi
# TWAYvqrEsq5wMWYzcT6scKKrzn/pfMuSoeU7MRzP6vIK5Fe7SrXpdOYr/mzLfnQ5
# Ng2Q7+S1TqSp6moKq4TzrGdOtcT3jNEgJSPrCGQ+UpbB8g8S9MWOD8Gi6CxR93O8
# vYWxYoNzQYIH5DiLanMg0A9kczyen6Yzqf0Z3yWT0QIDAQABo4IBzTCCAckwEgYD
# aWdpY2VydC5jb20wQwYIKwYBBQUHMAKGN2h0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0
# LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2VydEFzc3VyZWRJRFJvb3RDQS5jcnQwgYEGA1UdHwR6MHgwOqA4
# oDaGNGh0dHA6Ly9jcmw0LmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2VydEFzc3VyZWRJRFJv
# b3RDQS5jcmwwOqA4oDaGNGh0dHA6Ly9jcmwzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2Vy
# dEFzc3VyZWRJRFJvb3RDQS5jcmwwTwYDVR0gBEgwRjA4BgpghkgBhv1sAAIEMCow
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# zM5+ZjZq/mCpVu8GN4TYNAfkPizVU1xgNRv3ULwwt1T750Ojwg==
# SIG # End signature block