
.GUID ea6c9f59-1659-4ab5-9d2f-8aa26a7d32b9
.AUTHOR Mike Galvin Contact:
.COPYRIGHT (C) Mike Galvin. All rights reserved.
.TAGS Network Device Status Report Monitor

    Creates a status report of Network Devices.
    Creates a status report of Network Devices.
    This script will:
    Generate a HTML or CSV status report from a configurable list of network devices.
    Please note: to send a log file using ssl and an SMTP password you must generate an encrypted
    password file. The password file is unique to both the user and machine.
    The command is as follows:
    $creds = Get-Credential
    $creds.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content c:\foo\ps-script-pwd.txt
    The path to a CSV file with a list of IP addresses and device names to monitor separated by a comma.
    Please see the networkdevices-example.csv file for how to structure your own file.
    The path where the HTML or CSV report should be output to. The filename will be NetDev-Status-Report.html/csv.
    .PARAMETER Refresh
    The number of seconds that she script should wait before running again. The minimum is 300 seconds (5 minutes)
    and the maximum is 28800 (8 hours). If not configured the script will run once and then end.
    .PARAMETER Light
    Use a light theme for the web page generated. This setting had no effect on a CSV file report.
    .PARAMETER csv
    Output a CSV file instead of a HTML file for the report.
    .PARAMETER Subject
    The email subject that the email should have. Encapulate with single or double quotes.
    The e-mail address the log should be sent to.
    The from address the log should be sent from.
    The DNS or IP address of the SMTP server.
    The user account to connect to the SMTP server.
    The txt file containing the encrypted password for the user account.
    Connect to the SMTP server using SSL.
    NetDev-Status.ps1 -List C:\foo\networkdevices.csv -O C:\foo -Refresh 300 -Light
    The script will execute using the list of network devices and output a html report called NetDev-Status-Report.htm to C:\foo.
    The status of the network devices will refresh every 5 minutes, and the web page will have a light theme instead of a dark

## Set up command line switches and what variables they map to
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})]

## Begining of the loop. At the bottom of the script the loop is broken if the refresh option is not configured.
    ## Setting the location of the CSV file if configured.
    If ($csv)
        $OutputFile = "$OutputPath\NetDev-Status-Report.csv"
        ## If the CSV file already exists, clear it so information is not duplicated.
        $csvT = Test-Path -Path $OutputFile

        If ($csvT)
            Clear-Content -Path $OutputFile

    ## If CSV file is not configured, output a HTML report.
        $OutputFile = "$OutputPath\NetDev-Status-Report.htm"

    ## Using variables for HTML and CSS so we don't need to use escape characters below.
    $Green = "00e600"
    $Grey = "e6e6e6"
    $Red = "ff4d4d"
    $Black = "1a1a1a"
    $CssError = "error"
    $CssFormat = "format"
    $CssSpinner = "spinner"
    $CssRect1 = "rect1"
    $CssRect2 = "rect2"
    $CssRect3 = "rect3"
    $CssRect4 = "rect4"
    $CssRect5 = "rect5"

    ## Import the CSV file data.
    $DeviceList = Import-Csv -Path $DeviceFile

    ## Creating the Result array.
    $Result = @()

    ## Sort devices in the device list alphabetically based on Name.
    $DeviceList = $DeviceList | Sort-Object -Property Name

    ## This ForEach loop puts offline devices at the top of the list.
    ForEach ($Device in $DeviceList)
        $PingStatus = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Device.IP -Count 1 -Quiet

        If ($PingStatus -eq $False)
            $DevicesOffline += @($Device)

            $DevicesOnline += @($Device)

    $DeviceListFinal = $DevicesOffline + $DevicesOnline

    ## Ping the devices in the final device list generated above.
    ForEach ($Device in $DeviceListFinal)
        $PingStatus = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Device.IP -Count 1 -Quiet
        If ($PingStatus -eq $True)
            $ResponseTime = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Device.IP -Count 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResponseTime

        ## Put the results together in the array.
        $Result += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Status = $PingStatus
            DeviceName = $Device.Name
            DeviceIP = $Device.IP
            ResponseTime = $ResponseTime

        ## Clear the variables after obtaining and storing the results, otherwise duplicate data is entered.
        If ($DeviceListFinal)
            Clear-Variable DeviceList

        If ($DevicesOffline)
            Clear-Variable DevicesOffline

        If ($DevicesOnline)
            Clear-Variable DevicesOnline

        If ($PingStatus)
            Clear-Variable PingStatus

        If ($ResponseTime)
            Clear-Variable ResponseTime

    ## If the result is not empty, put the report file together.
    If ($Null -ne $Result)
        ## If CSV report is specified, output a CSV file.
        If ($csv)
            ForEach($Entry in $Result)
                If ($Entry.Status -eq $True)
                    Add-Content -Path "$OutputFile" -Value "$($Entry.DeviceIP),$($Entry.DeviceName),Online,$($Entry.ResponseTime)ms"

                    Add-Content -Path "$OutputFile" -Value "$($Entry.DeviceIP),$($Entry.DeviceName),Offline,N/A"

        ## If a CSV report is not specified, output a HTML file.
            ## If the light theme is specified, use a lighter css theme.
            If ($Light)
                $HTML = '<style type="text/css">
                    p {font-family:Gotham, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px}
                    p {color:#000000;}
                    #Header{font-family:Gotham, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;}
                    #Header td, #Header th {font-size:14px;text-align:left;}
                    #Header tr.alt td {color:#ffffff;background-color:#404040;}
                    #Header tr:nth-child(even) {background-color:#404040;}
                    #Header tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color:#737373;}
                    body {background-color: #d9d9d9;}
                    .spinner {width: 40px;height: 20px;font-size: 14px;padding: 5px;}
                    .spinner > div {background-color: #00e600;height: 100%;width: 3px;display: inline-block;animation: sk-stretchdelay 3.2s infinite ease-in-out;}
                    .spinner .rect2 {animation-delay: -3.1s;}
                    .spinner .rect3 {animation-delay: -3.0s;}
                    .spinner .rect4 {animation-delay: -2.9s;}
                    .spinner .rect5 {animation-delay: -2.8s;}
                    @keyframes sk-stretchdelay {0%, 40%, 100% {transform: scaleY(0.4);} 20% {transform: scaleY(1.0);}}
                    .format {position: relative;overflow: hidden;padding: 5px;}
                    .error {-webkit-animation-name: alert;animation-duration: 4s;animation-iteration-count: infinite;animation-direction: alternate;padding: 5px;}
                    @keyframes alert {from {background-color:rgba(117,0,0,0);} to {background-color:rgba(117,0,0,1);}}
                    <head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300"></head>'

                $HTML += "<html><body>
                    <p><font color=#$Black>Last update: $(Get-Date -Format G)</font></p>
                    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=header>"


            ## If the light theme is not specified, use a darker css theme.
                $HTML = '<style type="text/css">
                    p {font-family:Gotham, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px}
                    p {color:#ffffff;}
                    #Header{font-family:Gotham, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse;}
                    #Header td, #Header th {font-size:14px;text-align:left;}
                    #Header tr:nth-child(even) {background-color:#1B1B1B;}
                    #Header tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color:#0F0F0F;}
                    body {background-color: #0F0F0F;}
                    .spinner {width: 40px;height: 20px;font-size: 14px;padding: 5px;}
                    .spinner > div {background-color: #00e600;height: 100%;width: 3px;display: inline-block;animation: sk-stretchdelay 3.2s infinite ease-in-out;}
                    .spinner .rect2 {animation-delay: -3.1s;}
                    .spinner .rect3 {animation-delay: -3.0s;}
                    .spinner .rect4 {animation-delay: -2.9s;}
                    .spinner .rect5 {animation-delay: -2.8s;}
                    @keyframes sk-stretchdelay {0%, 40%, 100% {transform: scaleY(0.4);} 20% {transform: scaleY(1.0);}}
                    .format {position: relative;overflow: hidden;padding: 5px;}
                    .error {animation-name: alert;animation-duration: 4s;animation-iteration-count: infinite;animation-direction: alternate;padding: 5px;}
                    @keyframes alert {from {background-color:rgba(117,0,0,0);} to {background-color:rgba(117,0,0,1);}}
                    <head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300"></head>'

                $HTML += "<html><body>
                    <p><font color=#$Grey>Last update: $(Get-Date -Format G)</font></p>
                    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=header>"


            ## Highlight the entry if it is offline.
            ForEach($Entry in $Result)
                If ($RefreshTime -ne 0)
                    If ($Entry.Status -eq $True)
                        $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssSpinner><div class=$CssRect1></div> <div class=$CssRect2></div> <div class=$CssRect3></div> <div class=$CssRect4></div> <div class=$CssRect5></div></div></td>"

                        $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssError><font color=#$Red>OFFL</font></div></td>"
                If ($Entry.Status -eq $True)
                    $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssFormat><font color=#$Green>$($Entry.DeviceIP)</font></div></td>"

                    $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssError><font color=#$Red>$($Entry.DeviceIP)</font></div></td>"

                If ($Entry.Status -eq $True)
                    $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssFormat><font color=#$Green>$($Entry.DeviceName)</font></div></td>"

                    $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssError><font color=#$Red>$($Entry.DeviceName)</font></div></td>"

                If ($Null -ne $Entry.ResponseTime)
                    $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssFormat><font color=#$Green>$($Entry.ResponseTime)ms</font></div></td>


                    $HTML += "<td><div class=$CssError><font color=#$Red>OFFL</font></div></td>


            ## Finish the HTML file.
            $HTML += "</table></body></html>"

            ## Output the HTML file.
            $HTML | Out-File $OutputFile

        ## If email was configured, set the variables for the email subject and body.
        If ($SmtpServer)
            # If no subject is set, use the string below
            If ($Null -eq $MailSubject)
                $MailSubject = "Network Device Status Report"
            # Set the mail body to be the contents of the output file.
            $MailBody = Get-Content -Path $OutputFile | Out-String

            ## If an email password was configured, create a variable with the username and password.
            If ($SmtpPwd)
                $SmtpPwdEncrypt = Get-Content $SmtpPwd | ConvertTo-SecureString
                $SmtpCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($SmtpUser, $SmtpPwdEncrypt)

                ## If ssl was configured, send the email with ssl.
                If ($UseSsl)
                    Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -UseSsl -Credential $SmtpCreds

                ## If ssl wasn't configured, send the email without ssl.
                    Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Credential $SmtpCreds

            ## If an email username and password were not configured, send the email without authentication.
                Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $SmtpServer

        ## If the refresh time option is configured, wait the specifed number of seconds then loop.
        If ($RefreshTime -ne 0)
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $RefreshTime

## If the refresh time option is not configured, stop the loop.
Until ($RefreshTime -eq 0)

## End