
function Get-SslCert {
        Gets one or many sslcert bindings using netsh http show sslcert
        Gets one or many sslcert bindings using netsh http show sslcert and parses them into a
        collection of [SslCert] objects for easier access to properties and their values. The
        output of netsh uses 'display names' for the properties which include spaces. So to access
        these on the resulting [SslCert] you must surround your property names with quotes like
        $sslcert.Properties.'Enable Token Binding'.
        Some common properties are parsed into friendly property names like IpPort, CertHash, and
        AppId. So you can get to the certficate thumbprint using $sslcert.CertHash instead of
        $sslcert.Properties.'Certificate Hash'
        PS C:\> Get-SslCert -IpPort
        Gets the sslcert binding for IPPort including all of it's extended properties.

    param (
        # Specifies the IP address and port for the binding. Example: [fe80::1]:443,,, [::]:443

        # Specifies the hostname and port for the binding. Example:

        # Specifies the ccs port for the binding. Example: 443

    process {
        $command = "netsh.exe http show sslcert"
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'IpPortFilter' { $command += " ipport=$IpPort" }
            'HostnamePortFilter' { $command += " hostnameport=$HostnamePort" }
            'CcsFilter' { $command += " ccs=$Ccs" }
            Default {}

        Write-Verbose "Executing the command '$command'"
        $output = Invoke-Expression -Command $command
        $success = $LASTEXITCODE -eq 0
        if ($success) {
            foreach ($row in $output) {
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($row)) {
                elseif ($row.StartsWith('SSL Certificate bindings:')) {
                elseif ($row.StartsWith('-')) {
                $line = $row.Trim()
                if ($line.StartsWith('IP:port')) {
                    if ($sslcert.Keys.Count -gt 1) {
                        Write-Verbose "Completed sslcert binding property collection for certificate with hash $($sslcert.'Certificate Hash')"
                        Write-Output ([sslcert]::new($sslcert))
                    Write-Verbose "Starting new sslcert binding property collection"
                    $extendedProperties = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]
                    $obj = @{ 'Extended Properties' = $extendedProperties }
                    $sslcert = $obj
                $key, $value = $line -split '\s+:\s+'

                if ($null -eq $value) { $value = [string]::Empty }

                if ($key -eq 'PropertyId') {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding Extended Properties for PropertyId $value"
                    $obj = @{ }
                try {
                    $obj.$key = $value
                } catch {
                    Write-Error $_

            if ($sslcert.Keys.Count -gt 1) {
                Write-Verbose "Completed sslcert binding property collection for certificate with hash $($sslcert.'Certificate Hash')"
                Write-Output ([sslcert]::new($sslcert))
        else {
            $output = [string]::Join("`r`n", $output).Trim()
            Write-Error "Error: $output"