
    Disabling DHCP and adding a static IP Address for IPv6 and IPv4
    using default prefix lengths for the matching address classes.
    Any existing IP addresses will be retained on the network adapter.

Configuration Example
        $NodeName = 'localhost'

    Import-DscResource -Module NetworkingDsc

    Node $NodeName
        DhcpClient DisabledDhcpClient
            State          = 'Disabled'
            InterfaceAlias = 'Ethernet'
            AddressFamily  = 'IPv6'

        # If no prefix is supplied IPv6 will default to /64.
        IPAddress NewIPv6Address
            IPAddress           = '2001:4898:200:7:6c71:a102:ebd8:f482'
            InterfaceAlias      = 'Ethernet'
            AddressFamily       = 'IPV6'
            KeepExistingAddress = $true

        # If no prefix is supplied then IPv4 will default to class based:
        # Class A - /8
        # Class B - /16
        # Class C - /24
        IPAddress NewIPv4Address
            IPAddress           = ''
            InterfaceAlias      = 'Ethernet'
            AddressFamily       = 'IPV4'
            KeepExistingAddress = $true