
    The resource is used to wait for a network team to achieve the 'Up' status.
    Key - String
    Specifies the name of the network team to wait for.
.PARAMETER RetryIntervalSec
    Write - UInt32
    Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the network team to become available.
    Write - UInt32
    The number of times to loop the retry interval while waiting for the network team.
Creates the switch independent Network Team 'HostTeam' using the NIC1
and NIC2 interfaces. It sets the load balacing algorithm to 'HyperVPort'.
The config will then wait for the 'HostTeam' to achieve the 'Up' status.
Configuration WaitForNetworkTeam_AddNetworkTeam_Config
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName NetworkingDsc
    Node localhost
        NetworkTeam AddNetworkTeam
            Name = 'HostTeam'
            TeamingMode = 'SwitchIndependent'
            LoadBalancingAlgorithm = 'HyperVPort'
            TeamMembers = 'NIC1', 'NIC2'
            Ensure = 'Present'
        WaitForNetworkTeam WaitForHostTeam
            Name = 'HostTeam'
            DependsOn = '[NetworkTeam]AddNetworkTeam'