
#Requires -Module AzureRM.IoTHub
  Create an object to set desired PartitionsCount and RetentionTimeInDays for New-AzureRmIotHub cmdlet.
  Create an object to set desired PartitionsCount and RetentionTimeInDays for New-AzureRmIotHub cmdlet.
  The object created must be passed to -Properties param of New-AzureRmIotHub command. It is recommended to store it in a variable.
 .Parameter PartitionCount
  The desired partitions number.
 .Parameter RetentionTimeInDays
  The desired RetentionTimeInDays number.
   # Create an PSIotHubInputProperties object with 32 Partitions and 2 days of retention.
   Create-IotHubProperties -PartitionCount 32 -RetentionTimeInDays 2
   # Create an PSIotHubInputProperties object with 8 Partitions and 1 day of retention.
   Create-IotHubProperties -PartitionCount 8
   # Create an PSIotHubInputProperties object with 32 Partitions and 2 days of retention and store it in a variable.
   $IotHubInputProperties = Create-IotHubProperties -PartitionCount 32 -RetentionTimeInDays 2

function New-IotHubProperties {
        $RetentionTimeInDays = 1
       $IoTHubInputProps = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSIotHubInputProperties
       $EventHUbInputProps = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSEventHubInputProperties]::new()
       $EventHUbInputProps.PartitionCount = $EventHUbInputProps
       $EventHUbInputProps.RetentionTimeInDays = $RetentionTimeInDays

       $Dictionary = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSEventHubInputProperties]'


       $IoTHubInputProps.EventHubEndpoints = $dictionary

       return $IoTHubInputProps


Export-ModuleMember -Function New-IotHubProperties