
Function Test-CharsInPath {

    PowerShell function intended to verify if in the string what is the path to file or folder are incorrect chars.
    PowerShell function intended to verify if in the string what is the path to file or folder are incorrect chars.
    Exit codes
    - 0 - everything OK
    - 1 - nothing to check
    - 2 - an incorrect char found in the path part
    - 3 - an incorrect char found in the file name part
    - 4 - incorrect chars found in the path part and in the file name part
    Specifies the path to an item for what path (location on the disk) need to be checked.
    The Path can be an existing file or a folder on a disk provided as a PowerShell object or a string e.g. prepared to be used in file/folder creation.
    .PARAMETER SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart
    Skip checking in the folder part of path.
    .PARAMETER SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart
    Skip checking in the file name part of path.
    .PARAMETER SkipDividingForParts
    Skip dividing provided path to a directory and a file name.
    Used usually in conjuction with SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart or SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart.
    [PS] > Test-CharsInPath -Path $(Get-Item C:\Windows\Temp\new.csv') -Verbose
    VERBOSE: The path provided as a string was devided to, directory part: C:\Windows\Temp ; file name part: new.csv
    Testing existing file. Returned code means that all chars are acceptable in the name of folder and file.
    [PS] > Test-CharsInPath -Path "C:\newfolder:2\nowy|.csv" -Verbose
    VERBOSE: The path provided as a string was devided to, directory part: C:\newfolder:2\ ; file name part: nowy|.csv
    VERBOSE: The incorrect char | with the UTF code [124] found in FileName part
    Testing the string if can be used as a file name. The returned value means that can't do to an unsupported char in the file name.
    Exit code as an integer number. See description section to find the exit codes descriptions.
    AUTHOR: Wojciech Sciesinski, wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net
    KEYWORDS: PowerShell, FileSystem
    # For Windows - based on the Power Tips
    # Finding Invalid File and Path Characters
    # For PowerShell Core
    # [char]0 = NULL
    - 0.7.0 - 2017-10-16

    param (

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]


    BEGIN {

        If ( ($PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition')) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') -and $ISLinux) {

            #[char]0 = NULL
            $PathInvalidChars = [char]0

            $FileNameInvalidChars = @([char]0, '/')

            $PathSeparators = @('/')

        Elseif ( ($PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition')) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -EQ 'Core') -and $IsMacOS) {

            #[char]58 = ':'
            $PathInvalidChars = [char]58

            $FileNameInvalidChars = [char]58

            $PathSeparators = @('/')

        Else {

            $PathInvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidPathChars() #36 chars

            $FileNameInvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() #41 chars

            #$FileOnlyInvalidChars = @(':', '*', '?', '\', '/') #5 chars - as a difference

            $PathSeparators = @('/','\')


        $IncorectCharFundInPath = $false

        $IncorectCharFundInFileName = $false

        $NothingToCheck = $true


    END {

        [String]$DirectoryPath = ""

        [String]$FileName = ""

        $PathType = ($Path.GetType()).Name

        If (@('DirectoryInfo', 'FileInfo') -contains $PathType) {

            If (($SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart.IsPresent -and $PathType -eq 'DirectoryInfo') -or ($SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart.IsPresent -and $PathType -eq 'FileInfo')) {

                Return 1

            ElseIf ($PathType -eq 'DirectoryInfo') {

                [String]$DirectoryPath = $Path.FullName


            elseif ($PathType -eq 'FileInfo') {

                [String]$DirectoryPath = $Path.DirectoryName

                [String]$FileName = $Path.Name



        ElseIf ($PathType -eq 'String') {

            If ( $SkipDividingForParts.IsPresent -and $SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart.IsPresent ) {

                $FileName = $Path

            ElseIf ( $SkipDividingForParts.IsPresent -and $SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart.IsPresent  ) {

                $DirectoryPath = $Path

            Else {

                #Convert String to Array of chars
                $PathArray = $Path.ToCharArray()

                $PathLength = $PathArray.Length

                For ($i = ($PathLength-1); $i -ge 0; $i--) {

                    If ($PathSeparators -contains $PathArray[$i]) {

                        [String]$DirectoryPath = [String]$Path.Substring(0, $i +1)




                If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DirectoryPath)) {

                    [String]$FileName = [String]$Path

                Else {

                    [String]$FileName = $Path.Replace($DirectoryPath, "")



        Else {

            [String]$MessageText = "Input object {0} can't be tested" -f ($Path.GetType()).Name

            Throw $MessageText


        [String]$MessageText = "The path provided as a string was divided to: directory part: {0} ; file name part: {1} ." -f $DirectoryPath, $FileName

        Write-Verbose -Message $MessageText

        If ($SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart.IsPresent -and $SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart.IsPresent) {

            Return 1


        If (-not ($SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart.IsPresent) -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DirectoryPath)) {

            $NothingToCheck = $false

            foreach ($Char in $PathInvalidChars) {

                If ($DirectoryPath.ToCharArray() -contains $Char) {

                    $IncorectCharFundInPath = $true

                    [String]$MessageText = "The incorrect char {0} with the UTF code [{1}] found in the Path part." -f $Char, $([int][char]$Char)

                    Write-Verbose -Message $MessageText




        If (-not ($SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart.IsPresent) -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FileName)) {

            $NothingToCheck = $false

            foreach ($Char in $FileNameInvalidChars) {

                If ($FileName.ToCharArray() -contains $Char) {

                    $IncorectCharFundInFileName = $true

                    [String]$MessageText = "The incorrect char {0} with the UTF code [{1}] found in FileName part." -f $Char, $([int][char]$Char)

                    Write-Verbose -Message $MessageText




        If ($IncorectCharFundInPath -and $IncorectCharFundInFileName) {

            Return 4

        elseif ($NothingToCheck) {

            Return 1


        elseif ($IncorectCharFundInPath) {

            Return 2


        elseif ($IncorectCharFundInFileName) {

            Return 3

        Else {

            Return 0


