
    Pester tests for function Test-CharsInPath
    AUTHOR: Wojciech Sciesinski, wojciech[at]sciesinski[dot]net
    KEYWORDS: PowerShell, FileSystem, Pester
    - 0.5.0 - 2016-11-11

$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'

. "$here\..\Private\$sut"

[Bool]$VerboseFunctionOutput = $false

Describe "Test-CharsInPath" {

    Context "Input is a file or a directory PSObject" {

        $TestFile = New-Item -Path "TestDrive:" -Name "TestFile1.txt" -ItemType File

        $TestDir = New-Item -Path "TestDrive:" -Name "TestDir1" -ItemType Container

        It "Input is a di rectory, SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart" {

            Test-CharsInPath -path $TestDir -SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart | Should Be 1


        It "Input is a file, SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart" {

            Test-CharsInPath -path $TestFile -SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart | Should Be 1



    Context "Input is a string" {

        [String]$CorrectPathString = 'C:\Windows\Temp\Add-GroupsMember.ps1'

        [String]$InCorrectPathString = 'C:\Win>dows\Te%mp\Add-ADGroupMember.ps1'

        [String]$InCorrectFileNameString = 'C:\Windows\Temp\Ard-ADGrou|p<Member.ps1'

        [String]$IncorrectFullPathString = 'C:\Win>dows\Temp\Ard-ADGrou|p<Member.ps1'

        [String]$IncorrectDirectoryOnly = 'C:\AppData\Loc>al\'

        [String]$CorrectDirectoryOnly = 'C:\AppData\Local\'

        [String]$IncorrectFileNameOnly = 'Test-File-201606*08-1315.txt'

        [String]$CorrectFileNameOnly = 'Test-File-20160608-1315.txt'

        It "Input is string, CorrectPathString" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectPathString -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 0


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart, CorrectPathString" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectPathString -SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 0


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart, CorrectPathString" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectPathString -SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 0


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart, IncorrectDirectoryOnly" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $IncorrectDirectoryOnly -SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 1


        It "Input is string, IncorrectDirectoryOnly" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $IncorrectDirectoryOnly  -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 2


        It "Input is string, CorrectDirectoryOnly only" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectDirectoryOnly -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 0


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart, InCorrectFileNameString" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $InCorrectFileNameString -SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 0


        It "Input is string, InCorrectFileNameString" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $InCorrectFileNameString -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 3


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart, IncorrectFileNameOnly" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $IncorrectFileNameOnly -SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 1


        It "Input is string, IncorrectFileNameOnly only" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $IncorrectFileNameOnly -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 3


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart, CorrectFileNameOnly" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectFileNameOnly -SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 1


        It "Input is string, CorrectFileNameOnly only" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectFileNameOnly -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 0


        It "Input is string, SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart and SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart, InCorrectPathString" {

            Test-CharsInPath -Path $CorrectPathString -SkipCheckCharsInFileNamePart -SkipCheckCharsInFolderPart -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput | should be 1



    Context "Input is other than string or System.IO.X" {

        It "Input is Int32" {

            [Int]$PathToTest = 23

            { Test-CharsInPath -Path $PathToTest -verbose:$VerboseFunctionOutput } | should Throw


