
# New-TextMenu.ps1

# info for publishing to PowerShellGallery

.GUID 083e9407-4c18-470b-b0ce-f972fc58315c
.AUTHOR Bill Riedy
.TAGS text menu console

# comment based help

    Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu.
    Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu and sends to output. Can be redirected to a file.
    An array of [string] indicating the menu options. If you need to create a menu with a single option enclose the option in @().
    The title of the menu. Defaults to 'Menu Title'.
.PARAMETER ChoiceVarName
    The name of the choice variable. Defaults to 'choice'.
    If this switch is enabled then the menu is saved to a temporary file and run.
.PARAMETER Clipboard
    If this switch is enabled then the menu logic is copied to the clipboard.
    Author: Bill Riedy
    Version: 1.1
    New-TextMenu.ps1 -Title 'Menu Title' -Option 'One', 'Two', 'Three'
    Creates a 3 option menu.
    New-TextMenu.ps1 -Title 'My Menu' -Option 'One' -ChoiceVarName 'choice2'
    Creates a 1 option menu that looks like:
$choice2 = ''
while ($choice2 -ne 'q') {
    write-host 'My Menu'
    write-host '======='
    write-host ' '
    write-host '1 - One'
    write-host 'Q - Quit'
    write-host ' '
    $choice2 = read-host 'Selection'
    switch ($choice2) {
        q { 'Exit message and code' }
        1 { 'Option 1 code' }
        default { write-host 'Please enter a valid selection' }
    New-TextMenu.ps1 -Option 'Uno'
    Creates a 1 option menu that looks like:
$choice = ''
while ($choice -ne 'q') {
    write-host 'Menu Title'
    write-host '=========='
    write-host ' '
    write-host '1 - Uno'
    write-host 'Q - Quit'
    write-host ' '
    $choice = read-host 'Selection'
    switch ($choice) {
        q { 'Exit message and code' }
        1 { 'Option 1 code' }
        default { write-host 'Please enter a valid selection' }

    #region Parameter
        DefaultParameterSetName = '',
        ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $True,
            HelpMessage = 'Enter the text of the menu option.',
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)
            [string[]] $Option,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = '')]
            [string] $Title = 'Menu Title',
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = '')]
            [string] $ChoiceVarName = 'choice',
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = '')]
            [switch] $TestMenu,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = '')]
            [switch] $Clipboard
    #endregion Parameter

    $result = [string[]] @()
    $result += "`$$ChoiceVarName = ''"
    $result += "while (`$$ChoiceVarName -ne 'q') {"
    $result += " write-host '$title'"
    $result += " write-host '$('='*$title.length)'"
    $result += " write-host ' '"
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $option.count; $i++) { $result += " write-host '$($i+1) - $($option[$i])'" }
    $result += " write-host 'Q - Quit'"
    $result += " write-host ' '"
    $result += " `$$ChoiceVarName = read-host 'Selection'"
    $result += " switch (`$$ChoiceVarName) {"
    $result += " q { 'Exit message and code' }"
    #$result += " break }"
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $option.count; $i++) { $result += " $($i+1) { 'Option $($i+1) code' }" }
    $result += " default { write-host 'Please enter a valid selection' }"
    $result += ' }'
    $result += '}'

    if ($TestMenu) {
        $tempFilename = new-temporaryfile
        $tempFilename = $ + '\' + $tempFilename.basename + '.ps1'
        $result > $tempFilename
        & $tempFilename
        remove-item $tempFilename
    else {
    if ($Clipboard) {
        $result | clip.exe
        write-host 'Menu logic copied to clipboard' -Foreground cyan
# EOF New-TextMenu.ps1