
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ThreadExtensions;
public class Dispatcher : IDisposable
    internal static ConcurrentDictionary<Thread, Dispatcher> _dispatchers = new ConcurrentDictionary<Thread, Dispatcher>();
    private readonly Thread _initialThread;
    private readonly AutoResetEvent _taskAvailable = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    private readonly ConcurrentQueue<Task> _tasks = new ConcurrentQueue<Task>();
    private bool _running = false;
    private CancellationToken? Token;
    public bool Cancelled => Token != null && Token.Value.IsCancellationRequested;
    public bool Running => _running;
    public bool CheckAccess()
        return Thread.CurrentThread == _initialThread;
    public void VerifyAccess()
        if (!CheckAccess())
            throw new InvalidOperationException("This method can only be called on the thread that created the dispatcher.");
    public Dispatcher() : this(Thread.CurrentThread)
    internal Dispatcher( Thread initialThread )
        _initialThread = initialThread;
        _dispatchers.GetOrAdd(initialThread, this);
    public void Run(CancellationToken token)
        if (_running) throw new InvalidOperationException("The dispatcher is already running.");
        _running = true;
        Token = token;
        if(!_tasks.IsEmpty) _taskAvailable.Set();
            while (!Cancelled)
                if (_taskAvailable.WaitOne(100)) // Wait for a task or a cancellation request
                    while (!Cancelled && _tasks.TryDequeue(out var task))
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Exception in dispatched action: {ex}");
            Token = null;
            if(!_tasks.IsEmpty) _taskAvailable.Set(); // Ensure that any pending Invoke operations complete
            _running = false;
    public Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult>(Func<TResult> function)
        if (function == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(function));
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<TResult>();
        Action wrapperAction = () =>
            catch (Exception ex)
        _tasks.Enqueue(new Task(wrapperAction));
        if (_running && !Cancelled) _taskAvailable.Set();
        return tcs.Task;
    public Task InvokeAsync(Delegate action)
        if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action));
        // Attempt to convert the delegate to a Func<object>
        if (action is Func<object> func)
            return InvokeAsync(func);
        // If the delegate is not a Func<object>, try to create a Func<object> that calls the delegate
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        Action wrapperAction = () =>
                var result = action.DynamicInvoke();
                // explicitly handle Possible null reference argument
                if (result != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
        _tasks.Enqueue(new Task(wrapperAction));
        if (_running && !Cancelled) _taskAvailable.Set();
        return tcs.Task;
    public void Dispose()
        while (_running)
public static class ThreadExtensions
    public static Dispatcher GetDispatcher(this Thread thread)
        if (thread == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(thread));
        Dispatcher? dispatcher = null;
        Dispatcher._dispatchers.TryGetValue(thread, out dispatcher);
        if (dispatcher == null)
            dispatcher = new Dispatcher(thread);
        return dispatcher;