
.GUID 1e639a45-89fa-4cd3-8956-15495357edad
.AUTHOR Rob Sewell
.COMPANYNAME Sewells Consulting
.COPYRIGHT Rob Sewell - please credit Rob Sewell - if used
.DESCRIPTION Creates a Windows Data Science Virtual Machine in Azure with a simple switch to remove complexity or the ability to configure all resources
.TAGS Azure,Virtual Machine, Data Science

function New-WindowsDataScienceVM
   This function will create a Windows Data Science Virtual Machine in Azure with all the relevant
   infrastructure with a simple switch to remove all the hassle
   This function will create a Windows Data Science Virtual Machine in Azure using an ARM template
   deployment, Creating a Resource Group, storage account, virtual network, public ip address and
   a windows data science virtual machine in Azure. The simple switch will require only the admin
   credentials for the virtual machine to be added and will create the following with RANDOM being
   a randomly generated 5 character string. Note the virtual machine size is set to Standard_DS1_v2
   and the location to ukwest
    resourcegroupname = DS-RANDOM
    location = ukwest
    virtualMachineName = DSVMRANDOM
    virtualMachineSize = Standard_DS1_v2
    storageAccountName = dsstorageRANDOM in lowercase
    virtualNetworkName = dsnetRANDOM in lowercase
    networkInterfaceName = dsinterRANDOM in lowercase
    networkSecurityGroupName = dssecgrpRANDOM in lowercase
    storageAccountType = Standard_LRS
    diagnosticsStorageAccountName = diagdsRANDOM in lowercase
    diagnosticsStorageAccountType = Standard_LRS
    publicIpAddressName = dspubipRANDOM
    publicIpAddressType = Dynamic
    If the simple switch is not used every parameter above is configurable
   Enables Simple Mode - As little as possible is asked and everything is created with random names
   The simple switch will require only the admin credentials for the virtual machine to be added and
   will create the resources required with RANDOM being a randomly generated 5 character string. Note
   the virtual machine size is set to Standard_DS1_v2 and the location to ukwest
.PARAMETER resourcegroupname
    The name of the Resource Group - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER location
    The location - Run (Get-AzureRmLocation).Location for values Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER virtualmachinename
    The name of the Virtual Machine - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER virtualmachinesize
    The size of the Virtual Machine - Run (Get-AzureRmVmSize -Location location).Name for values - Not
    required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER storageaccountname
    The name of the Storage Account - Unique across Azure - Check if Name already exists with
    Test-AzureName -Storage -Name NAME - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER virtualNetworkName
    The name of the Virtual Network- Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER networkInterfaceName
    The name of the Network Interface - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER networkSecurityGroupName
    The name of the Network Security Group - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER storageAccountType
    The Storage Account type valid values are Standard_LRS,Standard_ZRS,Standard_GRS,Standard_RAGRS,
    Premium_LRS - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER diagnosticstorageaccountname
    The name of the diagnostic storage account - Unique across Azure - Check if Name already exists
    with Test-AzureName -Storage -Name NAME - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER diagnosticsStorageAccountType
    The diagnostic Storage Account type valid values are Standard_LRS,Standard_ZRS,Standard_GRS,
    Standard_RAGRS,Premium_LRS - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER addressPrefix
    The network address prefix - defaults to - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER subnetPrefix
    The subnet prefix - defaults to - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER publicIpAddressName
    The Public IP Address name - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER TemplateJsonFilePath
    The path to the template JSON file - defaults to users document folder - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER ParameterJsonFilePath
    The path to the parameter JSON file - defaults to users document folder - Not required for Simple mode
.PARAMETER credential
    The credential for the admin user for the Virtual Machine - not reuired for simple mode
Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed.
Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command.
    New-WindowsDataScienceVM -Simple
    Logs into Azure and enables Simple Mode which will pop-up a request for an admin username and password and
    then create a Windows Data Science Virtual machine and resources as shown and named as below with RANDOM
    being a randomly generated 5 character string. Note the virtual machine size is set to Standard_DS1_v2 and
    the location to ukwest
    resourcegroupname = DS-RANDOM
    location = ukwest
    virtualMachineName = DSVMRANDOM
    virtualMachineSize = Standard_DS1_v2
    storageAccountName = dsstorageRANDOM in lowercase
    virtualNetworkName = dsnetRANDOM in lowercase
    networkInterfaceName = dsinterRANDOM in lowercase
    networkSecurityGroupName = dssecgrpRANDOM in lowercase
    storageAccountType = Standard_LRS
    diagnosticsStorageAccountName = diagdsRANDOM in lowercase
    diagnosticsStorageAccountType = Standard_LRS
    publicIpAddressName = dspubipRANDOM
    publicIpAddressType = Dynamic
   $cred = Get-Credential
    New-WindowsDataScienceVM -resourcegroupname $resourcegroupname -location $location -virtualmachinename $virtualmachinename `
-virtualmachinesize $virtualmachinesize -storageaccountname $storageaccountname -virtualNetworkName $virtualNetworkName `
-networkInterfaceName $networkInterfaceName -networkSecurityGroupName $networkSecurityGroupName `
-storageAccountType $storageAccountType -diagnosticstorageaccountname $diagnosticsStorageAccountName `
-diagnosticsStorageAccountType $diagnosticsStorageAccountType -publicIpAddressName $publicIpAddressName `
-TemplateJsonFilePath $TemplateJsonFilePath -ParameterJsonFilePath $ParameterJsonFilePath -credential $cred
Creates a Windows Data Science Virtual Machine in Azure using the values for each variable
   AUTHOR - Rob Sewell 14/12/2016 @sqldbawithbeard
   Read the blog post for instructions on pre-requisite actions required in the portal prior to running this script

[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0, 
                   HelpMessage="Enables Simple Mode - As little as possible is asked and everything is created with random names")]  
[Parameter(mandatory=$false, Position=0, 
                   HelpMessage="Resource Group Name")]        
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$")] ## 1-64 characters Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[Parameter(mandatory=$false, Position=0, 
                   HelpMessage="Location for VM - Run (Get-AzureRmLocation).Location for values")]
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmLocation).Location -contains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Machine Name")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,15}$")] ## 1-15 characters Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({if($resourcegroupname){(Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_} else {$true}})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Machine Size - Run (Get-AzureRmVmSize -Location DataCentre).Name for values")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,15}$")] ## 1-15 characters Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({if($location){(Get-AzureRmVMSize -Location $location).Name -contains $_}else {$true}})]
                   HelpMessage="Storage Account Name must be unique across Azure")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$")] ## 3-24 Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({(Test-AzureName -Storage -Name $_) -ne $true})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Network Name - must be unique in Resource Group")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{2,64}$")] ## 2-64 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({if($resourcegroupname){(Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_}else {$true}})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Network Interface Name - must be unique in Resource Group")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{1,80}$")] ## 1-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({if($resourcegroupname){(Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_}else {$true}})]
                   HelpMessage="Network Security Group Name - must be unique in Resource Group")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{1,80}$")] ## 1-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({if($resourcegroupname){(Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_}else {$true}})]
                   HelpMessage="Storage Account Type - 'Standard_LRS','Standard_ZRS','Standard_GRS','Standard_RAGRS','Premium_LRS'")]
                   HelpMessage="Diagnostic Storage Account Name must be unique across Azure")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$")] ## 3-24 Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({(Test-AzureName -Storage -Name $_) -ne $true})]
                   HelpMessage="Diagnostic Storage Account Type - 'Standard_LRS','Standard_ZRS','Standard_GRS','Standard_RAGRS','Premium_LRS'")]
                   HelpMessage="Address Prefix - normally leave to default")]
[string]$addressPrefix = "", ## I'm not working out the regex for this, sorry :-)
                   HelpMessage="Subnet Name - normally leave to default")]
                   [ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{2,80}$")] ## 2-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash

[string]$subnetName ='default',
                   HelpMessage="Subnet Prefix - normally leave to default")]
[string]$subnetPrefix = "", ## nor this
                   HelpMessage="Public IP Address Name - unique accross Resource Group")]
                   [ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{2,80}$")] ## 2-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({if($resourcegroupname){(Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).ResourceGroupName -notcontains $_}else {$true}})]
                   HelpMessage="Template Json file path")]
                   HelpMessage="Parameter Json file path")]

if ($simple)
$rand = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 5 | ForEach-Object {[char]$_})
$resourcegroupname = 'DS-' + $rand
$docs = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("mydocuments")
$ParameterJsonFilePath = "$docs\newparameter.json"
$TemplateJsonFilePath = "$docs\newtemplate.json"
$cred = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter Local Admin Credentials for the VM - Password must have 3 of the following 1 Upper case, 1 lower case, I special character and 1 number'
$location = 'ukwest'
$virtualMachineName = 'DSVM' + $rand
$virtualMachineSize = 'Standard_DS1_v2'
$adminUsername = $adminusername
$storageAccountName = 'dsstorage' + $rand.ToLower()
$virtualNetworkName = 'dsnet' + $rand.ToLower()
$networkInterfaceName = 'dsinter' + $rand.ToLower()
$networkSecurityGroupName = 'dssecgrp' + $rand.ToLower()
$storageAccountType = 'Standard_LRS' 
$diagnosticsStorageAccountName = 'diagds' + $rand.ToLower()
$diagnosticsStorageAccountType = 'Standard_LRS'
$publicIpAddressName = 'dspubip' + $rand

Function Set-ParameterJson
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, 
                   HelpMessage="Resource Group Name")]        
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$")] ## 1-64 characters Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, 
                   HelpMessage="Location for VM - Run (Get-AzureRmLocation).Location for values")]
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmLocation).Location -contains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Machine Name")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,15}$")] ## 1-15 characters Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Machine Size - Run (Get-AzureRmVmSize -Location DataCentre).Name for values")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,15}$")] ## 1-15 characters Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmVMSize -Location $location).Name -contains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Storage Account Name must be unique across Azure")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$")] ## 3-24 Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({(Test-AzureName -Storage -Name $storageaccountname) -ne $true})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Network Name - must be unique in Resource Group")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{2,64}$")] ## 2-64 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Virtual Network Interface Name - must be unique in Resource Group")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{1,80}$")] ## 1-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Network Security Group Name - must be unique in Resource Group")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{1,80}$")] ## 1-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
[ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).Name -notcontains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Storage Account Type - 'Standard_LRS','Standard_ZRS','Standard_GRS','Standard_RAGRS','Premium_LRS'")]
                   HelpMessage="Diagnostic Storage Account Name must be unique across Azure")]
[ValidatePattern("^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$")] ## 3-24 Alphanumeric, underscore and dash
[ValidateScript({(Test-AzureName -Storage -Name $_) -ne $true})]
                   HelpMessage="Diagnostic Storage Account Type - 'Standard_LRS','Standard_ZRS','Standard_GRS','Standard_RAGRS','Premium_LRS'")]
                   HelpMessage="Address Prefix - normally leave to default")]
[string]$addressPrefix = "", ## I'm not working out the regex for this, sorry :-)
                   HelpMessage="Subnet Name - normally leave to default")]
                   [ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{2,80}$")] ## 2-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash

[string]$subnetName ='default',
                   HelpMessage="Subnet Prefix - normally leave to default")]
[string]$subnetPrefix = "", ## nor this
                   HelpMessage="Public IP Address Name - unique accross Resource Group")]
                   [ValidatePattern("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]{2,80}$")] ## 2-80 characters Alphanumeric, underscore, space and dash
                   [ValidateScript({(Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname).ResourceGroupName -notcontains $_})]
                   HelpMessage="Template Json file path")]
                   HelpMessage="Parameter Json file path")]

    $ParameterJson = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content | ConvertFrom-Json 
    $adminusername =$credential.UserName
    $adminuserpassword = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().SecurePassword
    $ParameterJson.parameters.location.value = $location
    $ParameterJson.parameters.virtualMachineName.value = $virtualmachinename
    $ParameterJson.parameters.virtualMachineSize.value = $virtualmachinesize
    $ParameterJson.parameters.adminUsername.value = $adminusername
    $ParameterJson.parameters.adminPassword.value = $adminuserpassword
    $ParameterJson.parameters.storageAccountName.value = $storageaccountname
    $ParameterJson.parameters.virtualNetworkName.value = $virtualNetworkName
    $ParameterJson.parameters.networkInterfaceName.value = $networkInterfaceName
    $ParameterJson.parameters.networkSecurityGroupName.value = $networkSecurityGroupName
    $ParameterJson.parameters.storageAccountType.value = $storageAccountType 
    $ParameterJson.parameters.diagnosticsStorageAccountName.value = $diagnosticsStorageAccountName
    $ParameterJson.parameters.diagnosticsStorageAccountType.value = $diagnosticsStorageAccountType
    $ParameterJson.parameters.diagnosticsStorageAccountId.value = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$diagnosticsStorageAccountName"
    $ParameterJson.parameters.addressPrefix.value = $addressPrefix 
    $ParameterJson.parameters.subnetName.value = $subnetName
    $ParameterJson.parameters.subnetPrefix.value = $subnetPrefix
    $ParameterJson.parameters.publicIpAddressName.value = $publicIpAddressName
    $ParameterJson.parameters.publicIpAddressType.value = 'Dynamic'
    If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($ParameterJsonFilePath, "Creating Parameter File"))
        $ParameterJson | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $ParameterJsonFilePath
    If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("", "Saving Template json file to $TemplateJsonFilePath"))
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile $TemplateJsonFilePath

    (Get-Content $TemplateJsonFilePath).Replace("parameters('resourcegroupname')","'$resourcegroupname'")|Out-File $TemplateJsonFilePath

# Register RPs
$resourceProviders = @("microsoft.compute","","");
if($resourceProviders.length) {
    foreach($resourceProvider in $resourceProviders) {
        $null = Register-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace $resourceProvider;

#Create or check for existing resource group
$resourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($resourceGroupName, "Creating Resource group $resourcegroupname in $location"))
            New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -Location $Location -erroraction stop
        Write-warning -message "Something Went wrong- Run `$Error[0] | fl -force to get more information"

Set-ParameterJson -resourcegroupname $resourcegroupname -location $location -virtualmachinename $virtualmachinename `
-virtualmachinesize $virtualmachinesize -storageaccountname $storageaccountname -virtualNetworkName $virtualNetworkName `
-networkInterfaceName $networkInterfaceName -networkSecurityGroupName $networkSecurityGroupName `
-storageAccountType $storageAccountType -diagnosticstorageaccountname $diagnosticsStorageAccountName `
-diagnosticsStorageAccountType $diagnosticsStorageAccountType -publicIpAddressName $publicIpAddressName `
-TemplateJsonFilePath $TemplateJsonFilePath -ParameterJsonFilePath $ParameterJsonFilePath -credential $cred

# Start the deployment

if((Test-Path $ParameterJsonFilePath) -and (Test-Path $TemplateJsonFilePath )) 
        If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($resourceGroupName, "Deploying using $TemplateJsonFilePath and $ParameterJsonFilePath"))
            New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -TemplateFile $TemplateJsonFilePath -TemplateParameterFile $ParameterJsonFilePath -Verbose -erroraction stop;
        Write-warning -message "Something Went wrong- Run `$Error[0] | fl -force to get more information"
    Write-Warning -Message "Something went wrong the files were not available"
