
#requires -Version 3.0 -Modules Hyper-V, NetAdapter, NetNat, NetTCPIP, Storage

    This module lets you roll out your lab environment automatically. This is the first step: creating a NATSwitch.
    This module lets you roll out your lab environment automatically as described in our blogs ( and
    This is the first step: creating a NATSwitch.
    The Name parameter is mandatory.
    IP Address is optional, "" is the default value.
    Prefix Length is optional, "24" is the default value.
    NAT name is optional, "LABnat" is the default value.
    You first have to create a NATSwitch, before creating any VM's in your lab.
    New-NATswitch -Name NATswitch creates a NATswitch with the default IP Address (, Prefix Length (24)
    and NAT name (LABnat)
    New-NATSwitch -Name Test -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -NATName TestNAT
    With this line of code you create a new VMSwitch within HyperV with the name Test.
    Also an IP Address ( is assigned to this switch and a NAT network with address space
    is created.

function New-NATSwitch
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$IPAddress =,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [int]$PrefixLength = 24,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$NATName = 'LabNAT'

    New-VMSwitch -SwitchName $Name -SwitchType Internal

    $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name "vEthernet ($Name)"
    $InterfaceIndex = $NetAdapter.ifIndex
    New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IPAddress -PrefixLength $PrefixLength -InterfaceIndex $InterfaceIndex
    $ip2 = $IPAddress.Split('.')
    $ip2[-1] = "0/$PrefixLength"
    $InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix = $ip2 -join '.'

    New-NetNat -Name $NATName -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix 

    This module lets you roll out your lab environment automatically. This is the second step: creating a Lab VM's.
    This module lets you roll out your lab environment automatically as described in our blogs ( and
    This is the second step: creating a Lab VM's.
    First step: creating a NATSwitch (New-NATSwitch).
    New-LabVM generates a new VM in the lab environment.
    IPAddress is a mandatory parameter and must be in the "" notation.
    Please use the same address space as used when creating the NATSwitch.
    The specification of a Gateway is optional. If DNS-server is not specified, the default will be used. (
    The specification of a DNS-server is optional. If DNS-server is not specified, the default will be used. (
    New-LabVM -VMName Test -VMIP -GWIP
    New-LabVM -VMName Hostname -VMIP -DNSIP -GWIP

function New-LabVM
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$GWIP = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$DNSIP = '',
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$NATName = 'LabNAT',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$SourceXML = "$PSScriptRoot\temp\unattended.xml",
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$url = '',

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$MemoryStartupBytes = 2048MB

    #region create diff disk
    # Create new differencing disk
    $maindiskpath = "$diskpath\$VMName.vhdx"
    New-VHD -ParentPath $ParentDisk -Path $maindiskpath -Differencing
    Write-Verbose -Message "Created a differencing disk $maindiskpath."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    #region copy adjusted answer file
    # mount VHD
    $VHD = (Mount-VHD -Path $maindiskpath -Passthru |
      Get-Disk |
      Get-Partition |
      Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_.Type -eq 'Basic'
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Differencing disk mounted'
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    # Copy xml from github to local temp dir
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Temp" -Force
    $output = "$PSScriptRoot\temp\unattended.xml"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output
    Write-Verbose -Message "Unattended.xml copied from GitHub to $PSScriptRoot\Temp."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    # add XML Content
    [xml]$Unattend = Get-Content $SourceXML
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[2].ComputerName = $VMName
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[3].Interfaces.Interface.UnicastIpAddresses.IpAddress.'#text' = $VMIP
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[4].Interfaces.Interface.DNSServerSearchOrder.IpAddress.'#Text' = $DNSIP
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[3].Interfaces.Interface.Routes.Route.NextHopAddress = $GWIP
    Write-Verbose -Message "Set VM name to $VMName, IP Address to $VMIP, DNS IP to $DNSIP and GW IP to $GWIP"    
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    # dismount VHD
    Dismount-VHD $maindiskpath
    #region create new vm
    # Create VM with new VHD
    New-VM -Name $VMName -MemoryStartupBytes $MemoryStartupBytes -SwitchName $VMSwitch -VHDPath $maindiskpath -Generation 2 -BootDevice VHD
    Write-Verbose -Message "Created new lab VM with name $VMName, $MemoryStartupBytes memory. The VM is connected to $NATName with IP address $VMIP."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    #region start new vm and connect to console
    # Start VM
    Start-VM $VMName
    Start-Process -FilePath vmconnect -ArgumentList localhost, $VMName