Original function/new-labvm function.ps1

function New-LabVM
      Creates a new VM in the lab environment
      Creates a new VM in the lab environment. Takes the name and IP-address of the VM as a parameter.
      IP-address must be in the notation. The specification of a DNS-server and gateway is optional.
      If DNS-server or gateway is not specified, the default will be used.
      Specifies the name for the newly created VM, both as VM Name in Hyper-V and as hostname.
      Specifies the IP-address for the newly created VM.
      Specifies the IP to use as DNS server in the newly created VM. If not specified, the default will be used.
      Specifies the IP to use as gateway for the newly created VM. If not specified, the default will be used.
      New-LabVM -VMName HOSTNAME -VMIP
      New-LabVM -VMName Hostname -VMIP -DNSIP -GWIP

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    $DNSIP = '',

    $GWIP = ''
  #region define variables
    # Script Variables that are the same for each server
    # Adjust these variables according to your environment
    $diskpath = "C:\vhdx\$VMName.vhdx"
    $ParentDisk = 'C:\vhdx\W2K16_Template.vhdx'
    $VMSwitch = 'NATswitch'
    $SourceXML = 'C:\Users\SvenvanRijen\Documents\GitHub\Experts-Live-2016\unattend.xml'
  #region create diff disk
    # Create new differencing disk
    New-VHD -ParentPath $ParentDisk -Path $diskpath -Differencing
  #region copy adjusted answer file
    # mount VHD
    $VHD = (Mount-VHD -Path $diskpath -Passthru |
      Get-Disk |
      Get-Partition |
      Where-Object -FilterScript {
        $_.Type -eq 'Basic' 
    # add XML Content
    [xml]$Unattend = Get-Content $SourceXML
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[2].ComputerName = $VMName
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[3].Interfaces.Interface.UnicastIpAddresses.IpAddress.'#text' = $VMIP
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[4].Interfaces.Interface.DNSServerSearchOrder.IpAddress.'#Text' = $DNSIP
    $Unattend.unattend.settings[1].component[3].Interfaces.Interface.Routes.Route.NextHopAddress = $GWIP
    # dismount VHD
    Dismount-VHD $diskpath
  #region create new vm
    # Create VM with new VHD
    New-VM -Name $VMName -MemoryStartupBytes 2048MB -SwitchName $VMSwitch -VHDPath $diskpath -Generation 2 -BootDevice VHD
  #region start new vm and connect to console
    # Start VM
    Start-VM $VMName
    Start-Process vmconnect -ArgumentList localhost,$VMName