
Describe 'Copy-NRDashboard' {
  BeforeAll {
    Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.Dashboards.psm1' -Force
    Import-Module '.\NewRelicPS.GraphQLQueries.psm1' -Force

    $fakeAccountId = '1234'
    $fakeAPIKey = 'Fake-Test-Key'
    $fakeDashboardId = 'ImaFakeGUID'
    $fakeDashboardConfig = [PSCustomObject] @{
      fake = 'fakedata'

    Mock Invoke-RestMethod -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {}
    Mock Update-NRDashboardWidgetAccountID -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {
      Return [PSCustomObject] @{
        name = 'fakeDashboard'
        guid = 'ImaFakeGUID'
        accountId = '1234'
    Mock Get-NRDashboardList -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {
      Return [PSCustomObject] @{
        name = 'fakeDashboard'
        guid = 'ImaFakeGUID'
        accountId = '1234'
    Mock New-NRDashboard -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {
      Return [PSCustomObject] @{
        entityresult = @{
          name = 'fakeDashboard'
          guid = 'ImaFakeGUID'
    Mock Get-NRDashboard -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {
      Return [PSCustomObject] @{
        name = 'fakeDashboard'
    Mock Update-NRDashboard -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {}

  It 'Replaces widget account Ids when specified' {
    Copy-NRDashboard -APIKey $fakeAPIKey -DashboardId $fakeDashboardId -DestinationAccountId $fakeAccountId -UpdateWidgetAccountIds
    Assert-MockCalled Update-NRDashboardWidgetAccountID -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
      $AccountId -eq $fakeAccountId

  It 'Does not replace widget account Ids unless specified' {
    Copy-NRDashboard -APIKey $fakeAPIKey -DashboardId $fakeDashboardId -DestinationAccountId $fakeAccountId
    Assert-MockCalled Update-NRDashboardWidgetAccountID -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' -Exactly 0

  It 'Creates a new dashboard if one does not already exist' {
    Mock Get-NRDashboard -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {
      Return [PSCustomObject] @{
        name = 'fakeDashboard2'
        guid = 'ImaAnotherFakeGUID'
        accountId = '1234'
    Copy-NRDashboard -APIKey $fakeAPIKey -DashboardId $fakeDashboardId -DestinationAccountId $fakeAccountId
    Assert-MockCalled New-NRDashboard -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
      $AccountId -eq $fakeaccountId

  It 'Updates an existing dashboard' {
    Copy-NRDashboard -APIKey $fakeapikey -DashboardId $fakeDashboardId -DestinationAccountId $fakeAccountId
    Assert-MockCalled Update-NRDashboard -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' -Exactly 1 -ParameterFilter {
      $DashboardId -eq $fakeDashboardId

  It 'Throws an error if there are multiple destination dashboards with the same name in the same account' {
    Mock Get-NRDashboardList -ModuleName 'NewRelicPS.Dashboards' {
      Return (
        [PSCustomObject] @{
          name = 'fakeDashboard'
          guid = 'ImaFakeGUID'
          accountId = '1234'
        [PSCustomObject] @{
          name = 'fakeDashboard'
          guid = 'ImaFakeGUID2'
          accountId = '1234'

    # Run the command and expect an error to be thrown
    {Copy-NRDashboard -APIKey $fakeapikey -DashboardId $fakeDashboardId -DestinationAccountId $fakeAccountId} | Should -Throw