
Gets a list of the available Nexus repositories.
Gets a list of the available Nexus repositories.
$creds = Get-Credential
Get-NexusRepository -Uri 'http://localhost:8081' -Credential $creds
Returns a list of the repositories available ont he Nexus repository server at http://localhost:8081 using the
credentials $creds.
The basic code of this function was borrowed from the chocolatey-nexus-repo package
( Credit to Stephen Valdinger and Paul Broadwith.
For a list of the repository API calls see
Nexus 3 REST and API reference

function Get-NexusRepository {
    Param (
        # Uri of the Nexus repository server (for example https://nexus.myorg.local).

        # User credentials that have permission to request a list of repositories.

    $params = @{
        Uri     = "{0}/service/rest/v1/repositories" -f $Uri.Trim('\/')
        Method  = 'Get'
        Headers = New-NexusApiHeader -Credential $Credential
    Invoke-RestMethod @params
Invokes a Nexus script.
Invokes a Nexus script.
$creds = Get-Credential
$script = @"
Invoke-NexusScript -Uri 'http://localhost:8081' -Credential $creds -Script $script
Invokes the contents of $script on the Nexus repository server 'http://localhost:8081' using the credential $creds.
The basic code of this function was borrowed from the chocolatey-nexus-repo package
( Credit to Stephen Valdinger and Paul Broadwith.
For a list of the repository API calls see
Nexus 3 REST and API reference

function Invoke-NexusScript {
    Param (
        # Uri of the Nexus repository server (for example https://nexus.myorg.local).

        # User credentials that have permission to execute the script.

        # The Groovy script to execute.

    $header = New-NexusApiHeader -Credential $Credential

    # create a random name for the script so that it does not conflict with any other script stored in Nexus
    $scriptName = [GUID]::NewGuid().ToString()
    $body = @{
        name    = $scriptName
        type    = 'groovy'
        content = $Script

    # TODO Check for trailing slash in $Uri
    $baseApiUri = "$Uri/service/rest/v1/script"

    # Store the Script
    $params = @{
        Uri         = $baseApiUri
        ContentType = 'application/json'
        Body        = $($body | ConvertTo-Json)
        Header      = $header
        Method      = 'Post'
    Invoke-RestMethod @params

    # Run the script
    $params = @{
        Uri         = "{0}/{1}/run" -f $baseApiUri, $scriptName
        ContentType = 'text/plain'
        Header      = $header
        Method      = 'Post'
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod @params

    # Delete the Script
    $params = @{
        Uri         = "{0}/{1}" -f $baseApiUri, $scriptName
        Header      = $header
        Method      = 'Delete'
    Invoke-RestMethod @params

Creates the web request header to access the Nexus Api.
Creates the web request header to access the Nexus Api.
$creds = Get-Credential
New-Nexus-ApiHeader -Credential $creds
Creates a new header with the credential $creds to access the Nexus Api.
The basic code of this function was borrowed from the chocolatey-nexus-repo package
( Credit to Stephen Valdinger and Paul Broadwith.

function New-NexusApiHeader {
    Param (
        # Credentials used to access Nexus.

    # Create the Api header
    $credPair = ("{0}:{1}" -f $Credential.Username, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
    $encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($credPair))
    return @{
        Authorization = "Basic $encodedCreds"
Creates a new Nexus Nuget Hosted repository.
Creates a new Nexus Nuget Hosted repository.
$creds = Get-Credential
Get-NexusNugetHostedRepository -Uri 'http://localhost:8081' -Credential $creds ` -Name 'myRepo'
Creates a new Nuget hosted Nexus repository called myRepo on the default blob store with no strict content type
validation and with a deployment policy of allow at the Nexus repository server 'http://localhost:8081# using the
credentials $creds
The basic code of this function was borrowed from the chocolatey-nexus-repo package
( Credit to Stephen Valdinger and Paul Broadwith.
For a list of the repository API calls see
For the valid WritePolicy see
Nexus 3 REST and API reference

function New-NexusNugetHostedRepository {
    Param (
        # Uri of the Nexus repository server (for example https://nexus.myorg.local).

        # User credentials that have permission to request a list of repositories.

        # Name of the repository to create.

        # Blob store name to use to store the repository. By default is 'default'.
        $BlobStoreName = 'default',

        # Turns off strict content type validation (turned on by default)

        # Specifies the Deployment Policy for the repository
        [ValidateSet('Allow Redeploy', 'Disable Redeploy', 'Read-only')]
        $DeploymentPolicy = 'Allow Redeploy'

    # translate our nice deployment policy types into Nexus WritePolicy (see
    # Make sure the script has 'import;' otherwise you will need to
    # specify the full '' namespace
    switch ($DeploymentPolicy) {
        'Allow Redeploy' {
            $writePolicy = 'WritePolicy.ALLOW'
        'Read-only' {
            $writePolicy = 'WritePolicy.DENY'
        'Disable Redeploy' {
            $writePolicy = 'WritePolicy.ALLOW_ONCE'
        default {
            # we should never get here
            throw "Something has gone wrong. We hit the default switch statement for Deployment Policy whose value is '$DeploymentPolicy'"
    } # /switch

    # by default strict content type validation is $true - set it to false if the switch NoStrictContentTypeValidation
    # is passed
    # The Nexus API needs a boolean to be lower case
    $strictContentTypeValidation = (-not $NoStrictContentTypeValidation.IsPresent).ToString().ToLower()

    $params = @{
        Uri        = $Uri
        Credential = $Credential
        Script     = @"
repository.createNugetHosted("$Name","$BlobStoreName", $strictContentTypeValidation, $writePolicy);


    Invoke-NexusScript @params

Creates a new Nexus Nuget Hosted repository.
Creates a new Nexus Nuget Hosted repository.
$creds = Get-Credential
Get-NexusNugetHostedRepository -Uri 'http://localhost:8081' -Credential $creds ` -Name 'myRepo'
Creates a new Nuget hosted Nexus repository called myRepo on the default blob store with no strict content type
validation and with a deployment policy of allow at the Nexus repository server 'http://localhost:8081# using the
credentials $creds
The basic code of this function was borrowed from the chocolatey-nexus-repo package
( Credit to Stephen Valdinger and Paul Broadwith.
For a list of the repository API calls see
For the valid WritePolicy see
Nexus 3 REST and API reference

function Remove-NexusRepository {
    Param (
        # Uri of the Nexus repository server (for example https://nexus.myorg.local).

        # User credentials that have permission to request a list of repositories.

        # Name of the repository to remove.

    $params = @{
        Uri        = $Uri
        Credential = $Credential
        Script     = @"


    Invoke-NexusScript @params

    Gets the Nexus Api Key for the user.
    Gets the Nexus Api Key for the user.
    $creds = Get-Credential
    Remove-NexusRepository -Uri 'http://localhost:8081' -Credential $creds ` -Name 'myRepo'
    Removes a repository called 'myRepo' from the Nexus repository server 'http://localhost:8081# using the credentials
    The basic code of this function was borrowed from Stephen Valdinger (@steviecoaster).
    For a list of the repository API calls see
    The code for the groovy script to delete the repository was borrowed from ansible-nexus3:
    Nexus 3 REST and API reference

function Get-NexusApiKey {
    Param (
        # Uri of the Nexus repository server (for example https://nexus.myorg.local).

        # User credentials that have permission to request a list of repositories.

        # Name of the repository to remove.

    $params = @{
        Uri        = $Uri
        Credential = $Credential
        Script     = @"
import org.apache.shiro.subject.SimplePrincipalCollection
def getOrCreateNuGetApiKey(String userName) {
    realmName = "NexusAuthenticatingRealm"
    apiKeyDomain = "NuGetApiKey"
    principal = new SimplePrincipalCollection(userName, realmName)
    keyStore = container.lookup(ApiKeyStore.class.getName())
    apiKey = keyStore.getApiKey(apiKeyDomain, principal)
    if (apiKey == null) {
        apiKey = keyStore.createApiKey(apiKeyDomain, principal)
    return apiKey.toString()


    Invoke-NexusScript @params