
function Get-NinjaOneVolumes {
            Gets the volumes from the NinjaOne API.
            Retrieves the volumes from the NinjaOne v2 API.
            PS> Get-NinjaOneVolumes
            Gets all volumes.
            PS> Get-NinjaOneVolumes -deviceFilter 'org = 1'
            Gets the volumes for the organisation with id 1.
            PS> Get-NinjaOneVolumes -timeStamp 1619712000
            Gets the volumes with a monitoring timestamp at or after 1619712000.
            A powershell object containing the response.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'Uses dynamic parameter parsing.')]
        # Filter devices.
        # Monitoring timestamp filter.
        # Cursor name.
        # Number of results per page.
    $CommandName = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
    $Parameters = (Get-Command -Name $CommandName).Parameters
    try {
        $QSCollection = New-NinjaOneQuery -CommandName $CommandName -Parameters $Parameters
        $Resource = 'v2/queries/volumes'
        $RequestParams = @{
            Resource = $Resource
            QSCollection = $QSCollection
        $Volumes = New-NinjaOneGETRequest @RequestParams
        Return $Volumes
    } catch {
        New-NinjaOneError -ErrorRecord $_